Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 494: Battle of Usopp

The clear stream of water murmured in the small stream behind him, and the beautiful sound of water echoed. ㈧㈠Δ『Δ』Chinese Δ网┡*⒈

Being able to build a creek on top of a tall building, CP9's life is really good, Usopp panted and stood on the lawn.

He took out five black beads from the bag on the right and aimed at Gabra standing in front of him. His hands were trembling from his injuries, but there was no reason for Usopp to give up fighting.

Not far away Gabra saw this scene, not only did not act, but put his hands on his chest, deeply disapproving.

Contemptuously said: "As far as your body is, you also want to fight with me. I think you don't even have the power to pull the slingshot in your hand, let alone aim."

"However, I still feel weird. The first time I saw a sniper using a slingshot, this kind of kid's thing fighting, let me tear your throat, don't endure this kind of pain, hahaha..."

Faced with Gabra's irony of his fighting style, Usopp did not refute, only a gleam in his eyes with his head down.

Pulling the slingshot and aiming a series of actions in one go, like flowing clouds and flowing water, without a trace of strangeness.

Seeing Usopp's movements, Gabra couldn't help but frown, and suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, but saw the figure of the kid in front of him about to fall at any time.

The brows suddenly stretched out, "For this kind of guy, don't say one, even a hundred, it's a trivial thing to solve for yourself."

"Five Shots"

When the voice fell, Usopp's slingshot suddenly bent, his right hand quickly loosened, and the five glass beads that were wrapped flew out in a straight line.

The five beads are flying in a straight line, the back bead hits the front bead, and the kinetic energy of the five beads is concentrated on the front bead.

The powerful kinetic energy gave the marble a terrifying degree, and the more Gabra knew it, but before he could react in time, the marble had hit Gabra's body.

However, Gabra didn't worry much about the marble hitting his body, and there was a slight smile of disdain on his face.

"Iron nuggets, with an ordinary marble, also want to penetrate my defenses, is this really a pirate fighting method?"


The next moment, Gabra couldn't smile anymore, and a powerful force came from his chest. The iron block he was proud of could not be broken under ordinary marbles.

The place where his chest bears the strength of the marbles has been deeply recessed, and the marbles are deeply sinking in the recessed holes. Under the impact of this force, Gabra's body can not help but bend.


Although it was slight, Gabra felt it, where he was hit in his chest, and there was a crisp cracking sound in his ribs.

Warm blood flowed from the squeezed chest down the throat, spit out through the mouth, and the large body flew out under a small marble.

Severely hit on the wall behind, the hard bluestone, under the leaked impact force, had no resistance at all, exploded like it was hit by a cannonball, and the scattered rubble buried Gabra in it.


The marbles that lost their power fell from Gabra's chest. The soft lawn absorbed the kinetic energy of the vertical falling of the marbles. After rolling for a few times, they were blocked by a piece of flying gravel.

The marbles collided slightly with the broken stones, and then a series of small breaking noises sounded. The marbles that stopped in front of the stones were covered with cracks in a blink of an eye, turning into a shining smoke and dissipating in the air.

The terrible impact not only penetrated Gabra's iron block, but glass is glass after all, and the material has determined how much force it can withstand, which can make the glass disappear into powder, no wonder it can cause such damage.

Huhuhu...Usopp shot out five marbles, his whole body was exhausted, his head was sweating, his face was very weak, and the unicorn in his hand had not fallen.

Looking up at Gabra, who was repulsed by himself, he smiled and said: "There is one thing, I forgot to tell you, my shaking hands are not afraid of you, but using too much strength, my arms are not strong enough to withstand that strength. The power of the world will keep shaking.”

Bang! An explosion sounded, and the smoke instantly dissipated in the room under the impact of the explosion, and Gabra, covered in smoke and dust, stood on the ruins.

The large body had several minor scars scratched by the gravel, but the blood had solidified under the strong resilience of the animal demon fruit ability.

When he twisted his neck, he could clearly see the red light in Gabra's eyes. It was the beast that changed like this when it was provoked.

Looking down at the opposite Usopp, Gabra is now a little surprised at the scene just now, "Unexpectedly, I looked down on you a bit. It's really a great sniper technique. At the same time he shoots five marbles and can shoot them at A straight line".

"The power of a marble may not be strong, but the kinetic energy of five superimposed together is terrifying, even steel can penetrate, but..."

Raising his sharp right paw, Gabra stretched out his tongue and licked it cruelly: "The difference in strength between us is terrifying. Those just did not hurt me much, but I can easily tear through your neck. It’s been a long time since I tasted the hot blood."

Before the words fell, Gabra's figure had already flashed, and he rushed towards Usopp. With the sharp claws, no one could doubt whether it could easily tear people's throats.

"One-horned fairy. Flying nails all over the sky"

Usopp quickly took out a huge white sphere from his waist pocket and shot it at Gabra.

This time Gabra was shocked again. Usopp's sphere accurately locked himself moving fast, shot in front of him and exploded.

The dense black lines flew out from the explosion of the sphere in no direction, but there were too many black lines, even if there was no direction, they would still cover a large area.

"Iron Block"

It is inevitable that Gabra is also in the black line attack range. After experiencing just now, Gabra has not much contempt for Usopp, and hastily used iron defense.

The black thread hit Gabra's body, making a collision sound like steel, and the rebounding black thread fell to the ground, turning out to be tiny iron nails.

Stretching out his paws, looking at the tiny nails pinched in his hands by his fingers, Gabra was immediately ashamed, and he was shocked by such a child's attack on CP9.

"Moon step"

Gabra leaped into the air and quickly left the attack range. With the moon step, Gabra kept flashing in the sky above the room, which was beyond the recognition of ordinary human eyes.

"Land Foot"

But after so long of special training, Usopp sensed it. Although it was vague, he still noticed it. He picked up the slingshot in his hand and turned and shot.

"Here, the unicorn fairy shoots."


"Slow, too slow, Sauron, your sword is too slow"

On the Meili, it was a sunny day. Sauron's two knives were flying fast, and the fast swords were dazzling, but they were easily blocked by Lin Tian with an ordinary wooden stick.

Sitting on the side watching this scene, Chopper stuck out his tongue and said: "Lin Tian is really abnormal, Sauron can't even get close to him."

"Ah, I did it, I did it, Sanji quickly pull it up."

At this moment, a sudden shout sounded, and the startled everyone was taken aback, lying on the couch Nami, taking down the sunglasses above her eyes and looking down.

Surprised: "Ai, this guy Usopp actually did it and really stood up."

After stopping to teach Sauron, Lin Tian came to the stern of the ship and looked down. He saw Meili sailing in the wind behind him, tied a wooden board to ride the wind and waves behind the waves.

And Usopp was standing excitedly on the wooden plank behind the ups and downs, holding the slingshot in his right hand, his face was full of triumphant smile.

Seeing Usopp's triumphant expression, a faint smile flashed across Lin Tian's face, but the familiar knew that someone else seemed to be unlucky.

Just when Sanji was about to pull on Usopp, Lin Tian stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Wait, Usopp's first training session is over."

Lin Tian stopped suddenly, causing Usopp to have a bad feeling in his heart, and hurriedly shouted: "Lin Tian, ​​I did it, you promised to pull me up."

"En" Lin Tian nodded and admitted, "However, there is still the second stage, as long as you can hit me who is against Sauron, it's fine."



"Shell, use this kind of thing to fight against my hazy feet." Usopp was able to lock onto himself who was moving fast with Moonwalk, which really shocked Gabra.

But after seeing the object shot, Gabra laughed and actually used a shell as a weapon. Is that guy cute? What kind of power is that kind of thing even if it is shot.

Just as Gabra thought, the light blue vacuum chopping wave cut all the shells into two, undiminished prestige, and chopped off at Usopp.

Although the slash didn't hit Usopp, it hit the shock wave generated by the ground explosion, and it flew Usopp out and hit the ground heavily.

"Hahaha..." Gabra laughed wanton. "What about high sniper skills? The Navy Type VI is not something people like you can fight against. Let me cut your throat."

"Really?" Usopp climbed up from the ground, making a questioning voice, wondering what he wanted to look at in Gabra.

Usopp took out the unicorn in his hand and used the remaining strength to make the final blow.

"Must kill. Firebird Star"

The fuel burned rapidly under the high friction with the air, and a ball of flame flew towards Gabra, turning into a flame bird that moved its wings and injected Usopp's last trace of strength.

"What's the use of this kind of thing, as long as I grab it lightly, I can pinch it out."

Usopp, who was lying on the ground trying his best, laughed, "Haha, haven't you noticed something wrong?"

When Usopp reminded him, Gabra became vigilant in his heart, his eyes swept around, and nothing appeared.

The wolf has a keen sense of The next moment, Gabra noticed something wrong in the air, a pungent feeling, but the previous attention was attracted by the guy in front of him, so it didn't appear.

Just listen to Usopp continuing: "The shell you cut just now is the magical shell we brought from the island."

"Shell? Sky Island?" Gabra recalled quickly in his mind. When the shell was cut, it was indeed like an unusual wave of air rushing out.

"That's a magical place, some shells can store things in it, but the one just stored gas".

"Gas!" Gabra yelled in surprise, his heart was immediately filled with fear, and he was about to use Moonwalk to escape.

But after just a short time, the gas has dispersed, and the flame bird is like a fuse, detonating the gas.

Boom... boom...

Orange flames covered the entire roof, and the blazing flames were like flames floating in the sky, and the shock wave generated by the explosion swept away. (To be continued.)

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