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The dazzling thunder light shone on the deck, clearly shining the triumphant smile on Ainilu's face. Who can escape this level of lightning attack.

"The power of the gods is unmatched, I am an invincible thunder. This world does not exceed the power of the gods. After solving this guy, no one should stop me from going to the infinite land."


Suddenly, there was a rapid burst of air behind him. Before Anilu could realize what was happening, he felt a powerful force hitting himself.

There was a creak, and Ainilu let out a miserable scream, a mouthful of blood spurted directly from his mouth, and fell on the deck, splashing a **** flower.

The Aini Road, which was knocked off, rolled down on the deck for a few laps before it completely stopped. The wide deck, under its strong impact, broke directly into cracks.

Lin Tian's figure with his fist retracted appeared in the air, with drops of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but he said calmly: "It's too arbitrary to get the answer so quickly."

The spine behind him was interrupted by Lin Tian's punch, and Ainilu was lying on the ground curled up like a prawn, with fear in his eyes.

Just listen to Lin Tian continue to say: "No matter how strong it is, what use is not in the same space, it can't hit me in another space, and it's also useless".

Hearing Lin Tian's explanation, Ainilu understood everything instantly, his eyes tightened, and the fear in his eyes deepened again. If as he said, he would not be able to attack the other party no matter how he attacked, and only faced death.

But when his eyes were swept away, Anilu suddenly noticed something unusual, his face gradually showed a smile, his whole body flashed with lightning, and he slowly stood up from the ground.

"However, this kind of strength must also cost a lot of money. Although I don't know what happened, now your trembling body should have been traumatized."

He wiped off the blood from his mouth and showed a smug look on his face. Obviously Ainilu was very happy when he guessed this. After all, if this is the case, then he has a chance to win.

Lin Tian didn't care when he spit out blood foam, standing there with a look on his face. For him, it didn't make much difference whether Anilu could find this.

The figure flashed, Lin Tian jumped out, rushed towards Ainilu, turned into a silver-white light and disappeared into the void, but a powerful fist flashed in the face, knocking it out with a punch.

Facing the thunder and lightning shot by Ainilu, Lin Tian did not evade, his body passed directly through it, and the fist wrapped in his fist struck Ainilu fiercely again.

Next, Lin Tian seemed like a ghost that couldn't attack. No matter what kind of attack Anilu attacked, it was of no use to Lin Tian.

Ainilu, whose cheek was beaten directly into a pig's head, finally reached the extreme of his anger in his chest, a loud roar was heard in his mouth, his arms stretched out, and countless lightning flashed out.


However, the straight fist that appeared in front of him directly slammed it to the wall with a single punch, knocking out a big hole, waving his blood-stained right arm, Lin Tian slapped his face.

"What's your name, don't you claim to be a god? Don't you think that you can win the battle by shouting?" He walked steadily towards the fallen Aini Road.

Leaning on the wall, Anilu yelled frantically, "You are angered. You anger me thoroughly. I want you to pay the price of your life. Anyone who prevents me from going to the land of God will be severely punished."


An angry voice sounded, like a blue and white thunderbolt of flames, wrapping Ainilu's whole body, and a huge figure appeared in the blue and white thunderbolt.

A huge body of tens of meters high, surrounded by lightning that turned into substance, at this time, if Ainilu landed on Qinghai, he would indeed be a god, Thor!

Stopping his progress, Lin Tian, ​​who was like an ant, looked up at Aini Road, who was overlooking him, with a calm and indifferent face, it was difficult to see what expression he had at the moment.

"In the presence of God, everything must be destroyed"

Ainilu roared, and his fists slammed out. The thunder and lightning flames burning in his arms were the essence of lightning, as if even the void could burn out, and the air was twisted in front of him.

A violent fist wind came towards him, blowing away Lin Tian's hair, and the encircling fist strength, even the deck under his feet could not bear the huge pressure, and it shattered.

Facing the attack, Lin Tian's face changed slightly, but he disappeared from his face in an instant, his right hand was covered by the silver-white light, and he slid in front of him, and the silver-white light appeared in front of him.

That huge thunder and lightning fist stopped under the silver-white light. It was not that Ainilu didn't want to move, but Ainilu's fist had already hit his fastest punching speed, but could not touch Lin Tian's body.

With a face full of shock and shock, Ainilu's right fist turned into a huge thunder pillar and shot straight out quickly, but also stopped in front of Lin Tian where the silver-white light was shining.

Do not! It is still moving, but the speed is very slow, as if there is no movement, you must know that the speed of lightning is comparable to light.

"Between heaven and earth!"

Lin Tian shouted secretly in his heart, and the power of the void in his hand increased by a few points again, the silver-white light was extremely bright, the space in front of him was slightly shaken, and even the naked eye could clearly see the change.

The power of the endless space was vented in the space in front of him. The short distance of tens of centimeters was expanded to endless by Lin Tian. Even the speed of lightning can only reach this point.


Suddenly, the static thunder and lightning crossed this small distance and hit Da Lintian's arm. The shining thunder and lightning, like a sharp sword, pierced Lin Tian's arm instantly.

"Sure enough, although that kind of power is strong, there must be a price. How long can you use it now", Aini said in a voice.

Puff...a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth, and Lin Tian staggered and almost fell to the ground, half kneeling on the ground, a wry smile appeared on Lin Tian's face.

"It was a little bit bigger just now, but now I want to achieve that level is still much worse."

Extending the space of just tens of centimeters so that even thunder and lightning can hardly fly out, the difficulty involved can be imagined. Only now can we adapt to this kind of power. This kind of step is too big.

It caused a backlash, and he didn't even have time to react. He was directly hit by this guy. He turned over and jumped, and a loud bang sounded on the deck where he was standing before.

Slowly withdrawing his fists, a large pit of several meters appeared on the deck, his hands turned into two thunder swords, and they slashed towards Lin Tian below.

Turning into a spatial phantom, two thunder sword attacks flashed, and before Lin Tian could stand firm, a huge golden fork pierced his neck.

At this time, Lin Tian could no longer transform himself through space, chasing the wind out of its sheath with a scream, the chasing wind exuding silver-white light, and the wide blade crossbar was on his chest.

The huge force hits directly on the body of the wind chasing sword, and there was a sharp metal collision sound, and the hard chasing wind actually bent down under the golden fork.

The surging power bombarded his chest. Standing Lin Tian was shot and flew out, and fell to the ground severely, marking dozens of meters away before stopping.

A successful blow, Ainilu seized the opportunity, and a huge thunder and lightning fist blasted from above, "Haha...Used between dodge and transforming phantoms, only to show one problem, that is, you can't always switch, there should be limit".

Hearing that, Lin Tian's eyes showed a look of surprise, obviously he did not expect this self-righteous guy to observe so carefully.

Holding on to the wind, the silver-white light slowly passed from the arm to the sword. The jet-black sword body was now covered with a layer of silver-white metallic streamer.

"It's true, but you know what's the use. It's too late. Your injury is several times heavier than mine. You can support it now. It's just relying on the power of lightning to stimulate your cells and overdraw your life."

"What's the matter?" Ainilu yelled, "Now that I know your weakness, how can you who can't use that power be my opponent".

That huge fist, blue and white flames burning in his hands, seemed to burn everything in the world, like a meteorite falling from a high altitude, wrapped in a huge flame, destroying the world.

The silver-white sword body turned over, and the sharp sword light radiated through the tip of the sword. The silver-white sword light tens of meters long cut through the night sky and instantly cut the fist in half.

"Swordsmanship Profound Meaning. Space Sword"

The tiny figure lifted a tens of meters long sword, Lin Tian lightly waved it, directly cut off his arm, swiped it backwards, and the sharp blade instantly cut his body in half.

Seeing that the color is full, Lin Tian made a backhand sword, and the sharp blade slashed upwards. Several sword shadows flashed past. The huge Thunder God, under the Lin Tian space sword, did not have the slightest backhand strength. Thunder and lightning hovered in mid-air.

The remaining body turned into lightning and disappeared into the sky, and only the last group of lightning continued to shine in the air, which was the entity of Anilu.

Backhand retracted the chasing wind, the tens of meters long sword was quickly dissipating, Lin Tian's space sword was not only as simple as cutting the space, at the same time, the space recovery was forbidden, and the broken place would form a short separate space.

Knowing that he could not escape, Ainilu did not continue to hide, the floating thunder and lightning gradually transformed into his body, and the angry face, UU reading couldn't hide the fear in his eyes.

Facing Ainilu, Lin Tian continued to say: "If you could discover those things before, maybe you still have a chance to win, but now everything is a foregone conclusion."

Before the words fell, Lin Tian's hand chasing the wind had leaped high, and pointed at the forehead of Aini Road that was trapped in the void.

"Your life is up to today. As for your ability, let it fall into the hands of the real master."

Facing the sword tip that was getting closer and closer, Anilu knew he was going to play this time, but even so, he still couldn't believe that he was the **** who mastered the strongest natural thunder fruit, how could he fail twice in one day? Time, and eventually even lost his life.

"No! This is impossible. God cannot fail. Thunder's power will only belong to God. Even if I die, you will never get it." (To be continued.)

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