On the rough sea, Luffy and his team entered the stormy area. Although there was no heavy rain, the ten-level gusts rolled up the waves several meters high, like the sea roaring angry, and the huge waves rushing toward the face were enough to crash everything.

But for the Sonny in the thunder shield, even if the huge waves are more than ten meters high, it is difficult to blast off the surface of the Sonny. With Lin Tian providing endless thunder and lightning on board, the power of the Sonny is enough. Resist this natural world.

The Sonny is like a blue sword smashing through the waves. A huge wave more than ten meters high directly smashes through a big hole with brute force. Tens of millions of electricity are enough to power the Sonny’s power system. Play to the maximum. This set of power system was developed by Begapunk, who is known as the world's smartest scientist. After 500 years of scientific research, he can imagine how powerful the Sonny power system is.

In this huge wave, everyone gathered on the deck to watch this shocking scene, especially Bista and Shi Zhihao. Every time they faced this huge wave, the boat was not shaking violently, but there were worries and prayers in their hearts. Don't be damaged by the hurricane.

Had never been like this before, without showing weakness, the force of nature in the world, the force of nature, looked at the huge waves like nothing.

"This ship is really great!"

Reaching out his hand and stroking the smooth railing, Bista sighed from his heart. He had always thought that the Moby Dick was the best ship in the world. Now Bista understands that the pirate ship at his feet is the best in the world. Pirate ship.

On the other side of the deck, Sauron stood in front of Lin Tian with a look of doubt. He was still sleeping just now, and Lin Tian suddenly woke him up.

Lin Tian looked down and glanced at Sauron's waist with three knives that had been turned into double knives. One of the big sharp knives, Qiu Shui Sauron, was forced to stay in Qiu Shui. Perhaps it shouldn't be said that he was forced to be deceived. Also describe it more appropriately.

Momanosuke is back on the throne of Wano. In order to promote the achievements of his king to the people, the famous name Chao Sauron borrowed the sharp knife autumn water to present to the people of Wano country that he found the national treasure of Wano country. Who did it turn out? I know that someone actually proposed to show the black sword Qiushui on the counter, but the black sword Qiushui was so snatched by Momosuke and others.

Of course, what happened in the middle was not so eloquent. A lot of things happened, and even caused the Straw Hat Pirates to have almost infighted, and the prestige of Captain Luffy dropped to the extreme.

It also led to the complete split between the Straw Hat Pirate Group and Wano Country. In the end, Zoro cut off Kinemon and Kenjuro's arms. The ending ended. If it weren't for Luffy to stop it, things might have gone worse. This About this matter, Nami told him when Lin Tian left the country of Hezhi.

Sure enough, what Lin Tian was worried about still happened, and the brain and mental problems Momanosuke caused the problem, and even caused the Straw Hat Pirates to have a terrible crisis compared to the water capital.

If Lin Tian was there at the time, following Lin Tian's method, this region and country would definitely be destroyed. Since we can let you sit on the throne, we can more easily pull you off the throne.

But since this matter is over, let him dissipate in everyone's hearts over time, and mentioning it will only bring bad consequences.

Sauron rubbed his head and asked, "Lin Tian, ​​what do you tell me to do?"

Looking back, Lin Tian said: "Your black sword Qiushui is not lost. As a three-sword swordsman, but using the two-sword linger, you can't display half of your strength. You must know that the next enemy we will face is even the general. One, and two five old stars."

A touch of helplessness flashed across his face, Sauron said: "I know this too, but now the time is urgent, where to find a good knife, you can only wait for a handy knife when you arrive at the fisherman island."

Shaking his head, Lin Tian disagreed and said, "How can this work? As a swordsman, you must have a good knife in order to exert your true strength."

As he said, Lin Tian's right palm was shining with white light, and the power of the void spread around his palm. In Sauron's surprised eyes, a small black hole appeared around Lin Tian's palm, and Lin Tian reached out and penetrated In the black hole, he fumbled carefully for a while, and then followed Lin Tian's right hand out, reaching into the blank right hand, already holding the hilt when he came out.

First, the hilt, then the dark black sword body, the sharp blade, a few seconds later, the black hole that emerged dissipated, and Lin Tian had a black long sword in his palm.

The black hole is actually the entrance to the different space created by Lin Tian. He has a deeper understanding of the power of the void. Lin Tian is more skilled in the control and use of the power of space. Now he can create a space of ten cubic meters, which is carved on the space stone by Lin Tian. Carry.

When the long sword was revealed, all of Sauron's attention was attracted by the long sword, and his eyes were bright. Although he has never seen this long sword, let alone touched it, as a true swordsman, Sauron can naturally see that it is a peerless sword, with its sharp soaring sword power, plus the blade reveals The cold air that came out was far inferior to Black Blade Qiushui.

"Lin Tian is this..." As if guessing something, Sauron couldn't believe it, and his voice trembled.

There is only one kind of sword in this world that is stronger than the big knives and the black knives Qiushui, and that is the twelve supreme knives of the rumors.

"En!" Lin Tian nodded and admitted Sauron's guess, and introduced: "This hand in my hand is Black Fire, one of the twelve skills of the Supreme Sharp Knife. The blade is flat and chaotic, with heavy T-shapes, and made of stainless steel from the outside world. The generous blade face has stronger cutting power. Not only that, the generous blade face has undergone a magical process, and you can feel the obvious unevenness when you reach out and touch it. This is simply not possible for a sword."

"But it is precisely because of this strange concave-convex feeling that when the sharp sword is gently swung, it will rub against the air at a high speed, resulting in a blazing flame, so the supreme sharp knife black fire is also called the flame knife."

After listening to Lin Tian's introduction, Sauron was shocked immediately, and said: "A knife that can produce flames, there is still such a knife."

As a swordsman, Sauron has touched a lot of knives, good knives go to snow, knives and Tao Yiwen and Qiu Shui, big knives have seen the black sword night in Hawkeye's hands. It is a soft knife, but it is like black fire. Sauron had seen such a strange knife for the first time, and he had never heard of it.

It is precisely because of the peculiarities, otherwise why Black Fire is called the most magical knife in the world.

In order to convince Sauron, Lin Tian held the black fire with his backhand and threw it towards the sky. In the whistling sound of the blade piercing the air, the strange bumps on the broad sword rubbed against the air at high speed. In the blink of an eye, the dark blade burned rapidly. There was a raging flame, and the orange flame was like a beating elf, quickly covering the entire blade, and the black fire in the sky suddenly rotated like a hot wheel, falling towards Sauron who looked up at the sky.

Sauron had been stunned by this scene a long time ago. He thought that even if the sword could produce flames, it would need to be swung at a high speed, but he did not expect that Lin Tian would just throw it lightly and the sword would have flames.


The high-speed rotating black fire fell straight towards Sauron. When the blade was only half a meter away from Sauron, Sauron suddenly stretched out his hand to grasp the hilt, and his backhand waved towards the distant sea. Hit, like a fluttering flame giant bird rushing into the sea.


In the sound of the explosion ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the ten-meter-long wave was cut in half, and a white water column tens of meters high rushed out of the sea like a long dragon.

"A good knife, it can make such a powerful slash with a light swipe", holding the sword in his backhand and gently turning it in front of him, Sauron sighed with emotion.

Seeing that Sauron had taken control of this knife within a few seconds, Lin Tian showed a smile on his face. It seemed that it was indeed a good choice to hand the black fire to Sauron.

Although Heihuo is the famous Supreme Sharp Knife, it is not suitable for Lin Tian at all. Even the chasing wind that once cut the Supreme Sharp Knife is given to Ai Yin by Lin Tian, ​​we can see that in Lin Tian In his hand, no matter how good a famous sword is, it is not as powerful as a blade that even Hailoushi can cut through space.

Rather than putting it on your body and getting moldy, you might as well give it to Sauron, which can also improve Sauron's combat power.


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