Palace Heights!

"Unexpectedly, I would be protected by the lieutenant admiral!" Luo looked at the peach rabbit sitting beside his eyes, and said calmly, with a touch of shock in his tone.

As a pirate, the relationship with the navy can be said to be incompatible with water and fire. Once you meet, you will fight. Even if you became a sea of ​​Qiwu some time ago, it is only a clear alliance relationship, whether it is the navy or the pirates. Understand that the relationship between the pirates and the navy will never change.

After all, the Qiwuhai system is just a covenant between the pirates and the navy. The pirates need the power of the world government to achieve their ambitions, and the navy needs the pirates to maintain the balance of the major forces on a great route within the control of the world government. The two sides seem to be covenant, but secretly guard against each other at all times.

But it’s different at this moment. Although Luo is no longer Qiwuhai, as a pirate, he is staying with Lieutenant Admiral Taotu at the moment without the slightest vigilance or even any precautions, as if the navy is sitting beside him. partner.

"I didn't expect that as a navy, I would actually stay here with a pirate and watch the pirate fight Qiwuhai." Taotu was also very surprised by the decision he made.

As a lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters, she did not know how many pirates had been captured and killed in this sea for so many years, but now she was guarding the safety of a pirate, and Taotu couldn't believe it.

Just at the moment when the darkness of Dressrosa surfaced, who would have thought that the famous and prosperous country in this new world had hidden such deep darkness, and exposing all this was not the navy of justice, but the sea of ​​evil. thief.

Even now, in the rescue of this country, it is the pirate who is fighting desperately against Doflamingo. The pirate is called the savior that the people of the whole country look forward to. This kind of thing has never been seen when the rabbit sails in the sea for more than ten years. Tian Huang Ye talks.

Particularly on the road, that person was indifferent and angry with the navy, compared to the expectations of Lu Fei and others, thinking of this, Taotu showed a self-deprecating smile on his face. Is this a justice navy?

It is for this reason that Taotu will rescue Luo, even staying here with Luo waiting for the final outcome of this battle, she also wants to see what the final fate of this country is.

Looking down at Luo's attached right arm, Taotu said in amazement: "But it really surprised me. The villain who has disappeared for so long will actually appear in Dresrosa, and the princess of the villain has The healing power is no problem as long as the blood circulates."

"I know, I am a doctor." Luo Ying said with his gaze retracted from his right arm. He could already feel the blood flowing in his arm, and the muscles had been repaired and healed at a very fast speed. His heart was once again affected by the little human princess. The healing power was shocked.

Suddenly, Taotu looked up at the direction of the palace and said lightly: "Actually, I know everything about you, Luo, you from Baizhen!"

Hearing this, Luo was taken aback for a moment, staring at Taotu dumbfounded, apparently he didn't expect Taotu to know his life experience in such detail.


At the same time, the palace, Luffy, transformed into a four-speed bouncer, attracted Doflamingo's ridicule.

Clang... clang...

Luffy turned into a bouncer, because a light movement around his body can produce strong elasticity, so that Luffy can't even stand up even the most basic, and can only rely on bounce to maintain his figure.

"Bouncing?" Doflamingo clutched his head and couldn't help but smile: "What a joke, it's a bouncing person, but you can't stand still, so how do you fight? Does it depend on you to change? It's a huge body, don't laugh! Give me a good fight."

With a cold snort, Luffy gasped in his nostrils: "You don't even know how powerful I am in this state. In the past two years, I must use this size and elasticity to defeat those powerful monsters. In front of you, you have no resistance at all."

As he said, Luffy clenched his fist and pressed his fist into his hand with little force. The next second, Luffy moved.


The ground under Luffy's feet collapsed without warning, and cracks spread to Brother Ming's feet. Before Ming hadn't realized what was happening from this scene, Luffy had already approached him.

Seeing Lu Fei's attack, Ming Ge reacted quickly, covering his arms with domineering arms, crossing his hands like a shield in front of him.

"Rubber Rubber Ape King Spear!"

But as Lu Fei said, Ming Ge has absolutely no resistance to Lu Fei in fourth gear.


Just feeling a huge force that cannot be described in words, Ming Ge's hands blocked in front of him flew out suddenly, and hit his face hard.

It was like being hit in the head by a high-speed train, Ming Ge's mind was blank, and his neck seemed to be torn apart.

A huge iron fist hit Brother Ming's head abruptly, and Brother Ming was directly flew out by the punch. However, Brother Ming who flew upside down was flying backwards several kilometers away at a speed faster than the sound, like a streamer hitting the ground hard and hitting continuously. After stepping on more than a dozen houses, he slid more than ten meters against the ground before stopping.

It can be seen how terrifying power Luffy punched just now.

Luffy, transformed into a bouncer, has strong elasticity throughout his body, so that Luffy can't even stand up, showing how strong Luffy's body is.

However, in this state, Luffy's fist was forced into the body, and the elastic force produced was terrifying, but this terrible elastic force burst out in an instant.

The dense fog all over the street was gradually dissipating, and in the center of the street, in the big hole with a diameter of several tens of meters, Ming Ge stood up holding his head still fainted.

Around the big pit, a civilian walked carefully to the side, and they all clearly saw the scene when Brother Ming flew down just now.

Seeing Brother Ming stood up, many civilians were taken aback and hurried back. At this time, several naval soldiers rushed out and raised their spears to aim at Brother Ming.

Tremblingly asked: "Brother Ming, why are you here?"

Looking at the navy in front of him, Ming Ge frowned and said: "I still want to ask why I am here?"

As he said, Brother Ming exuded a strong murderous aura. Just now, the punch of the straw hat boy was too strong, and he still hit his head. At that moment, Brother Ming's head was blank and he had no memory of anything. When he reacted, he was already lying here. .

Although I don't remember what happened, maybe Ming brother can still guess that it must be the straw hat boy who flew himself here with a punch.

With that, Ming Ge raised his head to look at the palace heights in the distance, and whispered: "We are all in the central block, and I was beaten to fly farther."

But in the next second, Brother Ming was taken aback, and saw Luffy flying towards him from the position of the palace. Brother Ming couldn't believe it and shouted, "How is it possible to fly with elastic force!"

Brother Ming remembered that he was still laughing at Luffy's elasticity, and Luffy not only used the elastic force to knock him away for several kilometers, but also flew with the elastic force, as if one by one invisible slaps on Ming's face.

"Over the whip line!"

Dozens of thin, almost transparent silk threads were sprayed from the palm of his hand, and then these threads were wound together to form a thick thread column like hair. Ming Ge quickly swung the thread column in his hand towards Luffy.

The sharp thread pillar pierced the sky and killed Luffy. Luffy's figure flashed and disappeared. The thread pillar rushed into the air and hit the palace high ground.

His eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, looking for Luffy's figure. The next second, Luffy's figure appeared beside Brother Ming.

"Rubber Rhino Howitzer" Lu Fei shouted angrily, his feet compressed into his body blasted out like howitzers, kicking on Brother Ming's face.

Before Luffy's attack, Ming Ge seemed to have no backhand strength. He was blasted off instantly, crashing more than ten tall buildings in succession, and finally stopped when he hit the leg of the Pika statue.

"Kick Doflamingo flying with one kick!"

The people around him were already dumbfounded. Doflamingo was already invincible in their hearts, but the man who appeared suddenly beat Ming with no resistance.


Brother Ming opened his mouth and spit out a big mouth of blood, then crawled off the ground, reached out to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and gritted his teeth and said: "Damn, this guy actually increased the skin's tension by several times with his arms and domineering So that you can double your attack and speed."

After speaking, Ming Ge glanced at the flying Luffy, immediately soared into the sky, and flew towards the sky. Ming Ge understood that on the ground, he could not resist Luffy’s power that was increased several times, only to use his abilities and himself in the air. Flexibility can fight the straw hat boy in this state.

Thinking of him being forced into the air by the mere rubber ability, Ming Ge suddenly felt a humiliating emotion spread in his heart.

Reflexively hovering in the air, watching Luffy flying behind him, Ming Ge stretched out his hand and waved, and suddenly dozens of thin, almost transparent filaments spurted out of his palm, and then these filaments were twisted together to form a thick hair-like strand. The dark red string pierced Luffy like a sharp arrow.

In the fourth gear, Luffy doesn't need to face Ming Ge's attack like before, but only dodges. The huge dark red palm is sent out, and the powerful impact force can easily tear the dark red string.

"Damn it, you are a mere rubber capable person!" Ming Ge, who felt humiliated, let out angrily.

The figure flickered and quickly approached Luffy, waving his hands in a row. The dense and sharp thin lines were like a sharp blade to Luffy, but Luffy didn't panic and slapped it with his hands. The powerful shock wave smashed all the thin lines.

"Five-color line!"

Without stopping, Ming Ge, who was approaching in front of him, grabbed Luffy with his hands like beast claws. Ten thin threads of different colors emerged from between his fingers. The sharp threads could easily cut the opponent's body.


But under Ming Ge's shocked gaze, these ten thin lines hit Luffy's body and was instantly knocked off by the elastic force, and even shattered by the elastic force.

"I said, you are not the opponent of these four gears at all! Ming brother, you are enlightened!"

Clenching his fists, Lu Fei announced the final outcome to Brother Ming.

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