Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 254: Special training begins

In the calm East China Sea, the Golden Meri sailed smoothly, with a scream resounding across the sky. Right>`

Bang bang... file clang... file clang

On the deck, Sauron waved the word Hedao in his hand, extremely fast, and could only see the afterimages, and ordinary people couldn't even look at where the sword was.

But Lin Tian closed his eyes, using only two fingers, his figure moved erratically, but perfectly blocked Sauron's moves with his fingers.


With a slight flick of his finger, a powerful force was transmitted to the sword and into Sauron's arm. Sauron immediately felt that a powerful force, like sea water, continuously rushed toward his arm.

Even if he gritted his teeth to control, but that kind of power exceeded the limit that Sauron could bear, his body involuntarily retreated, and the sword body kept trembling, making a buzzing sword sound.


He inserted his backhand into the deck, and Hedaoyi's words stopped trembling, half kneeling on the deck, Sauron kept sweating on his head and breathing heavily in his mouth.

"This kind of strength is really too strong. This is the strength of the world's top power. It really feels the same as facing Eagle Eye, a deep sense of powerlessness. You can defeat it with just **** and your eyes closed. Own, this kind of strength is what I expect."

Opening his eyes, Lin Tian said to Sauron in front of him: "How is it, do you realize something?"

Slowly standing up, Sauron thought back: "It feels like you can check out my movements with your eyes closed, and even predict my movements. Also, obviously you didn't use a sword, only two fingers, and I feel like fighting with you as a swordsman."

Lin Tian nodded lightly, knowing this, Sauron's talent is really strong, in terms of swordsmanship, it's no wonder that even the arrogant fellow Yingyan could say that.

"In the battle just now, my moves were indeed swordsmanship, but I used **** instead and used them. Among them, I used a different power. You will come into contact with this power later, so let’s talk about you first. Swordsmanship issues". ﹍>>Bar···==·=

After a pause, Lin Tian asked, "Sauron, as a swordsman, what did you do with the sword in your hand?"

Raising the word Hedao in his hand, Sauron carefully stared at this sword that had a different meaning to him, and said with some uncertainty: "It should be considered a sword."

Hearing that, Lin Tian pulled out the chasing wind with his backhand and said softly, "You know, what do I do with this chasing wind in my hand?"


"Partner, a partner who can give his life to him, as a swordsman, the sword in your hand is your partner who will never betray you, even if the whole world stands opposite you, the sword in your hand will still face the whole world with you. world".

After a pause, Lin Tian turned and chased the wind, and gently cut off the iron chain on the side, without the slightest effort, just cut it gently like this, and with a click, the sharp iron chain was instantly cut into two.

"What? How could it be possible, even with the supreme swordsman, it is impossible to cut the steel so easily without any effort."

Before Sauron's astonishment was over, Lin Tian suddenly used his right hand, really cutting the chasing wind towards the rope at the edge with extreme speed, but he swung it at such a fast speed that the chasing wind did not cut the rope.

"This...what the **** is going on? It can cut the steel without force, swing the sword at such a fast speed, but even the ordinary rope is cut continuously"

Sauron was shocked, his head was covered with cold sweat, the scene before him completely exceeded Sauron's understanding as a swordsman, how could this kind of scene happen.

"Everything has a breath, and the sword also has a breath. For the swordsman, the sword is a real life, and it is also a useful life."

"When you can sense the breath of the sword, you can transfer your will to the sword, make the sword a part of your body, act according to your own will, and perfectly super control your sword."

"The breath of the sword..."

Seeing Sauron himself sinking into his own sentiment, Lin Tian didn't say much. As a swordsman, Sauron has a very solid foundation, and the main thing left is to rely on his own perception of the sword to make rapid progress. >>吧_﹍·``---··=====

At this point, Lin Tian just played a leading role. Every great swordsman has his own sword. To surpass Hawkeye, Sauron must also feel his own sword.

Sanji's side.

Behind, Sanji was barely standing, moving his legs with difficulty. Every slight movement was a great challenge for Sanji. He had to stop and breathe for a few minutes before he could continue to move. Another step.

Seeing Lin Tian coming, Sanji gasped and said, "Lin Tian, ​​what exactly did you bring to me? How could it be so heavy? Even my feet are so difficult to walk."

"Take it, Lin Tian!"

He took the drink that Nami handed over and took a sip. In such a hot weather, it's cool to have an iced drink.

Sanji's eyes immediately turned red, "Nami-Sang, I'm so tired, and give me a cold drink in her hand."

But the greater the hope, the greater the blow, Nami squinted and uttered two words calmly, "No."

After drinking the iced drink in one sip, the whole person was refreshed. Lin Tian looked at Sanji with a smile and said: "Sanji, didn't you call the fastest in the previous special training? Why can't you hold on now?"

Speaking of this, Sanji was furious, "It's not that you told me that you want to give me some awesome tricks, but now you want me to do this."

Gently waved his hand to signal Sanji not to be so angry, Lin Tian explained: "I am going to tell you a few tricks for the elite navy headquarters to be qualified to learn leg skills, but your legs are not strong enough to learn."

Because of this, Lin Tian specially found two weight-bearing rings and placed them on Shanzhi's legs to increase the strength and speed of his legs.

In order to give Sanji a little motivation, Lin Tian slowly walked to the side of the boat, turned his head and said, "I'm optimistic about Sanji, this is one of the tactics I was going to give you."

Lan feet!

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Tian lifted his right foot and kicked forward, a light blue shock wave kicked out of his toes and flew towards the sea.

The light blue light wave rushed to the sea in an instant, and there was a bang, and a water column tens of meters high rose into the sky, splashing sea water on the deck.

Upon seeing this, Sanji took a deep breath and expelled the smoke from his mouth. His eyes changed, and his whole body finally became serious.

Now in the Pirates group, Sauron, Luffy, and Lin Tian all offer rewards, even Usopp has boarded the reward order, even if it’s just the back of his head, he still...

These, Sanji did not say anything, but there was still a sense of urgency in his heart, eager to become stronger, and now is an excellent opportunity, inevitable seize it.

"Lin Tian! Everyone, help."

After the boat, Usopp's hysterical yelling sounded, really sad, and tears. Sanji trembled even more. Compared with Usopp, he was indeed lucky.

Hearing the shout, Lin Tian strolled towards the back of the ship, leaned on the railing, and looked at Usopp on the sea.

I saw that Usopp was kneeling on a small wooden board, and that wooden board was being **** by a rope, and the other end of the rope was tied to the railing where Lin Tian was standing.

Seeing Lin Tian finally appeared, Usopp seemed to see a savior, tears streaming out like water, crying and shouted: "Lin Tian, ​​you finally appeared, save me quickly, I don’t need special training from the devil. ".

Pointing a finger, Lin Tian smiled, "Hey! Usopp, you want to become a sea fighter like your dad. This is just a little difficult."

Hearing this, Usopp was taken aback, and suddenly a wave came head-on. Usopp, who was kneeling on it, and the plank were almost lifted out, and the frightened Usopp's heart jumped out.

Touching the cold sweat on his head, Usopp held back his body not to tremble, and reluctantly stood up.

He closed his eyes and said, "Great Usopp warrior, it's okay, you don't need this kind of training, you should get me up quickly."

"Really? What are you shaking all over? When will Usopp wait for you to stand on it without fear at all, I'm pulling you up."

Turning around, Lin Tian waved his hand to Usopp on the sea and walked towards the bow of the ship.

Usopp completely inherited his father's sniper talent, even more powerful than his father, but he was too timid to play that talent and potential.

Therefore, Lin Tian had only one goal for Usopp, which was to change his timid character, and then Usopp would be truly powerful.

On the main mast of the Golden Merley, Luffy's hands spiraled around the top, while Luffy was underneath, pulling back tightly, trying to make his arms longer.

Looking back, seeing Lin Tian coming, Luffy asked puzzled: "Lin Tian, ​​why do they have their own things to do, but they have to do this here."


Raising his hand and knocking directly on Luffy's head, he explained: "Your devil fruit ability gives you the greatest advantage, which is the extension and flexibility of a rubber eye."

"And what you have to do is to develop this Elasticity can give you great strength and speed, and the extensibility makes your attack style and combat style more flexible."

However, Luffy’s simple brain is difficult to understand this, and instantly turned to another direction, curiously asked: "Hey, Lin Tian, ​​where are we going next!"

"I don't know this either," she pointed to Nami who was looking at the map. "It depends on our navigator."

Turning over the map backhand, pointing to a small town on the Great Sea Route and said, "Here, before entering the Great Sea Route, the only place where you can supply supplies, Roger Town."

Looking at the small spot on the map, Luffy asked inexplicably, "Logue Town, is it a specialty of meat?"

"No, the town of Rogge is named the place of the beginning and the end. That is the place where the legendary Pirate King Luo outstanding sounded and died," Lin Tian said in a deep voice.

Looking back at Luffy with a smile, he asked: "Go, Luffy".

"Well, I want to see, the man who got the onepiece, the man who got everything in the world, the place where they made a sound and died." (To be continued.)

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