On the floating sea, the Sonny broke into the floating wall floating on the sea at some point. (..)


   "That guy is really weird. He is obviously a devil fruit capable person, and he can walk on the sea, just like you." Franky was puzzled and didn't think of how Brook did it.


   Lin Tian shifted his gaze from Nami and others who were driving the Mini Meri, turned around and explained: "I can walk on the sea because of my ability, but Brook is because of his body."


   "Body", Sanji suddenly puzzled.


   "Because Brooke's body is a skeleton, and there are only light bones left in his whole body, he will not sink to the bottom of the sea. As long as he reaches a certain speed, he will run on the sea as before."


   Looking helplessly away from the two barking fools, Luffy and Frankie on the side, Sauron stepped forward and looked at the ghost island that was blocked by thick fog and could only see the faint shadow of the ghost island.


   said solemnly: "This island is not simple. Just being able to turn a small island into a ship is extraordinary, and there is an aura that makes me very uncomfortable."


   "Well, the previous ghost is probably from the island in front of you. This is very likely a ghost island." Robin nodded and agreed with Sauron's conclusion.


   immediately said with some worry: "Let Nami and the others not run too far, after all, we don't know anything about this place."


   "Don't worry, this is not a ghost island...just a hiding place for the bereaved dog."


   Lin Tian suddenly showed a disdainful smile, but before Lin Tian could say the last word, Sanji suddenly let out a scream.


   "Ah, it's not good, Miss Nami and the others disappeared on the Mini Meri." Sanji stood on the side of the ship, seeing the sea with nothing in front of him, his face was full of eagerness.


   "How could it be possible, they were here just now".


   Sauron rushed to the side of the boat to take a look. As Sanji said, he had been driving Nami together with Usopp and Chopper before and disappeared into the sea strangely.


   Luffy quickly passed Frankie in front of him, propped his hands on the side of the boat, and shouted toward the sea that was slowly covered by dense fog in front of him: "You guys come back quickly, I want to take the Mini Merley, hurry up."


   "Idiot, now we should worry about Miss Nami"


   Discovering that Nami and others disappeared, Robin was also full of worries, but when he saw Lin Tian's face with confidence, he was not worried at all.


   There was also the words spoken in his mouth earlier, and the worry in his heart suddenly calmed down, "It seems that Lin Tian should know the true identity of the ghost island in front of him, but why did he not tell the others".




   There was a loud splash sound, accompanied by the sound of gears turning, everyone's eyes were immediately attracted, looking in the direction of the sound source, it turned out that the anchor of the bow fell for some reason.


   "Hey, what's the matter, I had checked it before, and the gear was completely stuck, how could it fall by itself", Frankie was very surprised, and he clearly remembered the previous check.


   "Don't worry about too much, just pull up the anchor quickly, otherwise the ship will lose balance when flying in the waves," Sauron said, pointing to the constantly sliding iron chain.


   At this moment, Lin Tian suddenly turned around, showing a different smile, "Come out, the hidden guy in secret".






   "Could it be the ghost that just appeared again"


   Hearing this, everyone became vigilant, and their eyes quickly swept around, thinking that it was the ghost that appeared as before, but there was no sign where everyone's eyes passed.


   Not only did Sauron and the others not relax their vigilance, they became more vigilant. Lin Tian couldn't lie to them. Since they have already said it, it means that someone must be hiding on the ship.


   And they didn't even notice the other person's figure, it can be seen that the hiding person is so powerful that they must be hidden in a corner to observe them.




   Suddenly, the passage cover on the lawn was opened, but just now, everyone knew clearly that no one had moved half a step.


   "Is it a ghost or caused by too fast", Sauron instantly pulled out his hand and said a word, his words were full of vigilance.


   Frankie asked directly: "Lin Tian, ​​what the **** is that?"


   Among all the people, only Lin Tian found out who came, and only Lin Tian knew what it was.


   "seeking death".


   However, Lin Tian did not answer Frankie's question, he let out an angry shout, and his face was full of anger.


   As the voice fell, Lin Tian slipped and stood in front of Robin. He stepped toward the deck and flew out, and his right hand quickly protruded into the void with an eagle claw.




   Under everyone's panic gaze, Lin Tian stopped moving forward, but his right hand was tightly spread out in the void with eagle claws. This posture was like grabbing someone's neck.


   But where Lin Tian's right hand is grasping, there is really nothing but thick fog.


   "What, Lin Tian, ​​are you catching the air?" Frankie asked suspiciously.


   "No, not catching the air", Sanji took the cigarette from his mouth and stared at the place where Lin Tian's right hand was placed, there was nothing in the air.


   Robin walked out from behind Lin Tian, ​​with a surprised expression on his face, "It seems that we have met a transparent person."


   At the same time, he understood a little bit in his heart, why Lin Tian was angry before, and he would still stand in front of him, all because the one who broke into the boat was a **** guy.


   "What, transparent man, so amazing, where is he?" Luffy's eyes flashed suddenly, and he was about to rush up when excited, but was blocked by Sauron's hand.


   I saw Lin Tian, ​​tightly grasping the transparent person in the void, and slowly lifted it up, saying without concealing his killing intent.


   "What a daring guy, who originally gave you a chance to survive, but you actually want to move even my woman, it seems you want to die."


   Hearing this, Robin's beautiful face showed a hint of blush behind him. With a noble temperament and a hint of blush, Robin's charm suddenly increased by a few points.


   Originally, Lin Tian had discovered this transparent guy appearing on the ship, but didn't find out, just wanted to see what this guy was going to do.


   I didn't expect his color to be so bold that he actually wanted to reach Robin's body. For Lin Tian, ​​he had already offended him.




   As Lin Tian pinched his right hand tighter and tighter, several violent struggling sounds finally came from the void, and at the same time, a transparent phantom slowly appeared in front of everyone.


   Just after seeing the true face of the transparent person, everyone was taken aback.


   "The lion doesn't look like it, neither is the tiger"


   "What the **** is this?"


   "I don't know, but is there really such a disgusting creature in the world"


   "Wow, animals like humans are really amazing"


   Robin spit out three words tightly in his mouth, "Too ugly"


   I saw that what Lin Tian grasped in his hand was a disgusting guy who could no longer be described in words. There was no word to describe that face.


  Because you can only see it, it's not knowing that it hits the face with mixed animal characteristics, with ball-shaped earrings on the ears, wearing a shirt and trousers, a high-collared windbreaker, and boots.


   Generally speaking, to describe the guy in front of him as ugly is a defilement of that word.


   It may be that he was disgusted by the guy in his hand, Lin Tian's face was a little twisted, resisting the nausea in his heart, he threw it away.


   If he is watching, Lin Tian feels that he might not be able to eat for the next week.


   "I really don't know, you fellow, what kind of face you continue to live in the world, if I had committed suicide by jumping into the sea",




   Sauron and others raised their hands together, agreeing 100%.


   "Lin Tian! Hand of the dead"


   I was so insulted by Lin Tian, ​​although Lin Tian still said that it was ugly, but his appearance was like a man with inverted scales, his face was full of anger, and he suddenly forgot the fear in his heart.


   waved his hands forward, nothing appeared in the void, but the next moment, two explosions sounded from around Lin Tian.


   "Not good!" Robin's face changed and he was about to take action.


   Lin Tian was hit, no one saw him move behind the transparent person, his face was indifferent, and he raised his finger and waved gently.


   A silver-white blade followed the commanding dance with his hand. With a flash of light, it had already cut through the arm of the transparent person, and blood spewed out along the flat wound.


   "District Ants"


   The severed arm fell vertically onto the deck, rolling down the lawn several times until Sauron's feet stopped rolling.


   As the rolling stopped, the bazooka hidden above the arm appeared on the fallen arm.




   was easily cut off an arm by Lin Tian, ​​the transparent man covered the bleeding wound, his mouth screamed like a beast, and fell heavily.




   A cold light flashed, and the sharp blade was close to the neck of the transparent man, and the blade was so cold that it penetrated and even eroded the soul.


   Sauron commanded with murderous intent: "Shut up."


   The transparent person had to stop the cry, deep into the cold of the soul, so that the transparent person could clearly understand that if he still shouted, the sword guy in front of him would cut his throat without hesitation.


   "This guy was the one who was in trouble before~www.wuxiaspot.com~It's so ugly", Frankie exclaimed after seeing the transparent face again.


   Ran Sanji, who walked over together, stared at the transparent man with light in his eyes, and his body trembled involuntarily. This was not fear but excitement.


As if seeing a peerless beauty, Sanji looked like he was about to eat the transparent person at his feet, frightened, Frankie and Sauron trembled in their hearts, and went back a few steps calmly, with Sanji Open a safe distance.


   "Transparent man, so you ate the transparent fruit, the real transparent fruit, I always thought it was just the legendary devil fruit"


   It’s no wonder that Sanji is so excited. If we say that apart from seeing the legendary bull, Sanji’s dream is to get transparent fruits.


   can be invisible like that, without any scruples seeing the beautiful woman taking a bath, and will not be discovered. Apart from these, one can also do many things of his dreams.


   "But, ah...you guy, actually ate it, spit it out, spit it out quickly," Sanji suddenly grabbed the transparent man's neck with his hands and shouted frantically. (To be continued.)



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