Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1059: Sniper of the Great God

Another place in the palace!

The huge stone figure with a height of several hundred meters stood beside the palace, and at the shoulder of the stone man, Sauron was fighting with Pika.

"Mito stream!"

Pulling away from the battle group, Sauron clasped the sharp blade in his hands and posed like a cannon, and he slashed towards Pika without hesitation.

"...One hundred and eight trouble winds"

Amidst the shouts, flying slashes burst out like a cannon, slashing through the sky, bringing a gust of wind and thunder.

The rocky ground under my feet trembled suddenly, and a rock a few meters behind rose from under my feet like a shield blocking Pika.

In the booming explosion, the thick stone wall was easily torn apart by flying slashes like tofu dregs. A large amount of rubble flew in the explosion, breaking through the stone wall, and the slashing prestige was undiminished, and it was shocked after hitting the stone wall Pikka.

Even the stone wall a few meters later could hardly withstand Sauron's slash, let alone Pika. The body made of stones burst directly, and the entity had long been hidden among the stone men under his feet.

"How can you run away? Where is the Kyogen just now? Isn't it going to kill me? Come on," Sauron mocked.

If it was a head-to-head duel, Sauron could easily kill Pikka with his powerful three-sword sword skill, but Pikka would hide in the stone when he saw something wrong, avoiding Sauron's attack, just like now.

Under the stimulation of Sauron's words, Pika was immediately enraged, and an angry voice sounded, "Roronoa Sauron, die for me, anyone who violates our family's wishes will die."


A series of winding stone pillars rose from the ground, and under the control of Pika, the solid rock was like a flexible serpent and slew towards Sauron.

With a light leap, Sauron didn't even need to look at it, and could avoid the attack with the sound of breaking through his ears.

This kind of attack is extremely lethal to ordinary people, but for Sauron, this kind of attack is simply not mentioned all the time, but Pika is using such an attack to restrain Sauron like an endless fly.

Seeing that the attack was useless, Pikka suddenly stopped the attack and escaped into the huge stone man at his feet. Pikka's behavior made Sauron calm face a slight solemnity.

Sauron wouldn't be naive to think that the other party had run away timidly, and Pika escaped into the huge stone man under his feet. There was only one reason, that is, the other party was going to use hundreds of meters of stone man to attack him.

Suddenly, the unmoving giant stone man moved. The arm of hundreds of meters began to tremble, and the huge fist of several tens of meters was clenched a little bit. Under the control of Pika, the stone man raised his fist and slammed it towards Sauron. .

Biting He Dao's words into his mouth again, Sauron finally showed a faint war spirit on his face. Is this level of attack decent?

A body that is hundreds of meters high, swinging an arm of hundreds of meters, pushing dozens of meters of stone fists, is a power that cannot be described in words.

The giant fist covered the sky and rolled over, the huge shadow fell on the ground, the sky was dark, and the fist had not arrived, the violent wind pressure had already hit the face.

Ta Ta Ta...

As he rushed all the way to the shoulders of the stone man, Sauron immediately jumped up high. At the same time, an extremely domineering aura erupted from Sauron. This was a unique aura that was unique to a true swordsman.

The seemingly useless aura permeates the void, but you can feel the deterrence exuding invisible, just like a sharp sword in a scabbard.

"Three swords flow. Thousands and 80s of trouble wind!"

Sauron moved as he shouted, like a sharp sword that had been in its scabbard was unsheathed, with a fierce aura coming out, as if to cut through the world, the void trembled for it, and the long river seemed to stop turning. , One after another fierce sword energy spilled.

Three shining slashes slammed from the blade, and along with Sauron's arm swing, the three powerful slashes had collided at an angle.

There was no earth-shattering explosion, and the three slashes merged strangely, converging into a more powerful force to pierce the void, as if a meteorite fell from the sky and hit a huge stone fist.


A deafening explosion sounded. In the flying gravel and smoke, cracks had exploded as the center, spreading along the 100-meter-long arm, all the way to the location of the stone man’s chest. In a blink of an eye, the entire arm included half of the chest. All are cracked all over.


Just like the sound of glass breaking, the small sound seemed to be a signal of the beginning, followed by a piece of cracking sound.

Not only Sauron was watching this scene, there were at least tens of thousands of pairs of eyes dumbfounded in the streets.

In the next second, an even more shocking scene happened. Just listen to the booming sound like thunder, the hundreds-meter-long arm directly exploded, and even the entire chest of the giant stone man was broken into countless pieces in the explosion. The stone fell to the ground.


A big mouth of blood spurted out of his mouth, and Pikka's screams echoed in the air. Pikka's eyes could not tell. Pikka couldn't understand why the pirate hunter in front of him would attack him. Coincidentally, the other party knew him. ability.

Except for the word Hedao in his mouth, Sauron smiled slightly: "It seems that the general routine has been figured out, and the next step is to solve you."

Speaking, Sauron walked over the shoulders of the stone giant, looked down at Pika who was coughing up blood on his head, and shouted with disdain: "Hey, sissy guy".

At the beginning of knowing the abilities of Pika Devil Fruit, Pika had no qualifications to become an opponent in Sauron's eyes.

"The Straw Hat guys not only have Straw Hat Luffy, Lin Tian, ​​and Usopp God, which I remember, and I will sooner or later become the world's first swordsman Roronoa Sauron!"


On the other side, our Great God Usopp is preparing to sniper the rebirth sugar to help Luffy and Luo who have already rushed to the palace heights.

It stands to reason that the sugar that had been in a coma for two or three days was awake in just one hour, which surprised Usopp and at the same time caused everyone to face a more serious problem, that is, sugar's terrible childlike fruit ability.

King Liku said with a serious face: "Once the sugar uses her ability, it will once again turn all the citizens and soldiers of Dresrosa into toys, so that everyone will forget what happened today, and everything will be restored to its original state."

"The phone worm can't get through. The straw hat boys have never seen sugar. If they are touched by sugar, they will become toys." Violet held the phone worm with an anxious expression, but now they are so far away from the palace. Luffy and Luo couldn't be contacted again, and they couldn't do anything.

"That's right", a figure suddenly appeared in King Liku's mind, "Can you contact Lin Tian? If you notify Lin Tian, ​​everything will be resolved."

Hearing this, Violet's face suddenly showed a touch of joy. Lin Tian's strength is known to the whole world. Although Doflamingo is Qiwuhai, he is definitely not Lin Tian's opponent.

Violet knew that Lin Tian was going to take action against Doflamingo, so he would not hesitate to stop hiding and help Luffy and the others launch an attack on Ming.

Usopp, who was fiddling with what was in his hand, waved his hand and said: "Don't think about it so much, Lin Tian has always seen the dragon without seeing the end, and now he doesn't know where to hide to watch the show, even if he gets in touch. he"

"Lin Tian will definitely say that if you can't deal with a mere Doflamingo, your two years of training will be wasted."

I have to say that Usopp still knows Lin Tian quite well, guessing that he and Shi Zhihao are indeed hiding somewhere to watch the show.

After speaking, Usopp walked to the prepared slingshot with a rushed plant cannonball and said, "But don't worry, I will never let sugar attack Luffy, I will stop her before then. ".

Looking at the palace and the high city walls several kilometers away, Violet had no confidence at all, "But Mr. Usopp, you are so far away..."

Quickly adjusting the angle of the slingshot, Usopp raised his head and smiled confidently at Violet: "Don't worry, I'm the God of Usopp. I can sniper Doflamingo who is as far away as Grimbit in Dresrosa. More Besides, it's such a little distance."

Hearing this, King Liku, who was about to persuade him behind him, was shocked. He knew how far Greenbit was from Dresrosa. The man in front of him could hit Dovran at that distance. Brother Ming, how superb sniper technology can do this.

Recalling the amazing scene, Violet's face suddenly showed a touch of confidence, and the man standing in front of him was the legendary Usopp god.

"If there is anything I can do for Usopp, please give me an order." He put the index finger and the fingertips of his thumb in a circle shape in front of him, and Violet used his ability to lock down and fly towards the road step by step. The sugar that the two approached.

"Once it fails, Sugar will be more vigilant, which means that I only have one chance. Violet will tell me all the data on the straight trajectory of my arrival at Sugar", Usopp said very seriously.

Although the distance to the palace from here is only seven or eight kilometers, the difficulty of sniping this time is even more difficult than before, because there are walls and windows between Usopp and sugar, and you can only rely on Violet to know the location of sugar. , Invisibly increased the difficulty.

At such a distance, he had to pass through walls and windows accurately, and then hit the sugar. Usopp made such a difficult sniper for the first time.

Violet reported the location of the sugar in detail, "Sugar is now in the yard. You can see them through the right window in the middle. There are iron railings on the window, one vertical, three horizontal, and the window is 1.2 meters above the ground. , The bottom grid is 50 cm long and 40 cm wide".

Relying on the data from Violet's mouth, coupled with the domineering experience, an invisible cannonball flight trajectory emerged in Usopp's mind.

Feeling the current wind speed of 4, the wind direction from west to east, the air humidity, including the position of the sugar, finally a perfect flight trajectory appeared in Usopp's eyes.

At this moment, Usopp did not shoot a cannonball immediately, but took a deep breath, trying to calm his heart. The more at this time, Usopp needs to be calm and must not panic the slightest, because even a millimeter mistake, Constantly zooming in at a distance of seven or eight kilometers, the attack is likely to fail.

"Shoot the enemy thousands of miles away, cover the enemy invisible"

For some reason, Usopp suddenly remembered the sniper trick that his father had told him.

"Hey, Luffy, I absolutely can't live without you on my route, we still find the last ONEPIECE together," Usopp said in his heart.


The rapid breathing was a little steady Finally, half a second after the breath, between the two breaths, Usopp released the slingshot.

"Must kill long-distance minion star"

call out…

In the whistling sound, the minion star flew out one kilometer away, and then the explosive hidden at the bottom exploded. With the help of the thrust generated by the explosion, using the first auxiliary device of the gunpowder star to explode, the bullet will continue to fly upwards slightly by the wind. .

When the flight reaches the same level as the sugar, that is, two seconds later, the second auxiliary device will be activated. Remove the shell, the shell will fly horizontally, aiming at the outer wall tower, passing through the outer wall of several meters, and then By rushing through the lower left corner of the window, entering the courtyard, and then flying straight to the target.

It may deviate a little, but this special shell will definitely be difficult for the opponent to escape. It is the appearance of Usopp painted by Kanjuro, which will trigger the enemy's mental trauma.

Just as Usopp expected, Sugar was fainted by Usopp again. Luffy and Luo, who had lost the threat of sugar, jumped directly to the highest level of the palace, which is the battlefield.

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