Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1214: Break through the walls

In the gap of 100 meters, Sauron stood alone with his sword, like a ghost and **** that no one can stop. Hundreds of demon fruit capable people faced Sauron, but no one dared to take a step forward.

Sauron’s previous brilliant sword was too strong. Many of them didn’t even swing their swords clearly. Their companions had been cut in half, and the huge green-faced fangs demon face rising from behind Sauron, invisibly faced many pirates. Create a strong deterrent.

The devil fruit capable person who is not strong enough dare not make a move. The body of that guy still has blood, and the white ice surface is dyed a bright red. They don't want to be the second person to go up and die.

In the end, Xiliu stood up, holding a long sword in the wind and snow, and the rolling cold wind brought gusts of snow.

At a distance of 20 meters, Xiliu's footsteps stopped steadily, like a sword eyebrow, a strong sword force erupted from Xiliu's body.

Suddenly, a strong wind rose out of thin air, and the strong wind raged, rolling up the endless wind and snow, like a long dragon of snowflakes rising from the ground.


The howling wind rushed towards his face with several crisp sounds, and saw that the ice surface in front of Sauron was broken inch by inch, and the shards of ice flew close to the ground. Wherever the strong wind was, it was a combination of sharp blades.

Feeling the extremely strong sword power rushing toward his face, Sauron's eyes flashed, so strong swordsmanship, and his heart was full of excitement. Only a swordsman with such a powerful swordsmanship was qualified to fight with all his strength.

The opponent has already exploded with such a strong sword power. Facing the opponent's challenge, Sauron naturally did not show any weakness. The huge piano face and fangs demon face behind him was like the collapse of dozens of high-rise buildings, endless ghost energy gushing out, as if counting. The ten-meter-high waves hit Xiliu directly.

Hundreds of devil fruit capable people not far away were already stunned by this scene. They saw the sky above the 100-meter gap, the sky was occupied by two clouds of fog, one black and one white, covering a full 100-meter sky. What a shocking scene. It's unbelievable, it doesn't look like a means possessed by humans at all.

Since they became capable people, they have always thought that they are great, and their strength is also great in this sea, especially when they are invincible together with a hundred people.

At this moment, they realized that although they are capable, their strength is tens of thousands of miles away from the real strong. The other party's tight aura leaks, which is enough to make the heaven and the earth change. Neither Long nor Xiliu are capable of Devil Fruit, they rely on their own strength to walk to this position step by step.

When the many demon fruit capable pirates were shocked, Xiliu's words came vaguely, "I will block this person, you quickly go to the battlefield to join the battle and stabilize the front."

Xiliu's words awakened everyone who was stunned, and everyone who reacted quickly took the opportunity to pass through the gap and rush into the meniscus-shaped bay.

Seeing this scene, Sauron didn't stop him, because he knew that even if he stopped him, it would be useless. The Blackbeard Pirate Group cadre in front of him couldn't let himself take a shot.

Rather than thinking about the destruction of the battle situation caused by the influx of hundreds of abilities into the battlefield, it is better to gather all your attention in front of you and solve this swordsman, which is the top priority.

At the same time, this scene was naturally discovered by Lin Tian. In the face of Lin Tian's strong and domineering look, there was nothing on the battlefield that could be hidden from Lin Tian.

Lin Tian's face was slightly solemn, but those were more than one hundred demon fruit capable persons. They were not the half-struck capable persons of the Kaido Pirate Group of the beasts. They had various abilities, including animal type, superhuman type, and natural type capable persons. Both.

Joining the battlefield with more than one hundred abilities is enough to instantly change the situation of the entire battlefield. To be honest, with the addition of more than one hundred demon fruit abilities, plus the remaining tens of thousands of crew members, it is enough to withstand the attacks of Lu Fei and others.

This is a very bad signal. You must know that only one cadre of the Blackbeard Pirate Group has taken action so far. The rest of the cadres, including Blackbeard, have not taken action yet, and they have all joined the battlefield except themselves.

On the high platform, seeing the secret agent team breaking in from the gap, the ugly face of Blackbeard finally showed a smile.

The appearances of those subordinates just disappointed Blackbeard too much. The world’s first Blackbeard Pirates, tens of thousands of people, can’t help but nine people. Well, it should be said that the nine people don’t lose their helmets and armor. Going out, what will the world think, the world's first big pirate group tens of thousands of people can not beat nine people, and their faces are all shameless.

"Exploding Star!"

The slingshot in Usopp's hand was quickly launched, and bullets flew into the crowd. A bang bang bang sounded, and in a blink of an eye, the dense crowd in front was cleared out of a clearing.


At this moment, a familiar shout suddenly came from behind, and Usopp quickly looked back and saw Lin Tian shouting to himself.

Before Usopp asked what Lin Tian did, he listened to Lin Tian said: "You can't continue to delay, Usopp, use the last method to blast off the high wall in front of me."


A look of joy flashed across his face, and Usopp nodded quickly in response. If Lin Tian hadn't waited for his instructions, Usopp would have wanted to do so.

Turning his gaze, he quickly looked at Chopper, the behemoth beside him, and Usopp shouted: "Chopper, come and prepare, let us blast off the wall together!"


Chopper responded, and his huge body of tens of meters quickly ran toward Usopp. A famous pirate was knocked into flight. In the dense crowd, Chopper was like a bulldozer running rampant. Just one leg can hit many people.

Chopper and Usopp are not far apart. Coupled with the huge size of Chopper, Chopper came to Usopp with more than a dozen legs. His hands were shot on both sides of Usopp. A famous person could not dodge. The pirate was shot and flew out.

Bang! Usopp raised the slingshot in his hand and reinserted it on the ice, and said to Chopper with his back on his back: "Chopper, give me some preparation time, and help me keep around."

Chopper raised his thumb high, with a confident smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, give me peace of mind!"

After that, Chopper shot out with two big hands. The huge palm of several meters is like a high-speed train hitting. For a moment, I don’t know how many pirates are flying. It is within ten meters of Usopp. None of the pirates stood.

With the behemoth Chopper blocking it, the surrounding pirates hit Chopper with guns like itchy, even if the rocket bombarded Chopper, it would be difficult to break Chopper's defense.

When Chopper blocked the surrounding pirates, Usopp held the slingshot in both hands and inserted it into the ice under his feet. Suddenly, the slingshot in Usopp's hand was inserted into the ice, and it expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Forgot to say, the slingshot in Usopp's hand is not an ordinary slingshot. It is made of a kind of magical plant, which is similar to the Nami weather stick. It can be turned into by applying different pressure.

After the transformation of Usopp in the past two days, Usopp's slingshot can now rapidly expand as long as a certain amount of water is poured into a giant slingshot.

"What it is?"

A pirate lifted up and carried the rocket in his hand and was about to shoot at Chopper. Suddenly, a giant slingshot expanded rapidly in front of him, and the pirate was stunned, and his mouth trembled.

This scene not only saw all the pirates attacking on the side, but also saw the surrounding city walls, including the officials and Blackbeard on the high platform, and they were all shocked.

"What the **** is this? A giant slingshot that can grow? Just kidding." The pirates couldn't believe it. Some people raised their hands and rubbed their eyes. They thought it was an illusion. Looking forward again, the slingshot was still Stand tall.

For a time, tens of thousands of people on the battlefield focused their eyes on this giant slingshot. The slingshot was black and tens of meters high. Such a huge slingshot is really unheard of.

Luffy's eyes lighted up and said, "Oh, that's the Usoput large slingshot. It's really amazing."

"I didn't expect it to be so huge!" Frankie was stunned. Although Usopp had said it, it felt completely different from seeing it with his own eyes.

"so big!"

Seeing this slingshot that was a little taller than his own size, Qiaoba couldn't help but admire.

Seeing that his slingshot had caused such a huge shock to the people on the entire battlefield, Usopp had a triumphant smile on his face, and he was naturally extremely happy to be recognized for his achievements.

Excitement is excitement. Usopp didn't forget what was going on. He raised his head and asked Chopper to lift himself to his shoulders, and stood firmly on Chopper's shoulders, holding Chopper's rough hair in one hand, groping in his pocket for a long time with the other, and then took out A seed was thrown into Chopper's hand.

At the order of Usopp, Chopper crushed the seeds between his fingers. With Chopper’s strength enough to crush the seeds into powder, Chopper smashed the seed shells into small pieces. It was already visible to the naked eye that the speed was swelling rapidly, and Chopper opened his fingers forcibly, and finally turned into a green ball larger than Chopper's hand, which was embraced by Chopper's hands.

Holding this huge ball, Chopper reacted and asked in surprise: "Usopp, what the **** is this?"

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Usopp proudly introduced: "This is a kind of seed I treasure. I told him to **** a balloon. As long as he crushes his shell, it will inhale a lot of air and then grow rapidly. The big one is very hard, even if the hardness is several points stronger than steel."

Enlarging the huge sphere dragged in his hand into the slingshot, immediately under the command of Usopp, Chopper pulled the slingshot with both hands and withdrew step by step.

Such a huge slingshot is naturally not what Usopp can pull. Only the huge size of Chopper is suitable for pulling the huge slingshot. Otherwise, why did Usopp call Chopper over.

Squatting down, Usopp stood steadily on Chopper's shoulders, put down the scope on his hat, Usopp calculated the best aiming position step by step, Chopper just pulled the slingshot, and it was Usopp who really came to aim.

"Chopper, move three steps to the right and one step back. Now the wind direction is 4, the air humidity is 50, and the body is squatting slightly..."

Under Usopp's command Chopper adjusted his position little by little, and finally, Chopper adjusted the best position.

Usopp immediately gave an order, and Chopper loosened his hands, only to hear a loud bang, which was caused by the powerful force of the slingshot, even the air blasted and made a noise.

The huge sphere with a diameter of several meters is like a giant cannonball sliding across the sky. Under the tense gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, the sphere hits the high platform in front of it heavily.


This blow really broke the ground, and a huge noise rang out. Usopp was right. The hardness of the ball was even stronger by steel. The huge impact and super hardness made the ball blast into the high wall. In the middle, the billowing smoke rose up like a long dragon, and countless broken stones flew up, falling like raindrops and smashing into the crowd, but no one paid attention to them now.

That heavy high strength, under this strong blow, blasted a big hole, and cracks appeared around the big hole, the cracks were densely packed, like a spider web.

The cracks grew bigger and bigger, and the tall city wall began to tremble. Finally, with a loud bang, the more than ten-meter-high city wall collapsed, revealing a gap of tens of meters long.

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