Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 643: Bucky conspiracy

Advance to the lower second floor of the city, where it is once again called the Demon Beast Layer.


   Here, in the entire prison cell, except for a few jailers in the detention room, the entire second floor is the floor with the fewest jailers in all the detention rooms.


  Because, there are a group of unusual guardians here, and they are again taken on the beasts of the devil, with terrifying power and abnormal bodies, enough to suppress all criminals.


   From the perspective of advancing the city, the second floor can't be regarded as a cell. It should be regarded as the devil's beast granary. The criminals held in it are just food for the beasts.


The criminal inside    can only lie in his cell every day, waiting for the door of the cell to open, and then be eaten by the beast that rushes in. The powerful may be able to escape.


But the entire second floor, except for the heavy door, without any exit, even if you escape from the cell, you can only escape like a mouse in the sealed prison. When you are exhausted, Will still be eaten by the beasts that come after.


The criminals inside    can only wait calmly, and the death is approaching him step by step, so the entire second floor will appear so quiet!


   And on the second floor today, due to the arrival of Luffy and Bucky, it has been caught in a rare noise.


In the stunned eyes of many criminals, Luffy and Bucky fled frantically. Behind them, a terrifying beast filled with a passage of nearly ten meters high, swaying two huge white wings, chased them towards them. .


   Looking back at the beast chasing behind, Luffy still had the energy to marvel, "Ah, what a strange creature, it has the same characteristics as snakes and chickens."


Hearing this, Bucky immediately scolded: "Idiot, you still have the energy to sigh at this time, damn, the rumors are really true, this is really going to be eaten, originally I was not planning to come to the second floor. I planned to leave your kid behind and apply oil on the soles of my feet, but I didn't expect it to become what it is now."


   "What, Bucky, what are you talking about", because the chase behind was too loud, causing Luffy to not hear what Bucky was saying.


   Knowing that he had said the wrong thing, Bucky quickly covered his mouth and changed the subject: "Straw-hat boy, the next rare animal among the genetically mutated rare animals is a snake born from a chicken, so it is called a chicken snake."


   "What, how could a chicken actually give birth to a snake?" Lu Fei and Bucky jumped at the same time and ran to the prison level below.


   "Idiot, that's why it is called a monster. If it is placed on the ground, it will eat people and be raised here as a jailer." Bucky jumped flexibly to avoid the bite of the chicken and snake.


Sadly, he thought: "The monster behind is the strongest other than that guy in the second-tier rumors. I am not his opponent. I finally escaped. I didn't expect to enter the stomach of a monster that is neither chicken nor snake". .


   In a certain ordinary cell on the second floor, there was an unusual guy, Mr. 3 under the former Qiwuhai Krokdal who was arrested in Alabastan.


  Because of his involvement in the overthrow of the kingdom of Alabastan, Krokdal's important subordinate was also imprisoned in the **** of Advance City.


   At this time, Mr3 has long since lost the arrogance and pride that Luffy had when he met him. He was lying on the wall decadently, and his pale face had lost much life.


Not only Mr3, but most of the people in the second-tier prison are like this. They can only wait for death to come day by day, but every night during this period, they must listen to the second-tier screams. , This is a double torment from body and mind.


   "Hey, those guys on the side have been eaten last night. Today is us. In this hell, we can only beg for quick relief."




   Suddenly a scream passed through the passage, and the cell began to tremble slightly. Mr3 curiously turned his head and looked outside, "Isn't it time for the beasts to eat?"


   A familiar dark shadow and the familiar straw hat suddenly flashed in front of him, and Mr3's godless eyes suddenly stunned, unable to believe what he saw in front of him.


   Instinctively raised his hand to pinch his own thigh, twisted hard, and severe pain hit his mind. All of this was not dreaming, it was all real.


   hurriedly shouted: "Hey, the straw hat boy!"


   "Hey, Bucky, did you hear someone calling me?" Luffy turned his head and asked as if he heard someone calling him.


   Bucky is hiding behind the wall, where there is time to control so much: "Idiot, I don't have any, can there be someone you know on the second floor."


   Before he finished speaking, the huge chicken snake behind it gritted its teeth at Bucky again, and suddenly escaped the bite of the chicken snake's mouth.


   Bucky turned his head and cursed: "You monster, why have you been chasing this adult **** and biting it? Wouldn't you bite this straw hat kid?"


  After Bucky finished speaking, Luffy suddenly stopped running away and faced the monster chicken and snake rushing toward Bucky.


Bucky, who was fleeing on the side of   , also stopped quickly and watched Luffy, who stopped and was ready to fight hard.


   turned around in fear and shouted: "Hey, Straw Hat boy, what you guy wants to do, you can't beat this guy with your strength."


   After finishing talking, Bucky turned around and left. He wouldn't fight the monster in front of him with the madman, the straw hat boy. He didn't want to escape and be eaten.


   Thinking Bucky waved his hand and said goodbye: "Since you want to do this, thank you very much, Straw Hat boy, help me block this guy."


   At the same time, Luffy sucked in a lot of air deeply into his belly, bit his thumb, and his thin arms swelled frantically, and his fists, which could not be contained in the entire passage, burst out suddenly.


  "Rubber rubber...the giant's grab"


   The chicken-snake monster that struck behind was taken aback by Luffy's huge fist blocking the passage, flapping his wings to stop his backward stature.


   But the distance between the two sides was too close, the monster chicken snake slammed into the giant fist, and then a terrible force came, and there was a cracking sound of broken bones.


   Behind him, he was about to escape Bucky. Hearing the movement behind him, he turned and saw this scene. He was shocked and cried out in shock, "What the **** is such a huge arm!"


   even the sturdy cell on the side was trampled on, and his huge body had been stuffed into it in an extremely distorted posture. As for the criminals inside, they were so unlucky that they were all crushed into meatloaf, without even a scream.


   With his fists crushed, he slammed into the cell, and even the guard room at the back was knocked down. Movement was noticed inside, but he still didn't understand what happened.


   Luffy’s fist had already smashed the wall and swept the entire guard room with a crushing force, and the jailer inside was wiped out instantly.


   Looking at the fist that was blasted in front of him, Bucky's frightened eyes burst out, and his mouth trembled uncontrollably and said, "You...your hands have become so huge."


   "What's going on in this form even with you", looking down at the small road flying below where it changed to his knees, Bucky was full of shock and curiosity.


   ignored Bucky's surprise, Luffy looked at the channel he had created, "Okay, finally there is a way out, so let's go".


   "Hey, sombrero, wait a minute and explain to me first" Bucky quickly followed.


   After passing the cell, the short Luffy returned to his original shape, but looking at the sealed house, he wondered: "Where is this place? Why is there no way?"


Bucky walked in, walked in and scanned left and right, and explained: "It seems that we have destroyed the guard room on the second floor again. The door here was blocked by rubble due to the destruction just now." .


   Hearing this, Lu Fei's excitement suddenly vented. He thought he had found a way out, but he was destroyed by himself.


   glanced, he found Bucky squatting on the ground, groping on the dead jailer, as if searching for something.


   asked puzzled: "Hey, Bucky, what are you looking for?"


   After groping, Bucky took out a bunch of keys from the jailer and shook it in front of Luffy, with a conspiracy smile on his face.


   "Straw hat boy, whether we can escape today depends on what role this set of keys plays."


   In Luffy’s puzzled eyes, Bucky was holding the key with a very smug smile on his face, turning back and walking towards the second-tier prison behind him.


   I really enjoyed being flattered and begged by hundreds of pirates who were on the second floor and put tens of millions of bounty outside. Bucky finally opened the door.


   The peaceful second-tier prison. After hundreds of criminals came out, they were caught in a carnival. Many pirates danced their arms frantically, as if they could vent their excitement.


   I thought I could only wait to become food for beasts. Everyone had already lost hope of alive. Now they have escaped. The excitement in these hearts cannot be described in words, and can only be vented through crazy actions.


   When these people finally finished venting, they slowly calmed down, and Bucky, standing in the middle of the crowd, glanced at the crowd.


   Raised his arms and shouted: "Everyone, we can't be happy now. Everyone hasn't completely escaped from this when we rush to the sea can we truly escape from this hell."


   "Everyone, for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, let us escape from Propulsion City, **** naval ships and escape."


   "Yes, everyone, let us solve those jailers and rush out of this terrible hell."


  Because Bucky is everyone's lifesaver, Bucky gradually became a leader of everyone. What he said suddenly echoed a lot.


   It was very exciting to escape the crowd with difficulty. For them, escape from the **** of Pushing City was the only thing in their hearts.


   Bucky’s agitation caused many people to yell directly and rushed towards another exit. The criminals who escaped left behind without thinking about it.


   Luffy watched everyone rush towards the exit, about to rush out with them, but Bucky on the edge reached out and grabbed him, stopping his actions.


   Just when Luffy was about to ask questions, Bucky rushed forward and quickly covered Luffy's mouth with his hands, dragging Luffy to the side to hide. (To be continued.)

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