File clang...

The two swords collided, and the two crossed over. The flashing figure turned into light and flashed across the blue ice field. August 1 Chinese √网★★く★

Both feet slid quickly across the ice surface, and Diska held the sword in both hands and plunged into the ice below. Under the strong impact, the thick back of the blade made an extraordinary cutting force, and the hard ice broke directly. Come.

The eagle eye that retreated, his feet also made deep marks on the ground, and his right foot suddenly stepped down. The hard ice on the ground exploded and the huge ice exploded.


Lin Tian made a rough breath in his mouth and looked up. The Eagle Eye, who was also knocked back under the collision, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the opponent did not continue to attack.

Although Hawkeye had the upper hand in the battle just now, it does not mean that Hawkeye was not injured. On the contrary, even the swordsman, Hawkeye, who is known to be as strong as the world's number one, suffered a lot of injuries.

On the arm, three distinct wounds, through the gaps on the clothes, clearly appeared in Disca's eyes, and the blood stains flowing along the wounds had begun to solidify in such a cold weather.

After all, Diska is also a powerful swordsman. Swordsmanship is definitely not as good as the world's No. 1 Hawkeye, but it does not mean that Diska is weak. Even Hawkeye is very cautious with his powerful swordsmanship. .

The pain in the chest made Diska couldn't help but look down and saw a wound of more than ten centimeters appearing on his chest.

The clothes shattered by the eagle-eyed black sword air revealed the toned muscles underneath, but there was an extra hideous wound.

Compared with the two wounds on Hawkeye's right arm that are dispensable, and the wounds that are almost healed, Disca can be serious. The cold wind blows on it, and the intention is as firm as Disca can not help but gritted his teeth slightly.

Slowly stood up and withdrew the long sword into the depths of the ice. Diska wielded the ice-covered sword body, and violently rubbed against the air, generating heat to directly melt the ice and spill it on the ice. Turn into ice again.

Ping Xin said: "No loss is the world's strongest swordsman, really strong, stronger than those swordsmen I have encountered in the past is not only one level."

Withdrawing his step back, Hawkeye stood up straight, "You are not weak, the swordsmanship of Shaking Diska is more powerful than the reputation, it is undeniable that it is a very strong swordsmanship."

Hearing the praise from the eagle's mouth, Diska couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and then immediately disappeared from his face.

In any case, Diska is also a swordsman. The swordsmanship he created is praised by the world's strongest swordsman, which is the recognition of his swordsmanship.

"But", when the conversation turned, Diska swung his sword and held it parallel to his chest. "You blocked my path. We stand in different positions. Even if you are an eagle eye, all I can do is defeat with all my strength. you".

Hearing that, the sharp eyes of the eagle's eyes flickered slightly, like a light in the night, no matter what kind of powerhouse, when seeing the eyes of these revealing swords, it is difficult to keep his mind calm.

But Diska had already acted. The two swords were raised, and the sharp blades flickered a little bit of cold light towards him.

"Shaking sword..."

When the footsteps stepped out, wherever they stepped, the terrifying explosive force was vented on the ice without fail, and the hard ice exploded.

With the help of the terrifying explosive power of both feet, every step he jumped out was a distance of more than ten meters. After a few steps, he had already approached Hawkeye.

With a sharp gaze, he stared at the back of the heavy knife in Diska's hand, and an incomprehensible color rose in his mind, attacking with the back of the knife, what he was doing.

The vigilance in the heart has not been reduced much. Although Hawkeye is different from other people's lions and rabbits, they use their full strength, but facing the real opponent, until the battle is over, everything is unknown.

Diska is a powerful second-hand swordsman, even if he wants to defeat him, he has to use all his strength.

Sure enough, just as Hawkeye was wary, Diska's attack was not that laughable, but the other party's sudden change of move made Hawkeye a little unprepared.

Suddenly, Diska threw out the long sword in his hand with both hands, the slightly curved body of the sword quickly turned into a circular shape in the void.

The height of the sword jittered, and there was a piercing sound of the sword, the rotating long sword, and the smooth blade, flashed with cold light, turned into a shining aperture, and chased towards the eagle eye.

The Hawkeye who reacted did not temporarily avoid the edge like the others, but instead held the black knife in both hands and rushed towards the two apertures.

Lifting the black knife in a straight line, it stabs toward the front, the sharp tip of the sword shines with a dark light, and in a short moment, it is exactly in the middle of the two apertures.

Between the sparks and flints, the thick and heavy sword was about to turn over. Before I could see how hard the opponent was, the two apertures had been picked up by Hawkeye with a black knife, missed, and rushed to the rear.


Picking up the aperture, Hei Dao Ye thick and heavy sword body trembled very strangely. Although the tremor was small in magnitude, the frequency was very high.

Years of combat experience has made Hawkeye aware of something wrong, and the swordsman will not be able to let the sword leave his arm until the critical moment.

At the same time, he held the trembling black knife tightly with his right hand, and quickly slashed it to stop the trembling of the sword body. This loss, I have eaten once, but I will not eat it again.

The reason why the black sword trembles is entirely because of Diska, the powerful swordsmanship created by him, even Hawkeye has to face it carefully.

In the process of wielding the long sword, the long sword can be held tightly in the hand, forming a very high frequency jitter under a peculiar amplitude, which can not help but make the long sword have more powerful penetration and attack.

At the same time, in the collision process, it will also guide the opponent's long sword, involuntarily causing jitter, making it difficult for the opponent to perform swordsmanship.

The decisive battle between masters is often between victory and defeat. This small mistake will be taken by the opponent and be defeated.

This is Diska's sword shaking, a unique force technique, as long as only one person in the world can use it, its power is far more terrifying than ordinary swordsmanship.

Hawkeye looked up and saw that Diska had no swords anymore, and the speed did not weaken at all, but speeded up a bit, rushing towards him.

"How can Disca, who doesn't have a sword in both hands, be an eagle-eyed opponent, and the opponent has no hesitation to rush forward, unless..."

Suddenly trying to understand something, Yingyan's expression changed, without seeing it, the double swords chopped off with the sound of breaking through the air coming from behind.

It turned out that the aperture formed by the rotation of the two long swords picked up by the eagle eye, after missing the body of the eagle eye, did not fall on the ice in the straight line as expected.

The direction of Fei Wu changed without warning, it was in a curved straight line, and the two apertures merged together strangely, attacking towards the eagle eye's defenseless back.

"Shaking sword. Turn around and cut!"


The rotating blade slammed into the eagle-eyed black sword that was rapidly reflexively defending, and the powerful impact directly knocked the eagle-eyed back a few steps away.


On the sharp blade, a light green light rang out, followed by a powerful slash, which directly knocked out two rotating apertures.

The high-rotating long sword flies high in a straight line towards the ice surface. With the click, the sharp long sword is inserted into the ice surface unobstructed, and two-thirds of the blade is buried deep below the ice surface.

The action didn't stop, he hurriedly retracted the long sword he swung, and at the same time turned and left behind, because the cold hair on his back gave Hawkeye a strong sense of crisis.

Diska, who took the opportunity to rush up, seized this opportunity, and his whole body was concentrated on his fists, and suddenly blasted out with a loud shout.


Even if Hawkeye reacted in, withdraw the sword body in time to block him, the heavy sword body in the double boxing, the powerful force is still transmitted to Hawkeye through the black knife.

Hawkeye, who was eager to resist, was not able to stand still, but was knocked out by Diska's powerful fists, and fell heavily on the ice.

The inverted figure rotated in the air, and the black knife in his hand plunged straight into the hard ice surface. With the help of the ice surface, Hawkeye squatted on the ground and slid more than ten meters away before stopping.

However, Diska's double fists did not have the power as expected, and Hawkeye pulled out the black knife inserted into the ice surface as if it were all right, and stood up from the ice surface.

Upon seeing this, Diska's eyes showed disappointment, hoping to hurt Hawkeye.

woo woo woo woo……

Suddenly, a loud siren sounded, and a beam of bright light shone on the ice, discerning disca and Hawkeye's horrified eyes.

A strangely shaped sea train fell from the sky. (To be continued.)

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