Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1242: The BIGMOM Pirate Group is destroyed

The turbulent sea, huge waves surging into the sky, tens of meters high, layer upon layer of waves, ups and downs, like tens of thousands of horses galloping above the sea.

The source of the waves is a fierce battlefield. The navy headquarters and the BIGMOM pirates, the two giants of the New World, have earth-shaking collisions. Large areas of the sea are enveloped by war, and the sea rolls like an angry roar.

Bang... bang...

A sound of explosion sounded like thunder on the sea. With the flash of orange fire, water columns with a height of hundreds of meters rose from the surface of the sea. At a glance, countless water columns are countless, thousands. Million.

Regardless of the navy headquarters or the BIGMOM pirate group, the two behemoths are well-deserved hegemons on the sea of ​​the New World, and the forces that can rival the two forces can be counted with one hand.

It stands to reason that the collision between the BIGMOM pirate group and the headquarters of the navy, one of the four emperors, will stir up the situation in the whole world and gain the attention of countless worlds. There have been many pirate groups around to watch the battle, and there are many people who are afraid of the world. Reporters.

But this time the navy headquarters took a surprise attack and defeated the BIGMOM pirates with the momentum of thunder. It does not need to be known to the world as the battle with Whitebeard during the war.

In addition, the navy headquarters is divided into two plans this time. The warring states led the destruction of Deshengti Island along the way, and Sakaski led the attack on the BIGMOM pirate regiment. If the pirates all over the world knew about naval operations, the navy headquarters would face Not just a BIGMOM pirate group, but the angry pirate world.

According to the navy's plan, the power rock was used to destroy the Deshengti Island, and the large number of pirate groups gathered due to the map incident, and at the same time destroyed the Four Emperors force BIGMOM pirate group.

If the plan is implemented smoothly, there will only be two forces on this sea that can rival the navy headquarters, one is the Straw Hat Pirates, the other is the White Beard Pirates, and there are some remaining pirates. For the Pirate World, the navy headquarters that gathered the top powers of the previous era is not without the power of a battle, so this battle is particularly important for the navy headquarters.

The explosion sounded endlessly. In the rough sea, hundreds of warships galloped on the sea, and fires flashed on the warships. It was the cannon emitting angry flames.

The sky was filled with pitch-black cannonballs flying across the sky, piercing the air with a sharp howling sound, and the two fleets collided like a torrent.


Like the loud noise of the sky and the earth, more than a dozen battleships exploded in the moment the two fleets met, and the raging flames waved their minions and climbed onto the battleship, floating like a large fireball on the sea.

Hormiz is indeed a perfect warrior. They are lifeless, they are not afraid of pain, and naturally they do not feel fear. They are able to obey and control commands 100%, and after the technology bonus of the Vinsmok family, the BIGMOM Pirates is a new type The single combat effectiveness of Hormitz is higher than that of elite navy soldiers.

The advantages are also the disadvantages. Hormitz has no life and can't think. In such a big sea battle, he pays more attention to team coordination rather than individual combat power.

For these Hormiz to fight, they can be fearless, but if they need to pay attention to what tactics, it will be far away. Even if it is led by a member of the BIGMOM pirate group, it is difficult to compare with the navy.

Under the tactical cooperation and command of naval officers, the huge navy fleet is divided into small groups, like a sharp knife that divides the BIGMOM fleet into pieces. The hands and tails cannot be connected. Each naval fleet cooperates with each other to encircle and wipe out the encirclement. BIGMOM Pirate Regiment Fleet.

After all, the navy headquarters gathers great routes and four oceans. The elite soldiers of all naval divisions in the world have strong combat power and cooperate with each other to gain the advantage in a very short time. The battleships of the BIGMOM Pirate Group are destroyed one by one.

However, the BIGMOM Pirate Group is also a well-known four emperor. Although it is at a disadvantage, it is not without backhand strength. The battle between the two sides will require you to come and go, and each will cause damage.

Fighting broke out, and the flames of war enveloped the entire sea area. Hundreds of thousands of people fought desperately on this sea. The blood dyed the sea red, and there were destroyed warships and people struggling in the sea.

Roar... roar...

There was a beast-like roar from the sky, and the members of the BIGMOM Pirate Group quickly looked up at the sky, and saw the clouds rolling violently, as if something was about to rush out of the clouds.

Kata Kuri looked up to the sky. He had a very bad premonition when he heard the roar. A blood-red light flashed in his eyes, and he saw the color domineering open, looking towards the future.

"What! Actually..."

Kata Kuri exclaimed, his face had changed a lot, and he saw a very unpleasant sight.

Among the tumbling clouds, a behemoth tore through the clouds and rushed out. Many pirates looked at it attentively. It was a giant dragon with flying wings, covered with metal-like scales, with a mouth wide open. , The sharp teeth are bigger than an adult, flashing flame-like wings, setting off a hurricane.

"Dragon Knight~!"

The crowd screamed, no one paid attention to who made the fearful voice, and everyone looked at the dragon that fell from the sky and was already dumbfounded.

In the battle with the revolutionary army, the dragon knight appeared many times, and I will not be unfamiliar with the legendary dragon knight Katakuri.

But what Kata Kuli didn't expect was that the dragon knight came along with the navy and attacked the BIGMOM Pirate Group.

A total of fourteen dragon knights pierced through the clouds and fell from the sky. This time, in order to allow the navy headquarters to solve the pirates according to the plan, the world government also paid a great price. Not only did they take out all the power rocks, but even the dragon knights who guarded the Holy Land Mariagioa. They also took them all out to strengthen the navy headquarters.

The dragon swooped down like a sharp arrow. The sharp wings tore the air and made a sharp howling sound. The dragon was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, the dragon approached the top of a pirate ship and the crew on it. Just reacted.


With a loud roar, the dragon opened its mouth in the blood basin, a fishy wind rushed towards its face, and then sprayed a huge fireball to destroy the Pirate Ship.

It deserves to be a dragon knight who is powerful enough to destroy hundreds of millions of pirate groups. He burst out with extremely strong power when he appeared, destroying a pirate ship with one blow.

As the dragon knights appeared on the stage, the mighty dragon burst out with power as rumored. Wherever it passed, corpses spread across the fields, the sea turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the battleship was enveloped in flames.

Seeing this scene, the thirty-four ministers of the BIGMOM Pirate Group finally found it difficult to sit down. If this continues, their Hormiz and the Pirate Group are dead, and suddenly there are Homida and their fighters. Shot to stop the Dragon Knight.


Seeing that the pirate regiments under its ship were destroyed in the flames, BIGMOM was furious, and a terrible domineering erupted from his body, like an invisible hurricane surrounding him.

"Huge waves!"

BIGMOM raised his hand and shouted with an angry shout. The turbulent sea surface was high and bulging. Thousands of tons of seawater flew up, and under the control of BIGMOM, it turned into a huge wave of tens of meters high.

With bursts of rumbling, BIGMOM leaped forward, and the thundercloud under its feet flew over the huge waves, like a sea patrol yaksha stepping on the waves, waving a huge sword several meters long with one hand and killing it straight towards the navy fleet.


BIGMOM swung his huge sword against the waves below his feet, and several thick currents flew out of the huge waves, like a long snake rushing to the front of several dragon knights.

"The waves are strangling!"

The sea current is extremely fast, and it approaches the dragon knight in a blink of an eye. Some dragon knights are hit by the water before they can react, and some dragon knights react quickly. The dragon spews out the flames that burn everything, but it is difficult to withstand the impact of the current and burn. His flames were extinguished by the water, and the dragon knight and the dragon were blasted into the air and fell heavily into the sea.

BIGMOM is worthy of the name of the four emperors, and it bursts with extremely strong power when shot. The strength is comparable to that of the dragon knights of the hundreds of millions of Pirates who bounties.

"BIGMOM, don't be rampant!" Sakaski yelled, squeezing his fists suddenly, and a strong aura burst out of his body to stop BIGMOM.

Suddenly, with a squeak behind him, a dark shadow rushed past Sarkarski and rushed out first. He saw that it was Karp who was the first to shoot. Sarkarski was taken aback and stopped immediately.

Stepping on the billowing waves to come Naturally seeing Karp's first shot, his eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice: "Kapu, you navy veteran, I didn't expect you to leave the world stage. Unexpectedly come out again".

Karp said: "I also want to quit the stage and hide behind to train new people. It is a pity that you old guys are not dead. I will never retire unless you solve them."

There is nothing to talk about with BIGMOM. As soon as Karp's voice fell, he lifted up his fists covered in purple armed color and blasted out suddenly.

The fist was thunderous, and the void trembled slightly, Karp blasted two spiral fists into one, turning into a fist and bombarding the huge waves ahead.


The loud sound of the sky and the earth cracked, like Zhu's fist blast in the huge wave, terrible power gushed out like a tide, the monstrous huge wave was directly smashed by Kapu's fist.

Finally, the fiercest battle has begun. The four emperors BIGMOM, who has been dominating the New World for decades, battled Karp, known as the strongest naval soldier, and it must be a terrifying battle.

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