Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 393: Broken friendship

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The afterglow of the setting sun shone obliquely on the sea, and the red clouds drenched half of the sky. The Merley on the shore, in the lonely setting sun, looked like an old man in the dusk.

At the moment in the dim yellow light, the straw hat group, except Robin whose whereabouts are difficult to know, are all gathered here to determine the major event about the direction of the pirate group, that is, the issue of the abandonment of the partner Merley.

Seeing everyone's silence and expressions, Usopp said suspiciously: "Why, is it really because I lost the 200 million Baileys... After the 200 million Baileys are lost, can the Meili be repaired? That's it, Luffy, The cost of a first-class shipyard is also very high."

Seeing Usopp still deceiving himself and others there, Luffy closed the catalog in his hand and shouted: "It's not for this reason, it has nothing to do with the money."

Usopp, who couldn't bear the news, also shouted excitedly: "That's why, I have to say something meaningless like changing boats."

Seeing that the situation was a little out of control, Sauron had to stand up to stop the agitated two, "Hey, what are you two doing, don't you stay so close? Calm down and talk."

However, under this circumstance, the two of them carry something beyond what ordinary people have. Whether Luffy made this decision or Usopp who heard the news, they both feel sad that they are not enough for outsiders.

Usopp still shouted excitedly: "How can you calm me down? The captain is talking stupid. As the captain, he made the decision to change the ship in such an understatement."

"What an understatement, I am also compelled to make a decision." Luffy felt the same heartache in making this decision.

If the Meili could be repaired, even if he paid any Luffy, he would not give up, but the world-class boatmen have already explained that the Meili has reached the end, and it cannot be repaired.

Abandoning partners is no less than the most painful thing for Luffy. In fact, the pain in his heart is no lower than Usopp.

"I'm very upset now, Luffy, what the **** is it for, give me a reason, is it because I lost the 200 million Baileys, in this case, I will get 200 million Baileys and repair the Meili again" .

Facing Luffy's persuasion, Usopp directly seized the catalog in his hand and threw it on the ground. The blue veins burst out, all showing that Usopp's heart had been exposed.

While watching this scene, Lin Tian couldn't help but sighed deeply. This situation had been anticipated before, so when he understood that there was no hope of repairing the Meili, he just buried this in his heart. Speaking out, I just don't want to come to this scene.

Especially after experiencing that incident, I did not protect the 200 million Baileys, and I was always guilty and hated that I was not strong enough. Hearing this kind of news immediately, I can imagine my mood.

"Forget it, Luffy" after thinking about it, Lin Tian still said, "Tell me the reason. It's useless to hide at this time."

Clutching his fists tightly, after a long silence, Luffy whispered: "That...that's because the Merley has been repaired.

However, what happened next surpassed everyone's expectations. Even if Lin Tian planned for the worst, the matter actually evolved to that point.

I really couldn't stand this fellow Usopp, shouting excitedly here, as if it was everyone's hope to discard the Merley, he was the only one who valued the Merley.

Lin Tianyi flew Usopp with a fist and fell to the deck violently, "Idiot, don't you think that everyone doesn't care about the Merley? No one in the presence of the pain is lighter than you."

"How could it be?" Usopp grabbed the blood at the corner of his mouth and got up from the ground. "You guys who are going to abandon Melly, why are you in pain."

Everyone's complexion changed as soon as he said this. Could this fellow Usopp vent his anger to say such things without taking his partner at all.


As soon as the words came out, Luffy, as the captain, got up and put Usopp on the deck and yelled: "Idiot, what nonsense you guy are talking about, everyone hurts in their hearts. I made this decision. , If you disagree, then from the ship..."

Realizing that he had said something wrong, Luffy stopped speaking quickly, but was attacked by Usopp and knocked out, even slamming the table directly.

But Lin Tian suddenly got a bump in his heart. Now that the two of them are in this situation, they can't even understand their own feelings, and they all say such nonsense, and eventually things will lose control.

Sure enough, before Luffy apologized, Usopp fell on the ground, but said calmly: "No, it doesn't matter, that's your truth, just abandon those companions and move on."

Struggling to stand up, Usopp said solemnly: "Since you are going to abandon the Merley, then abandon me together."

"No, I'm serious. I've been thinking about it for a long time. To be honest, I can't keep up with you guys who are as powerful as monsters. I can't even hold back money like this..."

When Usopp said something, he said what he had always said. Since joining this pirate group, the weakest people have been himself and Nami. Chopper is also a demon fruit capable person and a ship doctor.

Nami is a powerful navigator. She doesn't seem to be of much use on the ship. She often supports everyone on the hind legs and can only work part-time as a ship repairer.

What happened to the Meili at this moment has confirmed Usopp with him. Will he wait for one day, if he is as useless as the Meili, he will be abandoned by Luffy.

Opening the door of the ship, Usopp stood outside the door, stopped his advance, and was silent for a long time before speaking.

"From today, I am not a member of this pirate group"

Leaving the people who hadn't reacted from it, Usopp had already walked outside, and the setting sun stretched his back very long, so lonely and lonely.

Looking at the figure slowly leaving, Luffy held on to the edge of the ship with both hands tightly, his eyes flashing constantly, it was definitely not what Luffy wanted, but now there was no need to stop it.

When a man really makes up his mind, who can stop it, even if death is not to be feared!

Stopping on the shore, Usopp stopped, turned around, stretched out his fingers and raised them to Luffy.

"Luffy, I can't be with you anymore. I have to trouble you in the end. This ship really belongs to your captain. In this case, let's fight a game, Monkey.d. Luffy, Fight with me".

The world is quiet at this moment, who can understand the pain and anger in Luffy's heart at this moment, the blue veins on his forehead are violent, and his fingers are deeply plunged into the wood.

"Tonight, I will be here again, I will defeat you and take away the Merley, and our fate will end here."


As night fell, time turned, it was already ten o'clock, and the final battle finally arrived.

"Must kill tomato juice"

Usopp's sudden tomato juice could only deceive Luffy, and when he raised his head, Luffy couldn't help but tremble with the look of war and indifference.

As if anticipating Luffy's movements, Usopp stretched out his right hand in his pocket, suddenly pulled out a shining shell, and pressed it at the same time.

The dazzling light radiated from the front, and forced Luffy to stop the attack, block his eyes, and push towards the back, all of which were in the Usopp plan.

He took out his slingshot and released several eggs in an instant, all hitting Luffy's body, "Must kill, rotten egg star, star, star".

Smelling the smell coming from her body, Luffy couldn't help cursing angrily: "Damn it, can you fight well?"

Reaching out his hand and groping in his back pocket, Usopp gritted his teeth and said, "Does it feel ridiculous? But this is my battle. Do you remember what Lin Tian told us? There is no good way of fighting, only the enemy Down with the method that suits you."

On the Meili, Lin Tian's eyes showed relief. At this time, Usopp was what he expected, fighting like a real man, but the price was too high.

He quickly took out an object from his pocket, and with an accurate and fast launch technique, it directly hit Luffy's mouth that just opened more than ten meters away, "Pepper Star".

Endless spiciness came out of his mouth, and his lips were flushed red in an instant, and flames burst out of his mouth. The strong spiciness and the spiciness of Luffy all stood unstable and fell to the ground.


The screams sounded from the mouth of Luffy who fell on the ground. At some point, Usopp dropped countless iron nails around, and pain came from all over his body.

But this kind of pain was of little use to Luffy, who had often experienced life and death battles. He suddenly stood up from the ground, stepped directly on the nail with his feet, and rushed towards Usopp.

"Don't you notice that something is wrong? Luffy," Usopp said calmly, standing there.

After Usopp reminded, Luffy immediately found out, smoke! Suddenly there was a lot of smoke, and when I rolled my eyes, I saw a Weibei continuously emitting smoke on the side.

Holding the slingshot high, aiming at Luffy, a trace of apology flashed in his eyes, "Now you are all filled with gas, I'm sorry, Luffy, Gunpowder Star".

The gas scattered around, when the flame was ignited, there was a bang, a huge explosion sounded on the shore, and the resulting fire light instantly illuminated the entire coast.

Looking at the ground that was scorched by the explosion, there was still smoke constantly Usopp said calmly: "Luffy, I know this kind of attack is of no use to you."

Next, Usopp, who hadn't seen each other for several hours, seemed to be a different person. Using the shells of the sky island and his own preparations, Luffy suffered a great loss.

It's a pity that the difference in strength between the two sides is too great. It is not so simple and easy to make up. He was caught off guard by Luffy and was instantly defeated by Luffy.

Kneeling down on the ground, facing Usopp who was knocked to the ground in front of him, Luffy clenched his fists and screamed in pain.

"How could you be my opponent".

Standing on the ground, Luffy did not hesitate and walked towards the Meili behind him. At this point, there was no need to say anything. The two sides were no longer partners in the same boat. (To be continued.)

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