Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 704: Meet on the battlefield

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File clang...a metal crash.

At this critical moment, Ai Yin pulled out the two daggers pinned to his waist with his right hand to block Harta's slash.

Feeling the tiger's mouth shook, the dagger in his hand was almost knocked off by the powerful force, but Ayin's seemingly thin body exploded with power that shocked Harta.

"What, actually blocked it."

I saw that the small dagger steadily blocked the sword in his hand not far from the abdomen, no matter how much power Harta used, he couldn't make any progress.

Don’t underestimate Ai Yin, as the closed disciple and daughter of former admiral Zefa, Ai Yin also has the true knowledge of Zefa in physical skills. In physical skills, Ai Yin is no worse than these monster captains. .

And as Lin Tian's first woman who has been with the navy and has the deepest affection, Lin Tian has never given up to Ai Yin. With the strength of the admiral Lin Tian, ​​Ai Yin's strength is visible.

The right hand flashed towards the waist, and another dagger appeared in Ai Yin's hand. The shiny dagger quickly turned in Ai Yin's palm and cut it towards Harta under him.


Even if Harta reacted in time and quickly dodged, the sharp dagger still slid on his arm, the wide clothing was torn, and a wound tens of centimeters long appeared on Harta's arm, and bright red blood flowed out of the wound.

A successful blow, Ai Yin took advantage of the momentum, covered her hands with peach-colored flames, stepped hard, flew out, and took photos of Harta with both hands.

Without evasion, Harta's eyes flashed with a ruthless look. He couldn't be dragged by the female navy to stop the retreat, Harta went up to meet Ayn.

"I'm going to rescue Ace, how can I be blocked here"

With a whisper in the heart, Harta clasped the long sword in both hands, and the whole body strength was accumulated in both hands. With the help of the power of the waist twist, the sharp sword slashed upward toward Harta.

Facing the sharp sword swung by Harta, a change flashed across Ai Yin's cold face.

"You pirates, still want to rescue Firefist Ace, Yuebu!" Ai Yin's tone was very cold.

Both feet stepped out in the air, and the speed of the fall increased sharply. With the peach-colored flames of the hands, Ayin turned to the Hartali sword with bare hands.

The sharp sword quickly pierced the void, and went out with all its strength, causing a wave of air wherever the sword body passed, and in the solemn gaze of Harta, the two sides approached just a little bit.

Ai Yin's hands were close to the blade, and the peach-colored flames swayed violently under the invisible sword aura, as if to be extinguished at any time.

Finally, in the gazes of the two of them, the sharp blade and the peach flame finally touched together.

The next moment, in Harta's unbelievable gaze, the sharp sword he was holding turned into a dark red stone and fell onto the ice.

Before Harta's shocked heart could react to what had happened, Ai Yin's body flashed and kicked out of her back. The powerful force kicked Harta tens of meters away and fell heavily into the crowd.

Perceiving an alarm sound coming from behind, Lin Tianmeng turned around, as if feeling in his heart, Ai Yin kicked Harta and raised his head at the same time, and the two eyes looked at each other like this.


"Lin Tian!"

Different words came out of different two people's mouths, but the excitement and joy represented by them were indeed the same.

But the difference is that after seeing the other party, the excitement and excitement on Lin Tian's face were completely on his face. After half a year, I saw this beautiful figure that has been hidden deepest in his heart again. At this time, emotions cannot be described in words.

And Ai Yin's excitement and joy quickly flashed from his face, and that pretty face returned to coldness again.

Seeing the change in expression on Ai Yin's face, the excitement on Lin Tian's face slowly dissipated, turning to a deep guilt.

With the death of his current best friend Robert, Lin Tian had to embark on the road of betraying the navy in order to kill the culprit, the Tianlongren.

From the people's eyes, the savior representing justice has become a pirate whom countless people have always been afraid of, and has given up the opportunity to be promoted to admiral.

But Lin Tian didn't regret all of this. It didn't matter if he gave up all these things for revenge for his best friend Robert.

But the only thing in Lin Tian's heart is that he is very guilty of treating himself like a grandson, the stinky old man who taught him to grow up, and his beloved woman Ai Yin, and I am sorry for these two people.

Seeing the pretty person who was thinking day and night again, after just beginning to be happy and excited, Lin Tian never knew how to face Ai Yin.

Lin Tian's heart was in chaos, but why wasn't Ai Yin like that? After learning about that major event back then, to be honest, Ai Yin didn't blame Lin Tian too much.

For many years, the two have been together day and night, and they have a tacit understanding between them, and they can understand everything with just one look. If they don't do that, then he is not Lin Tian.

Why hide the excitement in my heart? Ain decided to teach Lin Tian a lesson, after Lin Tian betrayed the navy and left.

His position in the navy can be said to be in crisis, especially in the case of Lin Tian killing five dragons. As the descendants of the creator, the dragons are of course thunder furious.

While looking for revenge for Lin Tian, ​​he was also preparing to turn all Lin Tian-related people into slaves and imprisoned them to Mary Joa to make atonement for Lin Tian.

As a Lin Tian woman, Ai Yin is of course the first to bear the brunt, but there are General Zefayuan, as well as the naval hero Karp, the chief of the general staff, even the Warring States period, and the green pheasant's dealings in it, even the world government has to suppress this move. Next, this has already involved most of the navy's top ranks.

Although Ai Yin didn't show anything, she felt like a mirror in her heart for many things, especially how much the father-in-law Zefa paid in it.

He had to stay colder, and gave Lin Tian a small warning that when he did this kind of thing next time, he had to tell himself, which made him worry.

In this world's top battlefield, the eyes of countless powerhouses will more or less converge on him. It is a very bad phenomenon for Lin Tian to be confused at this time.

But seeing Ai Yin's cold face after seeing him, Lin Tian's heart was already confused. He thought that Ai Yin was angry with his behavior and was thinking about how to make up. How could he realize this.

call out…

A bright yellow light flashed behind, and the figure of Huang Yuan emerged from the light, and the tall figure appeared on Lin Tian's back.

Looking down at Chaos Lin Tian, ​​Huang Yuan smiled slightly and said, "This is not a good phenomenon. I dare to focus on other places at this time, so I don't think we are too distracted. Lin Tian!"

As he spoke, Huang Yuan had already raised his right foot and turned into dazzling particles, kicking Lin Tian's back with the speed of light.

"Not good", I was shocked.

At the moment when he appeared, Lin Tian had already noticed the arrival of Huang Yuan, but he kicked his legs at the speed of light, a distance of no more than one meter, and the time spent in it was completely negligible.

At the same time he was aware of it, Huang Yuan's kick at the speed of light had already kicked his back. Speed ​​was power. How powerful was the kick at the speed of light, enough to destroy the huge Moby Dick standing at the feet of White Beard.

Moreover, to deal with Lin Tian, ​​Huang Yuan must do his best. This is not like the leisurely mind when solving those supernovae in the Chambord Islands.

Crackling... a faint thunder light just shone from her body.

A terrible force struck from the back, and the entire chest was squeezed by a strong force, and there was a faint creaking sound from the back. It was the bones that were under great pressure, friction and distortion.

Lin Tian could hardly resist this huge force, like a kite with a broken wire, flying upside down, a big mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth, along the way, he brought dozens of fighting navy and pirates flying.

"Lin Tian!"

Only at this moment, Ai Yin, who was shocked under the attack of the yellow ape, suddenly reacted, no matter how cold the upper face was, or the lesson in her heart.

The cold pretty face was already covered by endless worries, Ai Yin flashed out, his whole body was concentrated on his legs, and a stream of light flashed across the battlefield.

This is Ai Yin's fastest speed, but Ai Yin still feels slow, too slow!

Tears could not be stopped in the eye sockets, that was the speed of light kicked by General Huang Yuan, even if Lin Tian took the blow abruptly, he would be seriously injured.


When he flew tens of meters away, Lin Tian's body flashed, an invisible force blocked his back, causing Lin Tian's upside-down figure to suddenly slow down.

His feet were slid on the ice surface, making a harsh rubbing sound. Two marks clearly appeared on the ice surface. As soon as he stood firm, Lin Tian felt a surge of blood in his chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. A bright blood flower formed on the surface.

A **** arrow was ejected, and Lin Tian's face was pale, and his body shook as if he was about to fall down at any time. Ai Yin, who was rushing with all his strength, just rushed to Live in Lin Tian who is about to fall.

Looking at the blood on the corner of Lin Tian's mouth and the pale face, Ai Yin's tears couldn't stop flowing, there was no anger in her heart, only endless worries.

Weeping and said: "Lin Tian, ​​what's going on with you, I'm not good, I'm not good, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be distracted, you would be attacked by General Huang Yuan."

But at the moment when Lin Tian was held by Ai Yin, he took advantage of the momentum and fell into Lin Tian's arms, leaning his head against the mountain, and the fragrance of memory inhaled into his nostrils again.

Lin Tian couldn't help showing a hint of intoxication on his squinted face, and the corners of his slightly cocked mouth showed some pride.

A faint ‘pain’ appeared on his pale face, and Lin Tian asked weakly, "Ai Yin, I thought you would never ignore me."

"Stupid", after hearing the words, Ai Yin seemed to be caught in her heart. Big tears were left behind her cheeks, and she cursed: "You are a big idiot, why would I ignore you? Only you will do it every time. If things are not told to others, let people worry about it alone."

A slight smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, and Lin Tian's voice fell a few points lower: "Aren't you angry with me?"

Feeling the weakness of Lin Tian's tone, Ai Yin was relieved to tremble, and hurriedly replied: "Why am I angry at you? Stop talking and let me check for you first."

When the voice fell, Ai Yin checked Lin Tian. In the navy, Ai Yin always followed Lin Tian. In order to help Lin Tian, ​​Ai Yin not only strengthened his strength and wanted to help Lin Tian.

He also learned medical skills to deal with Lin Tian's injuries at any time, because in the new world, Lin Tian would always be injured after every battle.

"Lin Tian, ​​you big villain!!!" u

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