Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1089: Jinping's Will

After a while, Jinping's shocked heart was completely calmed down.

Looking up at Lin Tian, ​​he sighed with emotion: "Unexpectedly, your revolutionary army is so crazy, you actually played so big."

Spreading his hands, Lin Tian smiled triumphantly: "However, now that the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army has been breached by the Blackbeard Pirates and the World Government, it seems that the first step of our plan went very smoothly."

Things are often the most difficult first step. Now that the first step is going so smoothly, I have to say that I have taken a reassurance with all the top revolutionary army.

After all, this plan is a gamble for tens of millions of revolutionary army troops. If it fails accidentally, the safety of tens of millions of revolutionary army will be greatly threatened, and decades of efforts will be wasted in an instant.

Jinping seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said, "By the way, there is one more thing to tell you. The most important thing announced by BIGMOM at this tea party is about Charlotte Brin, the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family, and Vinsmore. The wedding of K. Sanji".

"What, wedding!" Lin Tian was suddenly taken aback.

Did he misheard this? BIGMOM's 35th woman, Charlotte Brin, is actually going to get married, and this object is still Sanji.

Immediately, Lin Tian waved his hand and said: "No, according to the time, now Sanji should be with Nami and the others in Zhuowu, how could they appear in the world".

Shinpei explained: "BIGMOM dispatched the Baron Dandan, Bokmus, and Captain Becky of the Supernova Starfire Pirates to take advantage of you while you are in Dress Rosa against Doflamingo. , Captured Sanji back."

"But maybe I'm afraid to offend you Lin Tian, ​​the three of them just arrested Sanji, and didn't take action against Nami and others."

There is nothing strange about this. As a Lin Tian woman, Nami must be aware of all the major forces. No one in this world dares to get into life or death with her for no reason, even the three emperors and two emperors do not want to.

Cody said strangely: "It's not right. As the instructor, Sanji doesn't understand that BIGMOM doesn't understand that the instructor attaches great importance to feelings.

In order to avenge his good brother, Lin Tian rebelled against the navy without hesitation, cut the five Tianlong people into a pile of meat and threw them into the river to feed the fish, and embarked on the road of pirates.

"Because this time, the three Baron Dandan are actually only responsible for monitoring. It was Vinsmok Gage, the patriarch of the Vinsmok family who really brought Sanji back, and took Vinsmok Sanji back."

After clarifying the situation, Lin Tian said with a smile: "It is a matter of course for the father to bring his ineffective son back, not to mention that I, an outsider, can interfere, but it is really interesting that Vince Mok Gage made the shot himself." .

Through the investigation of the Vinsmok family, Lin Tian also has a general understanding of this Vinsmok family. The Vinsmok family is a royal family with a history of more than 300 years. It once controlled the entire North Sea by force. Now it has no territory. But you can participate in world conferences. The most timid family in the North Sea, the navy and the world government are all affected to a certain extent by them.

However, this family is only in the North Sea. For the New World, the Vinsmok family is nothing but a second-rate force. The entire family relies on technology to be powerful, and even no one is used to domineering. meeting.

Even the science and technology that their family is proud of, in Lin Tian's opinion, is just like that. Compared with the science researched by world government scientists such as Bergapunke, they are not considered science and technology at all. They rely on the relationship between science and technology, even if they are the strongest. The patriarch, Vinsmok Gaj, has the same combat power (not as good as Sanji), but he still sits all day long dreaming of ruling the North Sea.

Although I don’t know the specific course of this marriage, I don’t have to guess, but BIGMOM wants to use the technology of the Vinsmok family to create a stronger Homitz, and the pacifists easily defeated the bounty hundreds of millions. The power of level pirates makes many forces coveted.

And Vinsmok just wants to use the power of BIGMOM to achieve the goal of dominating the North Sea, but they don’t want to think that the five old stars of the world government will allow a power to dominate the North Sea to maintain an alliance with the three emperors and two emperors BIGMOM. ? In Lin Tian's view, this is undoubtedly a very stupid decision.

Lin Tian looked up at Diska and Corde behind him, and asked, "Why don't I know the news about Sanji's marriage? Didn't I send a team of shadows to investigate this Vinsmok family?"

Disca replied: "This is how it is. Because of this strategic relationship, most of the intelligence departments of the Revolutionary Army have entered a hidden state, and the shadow manpower is not enough at the critical moment of the plan, and it is spent in a mere Vinsmo. The K family is completely inferior, so the shadow team was dispatched to another mission."

"That's it!"

There are too many things these days, Lin Tian would have forgotten the matter of monitoring the Vinsmok family. If it weren't for Shiping to talk about it today, Lin Tian didn't think of it.

Suddenly, Lin Tian saw Jin Ping hesitating and stopped, and asked: "Jin Ping, what do you want to say?"

Lin Tian’s questioning sound awakened very calmly, and then he gritted his teeth and said: "That’s it, because Sanji is about to marry Charlotte Brin, so I think Luffy is a partner who will never abandon. People, he will definitely come back here to bring back Sanji."

"Ah, that's right, Luffy will never abandon his companions no matter what he encounters." Lin Tian agreed with this point.

As he said, Lin Tian turned around, looked at Jinping with a deep smile, and said with a smile: "Hey, Jinping, you wouldn't just tell me this, as a seaman who is famous in the new world, when will you talk with Jinping? Twisted."

I don't know if it was because of Lin Tian's words, or because of what was in his mind, Zhen Ping disturbed his head, and a shy smile rose on his face.

"What did I look at, Hai Xia is actually quite shy"

"Yes, it's really an amazing scene!"

Upon seeing this, Cod and Disca feared that the world would not be chaotic, and laughed at the side to cooperate, saying that the sea knight is very flat and embarrassed.

"Well, you two should close your mouths," Lin Tianchao laughed and cursed at the back of Shi Ping.

When he heard that Jinping actively mentioned that Lu Fei was coming to the world, Lin Tian noticed that there was something wrong in Jinping's tone. Some things combined with what the fisherman said at the time, he could easily understand.

Just listen to Jinping clenched his fists and said with a little excitement: "Luffy will be the man who will change the world. Although he is very young now, he will become the standard-bearer of the new era just as Raleigh said. Meeting the three emperors and two emperors will not be Qiwuhai or supernova, but Luffy. After the war from the top, I have always believed in this."

Speaking of this, he paused and said with determination: "So I want to be Luffy's power and serve him. I believe Luffy will bring us the freedom that we have been looking forward to."

After listening to Jinping, Lin Tian can feel Jinping’s determination, because if Jinping wants to join the Straw Hat Pirates, he must break with the BIGMOM Pirates, that is, leave the BIGMOM Pirates, but so far no one has been able to. Leaving the BIGMOM Pirate Group alive.

Lin Tian asked with a serious face, "Zhenping, have you really decided? You want to join us".

"Of course, otherwise I won't make a special trip to talk about this today!" Jinping replied without hesitation.

Lin Tian suddenly showed a smile on his face and said, "Although I, the deputy captain, can agree to join the pirate group, but you are the person our captain I can't go beyond. But you can rest assured, Luffy is really looking forward to your joining, just wait a few more days to be a member of the Straw Hat Pirates."

For Jinping joining, Lin Tian applauded and welcomed him. As the seaman Jinping of the original Qiwuhai, his combat power is needless to say. He can block the attack of the red dog only on land and is powerful.

If it is fighting in the water, as a murloc, Jinping can exert a powerful force far beyond that on land. It can be said that very few strong can defeat Jinping in the water.

On the voyage, they spend most of their time on the sea. It can be said that if there is some peace, they hardly need to worry about it in the sea. Except for a few extremely strong sea kings in the sea, I am afraid it is difficult to encounter a sea stronger than the sea Creatures.

And those with the ability can't swim, there is something like that. In the face of this kind of battle on the sea, unless you can fly, even if the admiral Red Dog arrives and the ship is destroyed, it will be finished.

With Lin Tian's promise, Jin Ping's nervous heart finally calmed down. To be honest, Lu Fei had invited him twice, but he refused all of them. Now he actively asked to join the Straw Hat Pirates, and he was not nervous. It was fake.

"By the way," Lin Tian suddenly thought of something and asked: "Jin Ping, I remember that you seemed to have a showdown with BIGMOM during the day, why are you still under BIGMOM now".

Not only Lin Tian was surprised at this, but also Diska, Cod and others, mainly because they heard some rumors about Jinping in Sweet Food City today, saying that Jinping was a coward, and finally flinched in fear of death.

Hearing this, Jinping flashed unwillingly and said: "In fact, this is what happened. I had already had a showdown with Auntie, but in the end things changed and Auntie took out the turntable."

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