Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1044: Usopp's consciousness

Below the palace, dozens of meters above the ground, a huge hole was taken out of the entire underground. Doflamingo built a huge trading port here, and ships from all over the world passed through the passages here to carry a large number of Weapons and drugs are delivered to the world.

However, compared with the usual busy trading port, the number of ships arriving at the trading port in these two days has been drastically reduced. Lin Tianchao and Doflamingo announced that the entire underground world is aware of it. Almost everyone thinks that Ming is against Shanglin. The sky is bound to be over, how can you still trade with Doflamingo.

Compared with the progress in other places, Frankie and Robin, who are in the underground trading port, are in a huge crisis. Doflamingo’s top cadre, Torrepol, showed great strength and instantly killed the action. The little human army.

Facing the powerful Torrepol, Robin and Frankie had no chance of defeating them, and they were immediately caught in a huge crisis.

Looking at the small human races still attacking the invincible enemy, Usopp hid in a corner and cursed secretly: "What a bunch of fools, knowing that there is no hope, why do you want to rush forward? Isn't this looking for death?"

"Yeah, but I like such an idiot." Robin smiled slightly, and then stood up from the hiding corner.

Obviously Robin was infected by the spirit of Leo and others who never gave up, even if there was not much hope, he still had to help them.

Upon seeing this, Usopp hurriedly shouted in a low voice: "Robin, you will be discovered this way."

But Robin, who was already enlightened, would listen to Usopp with a Yang in his hands and petals flying around him.

Suddenly, dozens of arms appeared on both Torrepol and Sugar. Each arm was too fast to catch the sugar and Torrepol, making them incapacitated. .

"What's going on, what's going on"

The suddenly emerging arm shocked Torrepol, and suddenly panicked and struggling, but Robin's arm had firmly imprisoned Torrepol.

Robin hurriedly yelled to Leo, who was also startled, "Hurry up, put the Tatababasco fruit in the sugar mouth while it is now."

The Tatababasco fruit, Usopp produces a special chili bomb. If a person eats it, it will breathe fire hot enough to make it look like a grape, which is specially used to deal with the sugar that loves grapes.

While urging, Leo immediately rushed out of the sugar with the Tatababasco fruit. Robin had already pried the sugar mouth open with his hands. Leo exploded to the maximum speed. This might be their only chance to solve the sugar.

Seeing Leo flying towards the sugar a little bit, many little human soldiers showed joyful smiles. As long as the sugar can eat the fruit of Tababasco, they will win.

But at this last moment, sugar suddenly touched Robin's arm, and Robin was also affected by the childlike fruit ability and turned into an uncontrolled toy, which would naturally all of the sugar and Torrepol's imprisoned arm disappeared. .

The moment the imprisonment disappeared, Torrepol waved a stick of mucus to knock Leo into the air, saving the sugar.

"Oh...oh...fortunately it's okay." Torrey Bolton heaved a sigh of relief when the sugar was okay.

However, when he saw these little humanoids underground, Torrepol's anger suddenly broke out. If it weren't for the sugar reaction that turned Nicole Robin into a toy, these little humanoid plans would have been successful.

At that time, what consequences would happen, even Torrepol dare not imagine, he waved a large amount of mucus with his big hand and stuck all the underground villains.

Then Torrepol took out a lighter from his pocket, and a small flame burned, "You guys, you almost made you succeed just now, but give up the useless struggle, I won't give you a chance."

When the voice fell, Torrepol threw out the lighter in his hand, and the small lighter drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell into the middle of the little human race.


A huge explosion sounded, orange fire shining on the trading port, and the impact of the explosion threw a small human race into the air, and then fell to the pitted ground.

Looking at the little humans who were badly injured by the explosion, Robin turned into a toy and looked around looking for Usopp. Everyone failed. Now he is the only one who can complete the task.

As the explosion sounded, Usopp, who was frightened, was already mixed in the crowd and ran towards the outside of the trading port.

"Okay, successfully escaped, forgive me, Dongtata clan, by the way, I will turn your great achievements into comics and serialize them in the world. What are the guys in Luffy doing, isn't it talking about shooting at Doflamingo? Knowing that we should follow Lin Tian's plan, so that things will not happen now, maybe we have already solved Doflamingo."

Running on the road to the trading port, Usopp kept searching for reasons for his escape in his heart, echoing in his ears with loneliness and fear.

Not only Robin was looking for Usopp, the badly wounded little Terran soldiers were yelling Usopp’s name,

"Uso...Lando, U...Solando..."

Every little human race is calling Usopp’s name. Usolando is the hero in the rumor. The hero will lead them to defeat the evil Don Quixote family. Even at this point, the little human races are also firmly convinced of Wu Thorpe will be like a hero hundreds of years ago, because Usopp is a descendant of the hero.

And the unwavering screams of these little human races are connected to the speaker phone worm over the transaction through Torrepol's hands, echoing throughout the trading port, whether it is a toy for work or a pirate from the Don Quixote family, everyone can't help but stop. He moved his hand and looked up at the top, only the name in his mind kept reverberating.

Step on... step on...

The yelling echoing in the sky naturally passed into Usopp's ears, the running footsteps stopped for some reason, and flickering tears flowed from Usopp's eyes.

Usopp cursed secretly in his heart: "Idiot, you idiots and idiots, why do you call my name, why do you believe me so".

Gasping for breath, the seriously injured Leo believed so firmly: "Usolando is our hero. He will definitely appear."

Looking down at Leo, Torrepol mocked: "Really? Then where is he now, will he come to save you?"

Although I don’t know who Ursolando is in Leo’s mouth, it hasn’t appeared yet. Torrepol can guess without thinking about it. It must have escaped because of fear. These little humans are indeed idiots and fools. Pin my hopes on such a coward.

"Definitely," Leo's eyes twinkled with hopeful gazes. "And it's not just us. Usolando said that everyone should be rescued, including the toys that work underground every day. Our enslaved partners, as well as those toys who seem to be walking happily on the street, but are crying in their hearts, and adults who have not even noticed the loss of their loved ones, Usolando will save everyone" .

With that said, the faces of all the little human races, including Leo, showed hope. They seemed to see the Don Quixote family being overthrown, and everything became the same beautiful life as before.

But expecting to be interrupted mercilessly by Torrepol, "You idiots and idiots, those are all lies, you are all deceived, you are all so injured that you don’t see him appear, that’s the best answer, he’s just a Don't be a coward who can tell lies, don't have any hope for those guys whose legs are frightened by an accident."

Leo stood up stubbornly from the ground with a calm face, and shouted at Torrepol with his last strength: "Usolando will never lie. He is our hero. He will definitely lead us to victory. Wash your neck and wait."

"Hahaha..." Torrepol laughed. The laughter was full of disdain and sarcasm. With a smile, Torrepol raised his foot to step on the standing Leo.

At this moment, shouts that shook the entire trading port sounded.

"Stop it, you idiots!!!"

Behind him, on the ruins of the towering pirate ship, Usopp who had escaped did not know when he appeared there.

"Usolandu!" Seeing Usopp appeared, many small human races suddenly shouted excitedly.

With his fists clenched, Usopp yelled at the excited little humanoids: "You stupid little humanoids, why do you believe others so easily? I am neither a legendary hero nor what my name is. Usolando."


The little humans exclaimed. They could hardly believe what Usopp had just said, which means that the hero they had always thought of was actually deceiving them from the This feeling is like an instant from heaven. Fall into hell.

Pointing at himself with a thumbs up, Usopp swore that he had never been so brave and full of consciousness to call his name.

"My name is Usopp, the sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates, and the Usopp who shot Don Quixote Doflamingo in the sky above Greenbite. I am not a hero at all, I am just a pirate. what!"

Kang Dang...

The little human races suddenly let out a cry of grief, and the weapon in their hands fell to the ground. Usopp's words not only hurt them, but also wiped them out because of the heroes standing behind them and bravely fighting.

"Damn it," Torrepol raised his crutches in his hand and pointed at Usopp angrily and shouted: "With such a small coward like you, you dare to say that you will knock the young master into the air. I must tear your mouth. Turn you into a toy and work till you die".

Every cadre of the Don Quixote family respects the young master very much. They don't allow anyone to insult the young master, let alone a coward with weak legs.

And unlike the little humans and Torrepol, those working toys were shocked. The eyes of countless toys focused on Usopp, the man who shot Doflamingo into the air.

"I didn't want to come back and tell you this, but if I leave, you guys will definitely make you sleepless,"

As he said, Usopp paused, looked up at the many crying little human races, and smiled slightly: "Since you have blocked your life from this action, just add a me, let me be The report you trust, bet my life on it, wouldn’t it be more handsome to die like this?!!!"


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