Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 172: Domineering awakening

In the bar, Shanks' sudden attack on Lin Tian caught everyone off guard, and no one expected things to change so quickly. A novel ﹤≦≦≦<≦<<﹤

The cadres of the Red Sea Pirates were also puzzled by this scene. Even if the captain really wants to deal with the navy, why rely on the overlord to oppress?

However, everyone has a belief in the captain, and the captain must have a purpose in doing this. They just need to stand by and watch.

Lachi Lu took a bite of the barbecue in his hand and asked with a puzzled look: "Beckman, you know the captain best, do you know what the captain thinks?"

Hearing Rachi Lu's question, the cadres on the side couldn't help but **** their ears. It sounded that Beckman could become a deputy captain not only because of his strong strength, but also his extremely high wisdom.

With strong strength and extremely high wisdom, Beckman can hold the position of deputy captain, and among all the people who understand the captain’s mind best, only the deputy captain Beckman can not help but want to hear Beckman’s thoughts. .

Holding his chin, falling into deep thought, after thinking for a while, Beckman finally popped out three words in the anxious eyes of everyone, "I don't know!"

There was a sound of falling to the ground, and everyone was suddenly covered with black lines. You didn't know that you pretended to be contemplative and thought about it for so long. Are you not cute?

And just when these cadres asked, a strong momentum came out, no! Maybe it shouldn't be said to be momentum, but rather murderous.

A strong murderous aura burst out of Lin Tian's body, this murderous aura was very powerful, even when the masters on the scene felt this murderous aura, their faces changed drastically.

The cadres of the Red Sea Pirates who were present had strong strength. They weren't out of the killing, murderous intent was something that everyone possessed, nothing unusual.

But with such a strong murderous intent, even their complexions couldn't help changing, especially this kind of murderous intent came out of a teenager, which shocked them even more.

With such a strong murderous aura, how many people this young man killed in his hands, everyone could not help but think of the word ‘killing god’. No wonder this young man would have such a title. Judging from the murderous aura, he really deserves this title.

In order to resist Shanks' domineering look, Lin Tian had to burst out his murderous aura before resisting it.

At this time, Lin Tian seemed to be wrapped in a bright light like blood, and that extremely murderous body was centered on Lin Tian, ​​flooding the bar.

Against the backdrop of his strong murderous aura, Lin Tian looked like a murderous **** who came out of the sea of ​​corpses and corpses.

Ordinary people, let alone glance at Lin Tian, ​​will faint immediately under Lin Tian's murderous aura, let alone other things.

Looking towards Lin Tian, ​​he felt like he was in a blood-red world. Both the sky and the earth were blood-red, and there were all kinds of bones everywhere.

The blood-red light illuminates the entire land, and countless things on the ground are made up of bones. On the mountain of countless bones, the **** Lin Tian stands high on it.

These were only born in an instant, and the powerful cadres walked out of these illusions induced by a strong murderous in an instant.

There was a shocking color on his face, this murderous aura could actually make them enter the illusion. Although it was only a moment, it was also extremely good, especially this kind of thing was done from a fifteen-year-old boy.

Shanks also changed his face slightly. Unexpectedly, Lin Tian looked a little honest and sunny, but with such a strong murderous inwardness hidden in his heart, this young man had a strong control over himself, but this was not enough.

His eyes tightened slightly, without holding his hands, his whole body burst out, and he rushed towards Lin Tian. Under Shanks's control, no trace of domineering was leaked.

Lin Tian had already felt his whole body aura when Shanks released his aura. The pressure in his whole body suddenly increased. Under the aura of Shanks, that strong murderous aura was instantly crushed without any obstacle.

The moment the murderous aura was dissipated, Lin Tian looked down at his legs under the sudden surge of pressure. Just when everyone thought Lin Tian was about to kneel down, Lin Tian stopped the falling posture deeply with perseverance.

Under the pressure of hegemonic pressure, Lin Tian felt this tremendous force on his skin every moment. This force was not from one side, but from everywhere in his body.

Physical pressure is not the most important thing. Domineering, an intangible and intangible thing, is difficult to cause damage to tangible objects.

Regardless of whether under Shanks and Lei Li’s pressure control, Lin Tian felt as if his body was bearing a lot of weight. This is because both of them are among the best in the world, and they have reached a very high level of control over domineering .

Domineering really attacks the human spirit. Domineering directly oppresses the human nature, relying on its own aura and pressure to have a great impact on people's minds and shock people's spirit.

Those who are not determined, face the deterrence of the overlord's domineering, instantly unable to bear it, fainting directly, and losing combat effectiveness.

And domineering is a large-scale attack. As long as it is within the attack range, even if there are tens of thousands of people, under the domineering domineering, the group may be destroyed instantly.

Therefore, in Lin Tian's mind now, there is a fierce battle going on. Shanks' aura is like the sea, with magnificent waves and endless waves. Lin Tian can barely resist Shanks' attack by relying on his own will.

But this situation is a heavy burden for Lin Tian, ​​and the confrontation between wills is not so simple, and it is even more dangerous than fighting and consumes more energy.

Beckman took a mouthful of cigarettes and exhaled smoke, watching Lin Tian trembling constantly at this time, as if he was about to fall down at any time, his tone was full of affirmation.

"This naval genius can't support it anymore. The boss is domineering enough to be called the strongest in the world. It is quite rare for this naval genius to persist until now. After all...".

Just when Beckman was about to take a cigarette and then spoke again, Beckman was shocked by the scene. The cigarette that Benyi stretched to his mouth stopped, his mouth slightly opened, and he looked at him with a stupid expression, not only Beckman, but also the cadres beside him.

Lin Tian stood up slowly, straightened his body, staring at Shanks closely, lips kept moving, no sound came out, but he was saying something.

It's not that Lin Tian didn't want to speak, he really couldn't speak. If he could stand up, it would have consumed all Lin Tian's energy, even the energy to speak was no longer there.

Although there was no sound, from Lin Tiannuo's moving lips, everyone read out what Lin Tian wanted to say. It was just that they understood, everyone would be so shocked.

"That's not enough! Does the four emperors have only this power? It's really disappointing."

In just over twenty words, it represented this message, the breath of declaration of war. Lin Tian was thinking of Shanks to declare war.

Under this circumstance, Lin Tian did not faint as everyone expected, nor did he whisper for mercy. He chose a path that everyone did not expect.

Facing the Four Emperors, even if Lin Tian is the strongest genius of the navy, Lin Tian has no chance of winning. He has no chance of declaring war.

In the eyes of everyone, how could anyone choose this? Not only is this not a wise choice, but it will drive himself to a dead end, but Lin Tian chose instead.

For this, Shanks didn't feel irritated, but admiration appeared in his eyes, but he disappeared from his eyes in an instant, and his eyes became calm again.

This slight change was discovered by Beckman, and he couldn't help but meditate. It seems that the boss did this, what is the meaning behind it.

Shanks suddenly attacked Lin Tian, ​​just wanting to test how this navy's strongest genius was, because he was in contact with Uncle Raleigh.

The two sides talked about Lin Tian, ​​this naval genius. Uncle Leily admired Lin Tian very much, and said that the navy got a really good seed this time.

At that time, Shanks had joked that Raleigh didn't think much about how he compares to this genius, and straightforwardly said that he was not his opponent in terms of talent or mentality.

I still remember that at that time, Raleigh had felt, "From it, I saw a different thing, which is not clear, but I only saw this kind of thing in the captain."

Shanks still believed what Uncle Leili said, so from then on, Shanks began to pay attention to Lin Tianlai and looked forward to meeting him to see if it was exactly what Uncle Leili said.

Now, Shanks has got his own answer, and Uncle Leily made no mistake. From Lin Tian, ​​Shanks saw the indomitable breath of the captain. No matter how dangerous the front is, I am not afraid.

But Shanks did not take back his domineering, but increased, because Shanks wanted to know where the limits of this naval genius were.

Click, click...

There was a sound of cracking wooden boards, and the entire bar was covered with wooden floors, between Lin Tian and Shanks.

Those wooden floors, under the weight of an invisible force, could no longer bear it, and began to slowly break apart, bit by bit, spreading toward Lin Tian with great speed.

Before Lin Tian could react to what had a huge force suddenly appeared in the void and hit Lin Tian's chest.

With a "puff puff", his chest seemed to have been beaten with a certain heavy hammer. Lin Tian immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood, the blood in his chest surged and his face was pale.

Immediately in the void, a huge force appeared from different directions, pressing on Lin Tian's body, and even the tables and chairs on the side were also under this huge force. They broke apart with a bang, exploding countless small wooden blocks, towards Flying in all directions.

However, Lin Tian did not fall, his legs were still standing, although the plank ground from his feet had been broken, revealing the bluestone below, and even the bluestone had cracks, but Lin Tian was still standing.

"This naval genius can't support it anymore," I don't know who said it, and everyone nodded in agreement.


Lin Tian let out a loud roar, an unfailing aura burst out of his body, directly resisting Shanks' domineering, no! It rushed away Shanks' domineering, and spread out to the surrounding with extreme speed.

"This is the domineering awakening of the overlord!" (To be continued.)

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