One second to remember【】, provide you with wonderful novel reading.

Above the sky, two dark shadows flew past, two giant eagles, one large and one small, flying from high above.

On the back of the larger giant eagle, Lin Tian's figure stood on it, and the oncoming hurricane blew on Lin Tian's face, wearing a white cloth fluttering in the wind, like a noble banal in the sky.

On the side, Luffy was standing on top of the giant eagle that Bell had turned into, carrying a huge bucket, and looking at the giant eagle at the foot of Lin Tian on the edge from time to time, with curiosity and excitement in his eyes.

Waving his hands, shouting loudly: "Hey, Lin Tian, ​​will you let me sit for a while? Your eagle is much stronger than the one under my feet, let me go up quickly?"

As everyone knows, when you say this, the following becomes a giant eagle, and Bell, who is holding Luffy, is immediately embarrassed. You sit on someone's back and say so.

If it wasn't for this kid to be the savior of this country, Bell really wanted to throw Luffy down, but even if he didn't believe it, Lin Tian said the same. Now there is no way to trust Lin Tian.

Compared with the same year, the shouting Luffy and the embarrassed Bell, Lin Tian smiled on his face, watching the chasing wind recovering again below.

Since the first battle at the Naval Headquarters that day, not only did he suffer heavy injuries, but even the chasing wind was covered by a layer of black material under the lava of thousands of degrees and fell asleep.

But in fact, chasing the wind is a blessing in disguise. Under such a high temperature, the chasing wind is tempered, and when the black matter disappears, it is also the day when the chasing wind is reborn.

Today, the wind has finally recovered from the immersion for half a year. Although the tempering has not been completely completed, it is almost rare. Now it can complete the transformation from sword to eagle.

To be honest, Chasing the Wind has been tempering for half a year, it is completely a dead thing, and has lost its spirituality. Today this spirituality has finally returned.

At first Lin Tian didn't know the situation, or this morning, the chasing wind behind him kept trembling until Lin Tian pulled it out.

Feeling the feeling of interlinkage coming from under his feet, the emptiness in Lin Tian's heart was finally filled. He had always used the chasing wind in the past and felt uncomfortable. Today, the familiarity has finally returned.


A loud eagle chirp sounded from the high school, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye hit the two of them, making Bell's body tremble.

Luffy, who was shouting at the back, couldn't react in time, and fell straight down. With a scream, Luffy clutched the straw hat that was almost blown away on his head, and quickly fell down.

"I won't fall so easily, look at me, rubber rubber..."

However, the force was not installed properly, the wind speed in high school was too fast, and the speed at which Luffy fell too fast, Bell was much smaller compared to the same period last year, and the final result was no catch.

"Ahhhh...Help, Lin Tian..."

Luffy's face changed drastically, retracted his arm, yelled in a fluster, and hurriedly approached Lin Tian for help.

Bell in the sky hurriedly flapped his wings at the moment Luffy fell and swooped towards Lin Tian who had fallen below.

It is a pity that the speed difference between the two sides is too great, even if Bell has tried his best, he did not bring the distance between the two sides closer, on the contrary, they are getting farther apart.

Just as Bell was worried about Luffy below, a black shadow flashed from the side, followed by a piercing sound, and he hadn't realized what was happening.

A strong wind pressure struck towards the side, and Bell suddenly couldn't control his figure. He whirled and flew towards the side, hurriedly flapping his wings, and then he looked down.

I saw that the black shadow was the swooping chasing wind. With such a high dive drop, Lin Tian could only cling to the chasing feathers to resist the powerful air pressure that was faster than sound. Squeeze.

The sharp eagle claws grabbed the barrel behind Lu Fei, flapped his wings suddenly, stopped the falling figure, and rose into the sky.

Stretching out his arms, grabbing the feathers behind the chasing wind suddenly, turning over and jumping up, the whole leaping happily, " awesome, Lin Tian, ​​your sword is so powerful, you can actually become a giant eagle again."

I didn't bother to worry about the back of the chasing wind, looking left and right to look at Luffy, controlling the direction of the chasing wind, and flew towards the huge outline of the city, the capital of Alabastan arrived.

Behind him, Bell also saw the huge city, spread his wings, and followed Lin Tian and others in front.

Before getting close, he could hear the killing sound, resounding across the sky, and the whole city was covered with murderous intent, even Lin Tian, ​​who was powerful in murderous intent, was shocked.

After all, this is the murderous aura gathered by millions of people. Each one looks extremely weak, but after reaching a certain amount, it has already undergone a qualitative change.

Possessed and patted it for fear, chasing the wind, flapping his wings, and rushing towards the bottom in a straight line. As the distance narrowed, the following battle appeared in front of everyone.

Those silhouettes looked like ants from a high altitude, and now these ants are flooding every corner of the city, and they are fighting each other.

This historic and ancient city has become a battlefield, where millions of people are fighting for meaningless purposes, but Krokdal is hiding in it and looking at these millions of stupid people with a smile.

When he got here, Luffy, who was alive and kicking before, became silent as well. He didn't say much. After traveling so long, he finally got here.

After working hard for so long, this battle still happened like this, presumably the most painful thing in my heart at this moment is Weiwei, watching these innocent people, fighting here without the slightest purpose.

"Klockdale, come out for me, I'm going to knock you off"

Suddenly, this kid Luffy stood on the top and yelled towards the whole city below. The wide sound was enough to spread half a city.

However, Luffy's high-profile declaration did make his appearance instantly rise to a very high altitude, because countless bullets were fired from below.

Such a loud shout directly alarmed the king's army and the rebel army below. Perhaps these people did not know Lu Fei and Lin Tian, ​​and the giant eagle flying above.

However, they knew Bell who followed behind, the strongest fighter in Alabastan. Needless to say, stay with Bell.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of rebels raised their guns and pulled the trigger towards Lin Tian and the others who were flying above. Tens of thousands of gunshots sounded in the entire battlefield of millions of people.

In the calm sky, it was suddenly covered by a rain of black bullets. Looking at the scene below, Lu Fei was extremely calm. Bullets were of little use to him.

Hey... With a helpless sigh, Lin Tian covered his face and shook his head tiredly. You said that we just sneaked in like this, so high-profile, isn't it troublesome?

"Chasing the wind, solve these bullets", although I am tired, but there is no way to do this, so let's make a high-profile debut.

Hearing Lin Tian's order, the chasing wings spread out, and abruptly stopped his figure, and an eagle crowed into the sky.


The huge double wings suddenly slapped, and two light blue hurricanes flew out from the double wings, entangled each other, turned into a huge tornado, and rushed towards the sky below.

As the wind turns, the air pressure changes tremendously, and the tornado turns faster and faster and bigger, and it has surpassed the control of the chasing wind.

As if destroying the sky and destroying the earth, they were crushing towards the kings and rebels below. The strong wind lifted up countless sand and dust, flooding the entire city in the yellow sand.

This kind of sight shocked the people of the whole city, whether it was the king's army, the rebel army, or the palace, who were facing off in the city, proudly and proudly watching Krokdal as everything happened.

There is no way at this point. You have to be considerate of others. After carefully calculating for so long, hiding for two years, and pretending for two years, you will get tired as an individual. Now that you have succeeded, you have to vent your feelings.

Everything stopped, watching the huge storm sweeping across the city. The violent gust of wind lifted yellow sand. This storm affected a quarter of the battlefield.

Whether it is the rebel army or the king's army, they have to stay and find the opportunity to avoid the wind. The ghost still has the energy to fight in this situation.

Bang bang...

He patted her head hard and cursed: "I told you to be high-profile, but it's not such a high-profile. Do you know what reservedness is?"

Choo Choo Choo……

Chasing the wind screamed unconvincedly, as if to say that you didn't want me to be high-profile, now that I have reached this high-profile, you can't say it again.

Besides, it is not what I hope to be so big. I did not expect that it would affect the surrounding air pressure, and as a result, it really caused a tornado.

"Oh, your boy has a tempered temper, and dare to talk back, bang bang bang..."

On the palace!

The triumphant laughter came to an abrupt end, and the sudden appearance of the scene gave Klockdal a bad premonition.

This kind of sudden hurricane does not want to be natural at all, it is more like man-made, but if such a strong person comes to this city, why there is no wind at all.

Moreover, in this situation, he suddenly broke in, making him think he had everything before, and tens of millions of people in the whole country were playing The proud Krokdal slapped his face fiercely.

Robin, who was leaning against the wall, looked at the scene not far away, retracted his gaze, lowered his head, with a visceral smile on his face, and a little blame.

"He...he still likes to make such a big show when he does things, so he won't be low-key, he always likes to mess around so much"

"However, that guy will not let go of this opportunity. After all, this princess Vivi is his god-sister, how could he not help, hey...what a bastard."

Kneeling on the ground, Weiwei, who was already desperate, looked at the scene in front of her. She knew that they were finally here, "Brother Lin Tian, ​​Luffy, everyone..."

Compared with Weiwei's happiness, Krokdal was full of anger, but at this last moment, this variable appeared, which might affect his plan.

"Which **** is it, no matter who you are, anyone who dares to oppose me is buried in this desert"

Weiwei! (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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