Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1066: Peach Rabbit Appears


Brother Ming raised his head and yelled, his right hand waved like a beast's claw, and five thin lines that were as sharp as a piano wire headed towards Luo who was dying on the ground.

Although in the end even Torrepol died and did not kill Luo as he wanted, the angry brother Ming wanted revenge, and only Luo's death could vent his anger in his heart.

"Die to me, Luo!"

call out…

Luffy's figure flashed and turned into a streamer to break through the flames, his right hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed Roller to his side, avoiding Doflaming's attack.

"Damn, you two little ghosts" the attack was stopped by Luffy again, and Brother Ming's anger exploded like a volcano.

He waved his hands one after another, and the almost transparent thin lines cut towards Luffy like an invisible blade. Facing the furious Brother Ming, Luffy could only dodge Luo on the palace heights with his arms.

Until the last Luffy had no choice but to jump off the palace heights, with a severely wounded Luo, Luffy couldn't bring out the fighting power he deserved. Luffy wanted to find a place to put Luo down so that he could fight with Brother Ming with all his strength.

Suddenly, flying into the air, Luffy saw Robin and others staying in the flower field below, with a hint of joy on his face.

He hurriedly shouted: "Hey, Robin catches Luo, he has forced Doflamingo to be like this, so just leave it to me."

With that said, Luffy immediately ran Luo towards Robin's location.

"Hundred Flowers Dazzling. Spider Web"

With his hands raised and folded across his chest, the faint petals flew by Robin, one arm rose on the golden yellow flower field, and in a blink of an eye the spider web composed of white arms caught Luo Ji safely.

Gently placing Luo on the ground, Robin ran over and was shocked when he saw Luo's injury: "It's so miserable that he broke his arm."

At this moment, Luo was covered with blood and his face was extremely pale. He was holding the broken arm in his left hand. Although the wound on his right arm was first aided, there was still blood flowing down the wound. His whole body was extremely decadent, like a little in the wind. The flame seems to be blown out by the gale at any time.

At this time, Rebena and the others ran over and were taken aback by Luo's severe injuries. Although they knew that the battle at the palace was fierce, they didn't expect that even Luo was injured to this degree.

"What a serious injury, I will treat him immediately."

The little human princess Man Shirley quickly used the power of healing fruits, her hands were glowing with a faint light of healing, and ray of light fell from Princess Man Shirley's palm and fell on Luo.

The ability to heal the fruit is indeed extremely powerful. Wherever the light shines, the blood immediately stops flowing, and the wound is visible to the naked eye.

"Damn it, how come the princess Mansherry of the villain is here, Luo, you are really lingering, but this time I will never let you go"

Although it was strange that Princess Manshirley, who was originally used to change all the cards, appeared in the flower field, Mingo suddenly roared when he saw Luo recovering little by little under Manshirley's treatment.

"Bounce the line!"

Ten-fingered bullets, a series of thin lines shot out from between Brother Ming's fingers like bullets, like a machine gun, the thin lines all over the sky killed Chao Luo and the surrounding Robin and others like a torrent.

Upon seeing this, Robin's face changed drastically, but Flamenco attacked too quickly. When Robin reacted, the sky's bullet lines were already approaching them.

call out…

At this critical juncture, a black shadow leapt up from the battlefield below, and the figure quickly turned into a streamer in front of Robin and the others, and it was Cavendish who appeared in time.

"Cabbage Lord!"

Backhand drew out the cross-long sword Durandall in his hand, and a strong wind slashed and exploded with the sword. The wind was like an invisible shield that knocked the sky full of bullets into the air, blocking Doflamingo’s attack.

Seeing that his attack was actually blocked by the guy who suddenly appeared, Brother Ming was furious, and flew out a large number of thin lines with both hands to form a clone to block Luffy attacking him.

But the body leaped towards the flower field, and Doflamingo had already laid down a heart to kill Luo, no matter what, Brother Ming would kill Luo.

"No one can stop me, Luo! Give me death!"

With a strong murderous aura, Doflamingo descended from the sky and swung his right hand like a beast's claw. In an instant, five thin lines that did not pass through the color flew out from between his fingers, and the sharp five-color thin lines pierced the sky and went straight toward the unconscious person. Luo kill.

"File clang!"

A bright cold light flashed, and the sharp five-colored thin lines shattered at the sound, and Cavendish's figure stood in front of Brother Ming.

"Doflamingo finally sees you, as long as you are resolved, this young master will reappear in the world again, and countless people will rush to report." Cavendish seemed to see himself in the excited shout Solve the scene where Doflamingo is famous all over the world.

"Blue sword. Round table!"

Holding the cross-sword Durandel, Cavendish rushed to Gao Chaoming, and with a strong flick of his feet, he jumped high up to the top of Ming's head, turning sideways 36o, with the body rotating high, the long sword Durand in his hand At the same time, Er slashed a circular slash to Doflamingo.

The circular slash cut through the sky, showing a sharp aura, as if to cut Brother Ming in half.

File clang...

With the sound of collision like metal, Cavendish's sword did hit Doflamingo's arm, but his domineering was far weaker than that of Ming, how could he break Ming's defense.


Seeing that Ming Ge only blocked his slash with his arm, Cavendish couldn't believe it. Doflamingo's strength exceeded his expectations.

"Rising star Cavendish? If I still have time to play with you, but now you leave me out", Ming Ge angrily shouted.

Immediately, Cavendish felt a huge force transmitted to his arm through the blade, and was immediately shocked by this huge force. In the next second, in his shocked eyes, Ming Ge raised his right foot, which was covered by the armed color domineering. Slapped on Cavendish's face.


The blood mixed with a few white teeth flew out of his mouth, Cavendish flew out like a broken kite, grazing the ground and flew more than ten meters away before stopping, the large golden sunflower was destroyed.

"Cabbage!" Robin shouted worriedly when Cavendish was shot into the air.

At the same time, Cyrus and Leo flew out of Chao Ming to attack, but the final result can be imagined, Ming Ge easily shot Cyrus and Leo out.

"Brother Ming, stop for me!"

Luffy, who was constrained by the avatar in the sky, watched that Brother Ming was already approaching Luo, and suddenly roared, the attack in his hand accelerated by a few points, and he wanted to quickly solve the avatar Ming.

Fingers trembling lightly, looking at Nicole Robin in front of him, Ming Ge grinned gloomily: "Nicole Robin, son of the devil, I heard that you are Lin Tian’s woman. I don’t know that I will kill his woman here. Will that guy Lin Tian go crazy".

"Hundred flowers are dazzling. Huge tree!"

Without saying more, Robin quickly attacked, surrounded by petals, countless arms gathered behind Brother Ming, and in a blink of an eye, two giant white hands patted him towards Ming.

Robin clearly understands the strength gap between himself and Doflamingo, so he takes the initiative to fight and wins as much time as he can.

Two giant hands mingled with the piercing sound of the air attacked behind him, but in the face of this attack, Ming Ge didn't even return. He swung a few sharp thin lines backhand, and cut the hands behind him into several pieces. Make a bunch of petals and dissipate in the void.

"Ah!" With a scream, Robin couldn't help but back out a few steps.

The figure flashed, Ming Ge stepped on Luo's chest, and at the same time, his fingers shook slightly, and several thin threads dropped in the void and inserted into Robin's body, thus confining Robin's actions.

Feeling the loss of control of his body, Robin naturally struggled desperately, but Robin was too weak, even Luffy could hardly break away, let alone Robin.

"Nicole Robin and Luo, let me come one by one in the order, first Luo, let me end you completely," Ming Ge said murderously.

Lifting his right hand high, the light flashes between his fingers. With a single flick, the thin line shot will pierce Luo's head, and then burst like a broken watermelon.

"No!" struggling Robin shouted.

Time seemed to stand still. At this moment, whether it was Cavendish who got up, or Leo and Cyrus who were shot to the ground, they all shouted for Doflamingo to stop.

At this time, a beautiful figure on the golden sunflower flashed its wings, like a graceful butterfly flying, a faint light flew out from the fast-fluttering wings, and the visitor was actually the peach rabbit as a lieutenant admiral.

Seeing Tao Tufei rushing to Ming's side, the famous sword Jin Piluo in his hand suddenly swung out, a cold light flashed, and the air trembled slightly.

Brother Ming reacted very quickly and quickly bent over to dodge. The sharp blade rubbed tightly and Brother Ming slipped his nose. It was dangerous and dangerous. If Brother Ming would be cut in two at night.

"Peach Rabbit!" Brother Ming looked shocked when he saw the figure of the attacking figure clearly.

Without a hit, Taotu kicked it back and forth. At this moment, Ming Ge was maintaining a bent position, facing Taotu's kick, there was no way to avoid it.

With a muffled sound, Taotu directly kicked Brother Ming's body with a kick. The powerful force gushed out like a tide, and Brother Ming was kicked into the air like a cannonball.

The body rolled continuously in the air for several laps before Ming Ge stabilized his figure and landed on a thin line in the void.

"Lieutenant Admiral Taotu?"

Not only Ming brother, Robin and others were also scared. As a lieutenant admiral, Taotu appeared here to help them at this time. This is just like talking about it. If they are ordinary people, the navy comes to the rescue. Normal, but they are pirates, and the navy rescued the pirates.

"What the **** did you give birth? Didn't the navy go with Doflamingo? How could you deal with Doflamingo?" Cyrus said with a puzzled face.

Robin couldn't help blinking before he could believe that all this life in front of him was real, not a dream, and the Navy rescued them.

Brother Ming felt that his anger was going straight to his head. How could it be so difficult to kill a Luo? Cavendish, Pirates, Cyrus, and the villains all came out to block them, and even the peach and rabbit appeared in the end. .

Brother Ming is arrogant, but not an idiot, and Taotu is not weaker than himself. If Taotu insists on protecting Luo, there is no possibility that Taotu can kill Luo under Taotu's protection.

Brother Ming looked down at the peach rabbit that suddenly appeared under the flower field, and his frown clearly showed the anger in Brother Ming’s heart at this moment. Brother Ming said in a slight anger: "Hey, are you a mad dog? You as a lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters. To help the pirate, you, a woman, better figure out the current situation for me."

"Peach Rabbit!!"


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