A huge bird cage enveloped the entire country, and hundreds of thousands of citizens have now become a bird slaughtered by Rendo Flamenco who was locked in a cage.

However, chaos in this country continues. The Pirate Alliance headed by Luffy and Luo is attacking towards the direction of the palace. On the other side, Sauron has already domineering posture to kill Doflamingo’s cadres. , Rescue Frankie.

The emergence of the birdcage did not change anything in this country, nor did it allow Doflamingo to come back. Everything was still happening towards the end that Doflamingo did not want to see.


A large mouthful of blood spurted from Oka’s mouth, just like the shells fired from the muzzle, Oka’s figure cut through the sky, causing a burst of harsh air bursts, and finally hit dozens of houses in a row and fell heavily. ground.

In the rumbling noise, large streets flew up under this huge impact, the ground was cracking, and the entire island trembled under the impact.

Then there was a sound of breaking through the air, and above the cloudless sky, Lin Tian turned into a stream of light and quickly approached Oka, and the black giant fist wrapped in armed color blasted out.

There was another earth-shocking loud noise. Before the fist arrived, the fierce fist wind had already hit his face, and the thick smoke gradually dispersed. Lin Tian, ​​who was in the deep pit, waved his hand and set off a violent wind to blow the surrounding smoke. .

Looking up at Oka who was floating in the sky, he grinned and said, "It's still quite fast to hide."

Hanging high above the sky, Oka raised his hands, and invisible power came out. On several ruined streets in a radius, pieces of rubble trembled, and then it seemed that an invisible hand grabbed the rubble from the ground. , Suspended in the sky.

At this moment, countless residents of the chaotic situation hadn't realized what was happening, and the sky suddenly darkened and looked up.

In a moment, tens of thousands of pairs of eyes were shocked. Countless residents stopped their movements and looked at the sky. They were stunned that their eyes were widened, and they couldn't describe the scene at this moment in any language.

Pieces of rubble are suspended high in the sky. Under Oka's control, these rubbles have been continuously rotating in a circular trajectory with Oka as the center. The sky is full of rubble and even the sky is blocked, and the countless rubble is densely packed. It makes my scalp feel numb.

"Read the power. Fire rain cone!"

In the shouts full of anger and murderousness, Oka's palm suddenly pressed downward, and the floating boulders smashed towards Lin Tian who was in the deep pit under the push of invisible force.

The rubble and the air rubbed at a super high speed, generating a lot of heat. You saw a ball of flames burning on the rubble, and in a blink of an eye the rubble turned into huge fireballs falling from the sky, the fireballs have not yet arrived. , The scorching heat wave has come, and the temperature in the air has risen by several degrees.

Groups of flames roared through the sky, and the harsh roar sounded like the whistle of a sea train traveling at high speed.

His eyes condensed slightly, and Lin Tian's face became completely serious, a gleam of white light rose from his body, and he whispered: "I won't delay with you, one move will solve you."

The opening of the bird cage made Lin Tian understand that Doflamingo has been forced to the edge of the cliff. No one in the face of desperation knows what he will do, especially a real lunatic like Ming.

Therefore, Lin Tian decided to solve Oka as quickly as possible, and then killed Doflamingo. This game is now over.


Amidst the bursts of air breaking, fireballs illuminated the dark pit like daylight, followed by continuous explosions. The impact of each fireball caused far more damage than cannonballs.

I saw that at the bottom of the deep pit, a few meters high flames rose into the sky, and dense fireballs fell like a storm.

Bang... bang...

The explosion sounded one after another, and half of Dresrosa trembled in this continuous explosion, as if a magnitude ten earthquake had occurred. Houses fell in rows like waves, and large pieces of rubble fell from ten. Dorm fell from the tall building.

Along the streets, crowds of people fleeing with their heads in their heads can be seen everywhere. Screams, crowds, and crying sounded through the streets, and countless people ran away from the battlefield.

Lin Tian and Oka fought, this destructive power was enough to describe the destruction of the heavens and the earth without exaggeration.

Fireballs fell like rain, deep pits, and dozens of huge explosions occurred every second. Deep pits with a diameter of tens of meters were getting bigger and bigger under such explosions. In a short time, Several streets have completely disappeared in Dressrosa.

Looking at this scene, Oka, who controlled the fireball, finally showed a faint smile on his face. This kind of destructive power, even if Lin Tian's body activated by thunder and lightning is strong, it is unbearable.

But the next second, the smile on Oka's face instantly froze, his open mouth had not been closed for a long time, and his eyes could hardly believe what he saw before him.

I saw Lin Tian stepping out of the burning flames step by step, and a touch of flame guarding Lin Tian. At this moment, Lin Tian was like a **** in the flames, and the flames that could easily melt steel could even touch Lin Tian's clothes. No burning.

But this was not what shocked Oka the most. Oka saw with his own eyes, a fireball that passed by directly wearing Lin Tian's body.

It wasn't that it didn't hit, but the fireball hit Lin Tian accurately and accurately, but finally passed through Lin Tian's body and crashed into the bottom of the pit.

Without any dodge, Lin Tian rushed all the way like this, passing fireballs through Lin Tian's body. When Oka woke up from the shock, Lin Tian's speed had already appeared in front of Oka.

Without hesitation, watching Lin Tian turned into a stream of light rushing forward, Oka swept out with a kick, the strong leg wind mixed with the sound of gusts of wind and thunder, kicked towards Lin Tian's head.

Faced with Oka's attack, Lin Tian didn't mean to evade at all, and directly faced Oka's attack, as if Oka's kick that could blow the air did not exist.

Seeing Lin Tian's expression indifferent, combined with the astonishing scene that I saw just now, Oka seemed to realize something and wanted to withdraw his attack, but the arrow reached Hyun and had to send it.

Oka hit Lin Tian's head with a kick, but just as happened before, Oka's legs passed directly through Lin Tian's head.


Although he was aware of this scene, Oka still inevitably exclaimed when he felt it personally, as if thunder struck through his mind. This way of fighting is really incredible.

However, Lin Tian didn't give Oka any chance to think, his right hand stuck out, Oka's foot passed through Lin Tian's head for an instant, and Lin Tian suddenly grabbed Oka's wrist with his right hand.

Seeing that his right wrist really grasped his hand, in Oka's unbelievable gaze, Lin Tian tried his best to throw Oka into the air.

"It's obviously a phantom but it suddenly becomes an entity", Oka thought to himself that he could not attack the opponent's entity, but the opponent could attack his own entity. This ability was too powerful.

The kick just now used domineering, but it still passed through Lin Tian's head, indicating that Lin Tian did not use elemental methods to escape, and it is not an afterimage. If it is an afterimage, how could Lin Tian immediately Grab your wrist.


Lin Tian's figure flashed, teleported to Oka's side, his right fist clenched, and a faint white light came out to completely envelop Lin Tian's right fist.

"The void collapses!"

While shouting, Lin Tian raised his right fist wrapped in white light and blasted out. Lin Tian's fist did not directly hit Oka's body, but hit the void. The quick-reaction Oka dodged in time, but with terrible power Still broke out in an instant.


Oka suddenly let out a scream. Although Lin Tian’s fist did not hit Oka and there was no tide of power coming, Oka felt that his body had countless small knives cutting inside the body, and the whole body was invisible. It splits into several pieces under the strength, and it feels as if there are two big hands tearing his body, and the internal organs feel moving.

Immediately after this faint but clear clicking sound rang, with Lin Tian's fist as the center, the cracks in the space glowing with light seemed to spread out like tree branches.

Lin Tian's fist didn't seem to hit Oka's body, but in fact it collapsed the void in front of him, and the void was shattered. How could Oka in this space in the depths be safe and sound.

Unless Oka can escape from this space instantly, even if Oka dodges Lin Tian's fist, it is still difficult to dodge this trick.

Bright red blood spilled from the sky, white clouds did not know when to block the sun, and the whole Deres Rosa was shrouded in a huge shadow. Oka's body was like broken ceramics, with winding and twisting cracks crawling across the sky. Card body, bright red blood does not flow out like money.

Not only the injuries seen on the surface of the body, Oka's internal organs have been severely traumatized. If given a certain period of time, with Oka's abnormal resilience, he will be able to quickly recover all the injuries on the body.

But Lin Tian, ​​who had already made up his mind to solve Oka, would give Oka time to recover. Without hesitation, Lin Tianchao grabbed the void, and a white ray of void blade appeared in his hand.

Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, gently draw a half-moon-shaped trajectory in front of him. As the blade moves in the void, a huge waning moon of tens of meters appears out of the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~The huge waning moon shocks the void, terrifying The power exploded, and the calm void suddenly distorted, and even the void was burst by this force, shattering like glass.

Looking directly at the falling Oka, Lin Tian said solemnly: "Let me come to the end of all this, Void Half Moon Slash!"

Following Lin Tian's movements, the floating waning moon behind him moved, and the waning moon sprinkled the power of the void, and the ground suddenly cracked a number of dark and bottomless cracks. The static waning moon rotated at a high speed, the void trembled, and a force of invisibility turned into The hurricane swept out, and the waning moon that ruined the sky and the earth shuttled directly in the void, appearing in front of Oka out of thin air.

Orka, who had just recovered a little bit of strength, had no power to dodge this attack. The void collapsed in pieces, and a black hole in the dark space emerged. At this moment, Oka felt that he was facing a real bright moon instead of a slash.


The waning moon smashed Oka's body, and then a dazzling light radiated out, and countless people closed their eyes, even Lin Tian was no exception.

With the sound of earth-shattering explosions, a violent shock swept across the sky over Dresrosa, hurricanes rushed through every street, and ruins all over the ground were blown up by the hurricane.

When the light dissipated, Lin Tian quickly opened his eyes, and the golden light came straight into his eyes. The sun finally showed up after being blocked by the white clouds. The dust and fog that hovered over Dresrosa were all destroyed by the impact, and the sky of this country returned to what it was before the chaos. Azure and calm.

But the shock cannot disperse hundreds of thousands of Deres Rosa citizens. For ten years, the anger and crying screams have been hidden in their hearts.

In the calm sky, Oka’s body could not be found. Perhaps it was wiped out in the explosion just now, or it was completely annihilated in the turbulence of space.

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