In the Palace of Dressrosa, the confluence of Luffy, Sauron and Kanjuro rushed directly to the location of Doflamingo.

"The sop battle has started, and you can already see it. There is a mysterious ladder that passes through the highest part of the palace. We originally needed a pass to sneak into it secretly, but now we don't need it anymore." Sauron, standing in the hands of the micro card, looked helplessly Seeing the chasing team of hundreds of people behind it.

In order to get out of the bullfighting arena, these three guys actually used a sword to cut a big hole in the arena. As a result, the whole Don Quixote family was alarmed. Now more and more Don Quixote's men are facing Come here.

Looking at the long waiting pirates in front of the elevator, Luffy clenched his fists and shouted excitedly: "Okay, that's it, let me beat these guys away."

Sauron's right hand has moved to Qiushui's sword hilt, and he said lightly: "Hey, Luffy, these guys will leave it to me, after all, Lin Tian gave us the task to make a big fuss in Dresrosa. Let’s start here."

"Stupid", Wecha finally couldn't bear it, and shouted: "Ah! Why am I with you? You guys really don't have a minute to make people feel at ease. Road idiots and no-brained idiots" .

As he said, Wei Ka shook his headache head with both hands.

"Who are you stupid?" Sauron's face changed, and he raised his fist and cursed fiercely.

Luffy smiled disapprovingly, looked up at the palace above his head, and said, "What do you care about, since we have to deal with Doflamingo, we can just rush forward like this, no matter it is Doflamingo. Brother is still his subordinates, I have to beat them up."

Suddenly, a beautiful figure rushed out from the corner of the street and stopped in front of the running Lu Fei and the others.


At the same time, in the bullfighting arena, the final finals have already started. Amidst fierce cheers, the winners of the four ABCD areas have boarded the arena. One of them is Diamanti, as the rest should have appeared here. The cadres of the Don Quixote family are returning to the defense palace because of the damage done by Luffy and others. That is the most important place of the Don Quixote family.

"Under the attention of the whole country, the dedicated arena for the duel has been prepared. Next, let us welcome five contestants into the arena. The first is the winner of Zone A, the legendary Pirate White Beard Pirate Group III. Captain Shi Zhihao!"

"The next appearance is to be invincible to all the audience. The pirate Bartolomio, the winner of Zone B, who makes people want to disappear most, and Lucy, the winner of Zone C, the man in this competition, is full of boos. Rebecca, the winner of Zone D, will appear."

"Then the four players who have emerged from the many powerful finals will have the final battle, and the finals will soon begin."

Just after Sabo and the other four stood in their respective positions, in the only exit of the arena, as the smoke rose slowly, the cadres of the Don Quixote family finally appeared.

"And it is Mr. Diamanti, one of the highest officials of this country, who is going to meet these four people with Don Quixote Doflamingo, the king of our country."

With the voice of the narrator falling, Diamanti, dressed in a big red cloak and dressed like a savage who did not know which ancient island came from, entered the battlefield.

The moment Diamanti entered the arena, the eyes of all four people in the field gathered on him, with murderous, curious, ridiculous, and disdainful.

Entering the stage of the arena, Diamanti took the microphone in his hand and shouted to the audience: "In order to match today's finals, the pool outside the arena is filled with extremely cruel attacks that can attack players. Fighting fish".

"They are the most aggressive fighting fish leaders in each group. One of the fighting fish is tied to the back of the competition prize to burn the fruit. The rules of the finals are simple, that is, take him over and stand for the final competition. The stage is the final winner of this game."

As Diamanti's introduction to the game fell, the commentator announced that the game had started.

"Well, the final finals are finally about to begin, who will eventually fall into the burning fruit, let us look forward to it!"


The bell for the final final rang!

Beyond the scene expected by the tens of thousands of spectators on the stage, the five people in the final did not start a fierce duel at the moment the bell rang.

Shi Zhihao scanned the surrounding four people in a circle, and said with a faint smile: "In this way, there is no need for a big battle in our game. The winner has been decided from the beginning."

Bartolomio pointed to Sabo on the edge and said excitedly: "That's natural, only this great person is qualified to burn the fruit."

Hearing the conversation between the three of them, Rebecca was very surprised. The development of the matter was beyond her expectation. Even if she didn't know anything, Rebecca could guess that the three of them might be a group.

If Rebecca was just shocked, Diamanti's face would look very ugly, and things were heading for the worst. Lucy had already known that the real identity of the straw hat kid was.

As the captain of the third division of the White Beard Pirates, Shi Zhihao and Luffy are not unacceptable things, but it’s not something Diamanti could think of if Bartolomio was involved. .

In other words, now Diamanti has to face everyone on this arena alone. It is undeniable that the four including Sabo have indirectly forgotten Rebecca.

This level of battle is not something Rebecca can participate in. After all, she is only lucky enough to enter the final battle with the help of Cavendish.

"Huh? What happened? Why didn't the five players on the arena fight? Are they looking for allies to solve each other."

Not only is the commentator strange, the tens of thousands of spectators in the audience are also strange. Shouldn't the finals be more intense? How could it be so peaceful.

Bartolomio, who was holding his nose, pointed to Diamanti with a disdainful expression: "That is to say, this savage-like guy is the only enemy among us. I've seen this guy upset for a long time. Dare to fight against Senior Luffy and the others."

"It seems that the three of you are already united." While speaking, Diamanti moved quietly toward the edge of the arena.

Since he had previously guessed that this scene happened, Diamanti had a general countermeasure in his mind, otherwise he would not be on the arena.

With his hands around his chest, how could Diamanti's small movements escape Shi Zhihao's eyes, but in the face of absolute power, no matter how small Diamanti did, there would only be one result.

Just listen to Shi Zhihao calmly saying: "Most of you flamencos are really brave. You dare to hold a competition with burning fruits as the prize of our competition. It seems that you did not use our White Beard Pirates. In the eyes".

"This time I am ordered by our captain to settle the matter of burning fruits. It happens that I will count the new hatred and old hatred of your Don Quixote family together. Ten years ago, the guy Ming used Lao Tzu to rob some heavenly gold. In the end, Lao Tzu stayed in the city for ten years."

Speaking of this, Shi Zhihao squeezed both fists, and the unstoppable anger in his heart, a violent aura came out, an intangible aura that set off a dozen levels of strong wind on the arena, and at the same time a murderous aura like substance. Point straight to Diamanti.

Reaching out to cover the hat on his head that is about to be blown away at any time, the commentator trembled: "Is this the strength of the legendary pirate? Just the momentum has such a powerful force, worthy of a big pirate with a bounty of 900 million. ."

Thinking of staying in the dark **** where no time has passed for ten years, this anger will not disappear from Shi Zhihao's heart even for a lifetime.

Back then, Shi Zhihao kept venting this hatred to the green pheasant. It was because the green pheasant seized himself that he wasted the peak of his life in prison. Shi Zhihao was only 30 years old when he was arrested. He was already forty years old when he came out of the prison, so when he came out, he fought against the green pheasant on top of Malin Vandor.

In the following period, Shi Zhihao gradually discovered that those people who robbed the heavenly gold were actually used as bait by Brother Ming, so this hatred naturally transferred to Doflamingo.


Feeling the murderous aura that turned into substance, Diamanti swallowed subconsciously. With the frequent big moves of the White Beard Pirates in the New World in the past two years, Shi Zhihao’s reputation has long been in the world, far surpassing that of the past. , Even with a bounty to reach 900 million Baileys, this level of power is not something he can defeat.

Next second! Lucy moved, and his figure flashed, and quickly rushed in front of Diamanti, holding the strange claw posture with his right hand and blasted towards Diamanti.

"Fighting cloak!"

Diamanti's attention had long been focused on Lucy. At the moment Lucy started to act, Diamanti's right hand was the same, and the cloak fluttering behind him seemed to block him.


With a muffled sound, the moment Lucy's claws hit the big red cloak, the seemingly soft cloak made a roar like steel.


Feeling the clear touch of steel from the fingertips, Lucy let out a soft voice of doubt, thinking to himself that the seemingly soft cloak would turn into steel in an instant. It seems that this guy is also a demon fruit capable person.

Berecka’s kindly reminding voice came from behind, "Be careful, Lucy, the other party is a flying fruit banner, and can turn anything into a flying substance, including steel."

Bartolomio waved his hand with a dismissive look, and believed: "Don't worry, the old man is very powerful and can solve this kind of role in an instant."

"That's it!"

Sabo suddenly realized that the other party had turned the steel cloak into flying matter, which meant that everything on this guy was actually made of steel.

"Who are you? This is not the same as the fighting style of a straw hat boy", Diamanti asked quickly, feeling the powerful force coming from his arm.

He has seen the abilities of the straw hat boy including the fierce battles staged in Zone C. This kind of physical skill is not something that a straw hat boy can perform, which means that the guy in front of him is not a straw hat boy. There is someone else.

Thinking of this, Diamanti suddenly realized that the straw hat boy had fled with the pirate hunter earlier. The straw hat boy in the arena was actually replaced at that time. In vain, he told Dover that the straw hat boy had been staying. Did not leave at all in the arena.

The jet black armed domineering quickly covered Sabo's right hand, with the armed domineering superimposing attack power, Sabo's claws instantly shattered the steel cloak.


"Dragon Claw Fist!"

In Diamanti’s panic gaze, the sharp claws were directly inserted into Diamanti’s arm, and only felt a force of force. Diamanti was thrown out by Sabo before he could realize what was happening, and fell heavily on him. ground.

Many spectators in the auditorium were already dumbfounded, and even the narrator above was so scared that they couldn’t even speak. In their eyes, they had never failed in the history of the bullfighting arena. The highest cadre of the invincible Don Quixote family was actually In Lucy's hand, he couldn't handle the next move. This is no longer a description of rolling, it is simply a spike.

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