Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 693: The world before the battle

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Navy Headquarters!

Located in the first half of the great route, Malin Vandor is known as the most just place in the world. ?????

At this time, an invisible solemn atmosphere has spread throughout the island, and the busy streets of the past have become a lonely, fallen leaves flying under the sea breeze.

On the pier outside the town, densely packed figures gathered here. They were residents of Marin Vandor, and most of them were the families of soldiers from the navy headquarters.

Now that they had received the notice, they are boarding the warship under the cooperation of the navy and will spend an unusual day at the nearest naval base.

Pushing the city, because Luffy and Lin Tian who rescued Ace broke in, the big **** fortress with a long history known as the bronze wall and iron wall pushed the city into the biggest riot in history, which is unique since its establishment.

And all this was hidden under Xiliu's behavior, and the riots in the city were pushed forward extremely shockingly, and it spread out bit by bit under the water.

Navy headquarters, a reception room!

"Excuse me!" Two navy soldiers came to the door and greeted politely.

Immediately he opened the door, and faced the five Qiwuhai sitting inside, knowing: "Everyone, the time has come, please go to the port now."

In the room, on the dark green sand, except for Blackbeard Titch who went to Advance City and preventing the war, the seaman Jinping who had now escaped from prison, the remaining five Qiwuhai had all gathered here.

The five Qiwuhai, each of them are more or less related to the Straw Hat Pirates.

Looking at the urged navy soldier, Moonlight Moria, who had escaped from Lin Tian's life, said arrogantly: "Hey, are you too eager? There are still three hours before the execution, just a small white beard. That's it, as to be so nervous?"

In the battle of Moonlight Moriah, Ghost Island, he was defeated by Luffy and the others. In Lin Tian's opinion, his death did more harm than good, so he was left with a small life.

"That said...but to prevent must act in advance." In the face of five ferocious Qiwuhai, even in the navy headquarters, the two naval soldiers were not afraid that it was fake.

There was not as much **** as Moriah, and the bear stood up directly and was about to walk towards the door.

Basolomi Bear, Qiwuhai, also known as the tyrant, is actually a secret agent of the revolutionary army hidden in the navy. As the most obedient naval commander in Qiwuhai, he has completed the final transformation.

As for why he had to transform himself into a weapon that completely obeyed the navy headquarters, I am afraid that no one in the world knows except Lin Tian and Long.

Immediately after the bear, Hawkeye Mihawk also helped the black knife behind his seat from the seat, always keeping a cold expression on his face.

Jorakl Mihawk, commonly known as Hawkeye Mihawk, is the world's largest swordsman. He is a good friend and opponent with Lin Tiannai. Sauron has always dreamed of a swordsman.

"You are really passionate." Seeing Hawkeye ignored himself, Doflamingo squashed his mouth and said, "Really a cold fellow."

Don Quixote Doflamingo, Qiwuhai, was originally descended from the creator of the world, the world nobleman, the king of Dresrosa.

Qiwuhai, if you want to say that the most brutal and insidious is Doflamingo, he is rebellious, cruel, arrogant and indifferent, and he will use whatever means to achieve his goal.

Seeing these people walk out one by one, Moonlight Moria also got up from his seat.

"I can't lose to you guys. This war is the best hunting ground for me. I heard that the Whitebeard Pirates are all powerful men who are worth a thousand. I want to capture the strongest from all over the world. Shadows and corpses".

Seeing that the three Qiwuhai had already started to take action, the navy soldiers who came to inform them couldn't help but urged: "Please act as soon as possible by Master Doflamingo and Master Hancock."

"I see, don't call the concubine's name arbitrarily," Hancock warned without even looking at the Navy.

Regarding the news that Ace has arrived at the navy headquarters, Hancock already knew that, in this case, Lin Tian and Lu Fei's rescue operation had failed.

"You must come back safely, Lin Tian!"

Of course, in addition to Qiwuhai, the navy headquarters also started operations at the same time, under the command of the Warring States Marshal.

Several navy soldiers ran anxiously in the corridor, opening the door of each room and looking inside, looking for something.

In the office of the Admiral Green Pheasant!

A navy soldier pushed open the door anxiously, and he was relieved when he saw the admiral blue pheasant on the ground wearing a blindfold.

"General Green Pheasant, it turns out that you are here, and the Marshal of the Warring States Period summons you to his office!"

Picking up the blindfold on his head, the green pheasant started from the ground, turned around and asked: "What's wrong, Marshal of the Warring States Period, would you like to invite me to lunch before the war?"

"Lunch? The Marshal of the Warring States Period?" The navy soldier couldn't believe this. He said it from the admiral, "Master Qing Pheasant, what are you talking about? It's about the execution of Huoquan Ace...".

Standing up, the green pheasant patted the navy soldier on the shoulder, and lazily said: "Don't be so rigid, navy soldier, but I spent more than ten hours advancing to the bottom of the city. It is a very energy-consuming thing, of course it must be a big food One meal to replenish physical strength."

"Master Huang Yuan, please hurry up."

Seeing General Huang Yuan slowly walking behind, the navy soldier urged anxiously from time to time.

After spared his scalp, Huang Yuan vomited: "The Marshal of the Warring States Period is also true. He actually convened a meeting at noon. What should be done now is a lunch break."

The Office of the Marshal of the Warring States Period, the admirable Akadog, the admirable admiral of justice, has appeared before the Warring States period.

The red dog was eager to know the final answer, and directly asked, "Master Marshal, what's going on? There are plans for Lin Tian."

Supporting his chin with both hands, Zhan Guo shook his head and replied: "I failed. Although he caught Lin Tian, ​​for some reason, Lin Tian actually possessed the power to restrain the sea floor stone, and he finally escaped."

Hearing this, the red dog clenched his fists and said excitedly: "Marshal of the Warring States Period, you should have sent me and the Green Pheasant to solve Lin Tian first."

"Aka Dog, calm down." The Warring States stared with a serious look and said: "The navy is already at the limit of sending green pheasants. If at this critical juncture, two admiral-level combat forces are dispatched at the same time."

"If White Beard takes the opportunity to attack the Navy Headquarters, what will happen then? Besides, the Judicial Island battle will end up in your mind. Even if you two can solve Lin Tian, ​​you will face the White Beard One Fight, how much combat power do you have."

After being told by the Warring States, the excited Akadog finally calmed down, and he couldn't find any words to refute the questioning of the Warring States.

At this moment, the green pheasant and the yellow ape finally arrived and entered the office.

Glancing at the three of them, the green pheasant with a blindfold on his head, yawning, and a lazy air, his eyes look, absent-minded, sleek yellow ape, serious, already faith in absolute justice, radical persistence Red dog.

Putting down his hands, the Warring States Period took the paper on the table and pushed it in front of the three of them, saying: "This is about the plan in this battle, and what you three have to do and guard against."

"This time before the battle, I asked you to come here, mainly to tell you the specific plans and actions for this battle."

The three naval commanders with the highest combat power and the king's Qi Wuhai, in front of Marin Vatican and White Beard, who were directly targeted, the navy could not lose its strongest position.

At the same time, Malin Vandor has evacuated all the residents, and now the navy headquarters is full of busy navies.

The planned naval fleet has also appeared on the periphery of the headquarters and has begun to deploy battles.

In the port, a famous fort was preparing for the final debugging, and busy naval soldiers piled up shells on the edge of the fort.


At this time, the storm of the White Beard Pirates' decisive battle with the navy was not only in the first half of the great route, but also in the New World.

As Whitebeard began to act, Kaido, one of the four emperors, had begun to gather the pirates under Kaido. As for Kaido, he led the cadres under the three major disasters and moved forward to the territory where Whitebeard belongs.

Known as the world's strongest pirate group, the white beard's territory is enough to make countless pirates jealous, but the island is marked by the strongest man, white beard, and no one has the guts to plunder.

Now the battle between Whitebeard and the navy headquarters is imminent, no matter which side wins in the end, both sides will surely suffer heavy losses, and the immersive ambitions begin to explode.

The rest of the pirates were waiting for the final result of the war, but Kaido, the beast, was the first man to dare to take action.

At the same time, Red Shanks, one of the four emperors, also began to act, but his goal was not to **** the Whitebeard territory, but to stop Kaido's actions.

Although he is puzzled by Hong's behavior, it is undeniable that the conflict between the two four emperors of Hong and Baiju has temporarily calmed the turbulent new world. No one would be stupid enough to do anything at this time.

Three of the four emperors all shot, and Charlotte Lingling, who is also the only female of the four emperors, certainly did not show weakness.

Like Kaido’s purpose, Charlotte Lingling also invaded the islands under Baibeard. The first place was the legendary Murloc Island, because the desserts of Murloc Island are world-famous.

Baldigo, the island of white soil on the great waterway, where the navy headquarters is located, is of course unwilling to calm the revolutionary army in this rough time.

And their purpose is simple, to stop the actions of the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling and to help Baibeard protect his subordinates.

With Lin Tian as the link of the transaction, in some respects, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Revolutionary Army also have transactions, and the two sides are also regarded as allies.

But at this time, whether Long led the revolutionary army with the help of allies or with other goals, I am afraid only a few high-level revolutionary army such as Long and Lin Tian know.

The battle between the White Beard and the Pirates has not exploded. Whether it is the new world, the first half of the great route, or the four oceans, a storm that has swept the world has begun, and countless careerists have already begun to act in this storm. 8

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