Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 194: Lin Tian confronts the navy headquarters

As the navy headquarters, Marin Vando’s alertness and responsiveness are not comparable to anywhere else. 1 Novel ≤≤<﹤≤<﹤﹤

After Lin Tian learned about the death of his close friend Roberts, the surrounding naval soldiers quickly reported to the Marshal of the Warring States Period. Only the Marshal of the Navy could handle this kind of thing.

At that time, the Warring States Period was discussing with the other three admirals about Lin Tian's promotion to admiral. Needless to say, Green Pheasant, as Lin Tian's friend, of course agreed.

Even the red dog in the Navy, who has an upright character but is cruel and indifferent, agrees with this.

Because Lin Tian is very similar to the red dog in some aspects, he is also merciless and cruel to kill countless pirates.

But Lin Tian is different from Chi Inu. Lin Tian does things right and wrong to people. He has his own standard of measurement in his heart. Only those who deal with the vicious and evil will do this. Chi Inu insists on absolute justice and cannot tolerate a trace of evil.

Although Huang Yuan didn't have a deep friendship with Lin Tian, ​​the two of them were considered friends. With Huang Yuan's character, he didn't care if he agreed with everyone else.

Needless to say, the Marshal of the Warring States Period, this is what he proposed, but at this moment, Lin Tian knew of Roberts' death, this news came.

Immediately afterwards, there was a shock and Lin Tian's roar, which made the navy leaders present look ugly, with a cautious look.

The Warring States slapped both hands hard and made a bang. The glass on the table fell to the ground, holding back his anger, and whispered: "What's the matter? Hasn't it been given a seal? The death of Major General Roberts, Don’t let Lieutenant General Lin Tian know, I will explain at that time."

At this time, the silent admiral Green Pheasant said: "It should be when Lin Tian arrived, he just collided. This time, for some reason, Lieutenant General Lin Tian arrived early."

With a bang, the Warring States patted the table again and said angrily: "How can I not be notified of such a big thing? What is the Naval Staff doing?"

"As a lieutenant admiral, it is generally difficult to get their position. I am afraid that the General Staff did not expect such a thing. After all, I just learned that he was here." Even if he doesn't try his best, he speaks funny Huang Yuan. , Is also very heavy.

Everyone understands that Lin Tian knew about this matter and what the consequences would be. Otherwise, the Warring States Marshal would not issue the seal of the entire navy headquarters. Everything was just to prevent Lin Tian from knowing.

The red dog lightly hammered down the chair, and whispered: "Now Lieutenant General Lin Tian already knows about this. We said it would be useless if it is too many. It's better to think about the consequences now. With his extreme Compared with his friendship-oriented character, he will not be arrogant."


The Warring States sighed, stepped back, rubbed his brows, and looked helpless and tired. It was precisely because of this that the Warring States would issue the seal.

It is true that Lin Tian is too popular in the navy, and even a little bit of himself as the Marshal of the Warring States Period. Many naval soldiers worship him and regard him as a goal to advance.

In addition, Lin Tian has a very good relationship with many senior navy generals. Many lieutenants and major generals are friends with Lin Tian. They have received help from Lin Tian, ​​and even the generals are the same. Among them, the best sentiment is the general green pheasant.

Now, the green pheasant still does not know how many meals he owes Lin Tian. Every meal is a favor. Not only the green pheasant, but most of the navy once owed Lin Tian a favor.

At the same time, many of those old guys are also very optimistic about Lin Tian, ​​like Zefa, Begapunk..., these people are very familiar with Lin Tian.

In particular, Zefa recognized Ai Yin as his goddaughter, and Lin Tian and Ai Yin all knew about it. The old man Begapunk used Lin Tian as his confidant, calling him a little friend all day long, and finally the **** Karp, who was Lin Tian teacher.

Therefore, if Lin Tian did anything, it would be a big shock to the entire naval headquarters. Even if the Warring States period did not know what the consequences would be, it would be unbearable.

"Those bastards, it’s enough to live a comfortable life with Mary Joa honestly. Your mother still has to go out and do evil from time to time. Usually the navy headquarters closes one eye, but now they even have a major general dead. Your hands".

Warring States angrily said in his heart, do you want to know how bad this incident has caused the navy headquarters? Those high-ranking generals in the navy were in danger, impetuous, and plunged into storms.

Thinking of it, the Warring States became angry, and patted the table again. The table could no longer stand, cracks and cracks all over it, and it collapsed.

Looking at the broken wooden table on the ground, the Warring States Period asked: "Let's talk about it, what should we do to deal with this matter".

"Lin Tian has too much influence in the navy, I think he should be arrested first, and then it depends on the situation," Akadog said in a deep voice.

The green pheasant immediately rejected the red dog's proposal: "No! Lin Tian is very powerful. Let's talk to Lin Tian first to see what he says, and then make a decision."

Hmph, the red dog snorted coldly and hammered the chair. "It is because he is very powerful, so he has to catch him. Otherwise, if something happens, it will be too late. Its annihilation".

"I won't agree!"

Compared with the quarrel between the green pheasant and the red dog, Huang Yuan didn't say much, just shaving his nails on the side, smiling while watching the two quarrel.

"Okay! Don't quarrel with the two of you. I have made a decision. Let's rush there before talking." In the end, the Warring States decided.


Then came the present scene. When Lin Tian led the woman and Ward out, the navy was outside, and countless naval soldiers surrounded the house.

The busy streets were already empty, and they were covered with countless navies. Even the roof on the side was filled with countless navies. The navy even moved its powerful naval guns to the houses.

Not only did countless naval soldiers arrive, but at this time all the high-ranking generals at the naval headquarters were all present, including the Warring States marshal, three navy generals, several lieutenants admirals, and more than a dozen rear admirals. As for the rest of the navy, the officers are countless.

It can be said that all the navies have come here except for the navy in some necessary positions. Tens of thousands of navy groups have surrounded here, and so many people have come for Lin Tian.

Seeing Lieutenant General Lin Tian, ​​many navies suddenly sighed. For the Warring States Marshal suddenly gathered all the elite navy headquarters and surrounded here, he thought it was a powerful pirate who broke into the navy headquarters.

Now that General Lin Tian came out, that pirate should have been wiped out, said with joy.

"No loss is Lieutenant General Lin Tian, ​​who solved the pirates so quickly, with Lieutenant Lin Tian here, we don't need to act."


But at this moment, Lin looked up to the sky and laughed. After a few seconds, he stopped smiling, his face was angry, and he smirked.

"Marshal of the Warring States, I didn't expect you to really see me, and actually dispatched the entire navy headquarters. But then why didn't we see our Marshal of the Warring States come out to maintain justice, only to shrink in his office."

When Lin Tian said this, the face of the Warring States Period turned blue from time to time, and was extremely ashamed. Lin Tian meant that the Warring States would not know, but the Warring States did not know how to refute it.

In that matter, I did not do well, but the Warring States had nothing to do. It was not that the Warring States had never quarreled with the five old stars, but the opponent was a dragon.

No matter how the Warring States is going, there is no way, just because they are Tianlong people, and they are called gods. No one in this world can judge them.

After taking a deep breath, the Warring States Period said with some guilt: "Lin Tian, ​​I don't need to say more about what is behind this matter. You should know better than me that those people are not what we can move."

Of course Lin Tian understood what the Warring States said, but what the Warring States did was really too much. Instead of publicizing this matter, he hid it and kept himself from knowing it.

"Really? Our Marshal of the Warring States Period really worked hard. He used his subordinates to die and put them on the negotiation table as a bargaining chip."

Lin Tian didn't care about the face of the Warring States at all, and there was no mercy in his words, and the irony was undoubtedly exposed. After staying in the navy for so long, some things in the navy secretly knew clearly.

Feeling the suspicious eyes of countless naval soldiers around him, the complexion of the Warring States Period was so ugly, he did not expect Lin Tian to reveal the darkness in the navy like this.

He asked: "Lin Tian, ​​are you sure you want to do this. Have you thought about how Karp feels after knowing it? You have been in the Navy for ten years. You should know the impact of doing this."

What the Warring States period said, Lin Tian didn't know how, once he did it, he would really not be able to look back, he would also go against the world government, and his life would take a huge turn.

It is conceivable that Roberts was the first one to talk to himself, and he was the one who was in a scapegoat for himself. During the battle, to save his life, he almost threw himself in... a miserable death.

That scene reverberated in front of Lin How did Lin Tian endure it, since the world is so unfair, it is up to him to promote justice for Roberts.

Lin Tian slowly stretched out his right hand, removed the navy cloak behind him, grabbed it with his right hand, and let it droop naturally. The cloak flew with the wind, and the word justice appeared in front of countless navies.

Seeing this scene, all the faces of the navy below were shocked. As for the generals who are Lin Tian's friends, their faces were shocked and worried.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, thank you for taking care of you for so long. Today I have to seek justice and help me say something to the teacher, sorry."

"Lin Tian, ​​do you know what you are doing? Put the cloak on me, and I can pretend not to see it." At the last step, the Warring States Period still did not want to give up Lin Tian. Lin Tian was too important to the Navy, and the Warring States Period did not want to. Saw Lin Tian walking towards the opposite side of the navy.

With a bang, the navy cloak that wrote justice instantly shattered into countless pieces, and floated in all directions under the blow of the sea breeze. Lin Tian had already demonstrated his determination by action.

"Even if the Tianlong people claim to be gods, today I will go against the sky and slaughter the gods." (To be continued.)

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