Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 205: A man offering a 1 billion reward

The next morning, when people walked out of their homes, rubbed their sleepy eyes, and picked up the newspaper under their feet, there was no sleep, and their faces were shocked and stupid. ﹏﹍吧·--`-·`

Yesterday, Lin Tian rebelled against the navy, slaughtered the Tianlongmen, and fought with the three navy generals. The movement was so loud and there were so many people watching it that it was impossible to hide it.

Not long after the event ended, the world's major forces, the underground world, and many powerful people had already passed through their respective channels, and when they learned about the story, there were all exclamations.

last night!

In the huge meeting room of the Navy Headquarters, the lights were brightly lit, the Warring States Marshal was seated high, and to the right were the bandaged Red Dog and Yellow Ape General, as well as the green pheasant who was not injured.

On the left is the silent and expressionless Lieutenant General Karp. Karp, who was on a mission outside, heard that Lin Tian betrayed the navy and slaughtered the Tianlongren.

An angry Karp sank an island at that time, and tried his best to reach the navy headquarters tonight, just in time for this meeting, mainly to figure out what happened.

Under Karp is the General Staff of the Navy Crane. The Warring States Period was specially called back from the Chambord Islands. If such a big thing happened, the general staff had to come up with an idea, but Crane was also expressionless and silent at this time.

Below are the lieutenant admirals, they also held their arms around their chests in silence.

This meeting involves a lot of things. The real decision-makers are still the top ones. They just came to make soy sauce. It's better to be silent and just listen quietly.

As a result, the meeting room fell into a weird atmosphere, everyone had their own small abacus, and in the end, the Warring States Period spoke.

"The incident of Lieutenant General Lin Tian betraying the navy will surely shock the whole world tomorrow, and the navy has not handled this incident well. It is a huge challenge to the justice of the navy and its image in the world. I don't know if everyone has any opinions."

Hearing the Warring States inquiry, the lieutenant admiral on the scene remained unmoved and remained silent. Although we thought that Lieutenant General Lin Tian did something right, we just thought about it. We just made soy sauce. Bar =

The three generals didn't speak for some reason. They just stayed silently, making the Warring States feel extremely embarrassed.

He crossed his hands, held his chin, and relentlessly criticized: "Warring States, now we are not discussing the impact of Lin Tian's rebellion. It has already happened. Presumably those newspapers have acted. This matter cannot be suppressed by the Navy. ".

After a pause, He continued, "Compared to this, should you tell us what happened?"

"Yes," the silent Karp echoed: "Xiaohe was right. You have to give me an explanation for the Warring States Period. Why did my student betrayed? Did you do something?"

Speaking of this, the silent lieutenants could not help but listen carefully. Most lieutenants were outside, and they only knew what happened, but they didn’t know the details.

Cang Dang!

The Warring States hammered the table heavily, shook the cup on it, and yelled, "Kapu, what are you talking about, what do you mean by me? It's too late for me to help Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian doesn't listen. To do that, I don’t want this to happen."

Faced with the anger of the Warring States, Karp didn't care, propped up and looked directly at the Warring States. Karp also knew that the Warring States period would not do that kind of thing, and he was a little bit wrong.

Regardless of whether it is the general or the lieutenant general below, they both pretended not to see them.

"As said, we are not talking about this time. In fact, the most important thing in this matter is that Lin Tian killed five Tianlong people. Whether it is within the world government or among the Tianlong people, they are all angry about this matter. The voice must catch Lin Tian."

Even Karp couldn't help but frown. Lin Tian did too badly this time. In the past 100 years, the number of abnormal deaths of Tianlong people was almost the same.

Also used the methods of Ling Chi and deprivation of blood, the Tianlong people will definitely not give up, not only will they put pressure on the world government, but will also take action against Lin Tian to maintain the position of the Tianlong people.

The red dog with many bandages all over his body said solemnly: "No matter what, Lin Tian has betrayed the navy. Standing opposite to justice is evil. Our navy has the obligation to eradicate evil." _雅﹎文8﹍﹍﹏=-=

Kapu and Tsuru were immediately unhappy when they heard the red dog say yes, but they didn't say much, the red dog said the truth.

Today’s events not only humiliated the Navy, but also angered the world’s top government officials and the Denonites. The Navy must act to give them an explanation.

The green pheasant glanced at the red dog diagonally, and said: "Erector, what shall we do to eradicate, three generals shot, but two were injured, and the family ran away."

"Now he has also escaped from the great route, the world is so big, who can find him with Lin Tian's strength, to capture him, at least three admirals of the Navy will take action."

"This..." When the green pheasant said, the red dog was at a loss for words.

After listening to Lieutenant General Crane, he curiously asked next to him: "Lin Tian is really so powerful."

Warring States nodded, "It is indeed very strong, the combat power has surpassed the generals, but it is a bit exaggerated to fight against the three generals, today fighting, you three will give me a review."

"I thought it was one-on-three, but I didn't have any sense of cooperation. It was just one-on-one. Another one was just like a spectator, and I didn't use my full force to shoot." Speaking of this, the Warring States period took a look at the green pheasant. Very clear.

"In the end, I was seized by someone to take a counterattack. If the three of you cooperated, it would have been solved long ago. In general, Lin Tian's combat power surpassed the general, but the two generals can beat him with all their strength. ".

The Warring States clamor resounded throughout the conference room, and the green pheasant and others did not speak. They did have a great responsibility for this matter.

The impact of Lin Tian's betrayal, the pressure from the world government, and the handling of Lin Tian, ​​this series of things gave the Warring States a headache.

As the general staff, He said, "Now, let's discuss how to deal with Lin Tian. With his strength, I think it is difficult to take the initiative to catch him. Let's make a bounty first."

Pressing the painful brain, Zeng Guo said: "As for the bounty, the Tianlongren are ready. For Lin Tian's bounty of one billion Baileys, the money will be paid by the Tianlongren, including the cost of arresting Lin Tian. ".

"S.... billion Baileys", in the meeting room, there was a sound of air-conditioning.


The next day, countless newspapers clipped the latest bounty list and passed it on to the carrier pigeons. Yesterday’s news spread to the world.

The New World, a country ruled by the revolutionary army.

A group of revolutionary army cadres are discussing the latest combat plan on a map, preparing to take down a neighboring country and make it the territory of the revolutionary army.

In a chair next to him, Long Zheng, the leader of the revolutionary army, steadily sat in it, looking at the world map on the wall and the places where the small yellow flags were inserted.

A revolutionary soldier, holding a newspaper in his hand, stumbled in from outside the door, and almost fell to the ground with a soft bang. Fortunately, Long helped him in time.

Looking up, seeing the commander's move, the revolutionary army quickly passed the newspaper in his hand and said quickly.

"Commander, the latest news, Lieutenant General Lin Tian, ​​the strongest genius of the navy, rebelled against the navy and killed five Tianlong people at the same time, truly embarking on the opposite of the world government."

"What", everyone on the side heard the news and suddenly exclaimed, with a look of disbelief, and they haven't recovered from the shocking news.

Long's face also moved, and he quickly took the newspaper, and it seemed that a figure rushed out and asked eagerly: "Lin Tian killed the Tianlongren, how is Lin Tian now?"

After taking a sigh of relief, he saw that it was the General Staff Sabo who asked, and replied: "After Lieutenant General Lin Tian killed the Tianlongren, he fought against three generals and wounded two admirals."

A burst of laughter rang out from the revolutionary army, and everyone praised with joy: "Lin Tian is so powerful, he monopolizes three admirals, and he can win, but it's not a loss..."

Sabo asked again: "Lin Tian, ​​how about Lin Tian?"

"The newspaper said that Lieutenant General Lin Tian seemed to be seriously injured and escaped. He didn't know his life or death. Now he is offering a reward of one billion Baileys."

"What! Billion Baileys!"


In the Chambord Islands,

In Aunt Xia’s bar, Hancock, Raleigh, Aunt Xia and Roberts’s wife are all here. This is also Lin Tian’s order. Only Uncle Raleigh is trustworthy nearby, and there are many things that need to be done with Uncle Raleigh. Confess.

"It's not a shame that the man I like killed the Tianlongren. Now Lin Tian is not very dangerous. I'm going to help him. Lin Tian, ​​I'm here", Hancock was about to walk outside the bar. .

Raleigh's voice sounded, "Stop, Hancock, you stay here for me."

Hancock suddenly turned his head and said with an unhappy expression: "Lei Li, what do you want to do, I am going to help Lin Tian, ​​what are you stopping me from doing?"

Picking up the clothes on the table, Raleigh looked at Hancock: "Hankuk, don’t you remember what Lin Tianxin said? You are still staying at Daughters Island, if you want to harm Lin Tian, Then you go to Marie Vatican."

After speaking, Raleigh didn't care what Hancock had on his face, and walked outside with his clothes. The stinky boy also confessed a lot of things to him.


New world, aboard the Mobile!

Ace looked at the newspaper in his hand with a heavy expression, and walked towards the boat, still holding the newspaper to the side of Margo.

"Ace, what are you going to do?" The white beard who was sitting on the deck on the bow asked.

Ace stopped, turned around and said, "Father, I don't worry, I think I still have to go out and have a look."

"Ace," White Beard sighed, "That kid, with that kind of weird ability, coupled with his combat power, few people in the world can catch him, and the world is so big, where do you go to find him".


New World Rosa Palace!

In a rare surprise and joy, "Lin Tian that **** has rebelled against the navy, and will never come to us again, from a high genius to a navy wanted man, but this **** bounty is really high and terrible.

One billion Baileys!

Compared with the happy men, Ming Ge has a heavy face. Lin Tiancai, who has lost his navy identity, is the most dangerous. There are countless restrictions in the navy. Now Lin Tian wants a giant tiger to come out of the cage, terrible!

Compared to what these people thought, apart from being shocked by Lin Tian's bounty, people all over the world were left with the joy of Lin Tian killing the Tianlongren.

On this day, all parts of the world seemed to be in a rare joy, singing and dancing in many places, the sound of firecrackers resounded across the sky, and people smiled with joy.

Finally someone dared to kill those garbage, and five Tianlong people died. I don't know how many people were spared from blame. The navy traitors became heroes among the people.

And at this time, where is Lin Tian! (To be continued.)

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