The top of the dark island peaks, the peaks towering into the clouds, thousands of meters high, the clouds are misty, ever-changing, and the cold wind is howling, and you can catch the flying clouds with a slight stretch of your hand.

At this moment, at the top of the mountain, Blackbeard and Luffy stood tall, and the roaring cold wind blew on them, their clothes fluttered and rustled, and a lot of white heat came out of them.

Luffy's shirt had already been broken in the battle, his upper body was naked, his feet bounced, his red armed color was domineering covering his skin, a trace of blood remained at the corner of his mouth, and his mouth was panting heavily.

Black Beard also panted heavily in his mouth, standing on a boulder on the top of the mountain, with a black cloak fluttering behind his back, and a smug smile filled the corners of his mouth.

Just listen to the black beard gasping and saying: "Straw hat boy, although I don't know what is going on in your state, but the physical exertion must be very huge. Now your physical strength has reached the limit, you still How long will it last?"

With that, Black Beard's face was smugly smiling, as if he had seen himself defeating the straw hat boy and sitting on the throne of the Shanghai Thief.

Even if Xiliu and several other cadres were defeated, and the team of the most powerful under his team was also killed and wounded, what about it, as long as he defeated the straw hat boy, the balance of victory would once again tilt to his side.

"Enough support to defeat you!" Luffy's tone was not weak.

Blackbeard snorted coldly: "Huh, kid, the tone is too rampant. When I was **** on the ocean, your dad was not born yet!"

As soon as the voice fell, Blackbeard's feet suddenly flicked, and a violent explosion broke the boulder under his feet, like an arrow from the string, the figure rushed out and flew straight towards the road.

"Smash the wave punch!"

A strange wave radiated from Blackbeard's left fist, and the void suddenly trembled, and Blackbeard raised his fist and blasted towards Luffy.

"Rubber Rubber Yuan Wang Pao!"

With a loud shout, Luffy squeezed a fist with his right hand, pressed his fist into his arm a little bit, and then suddenly blasted out. Suddenly, there was a loud bang. This is a powerful force that directly blasted the air and set off a sharp sound of tearing the air. .

The two fists collided, like a meteorite falling from the sky, slamming together. Suddenly, there was a loud sound of the sky and the earth cracking, and the violent power turned into an invisible shock wave and spread in all directions. Cracks climbed to the top of the mountain.

"Go down to me, Straw Hat Boy," Blackbeard yelled, and a stronger force poured out and bombarded Luffy.

Although the fourth block Luffy is very strong, it is still a bit worse than Blackbeard. At this moment, Luffy consumes a lot of physical strength and is not an opponent of Blackbeard. He was immediately hit by Blackbeard and fell straight toward the top of the mountain. It turned into a small black shadow and disappeared in Blackbeard's eyes.

Standing on the edge of the mountain, looking down at Luffy, who had fallen into a black shadow, finally showed an excited smile on Blackbeard's face, saying: "Jump down thousands of meters and see if you are not dead."

Luffy is not the kind of perverted beast Kaido, he will undoubtedly die if he falls thousands of meters.

As soon as the voice fell, Black Beard's expression suddenly changed, his smile stopped abruptly, his mouth slightly opened as if he saw something extremely shocking, his face was shocked.

"How is this possible?" Black Beard muttered to himself, shocked in his tone of voice.

I saw that Luffy, who was about to fall to the foot of the mountain, flew up like a bird, pushed by the elastic force of his feet, and Luffy rushed all the way to the top of the mountain.

At this time, Blackbeard had accepted the fact that Luffy was able to fly, and his face calmly said: "Even if you can fly, you are not my opponent. You can't beat and win me."

Said so, but Blackbeard was very afraid that Luffy would use flying to escape, and when he joined Lin Tian to fight against himself, he would definitely die at that time.

It's a pity that Blackbeard doesn't understand Luffy. Luffy said that to solve Blackbeard alone is to solve Blackbeard alone. He will never ask anyone for help, and will not allow anyone to help.

Levitating high in the sky with the help of elasticity, in the surprised eyes of Blackbeard, Luffy clenched his fists and touched each other, and then pressed each other forcefully.

Looking at this scene, Black Beard looked strange, what the straw hat kid was doing, performing acrobatics, it seemed to have nothing to do with fighting.

Thinking of the black beard laughed, and mocked: "Straw hat kid, what are you doing? Will you show me the monkey?"

But the next second, Blackbeard’s laughter stopped abruptly, like a duck pinched around his neck, something that surprised Blackbeard happened. I saw a flash of light on Luffy’s body, and the black armed color was turned into purple and black. .

Domineering is the physical potential that everyone has. It can be stimulated through practice to gain this power, and it can be continuously strengthened through practice. The potential of domineering is unlimited.

For example, seeing and hearing domineering cultivation to the point where they can meet the future, covering the entire island, and hearing everyone's voice, the domineering and powerful can stun thousands of soldiers in an instant, and even cause physical damage.

Armed color domineering can also be strong or weak. Normal armed color domineering will make the skin look black. Strong armed color domineering can change the shape of an object. When armed color domineering is strong enough, it can become purple-black and have stronger attack Power and destructive power.

Even if Blackbeard hadn't reached this point, all his energy was used to develop the ability of two Devil Fruits, and he naturally lags behind in the development of domineering.

Armed color domineering is now known to be the naval hero Karp. Karp's armed color dominance has been cultivated to purple. He is the number one in the world and possesses the power to kill the world's most powerful admiral.

It was not just a domineering change, Luffy's body suddenly swelled, and the speed was very fast. In a flash, Luffy's body became several times larger.

Moreover, on Luffy's purple-black skin, the thick and thin blood vessels of the thumb are high and protruding, and the densely packed blood vessels are all over Luffy's body, even on his face. The blood is expanding, as if it is about to burst at any time.

Blackbeard was anxious for Luffy's blood vessels to burst, so that he would have to spend energy to kill Luffy, but things obviously wouldn't happen according to Blackbeard's idea.

Luffy's body swelled several times, the blood vessels bulging up and down like the roots of old trees, and a large amount of red steam continuously emitted from his body to cover Luffy's body, as if there was a stove burning in his body.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang in the steam, and Blackbeard was taken aback. He thought there was an explosion, and he quickly looked at it, but unfortunately the steam was too thick and he couldn't see what was inside. In addition, Luffy was suspended high in the sky. Walk in.

Along with the loud noise, a strong wind rushed out, and the strong wind mixed with steam flew towards his face, and the black beard couldn't help but raise his hand to cover it.

Until the strong wind blew, Blackbeard quickly lowered his arm and looked forward. He was eager to know what happened to Luffy. When he saw Luffy clearly at this moment, Blackbeard couldn't help being shocked.

I saw Luffy completely changed in front of him. Previously, Luffy was still a strong giant with red skin. Now Luffy's body is very thin and his thick arms have shrunk several times. In no time, he completed the transformation from fat to thin, although much thinner. , But Luffy's body is still full of muscles, different from the previous explosive muscles, now it is much more beautiful.

Not only that, the whole body's skin changed from red to purple-black, the flame pattern on the chest disappeared, but instead was replaced by a purple-black flame.

It stands to reason that at this moment Luffy's body became thin and weak, and he could not fly without the elastic support of forward, but Luffy's feet were still suspended in the air.

"Five gears!!!"

Seeing the earth-shaking changes in Luffy, Blackbeard stunned, then clutched his forehead and laughed, "Fifth gear? Do you think you are driving? The previous strong body is not my opponent, but now he has become so thin and weak. Can you beat me?"

"Shut up!" Lu Fei shouted angrily, and then slowly said: "During the battle between Hezhiguo and Kaido, facing Kaido's hard body and powerful force, the fourth gear state is difficult to resist and needs to be stronger. power".

"The second, third, and fourth gears all use air to increase the elasticity of the rubber body, gain a giant body, and thus get stronger strength, but it is difficult to increase by continuing to do so, so I thought of another way, that is, compression. Just like using a rubber ape king spear to retract your fist into your body to gain stronger strength, it is specifically compressed into an ordinary form in the fourth gear state. This is the fifth gear!!"

After a pause, Luffy said with confidence: "In this form, you are definitely not my opponent."

With that, Luffy clenched his fists. The time for fifth gear was limited. Talking too much to Blackbeard was a waste of time. Only by showing real power could he see the power of fifth gear.


An air explosion sounded under Luffy's feet, and even the air was stepped on to explode, showing how terrifying power Luffy possessed at this moment. With a flash of figure, Luffy rushed towards Blackbeard.

Only a flash of light was seen in his eyes, but he hadn't realized what was's figure had appeared in front of Blackbeard.

"So fast!"

There was only a moment of exclamation in Blackbeard's mind, and without even reacting, Luffy had already punched him and hit Blackbeard's chest.

A simple punch, ordinary, without the slightest fancy moves, and without listening to Luffy's name, but it exploded with a terrible power that Blackbeard could not resist.

With a bang, the violent power gushes out like a tide, and Blackbeard's chest is deeply sunken inward, as if a 10,000-ton boulder is pressing on his chest. Blackbeard feels his body roll, his bones creak and creak, his internal organs seem to explode Open.

The tip of the tongue was sweet, and the blood spurted out of the body, like a beautiful snowflake blooming in the void.

With another loud noise, Blackbeard burst out, like a cannonball fired by a cannon, turning into a straight line in the sky and flying straight towards the mountain below.

Falling hundreds of meters away, with good luck, I hit a raised mountain peak and didn't fly directly to the foot of the mountain, but the huge impact did sound a loud noise, and the entire mountain was hit by the black beard and collapsed directly. .

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