Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 699: The strongest swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk

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Malin Vandor, outside the harbor!

"Haha... the iced ocean is really thoughtful and created a wonderful foothold for us. I feel uncomfortable because of the enthusiasm." ??

Amidst the excitement shouts, continuous gunfire sounded, and terrible bullet rain covered the sky. In a blink of an eye, several naval warships suffered severe injuries.

The navy was unwilling to show weakness, and a fierce counterattack began, the thick muzzle began to roar in anger, and the dark shells shot towards the approaching pirate fleet.

An epic sea battle exploded, and the two sides added up to hundreds of warships, madly pouring artillery shells at each other in this narrow sea area.

"Kill them completely and invade the harbor!"

A dense array of shells attacked the naval fleet, and more than a dozen figures leapt up from the deck, and their sharp slashes imitated all the shells that hit.

Bang bang bang...

A series of explosions blasted in the sky, and orange light flashed by.


More than a dozen figures all landed on the ice, and their powerful aura was undoubtedly revealed. The Navy Headquarters Lieutenant Generals gathered!

"It seems that it is not that simple for us to break through. The lieutenants of the navy headquarters finally appeared."

"It's really rare. I have never seen lieutenant generals so concentrated, even if the legendary killing order is not comparable to it."

"But the opponent is the old man and us, that's different, brothers charge."

The vortex spider Skuyard stretched his long tongue and swung his sword as the first captain to rush down.

"Chong, kill all the navies blocking the road, the target, in the harbor, the execution platform of Brother Ace, join the father and them"


The log-in of the vortex spider seemed to be a signal, the pirate ship quickly approached the ice surface, and a famous new world captain led his crew to charge toward the navy.

In the harbour, the battle was on the horizon, and the navy and the pirates in the cloak of justice were on the battlefield. This is a world-class war.

On the execution stage, Ace was able to see everything clearly, seeing his former companions fighting desperately for his own lives, and watching his former drunk friends, dying little by little on the way to the charge.

The battlefield is ruthless, and people without hatred can fight life and death to the last moment of their lives.


Unstoppable tears flowed from Ace's eyes, all because of me, because of my own willfulness, but I asked everyone to pay for themselves.

Under the hard resistance of the navy, the charge of the Whitebeard Pirates has been stopped, and the captains also have a strong navy to resist, and the two sides are in a stalemate.

The roar of artillery fire sounded, and the Whitebeard Pirates somewhat underestimated the navy's determination this time. One hundred thousand elite naval forces from all over the world gathered to represent all the righteous forces in the world.

The large fleet of 43 pirate ships was blocked by the navy fleet under the head of the navy headquarters.

The White Beard Pirate Group in the port was also blocked by naval soldiers led by two lieutenants Tao Tu and Cha Dolphin.

Even if he defeated the navy team in front of him, waiting for the white beard is the first line of defense built by the five old Jianghu Qiwuhai, three admirals under the execution platform, and the final defense composed of the Warring States Marshal and Iron Fist Karp. power.

And Baibeard's bargaining chips, only including them, the first team captain Margau and second team captain Joz did not make a shot, from the beginning, the white beard side did not have much chance of winning.


At the forefront of the port, as the five old rivers and lakes, Qiwuhai watched the battles underneath.

Moria was a little unhappy and shouted, "Haha... slow, too slow, why haven't I broken through the naval blockade yet, I can't wait to hunt."

"Now that the navy side has an obvious advantage, why are you still not moving at all? What are you waiting for, Whitebeard."

Doflamingo stared at the tall figure in the center of the battlefield. He couldn't believe that Whitebeard would dare to start a war and there would be no cards in his hand.


Suddenly, Hawkeye, who had been silent, jumped forward and came to the front of the port.

Perceiving this scene, Hancock, Doflamingo, and Moria couldn't help but look back at Hawkeye, with unconcealed surprise on their faces. In their consciousness, Hawkeye, a cold fellow, is often perfunctory to the navy call. With an attitude of being offended, they took the initiative to attack today, and it was the first time they saw him.

"Jorakl Mihawk, is Qiwuhai finally going to make a move?"

The navy standing by the side is also full of tension when seeing this scene. Are these monsters going to take action now?

On the high stage, Huang Yuan looked down at this scene, with a faint surprise on his face, "It's really a strange thing."

Even the red dog couldn't help being shocked, "Does this capricious eagle eye have the intention to fight today?"


With a cold snort, Doflamingo asked in surprise: "Why, are you going to make a move?"

"I'm just estimating the distance between this... and that man within a seemingly very close distance," Hawkeye replied lightly. From the beginning, those sharp eyes listened to the white beard, the strongest man in the world. .

Looking at the sharp yellow pupils, even if he was as proud as Hancock, he couldn't raise the slightest contempt for this man.

Even a very advanced player, just seeing his eyes, will inevitably tremble because of fear and immobility. It is indeed an eagle eye, which is a proper description.

As long as it is a swordsman, everyone dreams of one day being able to fight against this man sitting in the strongest position. This is the instinct of being a swordsman.

But in the face of the world's strongest swordsman, how many swordsmen have the courage to draw their swords in front of him, this man represents the ultimate swordsmanship.

At this moment, I don't know how many eyes are staring at the eagle eye directly in front of the harbor, that powerful sword force, as if to slash everything.

After pulling back, Lieutenant Taotu looked at the man involuntarily, and couldn't help holding the sharp sword in his right hand tightly.

"Hawk-eyed Mihawk, the world's largest swordsman, this man sitting on the battlefield really wants to have a chance to try what is the strongest swordsmanship."

"Although I am not really a pure swordsman, as long as anyone who holds a sword, I am afraid that I can't help but want to fight this man."

As if rendered by the pervasive sword power, Lieutenant Tea Dolphin's right hand holding the sword couldn't help shaking.


It's like a rushing stream, sonorous and powerful, this is the best description of the sound of the scabbard in Mihawk's hand.

"Is that the legendary black knife?"

Somewhere, Ayin, with a beautiful blue head that was as pure as the sea, looked at the one being pulled out by Mihawk and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"What a strong swordsman, it is the world's No. 1 swordsman. This is the first time I have met with such a powerful sword." General Zefa, standing beside him, exclaimed.

Hei Dao Ye, one of the only 12 supreme sharp knives in the world, the pitch-black sharp blade is a chaotic and heavy T-shaped, which is a famous sword that matches the world's strongest swordsman.

With a vision like "hawkeye", the world's strongest swordsman! ! The man who has stood at the top of the road of swordsmanship for many years! Carrying "Ye", one of the twelve jobs of the Supreme Sharp Knife, he has been hunting pirates alone as King Seven Wuhai. When will a challenger appear to end Mihawk’s boring days?

This is a portrayal of the loneliness in Hawkeye's heart. As the strongest, he has been in position for too long, and he desperately needs a strong swordsman to start a real swordsman peak battle.

Raising the sharp black sword in his hand, a terrifying sword force spread out from Hawkeye Mihok's body, and the invisible sword aura seemed to be pressing on everyone's heart, and even the surrounding void could not bear this kind of power and began to twist.

Just looking at the black sword night on the high platform, there is a sense of fear in my heart that seems to be cut off at any time. Whether the navy or the pirates, the two sides holding the sword keep trembling, not only themselves, but also the sword in their hands. With a touch of fear.


The black knife held high suddenly slashed, an ordinary slash, but the eagle eye's spirit was gathered, this eagle eye moved out with all its strength, without any reservation.

A huge sword qi of tens of meters banged out from the blade, and the huge sword qi was glowing with bright green The dazzling light illuminates the entire port, and even the light of the sky and the sun is covered by it.

The huge sword aura seemed to cross the distance between time and space, and the terrifying sword power seemed to cut everything that was blocking the road.

The fierce battlefield, with this sword aura cut out, fell into a strange silence, everyone stared at this sword, only this terrible sword in their eyes.

Sword Qi stretched across half of the port, and a huge crack emerged on the ice sheet. Sword Qi had been crushed with invincibility, turning everything that stood in the way into ashes.

Along the way, whether the navy or the pirates were full of horror, they quickly ran to the side, the world's number one slash was not something they could resist.

A distance of hundreds of meters, fleeting, facing this terrifying sword, White Beard did not have the slightest fear on his face, but a faint smile appeared.

Swinging his sword out, Mihawk's sharp eagle eyes looked forward, hiding his inner expectation under the calm appearance, how far is he from the strongest man!

The next moment, a stream of light flashed, a black shadow flew out, and the sharp sword in his hand flashed with light blue light.

The corners of the black shadow's mouth were slightly raised, and the sharp sword in his hands was held in both hands, and he cut it down without hesitation. The same light blue sword aura of tens of meters rushed up against the eagle eye sword aura.

The two slashes, one green and the other blue, were like meteorites sliding across the sky, colliding with each other, and there was a thunderous sound.

The powerful blue sword aura only blocked it for a few seconds, but was cut off by the green sword aura, split into two, and dissipated in the void.

But at the same time, the trajectory of the green sword qi changed, and it rushed straight to the sky, and the green sword qi rushed into the sky, cutting the sky white cloud in half, and dissipating in the endless high sky.

"This is the number one slash in the world!" 8

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