Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1172: Bai Xing's cry

The huge film shattered like glass, and a huge stream of water quickly poured into the Murloc Island along the gap. Under the impact of the water, the transparent film turned into numerous fragments and dissolved in the seawater.

This is an extremely shocking scene, countless people will never forget this scene, the huge film covering an island has dissipated and dissolved in front of the naked eye at a speed visible.

Losing the barrier of the film, sea water rushed into the fisherman island frantically. Under the reaction caused by the sudden breaking of the film, a large amount of air was squeezed by the influx of sea water, which turned into countless blisters and floated toward the sea over 10,000 meters.

At this moment, the scene of Murloc Island is more beautiful than in the past. The sky filled with blisters rushing to the sea, and the huge fish island blisters are hidden and looming. The sky filled with blisters is like a torrential rain deep in the sea. This scene is really shocking. .

Both murlocs and naval soldiers are extremely lucky to be able to stay around and see this kind of sight. This kind of scene is the only one in thousands of years.

However, there are endless dangers hidden under this destruction. The huge current is like slapped big hands on the fisherman island. Where the sea passes, countless buildings are destroyed, and the streets are destroyed by the sea.

Without the film, the entire fisherman island is completely exposed in the deep sea. The huge island is trembling, and the force generated by the breaking of the film and the influx of seawater is like a fierce chemical reaction.

In the violent shaking, huge cracks appeared on the fisherman island, as if densely scattered throughout the island, the fisherman street, the beautiful underwater coral forest, the dragon palace park, the commercial street, everything was destroyed in the trembling, and large houses collapsed. , This scene makes people can't help but think of the destruction of the world by a huge earthquake of more than ten magnitudes.

When countless cracks spread over the entire Murloc Island, the world seemed to be still at this moment. In the next second, in the eyes of more than 100,000 fears, there was a loud noise of the sky and the earth cracking, and the huge Murloc Island exploded.


This explosion not only represented the destruction of the world-famous Murloc Island, but also a reminder of hundreds of thousands of troops present.

How terrible is the force generated by the explosion of a huge island. A huge spherical vacuum cover appeared in the seabed at a depth of 10,000 meters, and the sea water inside was dissipated by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

Immediately afterwards, the shock wave swept the sea, and the numerous fragments produced by the explosion of the fisherman island spread out in all directions. The violent shock wave was like a rolling sandstorm in the desert.

Looking at this scene, the world government fleet took out the strength to even feed the milk. The outer ships on both sides of the ship's ship were already spinning at the fastest speed, but compared with the shock wave that was faster than the speed of sound, the world government fleet was completely turtle speed.

Bang... bang...

When the shock wave caught up with the world government fleet, the film on the outside of the six warships behind the fleet burst, and endless sea water poured in. The warship that was a hundred meters long was crushed into pieces by the huge pressure in a few seconds. As for those naval soldiers When the film broke, it all died.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of Masato Hirano were breathing fire, and blood was dripping in his heart. All six warships and 20,000 soldiers died in an instant. The casualties of the navy have only passed 5,000, and they have reached it all at once. Four times the casualties.

"Damn it, sombrero!"

Soonbe Keiichi roared, the huge roar turned into substantial sound waves in the sea water and spread in all directions. His bright red eyes looked at Lin Tian, ​​Soonbe Keiichi rushed towards the warship, no warships around, Soonbe Keiyi's body even It's tough, and it's hard to last for long in the 10,000 meters deep sea without oxygen.

Instead of taking the opportunity to pursue Qiyi in the park, Lin Tian rushed back towards the Sonny. The Sonny was too close to the Murloc Island, and the laser beams consumed too much energy. If he did not go back, the Sonny would simply Can't bear this wave of shock.

Not only humans, but even the murloc army madly flees in the opposite direction of the murloc island. If this kind of shock is involved, even if they are murlocs, it will be difficult to escape.

The explosion stirred up the entire deep ocean, and the surrounding sea water was like a wild horse running off the hook, rushing wildly, centering on the explosion of Murloc Island, and the surrounding ocean currents for dozens of miles were all chaotic.

After more than ten minutes passed, the aftermath of the explosion finally calmed down. In the end, only a few warships escaped from the huge naval fleet composed of 30 warships. As for the fisherman island soldiers, thousands of people were lost, but most of them were able to escape.

As for the Sonny, the damage was equally serious. The entire hull was almost torn apart. The impact of the Murloc Island explosion was too strong, even if the Sonny’s shield almost failed to resist.

But fortunately, there is nothing to do. If Lin Tian arrived in time, Luffy, Sauron and Sanji would be in danger. They were almost caught in the shock wave and it was difficult to escape.

After being out of danger, the Sonny followed the world government fleet and headed toward the sea. Everyone knew that the war was not over, but had just begun.

It's just that the battlefield will move from the bottom of the sea to the surface. The battle on the sea surface is several times more terrifying than the seabed. Without the sea water, the power of Fujitora and others will be fully utilized.

Lin Tian and the others left, what was left to the fish people was indeed a huge mess, looking at the fragments of the entire underwater fish people island piled up in front of them.

I don’t know how many murloc warriors made crying sounds. They paid such a huge price to protect the murloc island. Unexpectedly, the murloc island was destroyed in the end, and it was still destroyed by the straw hat pirates. Thinking of this, many murloc warriors stopped. Weeping, they clenched their fists, their red eyes gleaming with vengeance like wild beasts.

"The Straw Hat Pirates!! I misunderstood you, for nothing I believe in you"

"Mrs. Xia Li is right. The straw hat boy destroyed the Murloc Island. He is the culprit who destroyed the Murloc Island."

"This hatred can only be washed away with blood, we want revenge!"

"Yes, revenge! Revenge! Revenge!"


Suddenly, countless murlocs waved their weapons and roared with vengeance. More murlocs appeared from the dark seabed and joined the revenge crowd.

These murlocs who appeared were all previously hiding in the surrounding waters to watch the battle. They saw the Straw Hat Pirates take action, and the Straw Hat Boys personally destroyed the film around the Murloc Island.

The fish people naturally don't know that Lu Fei and the others are helpless, they only believe in everything they have seen with their own eyes, and the straw hat boy takes action to destroy the fish island.

Among the fish crowd, the most unwilling to believe that this scene was White Star. The huge White Star naturally saw Luffy make a move. White Star covered his mouth with both hands, and tears flowed down his eyes.

‘How could Lord Luffy destroy Murloc Island? ’

Bai Xing kept asking in his heart that Luffy was such a good person. He also tried his best to save the Murloc Island. How could he destroy it with his own hands, but what happened before Bai Xing saw with his own eyes, it was indeed the Lord Luffy destroying the Murloc. island.

On the one hand, it was the fact that was in front of me, on the other hand, it was persistence in her heart. Bai Xing was lost in confusion. She was calling in her heart, calling for someone to give her a perfect and correct explanation.

"By the way, if you want to know why Lord Luffy is doing this, you can only ask Lord Luffy directly."

Thinking of this, Bai Xingyu squeezed his hand slightly, glanced at the dark sea above his head, and was able to reach the sea all the way up, and asked Lord Luffy why he did this. Secretly making up his mind, Bai Xing took a deep breath and immediately rushed towards the sea.

"not good!"

Upon discovering this scene, the faces of the princes around Bai Xing were unhappy for an instant. Without a word, they hurriedly chased Bai Xing and shouted: "White Star, what are you doing, stop quickly, you can't go to the sea".

The task of protecting the White Star is for King Neptune to confess to the princes. After knowing that the world government is preparing to attack Merman Island, Lin Tian worried that the world government might know the identity of the White Star, so he specifically notified King Neptune to protect the White Star. Appeared in front of the world government coalition forces.

It is a pity that Bai Xing did not seem to hear the shouts of the princes. She rushed towards the sea with her head dull. She wanted to see Lord Luffy for an explanation.

"Wait, Bai Xing!"

King Neptune appeared in front of Bai Xing in time, blocking Bai Xing's path.

The stopped Bai Xing put his hands on his chest, and cried: "Father Emperor, I am going to find Lord Luffy, I want to ask them, they must have some other reason for destroying the fisherman island."

With a light sigh, King Neptune said disappointedly: "I don't want to believe it either, but it was indeed made by the straw hat boy, didn't you see it too? He destroyed the fisherman island."

"Do not!"

Bai Xing shook his head desperately, defending Lu Fei and the others: "It's not like that. Your Excellency Lu Fei must have a reason to do this. Brother Lin Tian must know something, and he will explain it to me."

Bai Xing believes that Brother Lin Tian will not let Your Excellency Lu Fei make a move to destroy Murloc Island. Brother Lin Tian must know the reason, but Lin Tian has no knowledge of Lu Fei's decision.

"No!" King Neptune objected very firmly, "Even if Lin Tian can explain it, but it is not now, your identity is not suitable for going to the sea, and you must hide it is also ordered by Lin Tian."

After a pause, King Neptune's tone calmed down, and he persuaded, "White Star, you really shouldn't show up at this time. If you need an explanation, you can..."

Before he finished speaking, King Neptune's expression changed drastically, his head turned mechanically, and he saw several huge sea kings appear behind him at some unknown time.


King Neptune crashed in his mind for an instant, and the last thing he didn't want to see happened happened, and Bai Xing summoned the Neptune class again.

Each of these sea kings is the lord level of the sea kings. Their shortest length is more than 5,000 meters. Their huge body is like a sea mountain peak, and most of their bodies are hidden in the dark deep sea.

King Neptune's eyes quickly swept across six sea kings. Some of these sea kings are like sea snakes, some are like frogs, and some are like ostriches...Although they are unique in shape, no one will doubt that their huge bodies What a terrible power.

The frog-looking Neptune opened his voice, and asked Bai Xing respectfully, "Princess White Star, I wonder if you have anything to call us?

Looking at the giant Neptunes in front of them, the white star seemed to have a special feeling with them, but the cowardly white star still timidly pleaded: "I...I want you to take me to the surface."

"No problem, Princess White Star, this is our honor," Ostrich Neptune replied.

Speaking The huge body of the ostrich sea king swims slowly, slowly swimming under the white star Princess, letting the white star sit on her neck.

The Sea Snake and the Neptune said excitedly: "Princess White Star, you have been able to call us on your own initiative. It is really great. I can clearly feel that your induction with Princess White Star has strengthened."

"I don't know, I just feel that you can help me, so I call you here in my heart", Bai Xing replied softly, and she didn't explain these things clearly.

Under the six Neptune escorts, Bai Xing rushed towards the sea and looked up at the disappearing White Star. King Neptune didn’t say a word. With Neptune escorts, Bai Xing’s safety didn’t need to be worried at all. To the White Star is safe.

Moreover, King Neptune also wanted to know why the straw hat boy did that.


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