Baidu asks the novel network to respond to requests! Read the full text of the Deputy Captain of Rebirth One Piece! Seeking novel network, responsive!

On the cloud, the black shadow surrounded by a faint flame of phantom, quickly fell towards the sky!

A navy looked up at the scene below and nervously said: "What is this? Is it a surprise attack hidden by White Beard?"


As the shadows got closer and closer, a huge naval warship was clearly presented in front of everyone, and at the same time there was a scream that echoed in the sky.

With screams becoming louder and louder in the sky, many fighting navy and pirates raised their eyes curiously.

In their horrified eyes, a warship fell from the clouds, and dozens of figures surrounded the warship and fell together.

Luffy is finally here! ! !

Lin Tian stared at the solemn downwards, and couldn't help but look up, and said in surprise: "It's really a shocking way of going on stage. Falling from the sky, what have these guys gone through?"

"Straw hat, what a bad idea you guy, I said at the beginning, you can't listen to the straw hat guy", in the sky, Bucky looked at the ice surface getting closer and closer, tears fell, facing the road Fei cursed.

"Idiot", Klockdale was born and cursed: "Is there any use to say this now? It's all because of this guy blinking too much."

"What?" Ivankov was startled, and said, "Boy Klock, do you want to put all the blame on me?"

Luffy screamed and shouted: " doesn't matter to blame anyone, there is hard ice underneath, if we just fall like this, then we will die."

"Woo..." Bucky was crying, hating iron for nothing, "Why do I believe in a straw hat boy!".

"By the way, I am a rubber man, and I am immortal if I fall like this." Lu Fei reacted, and the screams stopped.

"Do you want to offend someone alone? Hurry up and think of a way, let us stop too," mr3 shouted.

Looking at the ice that was getting closer and closer, Shi Zhihao said: "Idiot! How could I follow such an idea? I don't want to fall on the battlefield like this when I first came out, it would be too awkward to die."

Seeing the people on Luffy who appeared on the stage above, the ice navy and the pirates were dumbfounded, Moonlight Moria looked angry, Huang Yuan's turning eyes didn't know what he was thinking, the blue pheasant still had a look on his face. Lazy.

Karp was so frightened that his nose came out, and he said strangely: "What's the matter? What is Lin Tian that stinky kid doing, didn't he stop Luffy?"

On the side, Ace, who was kneeling on the execution platform, stared at the scene above blankly. At this moment, his mind was completely blank because of Luffy's debut.


The huge warship fell from a high altitude, and in the eyes of nearly 200,000, the warship that fell from the clouds fell straight into the sea, and the huge impact stirred up white waves tens of meters high.

A drop of hundreds of meters from the clouds, coupled with the huge size of the warship, produced a terrible impact. At the moment of the impact, the keel of the warship broke directly, and wooden blocks of various sizes flew up.

The warship that was hundreds of meters long was broken into two pieces and located at the two ends of the ice surface. The place where the middle keel broke was sunk under the sea.

"What happened? Was the warship falling down just now?"

This scene was not only known by countless navies and pirates on the battlefield, but also spread to the Chambord Islands through the phone bug, which spread throughout the world.


A criminal advancing the city rushed out from under the sea, sucking the air in his mouth hurriedly, opened his eyes and looked around, the blue water was in his eyes.

"The sea! It's great, we actually fell in the middle of the sea."

Another criminal who rushed out of the sea rejoiced: "Fortunately, we didn't fall to the ice, otherwise we would be dead."

"But why is there no ice here", a pirate asked curiously.

At the side, the face of Joz, who watched this scene, changed slightly, and the warship actually landed on the place where he lifted the ice just now.

"What the **** protagonist halo!" Lin Tian cursed helplessly, but his face showed a faint smile.

Joz "coincidentally" thought of lifting the iceberg towards the execution platform, and Luffy and the others just "coincidentally" drove the warship along the tsunami. The green pheasant "coincidentally" froze them when they reached the sea and Luffy The crushed ice cubes fell from above by coincidence.

How can there be so many ‘coincidences’ in this world, even if there are so many ‘coincidences’, but can these ‘coincidences’ be combined by coincidence?

As Lin Tian said, the protagonist's halo is indeed a **** thing, no matter what you face, there will always be miraculous people and things that will come out to save you, you can't die if you want to die.

Fortunately, the protagonist's halo is on Luffy, not someone else.

In a certain way, as the biggest villain, Blackbeard has the same aura as Luffy. In the first battle of Gaya, Lin Tian was going to solve Blackbeard.

But that kind of thing will happen. Ainilu uses lightning power to punish people who are disrespectful to him. The lightning penetrates the clouds.

Because of the upward rushing ocean current, a large black cloud formed near Gaya. The lightning triggered the electrons in the black cloud, forming a lightning with a voltage of hundreds of millions of volts, and slammed on Lin Tian.

This is the power of the protagonist's halo. There will never be a lack of miracles in them. Qi luck seems to be illusory, but when a strong person like Lin Tian, ​​he can feel the existence of luck and destiny.

Lin Tian once had a conjecture that the era of the great pirate lasting twenty years was as if it was deliberately created by the king of Pirates.

Lin Tian has learned many secrets about the Roger Pirates from Lei Li’s mouth. Roger, who has the ability to hear everything, can understand even the text of the historical text, then can Roger hear the fate and the future? Voices? ? ?

The pirates who fell into the sea followed the inclined deck and quickly crawled toward the protruding bow and stern on both sides.

"Climb up, climb up quickly, compared with the waterboarding that advances the city, these seawaters are nothing at all."

At this time, under the blue sea, Luffy and Bucky, who are capable of demon fruit, had no such good luck. The two lost their ability to move when they fell into the sea and sank toward the bottom of the sea.

"Really, people like the capable..."

The figure of Jinping swam quickly in the sea, caught up with Luffy and Bucky, raised his hand and grabbed the two of them and swam towards the sea.

Cough cough cough...

With the dazzling sunlight shining in his eyes, Luffy coughed out the sea water he had drunk in his chest, regaining consciousness, turned his head and looked up.

I saw the criminals lying on the deck like him on the side, and there was a dull tearing sound in his ears, moving his eyes to look at the navy and the pirates wearing white cloaks of justice.

Luffy suddenly realized that he had just fallen from the sky, and now he was in the place where the navy headquarters Malin Vando, where Ace was executed.

Turning to climb up, Luffy climbed along the deck to the top of the bow of the bow, standing on a high place, at a glance, there were fighting naval soldiers and pirates everywhere, and there were continuous explosions in his ears. Orange-yellow light mixed with black smoke rose on the ice.

"Huh...", breathing heavily in his nostrils.

call out!

Like the roar of a sea train's siren, a shell fell on the side and exploded. A huge wave tens of meters high flew up, blocking Luffy's eyes.

The white waves fell, and two huge words "Navy" appeared in Luffy's eyes. Under the word "Navy" which represents justice in the world, there is a high platform made of steel at

Above the high platform, three figures appeared there, and Luffy focused his eyes on the kneeling figure in the middle.

Luffy's bright eyes couldn't restrain the excitement and flashes in his heart, and the corners of his mouth turned slightly, showing Luffy's inner joy.

Opened his mouth, Luffy took a deep breath, sank his dantian, and shouted Meng Ran loudly.


The loud shouts conveyed the entire battlefield, and anyone could feel the joy and excitement contained in the shouts.


Ace, who reacted, yelled likewise. While excited and happy, he was deeply worried.

In the battlefield, Lin Tian showed a faint smile on his face, "Although this place is not suitable for reunion, the three of us finally met again."

Waving his hands, Luffy's face was unspeakable excitement.

"Ace!!! I finally saw you".

"straw hat!!"

Moria waved his hands and shouted angrily.

Moria, who was excited by the huge body of Oz, was replaced by anger in an instant.

It was this **** straw hat that let all the strength he had gathered for many years dissipated overnight, and almost turned himself into a bereaved dog, everything made Moriah want to eat Luffy meat and drink Luffy blood.

Karp clutched his head. Karp still can't accept this message, why did Luffy fall from the sky with the warship.

"Ah! Luffy"

Looking up, watching the battle here, Luffy, who had entered the battlefield in an extremely shocking manner, attracted everyone's attention, and even Hawkeye couldn't help but sigh.

"Really a man who will not be missing from the topic, the straw hat boy!" u

Baidu asks the novel network to respond to requests! The latest chapter of Vice Captain of Rebirth One Piece, welcome to collect! Seeking novel network, responsive!

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