
Seeing He looked surprised, Ming's face was full of triumph, "Of course, your navy has been applauding me all the time. One novel ≧<﹤﹤<≦≦≤﹤﹤≦﹤﹤≦ I gave a great price to persuade the four emperors Kaido, let He plunged the new world into chaos and attracted naval power."

"In spreading this news to attract pirates from the first half of the great route. With the character of your navy headquarters, you will definitely not let go of this good opportunity to promote'righteousness', and you will definitely draw enough elites to destroy these navies."

"But the New World involves naval forces, and the navies who want to eliminate the pirates and want to protect the golden sky will definitely use this method of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, so that I have the opportunity to take action. The navy and the pirates are fighting there, but I Sit here to reap the benefits of the fisherman."

"Well, Lieutenant General Crane, how is my plan?"

Compared to Ming Ge, even Crane, who was the chief naval staff officer, was shocked and didn't know what to say, whether it means brother is too good or the navy is too trash.

The dignified navy headquarters was actually played by a pirate in the palm of his hand. He thought it was a good opportunity, but he has been honestly following other people's scripts.

Including the plan they are proud of, they are already expected. If this news reaches the headquarters, I don't know how much trouble it should cause.

For Ming Ge, he knew that he was a demon, and he would not let go of this opportunity. This kind of thing would surely be spread by him, and the Navy would be completely lost.

"Unexpectedly, this great route, navy, and pirates are all counted by this pirate," Ivankov said in surprise when he heard these conversations.

Although Lin Tian and others did not speak, they were as shocked as Ivankov on their faces. They did not expect this shocking world. Everything was calculated by Brother Ming, and even the navy plan was calculated by Brother Ming.

You know, even Lin Tian always thought that Brother Ming learned about the plan through a navy insider, but who could guess that all of this was actually in Brother Ming’s plan. Lin Tian didn’t know whether to praise Brother Ming’s cleverness or use terrible To describe

Presumably, to deal with people like Ming Ge, you can only ask people who don't play cards according to common sense, because they don't even know what they are thinking.

He suppressed the shocked He Lisheng in his heart and asked, "Brother Ming, since you know that the navy does not have the strength to **** the heavenly gold, why do you want to publicize the news? This will make things troublesome."

"Let's talk about it, what purpose do you have in your heart? People like you will definitely have a goal they can achieve by themselves."

Papa... Ming Ge clapped his hands and praised: "No loss is Lieutenant General Crane, the chief staff officer of the headquarters. Everyone only thinks that my purpose is heavenly gold, and a few people will guess that I have other purposes."

But when Crane thought that Brother Ming was going to give a reason, Brother Ming changed his words, "Lieutenant General Crane, do you think you can ask me these things here, so you can delay time and wait for the navy and navy to come to support you? "

"What?" Crane's face showed a shocked look, and he thought that he was proud of Brother Ming, but he didn't notice this, but he didn't expect that Brother Ming would appear right from the beginning.

Then Ming Ge said something that shocked He even more, "Lieutenant General He, you are delaying time, why am I not delaying time, I can't carry these things alone".

A wave of spray sounded, and the shocked crane quickly looked in the direction where the sound came out, and saw a huge pirate ship slowly driving out in the dark, and the pirate flag of the Don Quixote Pirates above was waving in the wind. .

The sudden appearance of the pirate ship shocked all the navies. Except for a few navies who are continuing to rescue the fallen navy, the rest of the navies took up arms and waited. The cannon muzzle slowly began to rotate and aimed at the pirate ship, only to be ordered by the crane. The navy will strike back the most violently.

But Crane, who knows the strength of Brother Ming, understands that if the navy does something, Brother Ming will not be watching it. It will be difficult for the navy here to stop Brother Ming. The best way is to remain unchanged.

In this way, this Don Quixote pirate ship, if no one passed the place where the warship that was sunk by Ming Ge just now, sailed into the navy encirclement openly and headed towards the transport ship where Ming Ge was standing.

The navy looked at this scene, imaginable anger in its heart, but Lieutenant General Crane did not order, the navy can only stand honestly.

Propelled by the sea, the transport ship and the pirate ship collided with a bang. A group of pirates quickly fastened the two ships together with ropes.

Not long after, a large group of pirates walked off the pirate ship, led by a number of Don Quixote family cadres, followed by the pirates who were not weak in punching, and smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

This is not nonsense, the sky is close to you, so much wealth is placed here quietly, you only need to wait for them to move, as for the navy here, they have not paid attention to it.

In their opinion, these navies didn't do anything, but if they did, they wouldn't mind sending them down to the sea.

"Dover, master, captain!" a large group of people shouted in unison with different names.

Torrepol, who looked like a scruffy uncle, and disgusting at the same time, glanced at this huge transport ship, "Dover, your plan is really good, it is so simple, you can get the gold without much effort."

The mission shrank a bit. The disgusting nose that was more than ten centimeters long, praised: "Dover, you are a man who wants to be the king."

The corner of Ming's mouth bends and he waved his hand, "Torrepol stop talking about me here, don't you think you should go first to see how much wealth Tianshangjin is, and then tell me the good news."

"Hehehehe, I said Dover, you are the main point, then I will go in first, and I will come out to tell you the good news later."

After finishing speaking, regardless of the navy's eyes outside, he directly led the pirates into the cabin to see what was there that shocked the world.

Seeing everyone entering, Ming Ge turned his eyes to He, and he found that He's face was still extremely calm, as if nothing was born, and a trace of puzzlement flashed across Ming's face.

"Lieutenant General Crane, didn't you ask me why I was so troublesome? Just enjoy the wealth of heaven alone."

"Yes," Crane nodded and asked curiously: "Are we the clown ready to say it?"

Brother Ming directly admitted, "Of course, don't you think this world has been a bit too quiet recently? Without vitality, one or two major events should occur to make the world shake again."

Hearing what Brother Ming said, Crane did not answer. He was silent for a while before he replied in a deep voice: "Brother Ming, you are a kind of alien among the pirates. Perhaps it is more appropriate to use the name scum on the sea. I regret it. Did not send a scum like you to Advance City".

Although the tone is steady, everyone can hear the anger hidden in Crane's words, because your brother Ming said that the world is too peaceful, and countless people have entered the battlefield for this bullshit, and innocent people have died here. In the event.

"Hahaha..." Brother Ming laughed and said coldly: "Scum, in comparison, I am just a person who does not hide the darkness in my heart, unlike your navy who thinks of justice every day and those innocent ordinary people. People, on the surface, are just and kind."

"But you have hidden the darker darkness in your heart. Your kindness and innocence are just pretending to be humble in front of a strong man like me, and the darkness in the hearts of people who are weaker than yourself will be exposed. It is even more terrifying than I am now. What is the use of keeping this world filled with lies and deceit?"

Brother Ming's words shocked everyone. Whether it was the revolutionary army or the navy in the dark, everyone didn't know what to say.

Only Long said in a low voice, "This is a person born from evil, a person who also grows up in evil, the fire of evil".

Regardless of everyone's shock, Ming Ge raised his fingers and tapped his head, and said to himself: "Today I told you so much, but fortunately, you all have to be buried in this sea anyway."

After that, Brother Ming had a ferocious smile, his right hand turned into a beast's claw, and slightly raised to face the navy below. Just as Brother Ming was about to attack, a figure rushed down from below with great speed.

Standing on the main mast, he eagerly said to Ming Ge: "Dover, we were deceived. There is nothing in this transport ship, it's all empty, not even a single figure, and heavenly gold is not here."

"What?" Brother Ming looked angry, and the blue veins on his forehead were full of anger and bulged, very scary, "Torrepol, what is going on in the end?"

After listening to Torrepol's words, Ming Ge became more angry in his heart, and his whole body was full of anger. He turned around and said to He: "Lieutenant General He, let's talk about it, why is there nothing?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on He's face. The reason she knew was that only two of the four transport ships had something, and the other two had nothing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Ming and the others chose it. That one didn't.

But He understood how could it be so simple to tell Brother Ming, shrugged, and calmly said: "How do I know that the transport ship is under your feet, and we are only responsible for transporting".

"Ehhhhhhhhh...really?" Ming Ge chuckled back in anger, turned around and said to Torrepol, "Torrepol, you send someone to the other three transport ships to see if there is any".

"Yes, Dover, I'll go over and take a look myself right away." After Dover's reminder, Torrepol also reacted.

It is impossible for the navy to waste such great efforts for a few empty ships, otherwise the navy is really showy. Since this ship does not exist, it is likely to be on another ship.

Torrepol turned and rushed down, called several cadres to lead a small group of pirates, sat in the small boat, and rowed towards the transport boat on the side.

Seeing Brother Ming, he understood immediately, a trace of disappointment flashed in He's eyes. He was not surprised that Brother Ming could realize this. He would be surprised if he didn't show him.

It's just that it happened so quickly that the idea of ​​making Crane prepare to delay a little time for this was shattered. (To be continued.)

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