Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 390: Quarrel between 3 people

Hey! Hey! ! !

On the deck of the Meili, Lin Tian was tightly grasped by everyone, and everyone hurriedly advised. ??Hunter??????

At this time, Luffy, who had been silent on the side, was making noises from his two good brothers. Although Luffy was a rough nerve, the saddest part among them was Luffy.

No matter what the two of them, the good brothers of the past will have an impact on the brothers if they quarrel now. Luffy slowly stood up and walked in front of everyone.

"Luffy", watching Luffy walking towards Lin Tian, ​​Ace seemed to understand something and hurriedly called out.


Everyone did not expect that the silent Luffy would actually rush up at this moment, punch Lin Tian in the face, and knock Lin Tian away.

"Luffy!" "Luffy!" "Luffy!" "Luffy!" "Luffy!" "Luffy!"

Seeing this scene before them, everyone was stunned and their mouths could not be closed for a long time. Everyone did not expect that they had never thought that Luffy would make such an amazing move at this time.

He fisted Lin Tian, ​​now Luffy, what he was thinking in his mind, no one could guess.

Putting down the blood-stained fist, Luffy's tone was rarely decadent, and he shouted: "Okay, don't make any noise, although I don't know what happened."

"Perhaps what Lin Tian said is right. This is likely to endanger Ace's life, but that is Ace's insistence, and there is something Ace wants to protect..."

Lin Tian wiped off the blood from his mouth, his figure jumped out, pressed Luffy on the deck, punched him in the face, and shouted: "Luffy, you fool, you think this is going to happen. Was it for fun? Ace will really lose his life this time. Isn’t Sabo’s experience back then not enough?"

"Sabo!" Hearing this experience, Luffy was taken aback. The feeling was too painful. Now Luffy can't forget the heart-wrenching feeling.

"Also, don't you know the identity of Ace? If Ace really fails to chase Blackbeard, it will not be that simple at that time. If the world government investigates what happened in the past, what do you say, he is a brother. d . Roger's son"


Several screams sounded from the mouths of a few people, and their faces were full of shock and horror. They looked at Ace dumbly, and there was no response from the shocking news just now.

It's not that everyone's determination is too bad, but the news is really terrifying. If the rumors go out, the terror will shock the world, and Roger, the Pirate King, actually has a son.

"It's true that Roger One Piece actually has a son."

"To be honest, I don't believe it very much, but this person is right in front of us now"

"I believe Brother Lin Tian, ​​but the world government determined that Roger has no offspring, how could he have a son?"

"Roger's son, so to speak, he is the heir of his bloodline, no wonder he is so strong"

"It's over, I actually know such a dangerous person, I will be killed, help."

"Roger, Roger One Piece"

Compared with the few people who were frightened over there, the Lin Tiansan brothers were much calmer, but everyone was still there, thinking about things that only they knew.

Especially Ace, every time he hears these two words, Ace will have an incomprehensible feeling for ordinary people. For this legendary father, Ace never knows where to stand.

Blackbeard is not that kind of ordinary person. It will definitely be handed over to the Navy as recorded in the comics, and that war will definitely be repeated.

Although the navy had hidden itself in the past, and the navy has never revealed Ace's true identity, it has been more than half a year since he rebelled against the navy. Even Lin Tian did not know whether the navy had any control.

But if the situation develops in that direction, if Ace really falls into the hands of the navy, even Lin Tian doesn't know what to do, he is not sure.

After staying in the navy for so long, Lin Tian could understand how powerful the navy is. The four emperors are definitely not naval opponents. The navy is backed by the entire world, and its background is terrifying.

Pressing Luffy's head, Lin Tian stared at Ace in front of him, "Ace, listen to me, you can't participate in this matter, your identity is too sensitive, this is truly death."

At this moment, before Ace could speak, Luffy below stretched out his arm and hit Lin Tian, ​​trying to force Lin Tian back.

Lin Tian grabbed the eagle with both hands, grabbed Luffy's arm, and shot it very quickly, tying Luffy's limbs together so that he could not move and could only roll continuously on the ground.

Even the mouth was tied with both hands by Lin Tian, ​​without making a sound, he grabbed the rolling Luffy with his backhand, threw it on the ground, and placed it under his butt.

Shen Sheng said, "I don't care what you want to insist on, or you have any reason, I believe that if there are no people, everything is empty talk, so I don't want to be afraid of nothing."

"Only when a person is alive is the most important thing to say about the rest. Anyway, I won't agree, you go after Blackbeard."

Lin Tian's remarks not only spoke to Ace, but also taught Nami and the others in depth.

Ace sat up slowly, leaned on the edge of the boat, smiled, and said confidently: "Hey, Lin Tian said for a long time, everything you say is based on my failure."

"But you should be aware of my combat strength. There are many people in this world who can defeat me, but not necessarily Blackbeard. As his captain, I know his strength very well."

Shaking his head, Lin Tian said, "No, Ace, you are his chief and you are familiar with him, so you should realize what kind of person he is."

A person like Blackbeard cannot be underestimated at any time. It is a very patient viper, cruel, ambition, these are his true portrayals, otherwise one day it will be himself who will suffer.

"Moreover, although your combat power is very strong, but now he has Devil Fruit, you are not his opponent."

To Lin Tian's statement, Ace didn't believe it in his heart, even if Blackbeard had devil fruits, burning the fruits by himself was also a powerful devil fruit.

Blackbeard's devil fruit is not necessarily stronger than himself. Even if he is stronger than himself, he has just eaten it and has no time to develop his ability. How could he be his opponent.

Seeing that Ace didn't believe it, Lin Tian sighed helplessly, and didn't say more, this idiot would not believe it, there is no way he is a stupid idiot.

Explain, "Blackbeard's ability is to specifically restrain the devil fruit ability. Any person with the devil fruit ability will become an ordinary person and lose the ability when he is approached in front of him. This is why I don't let you go. ".


Hearing that, even Ace, who had been extremely confident before, was shocked at this time, how could he have this kind of ability, it would be the nemesis of all those with devil fruit ability.

With this trick, there are many strong people who can't do anything about it. If they also lose the Devil Fruit ability, it can be said that their combat power will fall to a trough.

Suddenly, Ace thought of something, and said with a smile: "Lin Tian, ​​thank you for telling me that if I didn't know this before, I might really fall."

"But now, after knowing his abilities, I am also prepared. As long as I don’t get close to him, his abilities will not be much harmed. I am completely sure that I can..."

Lin Tian, ​​annoyed and unbearable, flashed beside Ace, and with a tendency to cover the thunder as fast as his ears, his right leg was heavily drawn on his face and fell on the edge of the road fly.

The figure flashed and appeared directly next to Ace, sitting on him, pointing his head with his finger, and cursing: "Fool, I said that I just want you not to go, not to make you prepare."

Suddenly, Lin Tian's conversation turned, and his tone suddenly calmed down, "Seriously, Ace, you still don't want to join in this matter. I'm afraid that there is real destiny, and I don't want to lose your brother."

Hearing Lin Tian's true feelings, whether it was Luffy who was **** with his hands and feet and struggling with a mission, or Ace, who was sitting under Lin Tian's buttocks, all calmed down.

In fact, without Lin Tian, ​​Luffy and Ace can understand in their hearts that the three of them almost fought with each other, all because they cherished the friendship in their hearts.

That kind of **** has deepened in our hearts, and everyone doesn't want this friendship to happen, so they can't control their feelings.


Lin Tianshen sighed, stood up from Ace's back, his tone was full of the vicissitudes of this age, "Well, I have said so much, you can think about what you are left to do."

After that, Lin Tian slowly walked towards Nami's room. Just now, after knowing that Ace might die, he lost control and became where he is now.

After a quarrel, tranquility was restored again on the lively Golden Meri deck. Nami and others did not speak about this kind of thing because they were not suitable to participate.

This kind of thing, even if Luffy was so nervous, it was rare to be quiet at this time. And Ace didn’t say much, just sitting quietly on the deck, Nami and others were busy with their own thought for a while, opened the door, and stepped into the room. Weiwei originally wanted to go in, but seeing that Nami had already entered first, she had no choice but to stop.

Entering the room, I saw Lin Tianyang lying on the bed, just lightly glanced at the person coming, and then retracted his gaze to stare at the wooden board above, silently, without a glance.

Sitting on the side of the bed, Nami slowly stretched out her hand to grab Lin Tian's right hand, and asked gently, "Why, are you worried, what happened just now will hurt the feelings between your brothers".

Holding Nami's small hand backhand, she rubbed her blushing face lightly, "I am not worried about this, I am worried, I have said so much, Ace may not change his mind."

Hearing that, Nami woke up, and it turned out that Lin Tian was worried about these things, just when Nami was about to persuade her.

A big hand that was sitting badly climbed up to her delicate waist at some time. In Nami's arrogant cry, her body fell underneath and was tightly rubbed into her broad chest.

"However, I still have to first..." (To be continued.)

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