Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 170: Redhead Shanks

Just when Lin Tian was about to enter the bar!

With a "bang", Lin Tian suddenly felt something hit him, and suddenly reacted. A novel<﹤<

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I ran too fast, so I didn't see it", an apologetic voice came.

Lin Tian realized that he was being hit by someone. Following the sound source, Lin Tian looked down and found that it was a ten-year-old Lolita who hit him.

"Little friend, I'm sorry, the girl ran too fast, so I was a little sorry for not seeing you."

Just as Lu Fei was about to speak, a thick voice came over, and Lin Tian tilted his head to see that it turned out to be a middle-aged man in black.

And there were two guards behind. Lin Tian felt from them a murderous aura that was not weak compared to ordinary people, but it was not worth mentioning in front of Lin Tian, ​​but he should be a strong person who is not weak, with two people. Such a guard, the identity of this man is not simple.

"Daddy!" Lori yelled happily, and flew towards the man. Seeing Lori flying, the man showed a petting smile on his face and hugged Lori.

Lin Tian smiled slightly, waved his hand, and said with a look of okay: "It's okay, this is also my fault, if I hadn't been on the road suddenly, I wouldn't have been hit."

There was indeed Lin Tian's reason. Who told Lin Tian to stay on the street suddenly, besides, it was just a little bump, and it didn't matter to him.

But Lin Tian didn't think it was anything. The man didn't think so, and said, "How good is this? Anyway, the little girl hit you, so why don't I ask you to have a meal to apologize."

Hearing, Lin Tian quickly waved his hand and postponed: "No, this is not necessary. This is just a small matter. I don't need to eat, and I have already made an appointment with a friend."

Seeing Lin Tian said this, the middle-aged man suddenly cut off the idea of ​​inviting Lin Tian to eat, and said with a smile: "If this is the case, then I won't bother the little friend."

"It's okay," Lin Tian said softly that it was okay, and then walked directly to the bar. For Lin Tian, ​​they were just a passerby who came across, and I'm afraid they won't even see one in the future.

Looking at the back of Lin Tian entering the bar, the man said with great interest: "This boy is very interesting."

With a sound of opening the door, Lin Tian slowly opened the door of the bar and walked straight in.

With a light sweep, the bar looks like Lin Tian's eyes. The bar decoration is not much different from that on Sexon, except that some minor changes have been made, but the overall situation is still the same, giving people a familiar feeling.

Compared to the first time I entered Aunt Xia’s bar in Sexon, where there was no one, there are quite a lot of people in this bar now. Most of the seats are full of people, and there is a strong drink in the bar. taste.

There were a lot of wine bottles on the table. Most of the people had flushed faces and apparently drank a lot. When Lin Tian entered the bar, they only glanced slightly, and then drank again.

When they were observing Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian was also observing them. From their words, actions, and addressing each other, these people were all pirates, and they all came from the same pirate ship.

At the bar, the seats there are already full. These should be the officers of the Pirate Ship.

One of the red-headed men was talking to Aunt Xia who was wiping the glass, and laughed out a laugh or two from time to time. Obviously, this man and Aunt Xia were old acquaintances.

Seeing the man's very eye-catching red, Lin Tian couldn't help flashing a person's name in his heart, but then he pressed it down from his heart, how could his luck be so good, he came across such a character when he came to Chambord Islands.

But then, looking at the cadres one by one, looking at the clothes from the back, the name came out of Lin Tian's heart unconsciously.

Aunt Xia, who was wiping the cup, put down the wiping cup and felt that there was a visitor. She picked up another cup to prepare for wiping.

Although I haven't seen each other in three years, Lin Tian's current appearance has changed a lot compared to his previous appearance. After all, everyone at this age is about to grow up.

But Aunt Xia recognized Lin Tian in an instant, because in previous correspondence, Lin Tian had taken pictures to Aunt Xia.

When she saw Lin Tian's appearance clearly, Aunt Xia suddenly looked shocked. Aunt Xia really didn't expect or anticipate Lin Tian's sudden appearance.

In a recent communication, I heard Lin Tian said that he was taking risks in Xihai, but he did not expect to appear here today. Then his face turned into joy, such a sudden surprise.

"Lin Tian! Lin Tian, ​​why did you come here suddenly?"

Seeing Aunt Xia showing himself, Lin Tian also showed a happy smile on his face. He looked at Aunt Xia and said, "Aunt Xia, it's been a long time, you're still the same, just as beautiful and young.

"That's it!" Aunt Xia is still very useful for Lin Tian's flattering, and the smile on her face is even worse. "But we haven't seen each other in a few years. Our Xiao Lin Tian has also grown up, and has become a handsome boy. Up".

Hearing Aunt Xia's laugh, Lin Tian was at a loss and stretched out his hand to touch the back of his head, with a simple smile on his face.

Of course, the man who talked with Aunt Xia happily had such a drastic change in the expression on Aunt Xia's face.

In the eyes of men, Aunt Xia has always been an extremely smart and very calm woman. Few things can change the expression on her face, let alone such a dramatic change.

The man couldn't help being curious about the person coming, put down the wine in his hand, and slowly turned around, his gaze coincided with that of Lin Tian who had been observing him.


Seeing Lin Tian's appearance, the red man couldn't help but think of a surprise. Obviously, the red man did know Lin Tian, ​​and he was also very surprised that Lin Tian would appear here.

When Lin Tian saw the man's appearance, he was not surprised, but helpless. He didn't expect that he was expecting this man.

One of the strongest pirates in the world, but also one of the strongest in the world, like an emperor in the new world, the red "Shanks", one of the four emperors!

Facing such a character, it is hard to be afraid that Lin Tian also has a heavy face, his whole body involuntarily tightened, and he looked at Shanks very vigilantly.

It is true that this man's reputation is too prominent, and at the same time his powerful strength makes people feel fear in their hearts.

But the name can make it tremble, and this can only be done by a strong man like Shanks, a person who stands on the top of the world and can change the world at will.

Perhaps no one knows which of the four emperors is the most powerful, because the four emperors rarely fight, let alone the kind of life-and-death struggle. If such a person fights, the whole world has to be changed.

Regarding the Four Emperors in the new world, Lin Tian had already planned to meet, but Lin Tian knew that he was currently strong. In the hands of the Four Emperors, he might not even have the power to backhand. I am afraid that even the Four Emperors might not be opponents. Don't talk about seeing the four emperors.

To say that among the four emperors, the one that Lin Tian wanted to see most was Red Shanks. Unlike the other four emperors, they were all powerful in Roger's era.

And Shanks was also just a weak person in Roger's era. At that time, he was just a Captain Roger and a little trainee crew.

But after Roger's death, he began to emerge suddenly. With his high strength and unique personality charm, he quickly gathered a large number of powerful crew members. In just a few years, he became the fourth of King's Landing from an ordinary little pirate. Emperor.

At the same time, I spent a year with Luffy in the East China Sea. For this influence Luffy's life, leading Luffy to the road of Shanghai thief, was bitten by the hateful old man, and often talked in Luffy's mouth. Luffy was regarded as an idol. The subject's Red Shanks, Lin Tian was also curious.

What's more, what charm is Shanks that can make Mackino, the gentle, kind and beautiful bar proprietress, fall in love with him, and always worry about her far away.

All these prompted Lin Tian to be curious about Red Shanks. When Lin Tian was about to go to the new world, he looked for Red Shanks, gave him Mackinaw’s things, and brought Luffy’s words to him, but who I saw it here.

These thoughts flashed through Lin Tian's mind in just a few moments, which showed how confused Lin Tian's mind was when he saw Shanks.

But who is Lin Tian, ​​that is the strongest genius of the navy, the murderous **** who has been talked about by countless pirates, is also famous in the entire great sea route.

At the same time, he is also a man with strong ambitions, a man who wants to truly stand on the top of the world and be truly free, how could he be so easily frightened.

It has only been a few seconds since seeing Shanks, Lin Tian has adjusted his mentality, the heaviness and tension on his face have disappeared, replaced by a normal expression.

The tight body also slowly relaxed, but the secret defense still did not weaken. Facing such a strong man, Lin Tian wanted to relax completely and couldn't relax.

And the two sides are still on opposite sides, one is the navy and the other is a pirate. These two are born to be pinched when they neither of them speaks, so they stare at each other closely. In the eyes of unknowing outsiders, these two are like old friends who have not seen each other for many years, watching deeply here.

But the two were engaged in a speechless confrontation. You can see from Lin Tian's back gradually being soaked with sweat, and looking at Shanks, Lin Tian was under pressure in secret.

Aunt Xia watched this scene with a smile on her face. Red Shanks, one of the four most powerful pirates, Lin Tian, ​​known as the strongest genius of the Navy, should have been somewhere in the future. , Stand on both sides to fight.

Today, in this small bar of my own, these two met. I don't know what will happen, so Aunt Xia is looking forward to it.

Those cadres also looked expectantly at this scene. Just now everyone heard the captain's soft voice, which surprised the captain. The cadres who were drinking at the bar were also very curious and couldn't help but look back and want to see who came. .

The two looked at each other for dozens of seconds. Finally, Lin Tianxian withdrew his gaze and chuckled softly, "I didn't expect Hong Shanks, one of the four emperors, to appear here, which is really surprising." (To be continued.)

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