Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 187: Great Yan Jie. Yan Emperor vs Lushan Shenglong Ba


Lin Tian shook slightly, and set off a hurricane out of thin air, blasting the flames around his body and dissipating in the world, but there was no trace of burning on his body. 1 Novel ﹤≦≤<≤

"Ace, your flame is indestructible to ordinary people, but it is useless to me."

The flames only rely on burning and high temperature, this kind of invisible and traceless damage to the body, but Lin Tian only needs to gently arrange a layer of shield to cut off these.

Among the devil fruits belonging to the fire element, the only one that could break Lin Tian's shield should be the rock berry fruit of the current Admiral Red Dog. Lin Tian had specially tried it in the past, and the situation was terrible.

Ace opened his hands, facing Lin Tian, ​​"Is it? The ability to burn fruits is more than that simple, there are various fires."

I saw that from Ace's open hands, a light green light continued to emerge, small groups flying towards Lin Tian.

Although I don't know what this kind of light is, it must not be a good thing, and it must have a strong lethality.

"Firefly, Fire Dharma"

The light green group of light blazed ablaze, rising in the wind, several large fire groups surrounded Lin Tian, ​​and there was nothing to hide.


Without being surrounded by fire again, Lin Tian's expression was extremely calm, and with a low drink, his figure disappeared instantly, just like this suddenly disappeared from the void.

Withdrawing his hands, the fire was not controlled and was extinguished in an instant. Looking at the empty void in front of him, Ace looked shocked.

"How is it possible that there is a flame blocking, it is impossible to cause the illusion of disappearing extremely quickly, as if it is directly dissipating from the void".

Suddenly, a strong wind rang from behind, and Ace's face changed, and his whole body immediately turned into flames. In the form of flames, any physical attack would have no effect.

But Ace flew out, forced to retreat from the flame form, fell to the ground, and hit a big hole directly.

Ace quickly turned around to see that Lin Tian was already standing on the position where he had just stood, just withdrawing the pitch-black fist that glowed like a metal.

"Hey, Ace, I haven't been in vain for the past few years. I am much deeper than you in terms of the ability of Devil Fruit," Lin Tian said with a smile.

'instant! Lin Tian has deepened his research on fruit ability in the past two years, and his new move is actually space teleportation, which is just called instantaneous for short.

An extremely fast way of movement, Lin Tian can confidently say that this world cannot match him in terms of degree.

Perhaps in the short distance, Lin Tiandu is no different from those who are strong, but the distance increases slightly, and you can see the huge gap.

No matter how far it is, as long as it is under Lin Tian's control, it can be reached in an instant. In the real instant, this is the space teleportation.

The space of the two places overlapped, and as long as he stepped out with one step, Lin Tian could come to another place, no matter how far away, without being blocked by any objects.

At the same time, it can also avoid some attacks that cannot be avoided, because Lin Tian moved in another space. Just like before, Lin Tian was surrounded by the raging fire and teleported directly behind Ace without any movement.

But this also has some shortcomings, that is, Lin Tian has to make a mark on the teleporting position, so as to connect the two spaces together, and Lin Tian has put a special mark on Ace.

Despite this, this ability is absolutely against the sky, ignoring the barrier of any object, as long as it is within the range of ability, any barrier is useless.

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Ace couldn't help but become curious about Lin Tian's abilities, which could have so many uses, and could derive a variety of fighting methods.

In fact, the outside world has long been curious about what Lin Tian's ability is. It is generally regarded as a human fruit, but it has some natural fruit effects. And with so many fighting methods, it is hard to imagine that this is a demon fruit ability to display.

"Ace, has become a natural fruit ability person, I don't know if your physical skills have been reduced, take it." Without the ability to use the ability, Lin Tian rushed towards Ace with the strong explosive power of his body.

Without thinking about it, seeing Lin Tian rushing, Ace leaped into the air forcefully, avoiding Lin Tian's punch.

A fool can compare physical skills with Lin Tian. Lin Tian is a student of the smelly old man Karp. He is extremely powerful in physical skills. In physical skills, he is definitely not his opponent.

With a loud bang, Lin Tian punched it down, and the entire ground couldn't bear the force, and countless cracks spread out like spider webs.

The rubble burst, the ground shook the mountains, and a huge pit appeared on the ground. Lin Tian, ​​who was in the pit, got up and leaped toward Ace in the air.

"Yan Jie. Fire Pillar"

Rotating his hands, the huge fire surrounded the surroundings, forming a huge fire column composed of flames, and his hands pressed downwards, the fire column pressed towards Lin Tian's head, the fire burned, the high temperature filled the surroundings, and the void was twisted.

Below Lin Tian, ​​instead of rising, he descended. Facing the monstrous fire in the sky, Lin Tian was not afraid, and he slammed his right fist, which had been in force for a long time.

"Physique Profound meaning, Lushan Shenglongba".

A light blue dragon head emerged from Lin Tian's hand, with a long roar up to the sky, a huge sound wave cracked the surrounding earth, the mountain peaks collapsed, and the mountain shook in an instant, as if the sky was destroyed.

The powerful sound wave spreads directly to the sea, and the sea rolls over, producing a wave several meters high out of thin air, which rushes towards the giant ships on the sea. Fortunately, the waves are not high, and both naval warships and pirate ships can resist. .

"This...what is this", a pirate looked at the huge dragon head above and asked with a trembling voice.

"The dragon head is actually the dragon head of the legendary beast giant dragon. How could it be possible?" At this time, another pirate replied in terror. The outlook was too terrifying. The dragon is a rumored creature. How could it appear? On this small island.

On the side, on the naval battleship, the navy was equally shocked. No matter who saw it, the rumored creature could not calm down.

"No, there are people inside." Suddenly, there was a small black spot in the dragon's head inside the sharp-eyed pirate.

A pirate at the side quickly took out the binoculars he carried and opened it quickly, with a look of disbelief and said, "Idiot, this is a dragon, how can there be people inside!"

"Really...really...really someone" screamed when the pirate looked at it.

what! When Saatchi heard it, his face was shocked and his figure flashed, he came to the pirate, grabbed the binoculars to see what happened.

"Lieutenant General Lin Tian is indeed Lieutenant General Lin Tian. This is Lieutenant General Lin Tian's trick."


'Lushan Shenglongba', one of Lin Tian's strongest physical skills, is as powerful as last night's Shenglongquan, but one is to attack the sky and the other is to deal with the enemy ahead.

But the two fist techniques have one thing in common, that is, they gather all the strength on the fist and make a powerful dragon-shaped punch with all their strength. It was extremely powerful, enough to smash a mountain with one blow. It was a typical one-stroke must-win fist. After the fight, even Lin Tian would be weakened.

As for having the appearance of a dragon, it seems to have spirituality, just like a roar just now, even if Lin Tian didn't know what was going on, that was how he created this fist technique.

Because of these characteristics, Lin Tian took the name "Lushan Shenglongba", which is a very powerful trick in a well-known animation in the previous life.

The power of the explosion is enough to make the Lushan Waterfall, which flew straight down three thousand feet, upstream. Although Lin Tian can't do it now, Lin Tian believes that one day as his strength increases, he will always reach that point.

With the loud roar of the dragon's head, the flame column above shattered and turned into large fires, floating in the air.

Ace on the other side was hit by the sound wave before he could react. Suddenly, his chest seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, his blood surged, his figure flew upside down, and a mouthful of blood came out.

Turning into a flame, Ace stopped his figure, leaving only one head, and looking at the huge dragon head below, it was shocking. After all, this was a creature in mythology.

What made Ace feel the deepest was that the huge dragon head seemed to be spiritual, his eyes turned slightly, staring at him closely, and his whole body was shaking.

This feeling is like meeting a giant tiger in the Kerbo Mountain when I was young. In a blink of an eye, Ace calmed down his mentality. It was not that this legendary creature had never been seen before, and Margau was a phoenix.

"Ace, this is my strongest move. It's powerful. Even I can't control it perfectly. Be careful."

"Haha...Okay! Lin Tian! In this case, let's have a trick to determine the outcome."

Ace crossed his hands, centered Ace, a circle of fire circled all around, and finally countless flames emerged from it, forming a huge fireball. The entire island was covered by the fireball and was held by Astor.

At this moment, Ace is like an emperor in flames, in the hot, but endlessly radiant flame, all fires surrender to his feet and respect him.

On the sea, the captain has no one to care about which side wins or loses, and everyone has been deeply shocked by the battle on the island.

Over the dark island, a fireball of unknown size burst out incomparably hot and light. Even the sun hanging high in the sky was blocked by its brilliance, which was insignificant in comparison.

Below, the huge dragon head of tens of meters is so small compared to the fireball above, but the momentum of the indomitable king of all things is not weak at all.

"Lushan Shenglongba"

With a low roar, UU看书 hit half of his fist with his right fist, and finally hit it with all his strength. The dragon head screamed again and flew into the air, and the huge dragon body slowly appeared.

Perhaps, everyone has never seen the legendary beast, but can feel the huge momentum, compared to the real beast.

"Da Yan Jie. Yan Di"

Ace also sighed in a low voice, holding the huge fireball in his right hand, and pressing it towards the dragon below, as if falling from a high altitude in the sun, turning the whole world into a huge furnace.

Below, the island that had not burnt up burned again, the river instantly dried up, the rubble was cracked under the fire, and the sand on the beach seemed to be burning, shiny.

On the ship, whether the navy or the pirates saw this scene, the shock on their faces had long turned into fear. No one knew what kind of power such a huge energy collision would explode.

But one thing is certain, they will die if they stay so close.

"Retreat, retreat quickly" (To be continued.)

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