On the palace!

Just as millions of people were fighting below, and above, all the Straw Hat Pirates gathered to face Krokdal, one of the Qiwu Seas!

In the course of fighting against the baroque senior agents, everyone was wounded and wounded, but they also made their own progress. Even if they were exhausted, everyone rushed here as quickly as possible. Hunting text????????????

There is no reason, just because their partners are here and they need their help. Although this situation is difficult, and it is impossible to be the opponent of Oss Krokdal in the end, they still rushed over.

However, since the captain is here, the last oss has to be handed over to the captain. After all, if the captain's opponent is the captain, is this only compatible?

Compared to the happy Vivi, Krokdal's face was not as proud as before, and the more ugly, there was still speechless anger.

Especially seeing the newcomer pirates in these eyes all come here alive, indicating that the senior agents under his own have been resolved.

It made Krokdal very upset. He had selected senior agents for so long, but in the end they were all resolved, not even one was killed, even Mr1 was the same.

What shocked Krokdal the most was that Lin Tian's appearance, even if Luffy had no doubt about death before, was completely washed away by the shock of seeing Lin Tianshi.

One is a naval genius in the past, and the other is one of the seven Wuhai under the king. There is not no communication between the two. Although there are not many opportunities to get to know each other, they have already investigated everything separately.

After seeing Lin Tian, ​​Krokdal finally understood what the bad premonition in his heart was because of the arrival of this guy in front of him.

The emergence of this variable is the root cause of his uneasiness. It is precisely because of understanding Lin Tian that he can know Lin Tian's power, whether it is his mind or means.

Finally seeing this single-handedly making Alabastan the culprit, Lin Tian smiled faintly on his face, as if meeting between old acquaintances.

With a faint smile, he said: "Why, the crocodile, I haven't seen you for a year, don't you recognize me?"

Hearing Lin Tian's opening, Krokdal retracted his mind and replied calmly: "Your face makes me very sick, especially at this time, at this important moment, even if it turns into ashes, I can recognize it."

"To be honest, I was shocked for a while when I heard that you rebelled against the navy. I didn't expect that the genius who was the face of the navy back then rebelled against the navy and killed the Tianlongren. It really hit the navy headquarters in the face."

What seemed to say about the navy headquarters actually satirized Lin Tian's ridicule. The naval genius back then rebelled against the navy, and betrayal is a **** spot no matter how you say it.

However, Lin Tian showed no signs of anger in this regard. There was still a faint smile on his face. It seemed that it would be of little use to let himself be in a mess with simple words.

With such a simple verbal attack, Lin Tian just faintly replied: "Some things the Navy headquarters have done too much, so what about betrayal? That kind of rules really don't fit. I still prefer freedom."

"Freedom, haha..." Krokdal burst into laughter, his words filled with deep irony, "The naval genius then became a pirate. Perhaps it is not freedom waiting for you, but the anger of the world government. ".

He raised his head and looked at Klockdal in front of him, "This is not something you should consider. Now you still consider how to survive. I am a person who keeps my promise."

"Promise", Nami and others on the side listened to the conversation between the two and looked puzzled. Why did the conversation reach the promise again? What are they talking about?

Without Lin Tianming's words, Klockdal understood the meaning of Lin Tian's words instantly. Anyone who dares to make trouble in this country, no matter who it is, is challenging his authority and facing his own anger.

Carefully, in secretly calculating this country for so many years, he has never revealed his identity, and only one of the thousands of people in the entire Baroque work agency knows his identity.

The big reason for all of this was Lin Tian. Even though Krokadar was also the king of Qiwuhai, who was famous for the great route, he was also regarded as a member of the world government.

But compared with Tian Lintian, a naval genius, that was far worse, not only a lieutenant admiral, but also a man in the navy, the superficial sign of the world government, that is very powerful.

Krokdal is just a partner. It's ugly to say it's exploiting. It is Lin Tian who is blessing behind Alabastan, who can only hide in the dark.

Do things carefully. In the past, Klockdal just wanted to mess up this country and get the text of the history. He never thought of conspiring this country at the same time.

Because, even if he was really messed up, if Lin Tian, ​​who had a great power, made a move, coupled with the high-sounding king Kobula, he could easily suppress the rebellion.

The most important thing is that he will be investigated later. At that time, he will have to lose his identity as King Qiwuhai, wander on the great route, and face the full pursuit of the navy headquarters and the world government.

And everything changed after Lin Tian rebelled against the navy. The powerful naval genius turned into a bereaved dog overnight. That is the truest portrayal of Lin Tian.

All the worries were gone. Krokdal's ambition, which he had endured for many years, finally burst out. With the chess pieces buried for many years, in just one year, the entire Alabastan was in danger of extinction.

Now, Lin Tian reappeared at this juncture, disrupting all his years of plans. Now, as Lin Tian said, he is not considering whether the plan can be realized.

In a blink of an eye, Klockdal had already analyzed the situation in front of him, although the idea of ​​capturing this country would certainly not be realized.

But he didn't lose much to himself. From the beginning, his main purpose was the ancient weapon Pluto, the weapon that would allow him to gain the world's invincible power.

As long as you get something like that, you will leave the country and stay silent for a period of time. When you are born, there will be no man in the world to stop you, not even that man.

After he figured it out, Clock Dalton became more calm, his face returned to his previous triumphant smile, and now he could hold the strongest card in his hand.

"Really? Lin Tian, ​​do you think that just these novices can deal with me? It's a bit too small for me, right?" Klockdal asked rhetorically.

No no no! !

Shaking his fingers, Lin Tian repeated no, "There are a few points you made wrong. They are not some novices, but a group to defeat you. As one of the Seven Martial Seas, you will be their famous and great route. Stepping stones".

"The second point, don't worry, I won't miss the battle this time. Everything is up to them. Oh... and on the third day, I am a promised person."


Klockdal laughed, his eyes still full of faint anger, Lin Tian's words of fact were undoubtedly the greatest disdain and ridicule in his ears.

"I actually think these novices can deal with me, and I don't even want to shoot myself, Lin Tian, ​​it's a bit too arrogant, you didn't know where you were when you were famous for the great route."

With the cigar in his mouth, he pointed his finger at Luffy and the others in front of him, with a very disdainful tone, "Just these newbies who have just entered the great route, you also think they can beat me, Lin Tian, ​​are you too mad".

"Really? I don't think I'm crazy, I'm just stating a fact."

With his hands folded, Luffy said in a calm voice: "I lost you in the battle yesterday, but today I am different from yesterday. This battle is not over yet, let me beat you up today."


The words full of confidence and anger, even if Krokdal's face can't help but change, the whole person is stunned. The seemingly ridiculous words seem to have a unique charm, even as an enemy. Impressed.

Krokdahl was so determined that UU read www.uukanshu.com in a blink of an eye and expelled the extra thoughts in his mind, but his eyes were fixed on the boy in front of him.

Then he raised his hand, raised the grappling hook in his hand, and pointed at Luffy, "Little devil, it seems that yesterday I took a life from the gate of hell. You haven't learned a lesson."

"As a newcomer, I still keep a low profile for a while. This is not the gentle hometown where you used to be. I am different from those pirates. There is a huge difference between us."

Raising his fist, Luffy made a usual attacking action, "I said it all, it was yesterday. Today I am different from the past."

Hearing this, Klockdal was taken aback, and then his face was distorted with anger, his tone was full of murderousness, "Boy, it seems that yesterday’s experience has not allowed you to experience the feeling of death. Some things are not just a matter of talking. It can be realized, and only strength is the root of everything."

At this moment, after speaking these words, Krokdal put away his anger, his face returned to calmness, his eyes turned to Lin Tian, ​​who was watching the show, and said.

Let's negotiate! Lin Tian. (To be continued.)

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