Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1170: Destroy Murloc Island

At the bottom of the deep sea, with the appearance of the Straw Hat Pirates, the previously fierce battlefield fell into calm, and everyone who was fighting couldn't help but stop fighting.

With a squeak, a thunder and lightning figure broke through the film barrier, suspended in the sea out of thin air, and stood facing Yuanbu Keiichi at the same height.

"Lin Tian, ​​it seems that our espionage agency has been tricked by your revolutionary army again, and you didn't even notice you with the Straw Hat Pirates in the New World."

Keiichi Zhongyuanbei was completely disappointed with the nine guys in his tone. After this time, he would never give the nine guys a chance when he went back. Since they can’t do it, then he’s replaced. Those positions were originally given. Capable people do it.

Ignoring the words of Keiichi Sonobu, Lin Tian straightforwardly said: "Kiichi Sonobu, don't talk so much nonsense, you need to destroy Merman Island to achieve the goal of killing chickens and monkeys in the world, and at the same time proclaim your power."

"But Fishman Island actually belongs to our revolutionary army camp, so it must be protected by our revolutionary army."

If their revolutionary army can't protect the country under its banner, then which joined country will still have the idea of ​​switching to the revolutionary army camp, and what will those countries that have joined the revolutionary army camp think.

The world government needs to destroy the fisherman island to propagate its forces and attack the revolutionary army, and the revolutionary army must maintain the safety of fisherman island. In essence, this issue has nothing to do with fisherman island. The real confrontation is between the world government and the revolutionary army. Revolutionary army.

There was a flash of light on both heads, and Keiichi Sonobe said, "It seems that there is no need for negotiation between us. If this is the case, then there is a battle."

The world government has such a big fanfare and announced to the world that it will destroy the fisherman island. How could it be stopped by Lin Tian in one or two words, so the world government will lose its face, so the world government cannot retreat.

Naturally, the revolutionary army cannot retreat. If the world government achieves its goal, it will bring an immeasurable cost to the revolutionary army.

So from the beginning, Lin Tian didn’t have the slightest need to negotiate, because neither Lin Tian nor Keiichi Sonobe understood that it was absolutely impossible for both of them to retreat on the fisherman island issue, and could only determine the final winner through battle. .

"In that case, fight!"

Lin Tian raised his head with a loud roar, and the loud sound waves echoed in the depths of the sea tens of thousands of meters. In a short time, the flames of war were turned on again, and a cannon roared, and shells that covered the sky came.

Murloc warriors who have the consciousness of death show no weakness. They move fast in the sea, especially those merman warriors. They are the fastest race in the sea. They are agile and dodge shells and move towards the world. The government fleet after all.

On a naval battleship, an elite navy soldier in a simple soap bubble membrane diving suit rushed out of the battleship. Because of the pressure of the deep sea, it was difficult to exert his full strength. These melee naval soldiers were all composed of officers, and the lowest was a major of the navy headquarters. Every one on the land is at least one enemy and one hundred. Even if the strength can't be fully utilized, it is still more than enough to deal with the murlocs.

Naval warships vented their gunfire frantically, while the Murloc warriors could only use their lives to break through the barrage and approach the front of the fleet, and they also had to face the attack of the admiral.

For a time, the two sides fought fiercely and became a group. The navy fleet wanted to desperately get close to the fisherman island, destroying the fisherman island with ship shells, and the murloc warriors desperately blocked it.

But the murloc army and the world government army are not at the same level at all. The murloc people have to pay huge casualties every second, but the world government army has steadily advanced towards the fisherman island.

"Hurry up and get the soap bubble wrap ready, Nami, we want to join the battle!"

Looking at the murlocs being slaughtered by the navy, Lu Fei and the others were very anxious, and a famous murloc died in front of them. Especially Shiping, he was the most excited and sorrowful. Many of the murlocs who died knew very well, and even many of them were their companions in the king's army in the past, but now these companions are dying in front of them one by one.

At this moment, the pain in Zhen Ping's heart could not be described in words, and his eyes flashed with crystal tears. Seeing this scene, Sauron was shocked at the side. It was the first time he saw this man called the Seaman cry.

"No, I can't just watch my companion being killed like this. I am also a member of the Murloc clan. It is also my responsibility to protect the Murloc Island."

With that said, Jinping squeezed both fists and he was about to rush out. He was a murloc and didn't need to use soap bubble wrap with Luffy and the others.

But at this moment, Bista suddenly appeared in front of Jinping, stretching out his hand to catch Jinping's movement.

"Vista, you..."

Looking at Bista who was in front of him, she was stunned for a while, not knowing what to say.

The surrounding Luffy and others were full of doubts. What is Bista doing? Jinping is going to rescue his hometown and deal with the world government army. Why Bista would stop him.

At this time, Bista said: "Wait, it's very peaceful, the battlefield below is not something you can intervene. Your opponent is not these ordinary navy soldiers, but them."

Hearing that, everyone, including Jinping, followed Bista's gaze and saw a naval warship leaving the fleet and approaching the Sonny.

Everyone immediately understood what Bista was talking about, because this battleship was all carrying naval powers, the generals Huang Yuan and the red dog, the five old stars Hirano Masato, the general candidates tea dolphin and the peach rabbit, and the navy headquarters. Will mole, Doberman, ghost spider...

The strongest naturally has to be against the strongest. Just as Bista said, their opponents are naval powers. As for the naval soldiers and murloc warriors below, they can't take care of them.

Looking up at the murloc compatriots who were slaughtered below, Jinping clenched his fists and said unwillingly: "But if we don't help, they won't be able to stop the army of the world government."

Shaking his head, Bista reluctantly said: "This is nothing we can do. Our opponents are Huang Yuan and the others. If we help the murloc army below, it is very likely that we will lose this battle. If even we lose. , Then Fishman Island is really over."

I didn't understand what Bista was talking about, but could it be that he just watched his compatriots be killed, but did nothing, Jinping couldn't accept it.

"Unless the murloc warriors below retreat, and in order to deal with us, the world government army will certainly not pursue the murlocs."

Sauron came forward and said his own method. He gripped the handle of Hedaoyi in his right hand and pulled it out slightly. The navy in front of him didn't know when he would make a move. Sauron naturally had to do 100%. Prepare to fight back.

Without even thinking about it, Jinping immediately objected: "No, if you do this, if the fisherman island is not guarded, it will definitely be destroyed by the world government with naval guns."

At this time, Robin walked out with his hands on his chest, and said coldly: "At this time, I care about what fisherman island is. People are important or islands are important. Even if you don’t hesitate to resist the casualties, how long will it be able to block the world government? For half an hour? One hour…"

"When the world government forces annihilate all the murloc fighters, the murloc island will still be destroyed anyway. If you evacuate now, tens of thousands of murloc fighters will be saved."

The reason why Robin was not in a right mood was because seeing this scene, she couldn't help but think of the scene of O'Hara being destroyed that year. There was an opportunity to save the lives of her compatriots. Why did she have to bury so many lives on the islands in this district.

Taking a deep breath, Robin's tone eased slightly, and he persuaded: "What about the destruction of the fisherman island, as long as there are people, every place is home. When the revolutionary army destroys the world government, our revolutionary army can help you build it on land. A real home, one can see the sun, the moon, the bright stars, and the real forest and plants."

Jinping is not a stubborn person. It is hard to understand what Robin said, but some things are not so simple.

He shook his head very flatly and said: "It is not my decision to retreat or not. In order to protect the Murloc Island, one-third of the 120,000 Murloc warriors have been killed in action, and the Murloc warriors of the dead have died under the army of the world government. At a huge price, there are still more murlocs launching attacks without fear of death, all because the belief in guarding their homes is maintained."

"If I say abandon the Murloc Island now, it will definitely cause a huge blow to morale, and presumably more Murlocs will not agree with me. There are already so many comrades who have died in order to protect the Murloc Island. Why did they escape?"


Everyone was speechless for a while. They didn't expect this, and they were right. They paid such a huge price for the fisherman island. Forty thousand compatriots lost their lives for this. Now they want the other murloc fighters to take the initiative to abandon the murloc. Island escape is impossible.

"In this case, let us destroy Murloc Island!"

The words that came suddenly sounded like a thunder in everyone's minds, slicing everyone out of focus and inside. Everyone who reacted quickly looked in the direction of the sound source, and it was Luffy who said this sentence.

"Destroy Murloc Luffy brother, what are you talking about?" Jinping couldn't believe that Luffy said what he just said.

On the side, Usopp immediately said: "Yes, yes, Luffy, are you crazy?"

They destroy Murloc Island, isn't this looking for death? Not to mention whether they can do it, if they really make a move on the fisherman island, the first person who can't spare them is the 80,000 murloc warriors below.

Reaching out and covering the straw hat on his head, Luffy changed his past lacklustre, rare seriousness, and said indifferently: "Since you can't persuade them, then destroy their beliefs so that they will always leave. Eighty thousand murloc warriors died meaninglessly."

"If they want revenge... then come to me!!!"


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