The edge of the misty sea!

After entering the edge of the misty sea, the Sonny did not continue to move forward. It has been parked on the edge of the misty sea, as if waiting for something.

At this moment, the bright moon was in the sky, the sky was shrouded in darkness, and the world fell into silence. Of course, Lin Tian and the others, who were deeply in the thick fog, couldn't feel this. They were surrounded by this airtight thick fog and could not see anything. Only relying on the surrounding light to dissipate can distinguish whether it is night or day.

None of them fell asleep, they all gathered on the deck, and everyone's eyes were on Nami who was standing directly above the bow.

Nami was standing on the high bow at the moment, looking up at the top of her head with bright eyes, a breeze blew, the clothes on Nami danced and rustled lightly, and the light blue sleeves followed Nami's raised arms. Sliding down slowly, revealing his arms as white as snow.

Seeing no movement for a long time, Frankie doubted: "Why hasn't it appeared yet? There will be no problems."

"There shouldn't be a problem. We have followed the record in the historical text. We have entered the edge of the misty sea with Deshengti Island as the direction. Please wait patiently for a while." Lin Tian's seemingly calm face flashed with tension. The color.

Saying so, but no one has experienced it after all, if any other problems arise, no one knows now.

In such an anxious and nervous mood, another hour passed, but unfortunately the sky was still foggy, and no reaction was noticed.

At this time, even Lin Tian couldn't help but wonder whether the record in the historical text was wrong, why nothing happened now.

Of course it is impossible. The four pieces of historical text are all true, and there is no translation error in the content recorded above, and there is no possibility of error.

"It's not that time has passed too long. There is something wrong with the things recorded above." Everyone has been waiting here for several hours, and the warm coffee in Brooke's hands has become very cold.

Usopp rubbed his hands vigorously, and his body trembled and said: "It is possible, I think we need to go inside and have a hot tea."

The temperature in the dense foggy sea area dropped extremely fast at night, dropping directly to more than ten degrees below zero. Usopp, wearing only two clothes, could not withstand the severe cold.

After speaking, Usopp put out his hands and grabbed Chopper on the side. During Chopper’s struggle, he held the fluffy Chopper in his arms. The hairy Chopper looked like one in the cold night. The group stove emits a lot of heat, and Usopp can't help but scream comfortably.

"Damn, you bastard, don't think you can bully the elk!"

Being hugged by Usopp, Chopper suddenly became furious, his whole body suddenly widened and opened his hands to pinch Usopp, who was startled. At this moment, Sanji suddenly leaned in and Chopper, who had just grown bigger, Once getting smaller, the three of them suddenly became a group.

Nami, who was standing on the bow of the ship, had been standing for a few hours to wait, and she was a little anxious in her heart. After all, it had something to do with whether they could go to Lavdru.

At this time, the three of Sanji were fighting, and Nami was upset by the quarrel. Nami, who was full of anger, opened her anger and turned around and cursed at the three people below: "You three bastards, shut up all of you. I will throw you all down."

Hearing the roar of Nami River East Lion, the screaming Sanji Shinto was shocked, and quickly separated, standing one by one, not knowing how quiet they were, they would not doubt that Nami was false, if If they quarrel any longer, Nami will definitely throw all three of them down.

Seeing the three people finally stopped, Nami took a deep breath and looked up to the sky. The next second, Nami was taken aback, as if seeing something shocking, the dense fog above finally changed.

Finding that something was wrong with Nami, Lin Tian and the others quickly raised their heads and looked up. They saw that the dense fog in the sky began to fade, and the fog dissipated very quickly. In a blink of an eye, Lin Tian and the others could even vaguely see the sky exuding beautiful women. The bright moon of white moonlight.

"It's finally here." Lin Tian couldn't help showing excitement when he saw this scene. The historical text is indeed correct. The map to Lavdrew is in the sky.

One minute before the time has passed, the dense fog covering the sky has completely dissipated, revealing the sky under the night, countless stars shining, like a bright galaxy slowly flowing through the sky, the stars flicker, and the sky full of stars falls on the sea. , The sea surface is shimmering, reflecting a faint fluorescence.

"Look around!" Usopp suddenly pointed to the side and shouted, attracting everyone's eyes.

In a very surprising scene, the dense fog within a range of tens of meters with the Sonny as the center has all dispersed, but outside this range, it is still all covered by dense fog.

Starlight shone on the sea along the gap, looking from a distance, like a beam of light, and in the middle of the beam is the Sonny.

"What a magical scene, unheard of", he was stunned for a few seconds, and the reaction was very calm and sighed.

He has stayed in this sea for decades. He can't see many weird things, but it has never been as magical as it is now.

Nami, who was standing above the bow of the ship, was also shocked by the sight. The bright stars shone like a beautiful colorful coat on Nami. With Nami's peerless face, she was like a landing in the world. Fairy, you can only look at it from a distance, any thought is blasphemous.

Seeing Nami being enveloped by the stars, Luffy's eyes flashed with excitement and shouted, "I want to try it too."

As he said, Luffy was about to leap up to the bow of the ship with the flick of his feet. Seeing this scene, Lin Tian's figure appeared behind Luffy for a moment, with his right hand sticking out and pressing on Luffy's shoulder to prevent Lu Fei from moving: "Wait. , Luffy, don’t go up now, let Nami quietly find a route, do you still want to go to Love Drew and become the One Piece".

Hearing that he became the One Piece, struggling Luffy stopped quietly, and he endured it in order to become the One Piece.

Above the bow, Nami who had reacted quickly opened the full text of the translated historical text in her hand, carefully read the content recorded on it, and then raised her head to look towards the sky, as if searching for something in this vast galaxy.

"The mist clears, the galaxy flashes, the stars connect, the route emerges"

Seeing this scene, everyone was quiet below, trying their best not to disturb Nami's actions.

As mentioned earlier, in fact, the world has been rumored to travel to the final island of Lovedrew, the map does not exist at all, there is no map of the misty sea in the world.

There is dense fog in the misty sea, and nothing can be seen from five meters away. In this environment, even the map is useless.

And Gelu D. Roger was able to lead the pirate group out of the misty sea, and they relied on a map hidden in the stars.

There are four pieces of road signs in the historical text, and each piece of historical text records a location. When these four locations are brought together into one point, that is the direction of Lavdrew.

After obtaining the historical text of the road signs, Lin Tian knew that the location recorded in each historical text was not an island in the misty sea, but a star in the sky.

Four pieces of historical text record four stars respectively, and the positions of these four stars can be connected together to present a route.

The complete route to Lovedru is actually very complicated. First, you need to get the four pieces of historical text of the road signs, then arrive at Deshengti Island, and then follow the direction of Deshengti Island in a straight line to enter the designated position on the edge of the misty sea area, which records history. Above the text.

Then wait until the night, when the fog above has dissipated, what Lin Tian and the others have just experienced, when the fog has cleared, the galaxy flashes, the stars are connected together, which is the route to Lavdrew, just follow the starlight to form a route. , You can reach Lovelu.

Time slowly glided, and every minute and a second passed. Not knowing how long it had passed, Nami suddenly shouted in excitement.

"found it!"

Hearing that Nami had found it, everyone smiled excitedly and found the route. Then they could head to Jinping quickly ran to the helmsman's position, clasping his hands tightly. The rudder, looking up at Nami, waited for Nami to tell her direction.

"50 degrees south"

Hearing Nami's words, Jinping quickly turned the rudder, and the rudder creaked and creaked. Under Jinping's control, the Sonny slowly turned, and the bow pointed directly at the direction Nami said.

"Usopp turns on the outer wheels and propellers and drives in a straight line in this direction!" After confirming that the angle is correct, Nami shouted to Usopp.


In response, Usopp rushed out immediately, entered the control room under the bow, and was about to head to Love Drew. Even Usopp was extremely excited.

Just when the Sonny was preparing to sail, Lin Tian suddenly stood up and shouted: "Wait, don't sail first, we still lack one person."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and their eyes filled with doubts converged on Lin Tian. Everyone is here, and there is no one missing.

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