Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1071: Sauron vs Mingge

A faint breeze blew, and the contraction of the birdcage had reached the final juncture, and huge cracks were very regular all over Dres Rosa. Fastest update

As the bird cage shrank, hundreds of thousands of people in Dressrosa were all gathered on the streets near the palace. In fear, many people fell into decadent shouts, and some suddenly became crazy.

Compared to this, near the palace, Lin Tian and the others, who were deeply on the battlefield, didn't worry at all. Lin Tian could easily destroy the seemingly strong bird cage.

"Pirate hunter Roronoa Sauron, one of the supernovas of the year, is you guy who killed Pika, Lin Tian, ​​you are really arrogant, think you guys can beat me?" This brother Ming didn't conceal the killing intent in his heart.

Although each of these cadres is a **** that can be discarded at any time in Brother Ming’s mind, the top cadres are different. As Torrepol said, these top cadres are not only cadres of Brother Ming to a certain extent, but are also able to A teacher who has grown up to this point.

The top officials such as Pika are indeed the closest people to Ming Ge in the world. When Pika was killed, Doflamingo naturally wanted to avenge him.

Whether it was revenge or venting the anger in his heart, Ming Ge already regarded Sauron as a dead person in his heart.

Hearing the cursing of Brother Ming, Lin Tian retracted his gaze from Lu Fei who had left under the leadership of Gezi, smiled at Brother Ming, and reminded him kindly: "Brother Ming, don't underestimate the little devil in your mouth. ".

Sauron took the conversation and said very arrogantly: "Oh, are you talking about the frog at the bottom of the well by Pika? A guy who has only escaped since the beginning of the battle, fighting against that kind of character is really a shame."

"Boy, you are too arrogant!" His face changed slightly, and Brother Ming shouted angrily.

When the voice fell, Ming Ge flashed, and quickly rushed in front of Sauron, raised his fist covered by the armed color domineering, and blasted his fist towards Sauron's head.

Sauron didn't react slowly, quickly raised his hands Qiu Shui and Gui Che to cross in front of him, hearing a muffled sound, and his strong fist banged on the blade without hesitation.

The power erupted like a tide, and Sauron was immediately knocked back several meters, his feet slid across the ground, leaving two parallel marks.

Stopping his retreat, Sauron waved his hands, his sword pierced the sky and set off a strong wind, blowing away the surrounding smoke, and raised his head to look at Barely Doflamingo, and provocatively said: "The dignified Qiwuhai, unexpectedly It’s really disappointing to have just such a little power."

When the voice sounded, Sauron stepped on his feet, and with the help of the reaction force from the soles of his feet, Sauron's figure burst out.

"Damn it, smelly kid".

Sauron's mocking provocative remarks completely angered Doflamingo. He stomped lightly with his right foot, and the streets all over the ruins had turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and countless thin lines were suspended under Brother Ming. .

Flying across the ground, Sauron crossed his sword with both hands in front of him, making a slash that seemed to clamp the enemy, and the word Hedao in his mouth served to block the enemy.

"Three swords flow. Burning ghosts!"

With the shout, Sauron stepped on the ground again, and the figure burst out, speeding up again by a few minutes. Under the high-speed swing, the sharp blade in his hand rubbed against the air at high speed, and the flames rose out of thin air to wrap around the blade.

Sauron swung away at Brother Ming with a sharp blade like a flame.

"Shield white line!"

Brother Ming waved his hands, and a large number of white thread **** flew from the ground under his feet. The white thread **** half a meter thick stood in front of him like a strong shield.


Like the roar of an explosion, burning flames erupted from the blade. A slash that could easily cut a house in half could hardly shake the white shield in front of him.

"It's really hard!"

With a sigh, Sauron quickly retracted his sword and retreated. Sauron watched the battle between Luffy and Ming Ge just now. The awakened brother Ming could control the white line attack under his feet recklessly, and now he was in the white line made by Ming Ge. Line in the ocean.

Fighting against the opponent in the opponent's territory is not a good choice if it is not an overwhelming strength.


Just as Sauron was worried, the surrounding houses turned into white lines, breaking through the sky and piercing towards Sauron's location.


The white lines collided with a loud noise, and Sauron retreated in time to avoid the attacks of these white lines.

The attack did not stop, waved his hand to disperse the white line shield in front of him, and under the control of Brother Ming, the buildings turned into thin lines, and thick thread **** appeared on the ground at the same time.

The dense ball of thread continuously launched a stormy offensive towards Sauron. Facing this line of attack, Sauron finally understood the feeling of Luffy. He wanted to attack the opponent but couldn't even get close to the opponent's body. Can rely on the sword in his hand to constantly block.

File clang... File clang...

The harsh rumbling sound reverberated in his ears, and Sauron stepped on a white line to leap to the top of a tall building.

Looking down at Doflamingo, he mocked: "Hey, Ming, did you fight like this? The guy who only hides behind the white line doesn't even have the courage to fight me."

Looking up at Sauron, Ming Ge angrily scolded: "Little devil, don't be too rampant. Excessive arrogance will only make you die faster."

When the voice fell, Ming Ge's fingers shook slightly, and the tall building under Sauron's feet suddenly turned into a white ball of thread.

Upon seeing this, Sauron's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that Brother Ming could control such a far place. He flew up and leaped towards the position of another tall building.

Who knows, the ground has turned into white lines at some point, and a large number of white lines rise from under the feet to block Sauron.

"Wild Waves and White Lines"

Tens of thousands of parallel thin lines rise from the street, and the raging waves attacking Sauron like a sea wave. Under the control of Ming Ge, countless thin lines wrap Sauron to form a huge twist-shaped wave. Sauron was stranded in the wire. ,

"Die, kid!"

Brother Ming gently shook his right hand, and countless white threads twisted like twists, strangling and tearing Sauron trapped in the threads.

At this moment, Sauron's anger came from inside the white thread group.

"Three swords. Black rope tornado!"

For a moment, the huge twist-shaped ball of thread trembled for a while, and then in the shocked eyes of Brother Ming, an invisible force opened the thread from the inside, revealing a small hole at the top.

With a scream, a black shadow flew out with countless broken white lines. The black shadow was the Sauron who had escaped from the dead.

"It's such a powerful force, it's almost dangerous." Sauron couldn't help but feel fortunate when he thought of the critical moment.

In the line group just now, if he hadn't used the **** rope tornado in time, the sword energy tornado produced would open a big hole in the line group, and Sauron would be shattered into pieces by the sharp thin thread.

"Super cunning whip!"

Ming Ge's murderous voice came from behind, and Sauron suddenly felt his scalp numb. Without even thinking about it, his fighting instinct rolled back.

I saw a crimson string piercing through the air, rubbing the tip of Sauron's nose, and although he avoided it in time, the sharp air of the thin line still left a few large scars on Sauron's face.

"Even the attack was evaded", anyone could hear that Brother Ming was surprised. The attack just now was a sneak attack, and Sauron was able to dodge it, which is enough to show that Sauron has a strong sense of domineering.

Falling back on the ground, Sauron looked directly at Brother Ming in front of him, his mouth curled up slightly, without concealing himself, he directly mocked: "Suddenly attacked, it is really Qiwuhai's style. Didn't you just say to solve me casually?"


Sauron ridiculed one after another. In addition, he had not solved the opponent after fighting with Sauron for so long. Ming Ge felt an invisible slap on his face, frowning, his anger seemed to rush out of his forehead.

At this moment, Sauron moved his hands, abandoning the swords in his hands, and then holding the back of the sword towards Ming Ge.

"What? Are you going to attack me with the back of the sword?" Brother Ming couldn't believe it, and attacked him with the back of the sword, mocking! This is an invisible mockery.

In the next second, Sauron, who held the back of the knife with his backhand, moved, stepped out with his feet, and shot out. He rushed out at a very high speed towards Brother Ming, and Suolong, who was flying at high speed in the air, suddenly rose up like a real blue dragon. General high-density grudge.

"Spider's Nest!"

Ming Ge stood in front of him with one hand, and a large number of thin lines swung from his palm to form several spider webs, like a shield blocking him.

"Three swords flow. Qinglong cut!"

In the shout, Sauron suddenly changed his move as he approached the spider web. Sauron, holding the sword in his backhand, suddenly crossed him in front of him, and the back of the sword facing Brother Ming turned into a blade.


The whole body turned into a green dragon with a long roar from the The roar went straight into the sky, in the shocked eyes of Brother Ming, the body of the green dragon swayed and hit the cobweb wall in front of him.

The moment the cyan dragon hit the spider web wall, the dragon's fighting energy broke, and the fragmented blue fighting energy turned into invisible sword energy and cut on the spider web wall.

The cobweb wall that can withstand Luffy's third gear attack is difficult to withstand Sauron's sharp sword aura. When the swords of Gui Che and Qiushui slashed on the cobweb wall, it was like the last straw that overwhelmed the weight.

The shield composed of several layers of spider webs split immediately, and the solid thin thread broke into sections and floated in the surrounding void, slashing the power undiminished, breaking through the void and heading towards Brother Ming.

Brother Ming didn't expect that Sauron's slashing could smash his own thin line. Shocked, he hurriedly raised his arms covered in domineering arms to block him.

File clang...

Like a collision of steel, Sauron's two swords slashed on Brother Ming, but Brother Ming's armed color was indeed powerful.


The blood splashed, and the sharp blade broke through Doflamingo's armed and domineering defense, and cut two scars of more than ten centimeters on Ming's arm, and bright red blood flowed through the wound.

Armed and domineering can't defend Sauron's power like a tide, Ming Ge was directly knocked into the air, rolling several times in the air, and finally crashed into a house before stopping.

Suddenly, Sauron retracted his sword with his backhand, took off his turban, looked up at Doflamingo who was standing up, and grinned.

"I wanted to have a good fight with you, but the time has come, our captain will wake up!!"

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