The second day of the Chambord Islands battle, Halibard Island!

The Great Sea Route is an island that no one will pass by. Halibard Island is located outside of the seven routes, slightly close to the windless zone, and there are often sea kings, so this island rarely sees ships passing by.

Because of the lack of man-made destruction, the island still retains its ancient times tens of thousands of years ago. The entire island is covered by dense jungle, making it a very good place to live in seclusion.

Lin Tian and others were beaten by bears and flew here. In a corner of the dense forest, a few small wooden houses stood standing on the crisp grass, and the sea breeze rushed from the sea, rolling up the grass and bending down.

Chopper walked out of the forest with a small bag full of herbs on his back. Next to Nami, she hugged and held a small bag full of green herbs. Nami had just accompany Qiaoba to gather the required medicinal materials.

I saw Qiao Ba squinted his eyes at the herbal medicine in the bag behind him, and said to himself: "When I was photographed and flew here, I didn’t carry the medical kit and landed on the Sonny. Everyone was injured again. Fortunately, this island There are many medicinal materials, and even some rare Chinese medicines, which relieve the urgent need."

"Hey, Chopper, are we enough herbs?" Nami looked down at the herbs in her arms and suddenly asked.

Chopper replied: "Enough is enough, but only enough for today and tomorrow we need to continue to go into the forest."

Everyone is more or less traumatized, even if two packs of herbs are not enough, it is a pity that they didn't bring a medical kit, otherwise there would be no need for such trouble.

The two were talking, and they had walked to the wooden house. Lin Tian and others wrapped in white gauze were sitting on the green grass. Everyone was busy with their own affairs. Some were talking, some were bored looking at the sea, and some were lying. Close your eyes and rest on the grass.

Handing the Chinese herbal medicine in her arms to Chopper, Nami walked to the edge of Lin Tian lying on the grass with her eyes closed, she stretched out her hand to caress the skirt, and sat down on the ground, her beautiful legs slightly bent.

Seeing Lin Tian's eyes closed in contemplation, Nami said, "What? Are you still thinking about Murloc Island?"

"Well, I don't know what happened to the fellow Lu Fei?" Lin Tian did not open his eyes with a soft response.

Reaching out her hand to back her head with the fluttering hair blowing in the breeze in front of her, Nami smiled slightly and said, "Since you are worried, why don't you follow it yourself, let Luffy go alone."

"It's not a question of whether I will go or not, nor whether I want to go, but that this incident is not suitable for me to go." Lin Tian suddenly opened his eyes as he spoke.

Hearing Lin Tian’s unclear answer, Nami was slightly taken aback. What does this mean? Lin Tian’s trip to Fishman Island should be the most reasonable candidate, so she couldn’t help asking: "What does this mean? Are there any scruples?"

After shouting and sitting up, Lin Tian faintly replied: "Well, this destruction of the Murloc Island is not only the destruction of the Murloc Island, but also involves the destruction of nearly 100,000 Murloc warriors, causing huge damage to the Murlocs. It can be imagined that the murlocs should have corpses all over the field, crying all over the floor.

"The same grief comes from anger and hatred, so I can't do anything to go to Fishman Island at this time, but it will bring more chaos."

Nami nodded slightly, but looking at the puzzled look on her face, it was obvious that she was a little bit understanding.

I don’t know when Sanji came over with a cane, and he happened to hear Lin Tian and Nami each other, and he was a little puzzled, so he couldn’t help but interject: "Lin Tian, ​​it’s not right to say that. It's not you, but Luffy. At this time, if you ask Luffy to go, it should make things more chaotic."

Upon hearing this, Nami's heart was shocked, she raised her head to look at Lin Tian, ​​her face full of doubts, Sanji was right, it was Luffy, not Lin Tian who gave the order to destroy Murloc Island.

Lin Tian smiled helplessly. It seemed that they still didn't understand and didn't know how to grasp human nature. However, Lin Tian was about to open his mouth to explain to them, and the foil Bista suddenly asked, "You will think that the fish people will believe that day. The hero who saved the Murloc Island and finally destroyed the Murloc Island?"

"This..." Sanji was speechless for a while.

The question of Foil Bista made it difficult for Sanji to answer. From the perspective of the Murlocs, I would definitely not believe how the heroes who desperately saved the Murloc Island destroyed Murloc Island, but the destruction of Murloc Island was indeed Luffy. Decision made.

Bista then said: "That’s right, those murlocs won’t believe it. Even if King Neptune of the murlocs knew that Luffy gave the order, even if he told all the murlocs, he wouldn’t believe it. A former hero will become a murderer. No one will believe it."

"If it hadn't been for Luffy to give the order, who would the Murlocs think it was," Sanji asked.


Lin Tian took the initiative to answer, and Shanzhi was stunned. Yes, besides Luffy, it would be Lin Tian who had this possibility.

Just listen to Lin Tian said indifferently: "They will not think of Luffy, but will think of me, because compared to Luffy, I have more reasons and motivations, and I can do this."

Nami couldn't help asking, "Why is this?"

"Because of my status? I am the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, and there are some political factors involved." At this point, Lin Tian was a little bit hesitant, obviously not wanting to tell Nami them.

But after thinking about it, this is not something unspeakable, so he said: "You should all know that the Murloc Island incident affects the world and will greatly change this war and become a turning point in the war, because many The country and the forces are paying attention to the ending of the fisherman island, and they decide that they will choose a position between the world government and the revolutionary army."

"Either the revolutionary army or the world government has a reason for victory. Therefore, even if the destruction of the fisherman island cannot be prevented, it must also be destroyed in the hands of the revolutionary army, and I am still known by the world as the murderer who destroys a country at will." .

After listening to Lin Tian's words, Nami and Sanji's hearts were slightly sinking. Although Lin Tian didn't speak very clearly, many things don't need to be so clear. Everyone can hear them.

Although the fisherman island was destroyed in the end, the destruction in the hands of the world government is completely different from the revolutionary army. The fisherman island is destroyed in the revolutionary army, then the revolutionary army can control the initiative of this event, and finally explain the reason. It will be in the hands of the revolutionary army. This is politics.

If the world government destroys the fisherman island, it means that the revolutionary army cannot resist the power of the world government. They can at most take the opportunity to enter the four oceans, but they are not opponents of the world government at all.

There is no way. Although the four oceans occupy 70% of the world's territory, the four oceans combined are not as great as the great route. Just say the strong, the great route gathers all the strong in the world.

The great sea route can destroy a country's powerhouse, two hands can not be clicked, and the four oceans may not necessarily be there, even in the East China Sea, the highest bounty is still Luffy's 30 million record, and no one has broken it so far.

In sea areas like the East China Sea, a person who can use the domineering power to go is completely invincible. This is a world of power. Facing the real power, no matter how many people there are, there are no ants.

Just like Lin Tian, ​​when Lin Tian carried the scapegoat to destroy the Moonlight Clan, he was called the killing **** by the world. Sometimes people often pursued not the real answer, but the answer they could accept. This is human nature.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little dull, Lin Tian changed the subject and said: "Okay, let’s not talk about it. This time I want Usopp, Robin and Frankie to accompany Luffy, just not let Luffy do stupid things, fight for it. Before the representatives of the revolutionary army arrived at Fishman Island, they explained all misunderstandings clearly."

When Lu Fei explained the murloc island things clearly, they almost recovered their injuries, and then they could go to the murlocs.

Lightly tapping her lips, Nami said with some worry: "However, now that the Murloc Island is destroyed, what about the hundreds of thousands of Murloc people?"

Hearing that Nami was worried about this, Lin Tian couldn't help but smiled and said, "Don't worry, we have prepared a new living place for the murlocs."

How could their revolutionary army not think about this? It is necessary to know that it is the great crisis that the Murloc tribe has rarely encountered in a thousand years, and the revolutionary army will naturally use all its strength to help the Murloc warriors.

In this way, the murlocs can not only see the sincerity of the revolutionary army, but also the friendship of mankind. Perhaps the destruction of the murloc island is not a blessing.

The racial problem between Murloc Island and humans has persisted for hundreds of years. Murloc Island has stayed in the deep sea for many years and is afraid or even afraid of the outside world. Humans have never contacted the Murlocs, and their knowledge of the Murlocs remains in the thousands. Years in the legend.

Now the destruction of the Murloc Island has become the driving force of the Murloc’s change. Losing the Murloc Island, the Murloc must change if they want to survive, and there is only one direction for their survival, and that is to return to the sea and under the blue sky.

In Lin Tian’s view, the problem between the murlocs and humans is just because the two races have too little contact with each other. Many cognitions are completely wrong. The two races only need to take the first step, and there will be no difference. The same future.

It's a pity that both the murlocs and humans are afraid. They dare not move forward. Otherwise, the murlocs are very longing for the blue sky and clear water, but they have lived in the depth of 10,000 meters under the sea for thousands of years. The murlocs are actually afraid that humans will harm them. Like hundreds of years, many murlocs have been captured by humans and become slaves.

In fact, that is only a small number of humans. Most humans have not even seen murlocs. They are also afraid that murlocs will kill them. For example, the hometown of Nami, Kokosia Village is a clear example.

However, the destruction of Murloc Island has prompted Murloc Island to take the first step towards the human world. This has become an important turning point for the two ethnic groups of Murloc and human.

The Revolutionary Army has set aside a beautiful uninhabited island in the West China Sea, temporarily used as a place for the murlocs to live in. When the murlocs return to the great route in the future, the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army have decided to halve the Chambord Islands, as well as the islands of Reims and Punkhards. , Sidi Nana Island, these three connected islands serve as the future survival place of the Murloc tribe.

And under the regime ruled by the Revolutionary Army, the Murlocs will have the same power and status as humans, and it is absolutely not allowed to buy and sell Murloc Island. Unlike the world government that does not buy and sell murlocs on the surface, in fact, it is the high-level leaders who actually participate in murloc transactions.

Although Lin Tian did not know what would happen to the collision between the two races when the murlocs returned to the blue sky, Lin Tian believed that even if there were any difficulties, as time went on, the murlocs and humans became more and more in contact. The two races will truly live in peace.

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