Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 567: Giant zombie Luffy

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Luffy was panting heavily, Moonlight Moria's shadow Moria split from its strange ability, making Luffy consume a lot of physical strength.

As a shadow, under the control of Moriah, it is full of weirdness. With an entity, the shadow is also like a stream of water. Even if Luffy breaks it up, these shadows can still gather together.

To some extent, Moriah's shadow is as difficult as a natural devil fruit. The opponent's attack is useful, but his own attack is useless.

"Rubber Rubber Machine Gun"

His hands were quickly swung out, like a rain of bullets formed when the machine gun was turned on, and the endless shadow of the fist hit the shadow Moria.

The seemingly dark entity was divided into pieces under Luffy's fist, scattered on the ground like water stains.


With another shot, Luffy's stamina, which was rare, immediately consumed a lot, panting heavily in his mouth, looking at Moria in front of him.

Regarding her own shadow being scattered by Luffy, Moria's expression didn't change a bit, instead he turned his head to look at Luffy who was panting.

He smiled and said: "What's the matter, the straw hat boy, how come the previous momentum is gone."

"Asshole, you guys don't do anything by themselves, you are so arrogant, Garlic", Lu Qi clenched his fists and shouted angrily.


Hearing Luffy's yelling and cursing, Moria seemed to have heard compliments, laughed and waved, the black shadow fragments scattered on the ground flew away, and regrouped into the same black shadow as Moria.

The large body that was large enough to block the entire passage slowly turned, with a shadow guarding it in front of him, without having to do it, and Luffy couldn't help it.

Unspeakable comfort, "I have said it before, but I want to use the power of other people to become One Piece, just like now, I haven't even moved my body, you are already out of breath, with Oz, The day when I become One Piece is not far away."

Pointing at Moria with his finger, Luffy yelled: "I am the only one who has become the One Piece. Before I can get all the shadows back, I must knock you down."

Under Moria's overriding control, the black shadow rushed towards Luffy. When the two approached, the black shadow suddenly jumped up and pressed Luffy on his body.

Waving his hand to blow away the incoming smoke, Moria laughed and said: "What a fool, didn't you say that even if you solve me, you can't get those shadows back."

With that, Moria suddenly sensed that Luffy had disappeared, and the black shadow stood up from the ground, but there was nothing on the ground, only a big hole suddenly appeared.

Just when Moriah was puzzled, Luffy rushed out of the ground, taking advantage of the black shadow, and quickly rushed towards Moria.

"Rubber... Rocket Launcher"

Seeing Luffy breaking through the shadow blockade and attacking herself, Moria's expression was still extremely calm, as if it was not Luffy who had struck, but an ordinary person.

"Hey, the straw hat boy, even if I break through my shadow, the gap between us is not what you can imagine, armed and domineering."

In Moria's disdainful face, a layer of inky black armed color was domineering covering Moria's body, and Luffy's hands had already attacked.


The terrifying shock wave dissipated to the surroundings, the scattered stones on the ground were blown away, and even the shadow that was about to attack behind him retreated under the impact.

As early as in the East China Sea, Luffy’s rocket launchers were able to knock Bucky into the air. Now that after so many adventures and strength enhancements, the power of the rocket launchers is no longer the same.

"Ah, it hurts"

Withdrawing his palm, Luffy flew out under the reaction force, clutching his red palm and shouting.

"What's the matter, how can impact force be useful for rubber, but when I hit Moriah, I was really hit by my own reaction force."

Even though Moria, who was armed and domineering, was not injured, the huge body was shot out and slid on the ground for more than one meter before stopping.

Disarming his domineering arrogance, Moria smiled and said: "Straw hat boy, even if you break the Judicial Island, the bounty will reach 300 million, but you are still an arrogant newcomer after all."

"This world is not as simple as you think. There are many things you don't understand yet. Don't be too arrogant."

As Moria spoke, the repulsive shadow behind him suddenly shot and hugged Luffy tightly.

Looking into the distance, Moriah showed a joyful smile on his face, and saw a huge black shadow slowly walking towards this side.

"Straw hat kid, I don't know how you will end up next, but if you want to live, you have to look at that guy. Now I welcome my strongest zombie Oz."

Bang bang bang...

There was a heavy sound, like a sledge hammer hitting the hearts of everyone in the castle. With each heavy sound, the whole castle was trembling.

In Moria's expectant gaze, Oz, who had been constantly destroying the island before, finally took the initiative to walk towards him, and the big body stood in front of him like a mountain.

Standing up, Moria waved his hands and laughed, "Hahaha, it seems that the shadow and the body have been completely integrated. After waiting for you for a long time, Oz, answer me, who is your master".

To be sure, Moria asked, waiting for the answer he was expecting, "My master is Moria."

Hearing these words, Luffy, who was shocked by the big body next to his shadow zombie, quickly reacted and struggled desperately: "Hey, you guy, how can you listen to this guy, are you still my shadow?" .

Turning his head, looking at Luffy who was yelling at him, Oz asked in confusion: "Who is this guy, the guy in the straw hat".

Hehehe, seeing this scene, Moria's face is even more smiling, indicating that the fusion of shadow and body is very successful.

He stopped smiling and gave the first order to Oz, "Then, let me give the first memorable mission, see the wanted order on your arm?"

"These guys are a gang of straw hats. They are doing evil in my castle and destroying the ground. Anyway, these are guys with a bounty of more than 100 million yuan. They are not so easy to be killed. They are just opponents to show your strength.

"Go, Oz, just let me see your powerful power. After solving my small roles, there will be a real guy as your opponent."

"Yes, Master Moria", Ozhao's emotionless voice sounded.

With both hands tightly grasping the surrounding wall of the castle, his body leaned back, as if he was leaving.

Luffy suddenly shouted in confusion: "Hey, what's the matter, is it going to escape?"

"Run away, hahaha, how could it be possible?" Moria laughed triumphantly. "Now he completely obeys my servant. He will do whatever I say, even if he gives his life."

As Moriah said, after retreating for a certain distance, Oz slammed into the castle below under Luffy's panic gaze.

"Rubber... Bell"

Although he lost his memory and his independent consciousness disappeared within a period of time, he was still the shadow of Luffy after all, and was still very similar to Luffy in essence.

Just like now, asking him to find the straw hat boy in the castle, Oz directly knocked the whole castle away with his body.

In various positions, Sauron, Sanji, Chopper, Usopp, Robin and others, all under Oz's rampage, had to stop their movements.

Looking at the body in front of him that was twice the size of the giants, everyone was full of shock and curiosity. With such a large body, coupled with Luffy's combat consciousness, how strong this zombie would be.

At this moment, Usopp, who has excellent eyesight, immediately noticed the reward order on Oz's arm, and his body was instantly soaked in countless cold sweat.

"Ah, Usopp", behind, Chopper and Robin ran past quickly while shouting loudly.

Hearing the shouting from behind, Usopp quickly turned around and yelled at Chopper and Robin: "Hey, Robin Chopper."

"No, it's not bad, our reward order was... pasted on his arm, absolutely can't be wrong, he... his goal is us".

At the moment when Usopp's voice fell, the huge Luffy zombie also began to shake its body looking for the trail of Luffy and to die for me, the straw hat guys".

"Idiot, is that guy going to trouble us?" Sanji couldn't believe what Luffy was saying.

"Luffy, is that guy going to deal with his partner?" Usopp looked terrified. At this time, Luffy's combat power was too strong.

"Ah, what is that thing".

"How did that guy win?"


Hearing the shouts coming from below, Lin Tian showed a faint smile on his face. Although he had lost the power of the Devil Fruit, his combat power couldn't help but rise in that huge body.

"What the **** is that, it's horrible," Brooke shouted in horror, looking at the huge zombies in the field below.

At this time, even Sauron did not speak to refute, because Brooke was right. Even Sauron's heart was full of pressure due to the power generated by that huge body.

Suddenly, with a glance, Sauron found three familiar figures and shouted: "Hey, Usopp, why did you guy suddenly run there?"

Sauron and Ryoma fought, only Frankie and Skeleton were there. The three of them searched for a long time, but they didn't find Usopp. He didn't expect the guy to go there in fear.

"Hey, someone is calling me now", shaking his head, Usopp looked around and looked behind in the direction of the call, "Hey, why are you three guys there?"

And below, Sanji has already fought with Oz. It looks like a huge body, but has a speed that is not slow. Under Oz's attack, Sanji can barely maintain avoidance.

Even if he seized the opportunity to fight back, even if his powerful kick hits Oz's size, it didn't hurt much, as if it were itchy. (To be continued.)

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