When the sea fleet was destroyed in a blink of an eye under the attack of the Sonny, Lafitte threw down the pirates floating on the sea and fled in embarrassment. The Sonny braved the wind and waves and went straight through the battlefield, leaving only the sea shrouded in flames. Pirate boats and pirates and dead bodies floating on the sea.


On the deck, Chopper, Brook and Luffy rode each other's shoulders, dancing with joy. They just destroyed the fleet of ten pirate ships.

"These guys are really boring enough and haven't figured out the current situation at all", shook her head, Nami said helplessly.

Robin, who was flipping the book, suddenly raised his head and reminded: "Let’s not be too happy. Those ten pirate ships are nothing to the Blackbeard Pirates. They are even the main force of the Blackbeard Pirates. No, it's just a pirate group under the name of the Blackbeard Pirate Group. Like this type of pirate group, the Blackbeard Pirate Group can find countless in the new world at any time."

Lin Tian nodded and agreed: "Robin is right. Our real opponent is the Blackbeard Pirates. Those Pirates are just small characters."

Frankie turned around and asked puzzledly: "In that case, why did Blackbeard send these little characters to attack us? They should understand that these people can't cause us any harm."

Lin Tian suddenly shook his head and explained: "Of course, Black Beard will not send these little characters to attack us. If I am not mistaken, Black Beard dispatches these little characters just to find out where we are."

"So, our whereabouts have been exposed," Sanji said solemnly.

"It's not already, I am afraid that since we entered the dark sea, our whereabouts have been completely exposed to the black beard pirate group's vision, otherwise why did five pirate ships attack us last night," Lin Tian said.

Lin Tian couldn't see the slightest change in Lin Tian's expression on his extremely calm face, as if he had already expected this in his heart.

Dragging his chin with one hand, Sauron thought: "Since Blackbeard has spotted us a long time ago, it means that there are probably all Blackbeard Pirate crew members on the Dark Island now, waiting for us to arrive."

Hearing that, Jinping at the helm had a very bad face, and said, "This is trouble!"

Jinping had been to the Dark Island before, and he knew very well that after the Blackbeard Pirates made great efforts to transform the Dark Island, the Dark Island was completely a military fortress.

When the Blackbeard Pirates were fully prepared, just relying on a pirate ship on the Sonny to attack a military fort guarded by the Four Emperors Pirates was simply going to die.


Dark island!

The most famous island in the New World, the original capital of crime. Ever since the Blackbeard Pirates has seized it, the Dark Island has become even more famous because the world’s number one Pirates, the Blackbeard Pirates is stationed on this island.

Dark Island is not so much an island as it is a sharp mountain, towering into the clouds, like a sword pierced into the dark clouds.

According to research by related scholars, the Dark Island should have been a submarine mountain thousands of years ago. Later, it was thought that half of the seabed was moving. This mountain rose out of thin air to form an island. The whole body of the Dark Island was black, and it was all made of black volcanic rock. to make.

The Dark Island is a rocky island. Only a small part of the island has plants. There is no way. The cost of planting plants on the Dark Island is too high. First, you must bring fertile soil from the distant island, and the plants must survive. The force is extremely strong, otherwise it will not be able to adapt to the environment of the Dark Island, and it will require specialized personnel to maintain it at all times.

Except for the small number of plants in the area where the Shanghai Pirate Group is stationed and the town, the entire island is all bare black rocks.

Although Dark Island lacks vitality and greenness, Dark Island is indeed a natural military base. The entire island is made of solid black rocks. The various caves and passages in the island are densely packed, and they do not need to be excavated. They can be constructed simply by renovation. A huge base hidden inside the island was created. After more than two years of transformation, now most of the island in Dark Island has been transformed.

There are various reefs and reefs in the waters around the Dark Island. The larger pirate boats cannot travel. There is only one excellent port on the entire island.

There is a crescent-shaped bay at the southeast corner of the island. This is the only port on the Dark Island where ships can dock. The bay is huge, covering an area of ​​several square kilometers, even if hundreds of ships stay at the same time, it will not feel at all crowded.

Moreover, the entrance and exit of this harbor are only hundreds of meters wide. It is a rare place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It can be said that the black beard pirates use steel to transform and pave the entrance and exit positions, and build huge forts. fortress.

At this moment, upon receiving the news of the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates, the entire Blackbeard Pirate Group dispatched to meet the Straw Hat Pirates.

Looking along the sea, right in front of the gap, a fleet of thirty pirate ships constituted the first line of defense at sea, guarding the gap.

Moving forward, the giant forts on both sides of the gap were full of pirates. A cannon was aimed at the sea, the explosives had been loaded, and the shells had been filled.

His gaze continued to move forward, over the gap, over the sea, right in front of the bay, guarded by eight cadres of the Blackbeard Pirate Group.

They are all well-known powerhouses in the New World. The first group followed Blackbeard. It can be said that without them, the Blackbeard Pirate Group would not have grown to where it is now and become the world's No. 1 Pirate Group.

The cadre of the Blackbeard Pirates and the captain of the No. 1 ship "Fighting Champion" Chisas Bashas, ​​is offering a reward of 670 million Baileys.

The cadre of the Blackbeard Pirates and the captain of the No. 3 ship "Xuanyue Hunter" Catalina Depeng, the maritime overlord in Roger's era, is known as the world's most fierce female prisoner in history, offering a reward of 800 million Baileys.

The cadre of the Blackbeard Pirates and the captain of the No. 4 ship "Bag" Bacchus Choate, the sea powerhouse in Roger's era, has a bounty of 990,000 Baileys.

The cadre of the Blackbeard Pirates and the captain of the No. 5 ship "Devil Sheriff" Rafit, is offering a bounty of 720 million Baileys.

The cadre of the Black Hu Pirates and the captain of the No. 6 ship, Abalo Pizarro, the sea powerhouse in Roger's era, offered a reward of 740 million Pele.

The cadre of the Blackbeard Pirates, the sniper "Supersonic" Van Oka, defeated the Redhead Pirates sniper **** Bu, known as the world's strongest sniper, with a bounty of 880 million Baileys.

The cadre of the Blackbeard Pirates, the ship doctor "Reaper" Poison Q, is not only a strong medical skill, but also a master of poison. He used poison to poison all the residents of a town several times and offered a reward of 650 million Baileys.

The cadre of the Blackbeard Pirates, the "Huge Battleship" San Juan·Wolf, has a huge body like an island that the whole world is terrifying, once destroyed a naval base with a punch, his bounty is as high as 980 million Bailey.

These eight cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates Group not only offer a terrifying bounty, but their strength is also exceptionally terrifying. Blackbeard is an elite carefully selected from the sixth floor of the advance city, and it was only a navy admiral who could defeat it at sea. The mighty pirate.

In front of the eight cadres, there are two seats, one on each seat, one of them is naturally the Blackbeard Captain of the Blackbeard Pirate Group, a person with the ability of two devil fruits, one dark fruit, one Smashing the fruit, the strength is strong enough to defeat the red-haired Shanks, and the bounty is raised to 1.4 billion Baileys.

Doing on another chair, the former Navy Admiral Green Pheasant-Kuzan, now a partner of the Blackbeard Pirates, from the dignified admiral to cooperate with the pirates, and kill the teacher, the former Admiral Zefa, Kuzan and Lin Sakaski called the navy the most humiliating navy ever.

Since the cooperation relationship between the green pheasant and the Blackbeard Pirates was leaked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the green pheasant has also been offered a reward. As the world government’s highest-powered navy general at the time, the green pheasant offered a reward. At the beginning, it was 1.15 billion Baileys, breaking the bounty record created by Lin Tian.

As for why the admiral of the navy reached a cooperative relationship with a pirate like Blackbeard, the whole world is secretly guessing that no one except the green pheasant knows what the green pheasant is thinking.

At this moment, the entire Blackbeard Pirate Group is dispatched, fifty thousand pirates, 30 warships, such a huge force, gathering the right time and place, and facing the upcoming Straw Hat Pirate Group.

Blackbeard gathers all the power that can be gathered, his only goal is to destroy all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates on the Dark Island.

There was a nervous anger spreading in the air. The pirates clasped their weapons tightly, their palms were sweating, and tens of thousands of eyes stared at the sea ahead, waiting for the arrival of the straw hat pirates.

Finally, a faint shadow emerged from the junction of water and sky, and the Sonny with the straw hat pirate flag rushed towards the port of Dark Island, riding the wind and waves.

The war is about to start.

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