Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1153: The world shakes! !

Tianlongren base!

After receiving the news that the base was invaded by Lin Tian, ​​the Tianlong people quickly rushed over, but when they saw that there was only a few hundred meters deep pit ruins in front of them, the Tianlong people let out an angry roar at Lin Tian.

A Tianlongren half kneeled on the ground and cried out in grief: "This is our accumulation of hundreds of years, but it's all gone, gone!"

The treasures in the base cannot be described by value at all. Many of the treasures are unique and priceless in the world, but now they are all gone.

Lin Tian didn't even leave the root hair. He took away everything that could be taken away, and destroyed everything that was not taken away. It really was that he didn't leave a single hair to the Tianlong people.

As the saying goes, robbing people for money is like killing one's parents. Now Lin Tian can be said to be the common life and death enemy of the entire Tianlong people. The Tianlong people can't wait to eat Lin Tian's meat and drink Lin Tian's blood.

As for the five old stars who rushed over immediately, Marshal Gang Bone Kong, Marshal Sakarski, General Lu Niu and others, they did not feel the slightest sympathy in their hearts, but rather dispelled their hatred. .

These Heavenly Dragons have the names of descendants of the creators. In the world government, even if they face the five most powerful stars with their heads up, they are so arrogant.

Even the dignified Sky Dragon running dog cp0 dare not care about the Marshal of the Navy. It can be seen what these Sky Dragons are arrogant, and what about the Marshals. In their eyes, the Marshals of the Three Armies are nothing but trash with low blood.

So now seeing these Heavenly Dragons is very sad, although everyone does not show any expression on their faces, they are secretly excited to death.

"Send a reward to the world, who can kill Lin Tian, ​​we Tianlong people will pay him 10 billion Baileys, who can catch him alive, we give him 20 billion Baileys!!!"

The roar echoing in the sky above Mary Joa has not disappeared for a long time!


On that day, not long after Lin Tian left the Holy Land Mary Joa, what happened had spread to all forces in the world through hidden channels.

Suddenly, the world shouted in exclamation. No one thought that Lin Tian would be so bold. At this time, he would make a big noise at the World Summit and destroy the treasure house of the Dragon.

Without exaggeration, Lin Tian really smashed the whole sky, and stomped the faces of the world government and the Tianlong people, and the world government was ashamed.

This kind of thing has not happened since the establishment of the world government. No evil criminals dare to make a noise in the World Summit, and Lin Tian not only did it, but also escaped unscathed.

Compared with the uproar of the World Summit, many forces are more concerned about Lin Tian's formal declaration of war on the world government on behalf of the revolutionary army.

For a long time, although the revolutionary army has a great reputation and is known to the whole world, the actions of the revolutionary army are in secret. Many people have only heard of the revolutionary army, and have never seen the revolutionary army.

Declaring war not only means that the revolutionary army will truly begin to overthrow the world government, but also that the world government will seize control of the world. It also represents the revolutionary army that has been hidden in the dark. They will step onto the foreground and officially appear in front of the world.

In this new era of competition for hegemony, the revolutionary army coming to the foreground is equivalent to adding a fire to this chaotic world.

Originally, because of the fall of Doflamingo and the secret attack of the revolutionary army, the underground world was caught in the flames of war, causing many forces to clash in secret, but everyone was resisting and did not develop into a full-scale war.

Now the world situation is extremely tense, many ambitions are restraining, everyone is waiting for an opportunity, and now Lin Tian's actions and declaration of war provide the major forces with such an opportunity.

What happened in the Holy Land Mariejoa swept the whole world like a storm through the newspapers. Even if the world government tried to block it, it was too late, and things spread too fast.

And the world government can't stop it at all. When the revolutionary army breaks out at the same time as the world government war, the declaration of war will be completely confided.

And what the whole world would think at that time, they would think that the world government was afraid of the revolutionary army, afraid of war with the revolutionary army, otherwise how would it hide the declaration of war.

The consequence will be that some members of the Congress will lose confidence in the world government, and they will even switch to the revolutionary army camp and become a member of the revolutionary army.

Therefore, within a short period of time, the whole world knew about Lin Tian's intrusion into the World Summit and declared war on the world government on behalf of the revolutionary army.

For a time, while the whole world was shocked, everyone was in danger. The revolutionary army and the world government, the two most powerful forces in the world, were finally about to collide head-on. This also meant that the whole world would be swept by war.

One is a force that has ruled the world for eight hundred years, and the other is a powerful force that has emerged in recent decades. Some people think that the world government has a deep heritage and that the revolutionary army is not enough. Others believe that the revolutionary army is sharp and unstoppable. The world government has long been decayed from within.

No matter how the outside world asserts, one thing is certain. This war is not like a new world that just happened before. It must be a war sweeping the entire world.

Hundreds of millions of ordinary people are in panic. It is these ordinary people who are really hurt every time a war breaks out. Everyone is afraid of the coming of war.

But the immersive forces are ready to move. Once a war between the revolutionary army and the world government breaks out, then both sides must use their best to defeat the other, so there is no power to restrain them, and they can do whatever they want.

Therefore, before the war came, many countries and regions were caught in riots, but now many kings have gone to the world government to participate in the World Summit. Without the king's seat, the riots in many places have not been extinguished, but have intensified.

All night long, the previous peaceful world was under the rule of the world government. It was because of this declaration of war that it was in great chaos, and at this moment the revolutionary army had not begun to take action.

The South China Sea, the North Sea, the West China Sea, and the East China Sea are all in chaos. Only the great sea route can remain stable. After all, this is the core of the world government, with the navy headquarters of the strongest organization under the world government.

Only the pirates can make things on the great sea route. Unfortunately, the pirates are not interested in this kind of power struggle. On the contrary, because the revolutionary army declared war, the pirate world, which was originally a bit violent, fell into a weird and quiet state. Three Emperors and Two Emperors All the major forces stopped by coincidence.

But in this calm, the forces of the three emperors and two emperors are accumulating strength, everything is like the tranquility before the storm.

New world, the site of the Blackbeard Pirates!

At the headquarters of the Blackbeard Pirates, all the cadres including Blackbeard gathered together. The declaration of war by the revolutionary army has different meanings for the Blackbeard Pirates.

The meeting room was filled with smoke, and every black beard cadre didn't look very good. The declaration of war by the revolutionary army made the black beard pirates realize that they were being teased.

Although the Blackbeard Pirates are all ferocious guys, if they still don't understand it, they are not only ferocious but idiots.

The revolutionary army actually had the courage to declare war on the world government, that is to say, in the war last month, the revolutionary army did not suffer as much as they had done.

It can be seen from this that the heavy damage the revolutionary army has shown is entirely to use their hands to confuse the world government.

Xiliu smoked a cigar and said lightly: "It seems that the actions of our pirate group have been controlled by the revolutionary army from the beginning, and we are very happy to jump into the trap that the revolutionary army has prepared."

For Xiliu's unrelenting irony, Blackbeard's face was not very good. The attack on the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army was solely planned by him. Now it is indeed the plan of the Revolutionary Army.

Thinking of this, Blackbeard couldn’t help looking at Bashas on the side. It was because this guy was cheated by someone and found the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, so the next thing happened.

Withdrawing his gaze, Blackbeard spoke: "The declaration of war by the revolutionary army has a lot of impact on our Blackbeard Pirates. There were some forces that were planning to join us, but now they have changed their minds."

Now the revolutionary army is so powerful that even the world government dared to declare war. Who would dare to join the black beard pirates group that has a vengeance on the revolutionary army.

"Not only that", Buffett swayed his crutches with both hands, adding: "Recently, the pirates of the White Beard Pirate Group seem to have been mobilized. They seem to be accumulating strength and don't know what they are doing."

"Can you tell that the Whitebeard Pirates is going to fight with us?" Blackbeard asked with his head tilted.

Shaking his head, Buffett replied: "It is still unclear whether we are ready to shoot at but the ships we sent to monitor the Whitebeard Pirates are all missing. In short, it is very likely to shoot at us."

Can that be a big deal? The whole world knows the deep hatred between the White Beard Pirates and Black Beard, the White Beard Pirates has no choice but to attack them.

"In other words, we are likely to go to war again," said Bucks Choate, who couldn't help raising his hand to touch the vertical scar in his right eye.

The right eye that Bacchus Choate lost was injured by Shi Zhihao, the captain of the Third Division of the White Beard Pirate Group during a battle between the two sides.

The black beard sitting in the first place said solemnly: "In short, we have to be more vigilant recently and once again send a boat to the white beard pirate group site to monitor them, so that the last thing cannot happen again."

The last time they attacked the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, they were seized by the White Beard Pirates and lost a quarter of their territory. However, they found more in the hands of the world government, otherwise they would lose a lot.

"Also", thinking of something, Blackbeard quickly added: "We must temporarily avoid conflict with the Whitebeard Pirates, at least until we convert the resources we get from the world government into power."

In dealing with the world government, Blackbeard obtained a lot of resources, enough to increase the strength of the Blackbeard Pirates, but all of these took time.

Not only are the Blackbeard Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates accumulating their strength, at the same time, IWC, the location of the BIGMOM Pirates, is rebuilt once again.

After obtaining the devil fruit blood factor technology related to the Vinsmok family and some powerful technologies, the BIGMOM Pirate Group has built a group of powerful Hormiz Legions.

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