Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 200: Destroy the blood, Ling Chi


   Thousands of long swords came out, what kind of scene was that, the entire sky was covered with long swords, the ground was full of sword shadows, and the hot sunlight was covered by the countless black long swords, as if returning to the night.

   The guards who were imprisoned below opened their mouths, their faces were shocked, and they didn't even make a sound of surprise. Thousands of black swords came out together. The feeling can only be felt by being in the mirror.

  "Is this the real strength of Lieutenant General Lin Tian? It's really too strong. The rumors are not wrong. Lieutenant General Lin Tian injured White Beard with a punch."

   There are rumors that Lin Tian is extremely powerful, but it is only a rumors that how many people have actually seen Lin Tian take action, and now that they have seen it with their own eyes, can they understand how strong he is and live up to the name of the strongest genius in the Navy.

   Seeing Lin Tian attacked without hesitation, the Tianlongren became scared, and the calm disappearance of his face was all fear and fright. I thought that my move was extremely powerful before. I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, the opponent would use the same move, and it was countless times stronger than himself. This was Chi Lou Lou's face slap.

   Facing the coming threat of life and death, the Tianlongren have no time to care about so much. They have to survive before talking about how to slap their faces.

  File 锵! File clang! …

   Thousands of long swords collided with hundreds of long swords. It was completely crushed, and there was no stopping power. Only a metal collision and a scream of swords were heard.

   Then, countless pieces of iron fell on the ground, and the ground was covered with black fragments. The incisions were extremely sharp, and there was a hint of cold light. One can imagine how sharp Lin Tian's sword of space is.

   stepped forward and cast the long sword unabated, as if it was spiritual, slightly offset, and rushed towards the Tianlongren who was about to escape.

   "Hurry up, what are you doing, what are you low-level people doing, quickly help me block these swords".

   Tianlongren pulled a guard next to him, his face was full of fear and fright, and said crazy.

   It's a pity that no matter how hard it is, it can't pull a person. Lin Tian's imprisonment is not just pulling, but the endless void blesses it.

   In this regard, the guards' eyes are full of contempt. The Tianlong people are rubbish. This is something that the whole world agrees with. Even as their guards, only **** will feel good about themselves and call themselves gods every day.

   The long sword was like a torrent, sweeping towards the Dragonite, with four puffs, four long swords directly pierced his limbs, and the remaining long swords disappeared in the void.

   With huge power, he slammed into the wall with the Celestial Dragon, thrusting his sharp sword into the wall, and nailing it firmly to the wall.

   "Ahhh..." A tragic scream sounded.

   "Irritation!" Lin Tian shouted in a low voice, and suddenly a black slap appeared in the void, slammed his face, and the bubble mask on his head shattered directly.


   slapped his face with a scream, and suddenly a bright red palm print appeared on his face. The teeth in his mouth fell to the ground and blood was flowing.

   "Bah", vomiting the blood from his mouth, the Tianlongren said cruelly: "Who are you! What do you want to do here, no matter what you are doing today, you are dead."

   Until now, the Tianlongren still don't understand, Lin Tian is playing with them at all, playing him like a monkey.

   "I don't know, do you remember the name Roberts"? Lin Tian asked calmly.

"Roberts?" The Dragonite thought for a while, and said disdainfully: "It turns out that it is the navy trash, as if he is still a major general. Even if it is the major general, he still has to die if he offends us Dragonite. The navy headquarters dare not even fart. .

   "Really?" Lin Tian had a murderous look on his face, with a brutal look, without saying much, his palm facing the Tianlongren, slightly clenched.

  The four long swords started and moved toward the middle. The sharp blades pierced the muscles without any obstacles. A wound of more than ten centimeters appeared on each of the limbs, and blood flowed out like water.

   The two Celestials in the back, seeing this scene, had already shaken all over their bodies with fright. They, who were above them, had never thought that this kind of thing would happen to them one day. Devil, at this time Lin Tian was more terrifying than the devil in their eyes.

   I only heard Lin Tianping say: "Roberts, my best friend, that is a real soldier. He did not die at the hands of a pirate, but died at the hands of **** like you. It is really unfair."

   "Since God is unfair, then I will seek justice for it. Today, all five of you Tianlong people have to die here. It's just the beginning. I won't let you die so easily."

   Even if death is imminent, Tianlong people still think that their high bloodline is critical to the **** who is above life.

   "Haha... you are all just low bloodlines, **** races, you would not exist without us, you were born to serve us as slaves, since you dare to violate my orders, then die."

   Lin Tian's palm rose backwards, grabbed the two dog-like dragons out of thin air, and placed them quietly in front of the dragon on the wall.

   "Since you claim to be the noble blood, then today I will deprive you of the noble blood."

   Hearing that, no matter the guards who were imprisoned, or the remaining three Celestials, they were shocked. They think that they are gods and are not humans except for them. The foundation of all this is their boasting noble blood.

   If Lin Tianzhen did this, it would be tantamount to breaking the myth of the Dragon people and tearing up their outer coats that they thought were superior to ordinary people. The impact behind this would be very great.

   Just as he said, Lin Tian's left hand was exposed, two faint lights flashed, and two sharp black knives appeared between Lin Tian's fingers and clamped tightly.

   With a random wave, two black knives, followed by flying out without any sound, gently slid through the upper wrist arteries of the two Heavenly Dragons and returned to the void.

   噗呲 twice.

   In the eyes of the surrounding people, they were terrified, shocked, stunned, looking forward to...Two blood squirted directly from the wound. Under the strong pressure inside the human body, the blood flowed out very quickly.

   It didn't take long for the two Heavenly Dragons to turn pale. With the loss of blood, there was strength. As the blood flowed out more, they felt weaker.

   This way of death not only tortures your mind but also tortures your body. There is no pain when you die. And this allows you to carefully feel how you are going to death step by step, and you have spent your life in a short time, but you can only watch it quietly and can't do anything.

   The most important thing is that the blood runs out, which means that the blood has disappeared. This is something that all Tianlong people dare not face or imagine.

   They think that they are above all people, the supreme gods are all in their noble blood. If there is no blood, then they are ordinary people, and Lin Tian wants this.

The Tianlong man who was stared at the wall and killed Roberts was slowly frightened in his eyes and on his face. It was a fear of death, and even a fear of Lin Tian’s way, he was afraid that Lin Tian would use this way on himself. Body.

   "Don't worry, I won't abolish your blood." Seeing his face change, Lin Tian immediately understood what he was thinking, and said aloud.

   Hearing Lin Tian say this, for some reason, the Tianlongren breathed a sigh of relief, and then a trace of shame flashed in his heart, how could he be scared by this low-level person.

   "Hmph, low class person, you think you can scare us just by doing this, I advise you to let me go as soon as possible, the admiral may also be over after so long, and you will definitely die by then."

   Seeing this Tianlongren dare to threaten himself, Lin Tian did not hide his disdain, he really didn't see the coffin without crying, even if the three generals really arrived, I had tried it long ago.

   "I won't kill you", Lin Tianlian smiled when he said this, "However, I will use my unique method to make your death extremely painful."

   After finishing speaking, the smile on his face disappeared. Instead, it turned into a thick murderous intent, which filled the sky, so that everyone present could not breathe, as if entering a world of corpse mountains and blood.

   "Dark Blade!"

   As soon as the voice fell, a lot of black knives appeared in the void. There was not the astonishing number of the previous thousands, but there were more than one hundred around the Tianlongren.

   "What do you want to do, let me tell you that I am a Dragonite, the noblest race in the world, if you dare to kill me, you will be against the whole world, there is no way to escape the world."

   "Oh, I'm so scared, killing one is also killing. I have already killed four. I have already stood opposite the world government. Are you afraid of killing one more?" Lin Tian said flatly.

  While speaking, Lin Tian slowly raised his hands. The black knives tremble slightly with Lin Tian's movements. Each time they tremble, they leave a small black line in the void, which disappears instantly.

   "Do you know what title I have in the mouth of the pirate? Killing God, this is the title the pirate gave me," Lin Tian suddenly asked himself and replied.

   "Do you know why there is such a title? Because I have imprisoned a few vicious pirates, and then cut 3,600 knives on them,..."

Lin Tian said that he was very calm, as if he was just telling a trivial matter, but the person on the side was trembling involuntarily, and cold sweat broke out on his, don’t say it, I beg You, don’t tell me, let me go. As long as you let go, I will promise you everything you want. As long as I have everything I have, I will give you everything. Just let me go.”

   Finally, the Tianlongren couldn't hold it anymore, crying and begging, where there were those arrogant and self-righteous gods in front, and the lower body was scared out of control, and a strange smell was floating in the air.

   "It's too late, when you do it, it's already too late, die."

   squeezed hard with his right hand, and the slightly shaking black knives quickly turned around the Tianlongren, leaving only a black light.

   Every black light flashes, it means that a piece of meat stained with sinful blood falls on the ground, and it is cut with hundreds of knives, which is extremely fast.

   In just a few seconds, the Tianlongren became a skeleton visible to the naked eye, first with the limbs and then the upper body. In the end, only a complete, very clean white skeleton, meat and internal organs of the same size were left.

In the process of   , the miserable cry did not stop until he died. It was accompanied by severe pain every moment, that is, he passed out in a coma, but was immediately awakened by severe pain.

   At this time, in the area of ​​Shanghai near the island, an earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the shock waves produced by the explosion could even be felt here.

   Then, on the ground, on the tree, on the wall... the whole island was covered by ice in a few seconds, everything was frozen, and the temperature dropped suddenly. (To be continued.)

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