On the platform of the train station, the atmosphere gradually became heavy due to the arrival of Hawkeye Mihawk.

The Shadow players who originally had the advantage now have no advantage, but have fallen into a kind of passiveness. After all, they are not facing the cp9 and the like.

But Hawkeye Mihawk, recognized by the world as the world's largest swordsman, has yet to surpass him to sit on this throne.

Allie and the others don't think that, with their combat power, they can't add up to Hawkeye's opponents.

The sharp eyes of an eagle turned in the confrontation between the two sides, until the eagle eyes placed his gaze on Ellie.

Muttered to herself: "A woman's voice is still very familiar. It seems that you are hiding behind the mask, Ellie."

Hearing this, a cry of exclamation sounded from his heart, and the shadow players were deeply shocked by the words spoken in the eagle's mouth, and their faces were full of surprise.

They had never heard Ellie talk about Hawkeye, nor did they know that Hawkeye knew Ellie, and the relationship between the two was not shallow.

Lu Qi, the leader of cp9, frowned slightly, did not say much, just watched the development of things quietly.

When Hawkeye saw through her identity, Ellie didn't conceal anything. She reached out and took off the hood from her head. Her silver-white hair was flying in the wind, revealing the beautiful face hidden underneath.

Shaking the hair wrapped around her head, Ellie looked at Hawkeye Mihawk, with a faint smile on her face, and said, "Teacher, long time no see."


Hearing Ellie's address to Hawkeye, even CP9 couldn't sit still anymore, with a surprised look on his face. The shadow players on the side of the fighting force exclaimed, obviously shocked by the news. .

The acquaintance of Ellie with Hawkeye has already shocked everyone. Now that the two of them are masters and apprentices, they are completely afraid.

Looking at Ellie who was smiling on the side, Nandy thought in horror: "Hawkeye Mihawk is always alone, and Ellie is actually his disciple."

If at other times and places, if someone told him about this, Nandi would have smiled and would never believe it, how could it happen.

But now that he is a human being by his side, Hawkeye heard this name and did not refute it. Obviously, he had acquiesced, saying that everything was true.

The cp9 trio glanced at Ellie on the side, took a few deep glances, and their eyes still revealed deep suspicion that Eagle Eye had a disciple and was still a female disciple.

But there is no eagle eye to refute, even if I don't want to believe it, I have to admit it.

"It seems that this matter needs to be notified to the above, the Eagle Eye disciple is actually a revolutionary army, it depends on how it looks."

In fact, these people don't understand eagle eyes, and eagle eyes don't say anything, just because eagle eyes don't care about how others look, and do things completely on their own, doing whatever they want, which is a portrayal of eagle eyes.

Of course, he accepted Lin Tian's request that day and agreed to teach Ellie as Teacher Ellie for a period of time, and he was considered Teacher Ellie.

For the fact that Ellie became a revolutionary army, Yingyan was also surprised. On that day, Lin Tian asked himself to give Ellie to someone, but he did not expect to bring her to the revolutionary army.

In this way, the relationship between Lin Tian and the Revolutionary Army is not simple, and it is even possible that the guy is already a member of the Revolutionary Army, and many people will have a headache.

It seems that Shanks is right, "No one can stop the rampage of this era".

Looking around, Ellie’s decorations and a few people with the same decorations on the side, Hawkeye said: "In this way, you should be the shadow of the revolutionary army, and the person that the Warring States period wants me to deal with is you."

With the sound of the conversation, Allie's heart was immediately immersed in the bottom of the valley, and she spent some time with Hawkeye. Allie also had a general understanding of the unfamiliar Hawkeye.

He is a very principled person. As long as he is sure of things, even if the closest person obstructs him, he will not care about personal affairs, saying that he is ruthless, but this is the way Hawkeye acts.


The train whistle sounded again, and Lu Qi said: "Hawkeye Mihawk, since you are conscripted by Qiwuhai, they will leave it to you to solve it. We have to rush to Judicial Island first."

Hawkeye did not answer, but suddenly turned his head. Those pair of hawkeyes, both revealing a sharp light in the dark, couldn't help but tremble in his heart, even if they were as strong as Lu Qi.

He said blankly, "Tell the Marshal of the Warring States period that I am here just to find the swordsman in his mouth, and it is not within my scope to solve the shadow."

Lu Qi's expression sounded as Hawkeye's words sounded, and his face gradually sank. He had long heard that Hawkeye was the most maverick among all the Qiwu Seas, doing everything according to his own preferences.

However, even the navy headquarters can hardly get the arrogant Hawkeye. What can Lu Qi do?

Suddenly, Hawkeye's conversation turned, "However, I now want to try how strong the most mysterious shadow in the revolutionary army is."

After finally letting out a sigh of relief, Ellie and the others, the falling heart suddenly hung up again, this idea changed too quickly.

At this moment, Ellie's heart was filled with a wry smile, because she knew that Hawkeye probably only just came up with this idea.

"Okay, now you can leave," Hawkeye turned around and said, completely ignoring Lu Qi and the others.

Although a little unhappy in his heart, Hawkeye has this capital, Lu Qi turned around and took Baku and Bruno, leaving only the shadow and Hawkeye standing on the platform.

The whistle sounded, and the sea train slowly drove out of the platform along the trembling track in the waves under the steam.

The departure of the sea train did not attract the nervous eyes of Ellie and others, and now they are dealing with the world's largest swordsman.

With his hands on his chest, Hawkeye said calmly: "Ellie, let me see. I haven't seen you in a short time. You have improved, but you still haven't changed at all."

With a trace of helplessness on her face, Allie had to drew her sword, gave Nandi and the others a relieved look, and stepped forward.

Raising the long sword in his hand, the sharp point of the sword pointed at Hawkeye, "offended, teacher."

When the voice fell, Ellie had already stepped forward and rushed forward, the sword body turned into a cold light, fast, as long as a quick word, the extremely fast speed is already Ellie's limit.

Regarding the gap between herself and Hawkeye, Allie knew that there was no temptation, only the strongest move was used.

The sword body turned into a bright light, and it approached in front of the eagle eye at an extremely fast speed, but the eagle eye still remained standing, there was no other action, as if there was no attack from Ellie in front of him.

"Soft sword. Ghost cut"

A low shout sounded from her mouth, and the straight long sword in Ellie's hand began to dance like a spirit snake. The shiny sword body turned into afterimages and pierced toward the eagle's eye.

Kang Dang

A bright light flashed, and only the sound of clanging steel was heard. Hawkeye had already pulled out the black knife behind his back, and the wide blade crosspiece was in front of him, blocking a stab from the side.

"Sure enough, there is too much difference in strength, and I was seen through." Disappointment flashed in Allie's eyes. She thought that even if it was difficult to cause damage to Hawkeye, she could touch the opponent's body, but the fact was so much different from herself.

Holding the black knife in his right hand, blocking the tip of Ellie's sword, Hawkeye said: "I have improved a lot in speed and change moves, but you are still too weak."

The thick black sword flipped flexibly. Before Ellie could react, the long sword in her hand was picked up by the eagle eye, and the broad blade was shot on her body.

Suddenly, I felt a huge force that I couldn't resist, coming from my chest, my body couldn't control it, and he flew backwards and hit the wall hard.

A powerful counterattack hit her back, and Allie's body shook, and bright red blood burst out of her mouth, sliding down the cobweb-like cracked wall.

"One move will get rid of Ellie", Nandy looked surprised, couldn't believe the muttering to himself, and the other shadow players on the side were equally surprised.

Although Allie had the lowest combat power among the people due to her age and her short time in kendo, it did not mean that Allie's combat power was not good.

One way to solve it, you might be able to do it with your full strength, but Hawkeye won so easily, let alone full strength, I'm afraid the opponent will even use 80% of his strength.

Huhou's heavy sword pierced the air, and the black sword in Hawkeye's hand pointed to Di, "You should be the strongest fighter of all people, and I am qualified to draw a sword, but I don't know how many swords you can resist."

Taking a step forward, Nandi didn't flinch at the slightest, and faced the rumors of the world's largest swordsman Eagle Eye, with a dark armed color covering both fists.

He calmly sent a rescue signal to the side, and said in a deep voice: "It is an honor to be able to fight the world's number one swordsman."

call out! Bang!

The shadow team behind him quickly took out the signal flare from his pocket, and a bright red light shot into the sky, and a huge rabbit appeared.

"Signal flare? Rescue?" Hawkeye muttered to himself calmly. As the sword turned, a powerful slash shot directly.

The sharp slash cut directly into the ground in half, Nandi hurriedly dodged sideways, and the shadow players following behind also hurriedly dodged.

But the huge sea train station was directly cut into two by the eagle eye's slash, and the top of the thick wall was divided into two. The pouring rain fell along the cracks and dripped on everyone.

As he flew up, Nandi took the opportunity to leap up, but he was slammed out with his fists, but was blocked by Hawkeye with a simple sword swing.

Seizing the opportunity, Hawkeye swung a powerful slash, pushing back the figure that Nandi had rushed up again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The blade turned, and slashed again in a row, slashing into the air with nowhere to borrow Powerful Nandi.

The two figures flashed quickly, and dozens of strokes passed by, and the entire train station was completely destroyed under the eagle eye slash, until all the figures fell.

Only left, the eagle eye standing quietly, brandishing the black knife stained with blood in his hand, stood on the ruins, watching the silhouettes fainted on the ground at their feet.

Nandy barely controlled his painful body, and stood up slowly from the ground, holding on to his trembling body, as if he was about to fall as long as he was gently blown by the wind.

"Aren't you down? You are considered a strong man, but you are all defeated. What's the use of standing? For Ellie's sake, I will spare you all."

With a weak breath in his mouth, Nandy intermittently said: "Shadow only fell down standing, not because of fear."

"A faith worthy of praise", Yingyan's face changed slightly, and his face showed a slight expression of appreciation, raising the black knife in his hand, "In this case, I will realize your wish."

Cang Dang! (.)

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