Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 733: Battle of the capable

Bang bang...

Close to the ground, Smogg smashed and rolled, and his body turned into white smoke and rose into the sky. In the billowing white smoke, Smogg's figure emerged.

Seeing Tina, who appeared in time below, grabbed Luffy, and hurriedly shouted: "Well done, Tina, this time you can't escape the straw hat boy."

At the moment when the words sounded, Smogg clasped his ten hands tightly and dived down from mid-air. The ten hands with the tip of the sea tower stone pierced towards Luffy's neck.

"Boy with straw hat, see how you leave this time. All objects touched by my iron bars will be locked." Tina looked very proud with a cigarette in her mouth.

"Great, Colonel Tina grabbed the straw hat boy."

There was a burst of joy from the surrounding navy soldiers, and suddenly many navy soldiers rushed in. Some of them had already taken out the sea tower stone handcuffs they carried with them, ready to catch Luffy.

"What, what the **** is this, let me go, I'll just go to Ace".

On the ground, Luffy’s mission struggles, but these trapped Luffy are all steel, and it is almost impossible for Luffy to break free of the steel locks when his body is imprisoned and unable to hold back his strength.

On the one hand, Ivankov who took the opportunity to attack, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Luffy was caught by the navy again.

"Not good, straw hat baby"

In particular, watching several naval soldiers with sea tower stone handcuffs rushing towards Luffy, Ivankov's heart was suddenly full of eagerness, and he started to rush towards Luffy.

call out…

The dazzling light from behind lit up, followed by a yellow laser beam, which instantly caught up with Ivankov and accurately hit Ivankov’s head. The powerful laser beam rubbed Ivankov’s scalp on the extremely lush hair. Then, leaving a big hole the size of a fist.

Ivankov, who passed by the **** of death, only felt a chill spread all over his body, and his running pace couldn't help stopping.

At this moment, Smogg, who turned into white smoke in the sky, pierced Luffy's throat with ten hands, and watched Luffy in this scene, struggling even more.


A blue light flew by, bringing up the sound of strong wind, the wings of the dazzling cyan flame flashing, and it was Margao, Captain No. 1 who flew from the sky.

With the white beard's orders, even if Margao was fighting, he still divided some of his attention on Luffy. Seeing that Luffy was in danger, he quickly solved the several navies who had attacked him and flew to rescue Luffy.

Turning into the sharp claws of a bird, he kicked Smogg's body in a flash, and his domineering kick directly kicked Smogg out.

On the ice, looking at Smogg who was kicked, Da Siqi looked surprised, "How is it possible, Lord Smogg is a natural ability person, kicking should be invalid for him."


Tina, who was trapping Luffy, couldn't help shouting when she saw this scene, and a worrisome suddenly appeared on her beautiful pretty face.

Smogg, who was kicked and flew upside down like a broken kite by Margo's powerful kick, in his chest tumbling with blood, a mouthful of blood flowed upstream, only feeling a scent from his mouth spread to the tip of his tongue, his mouth instinctively opened. , A mouthful of blood came out of the ground.


Smogg hit the ice heavily, the hard ice collapsed, and turned over with a leap, Smogg quickly stood up from the ice, the blood on the corner of his mouth couldn't stop flowing down, followed his chin, and finally dripped on the ice.

"Is this the power of domineering?" Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, a pain came from his abdomen. As a natural fruit ability person, Smogg hadn't felt pain for a long time.

Although it is a natural ability person, Smogg and Margo are not at the same level as opponents, and as a natural ability person, Smogg's ability to smoke can be said to be the weakest in the natural system.


At the same time, Tina was instinctively relieved to see that Smogg was okay, and at this moment, a beautiful leg kicked from the void and kicked on the iron bar that trapped Luffy.

"Aroma Feet"

The sturdy iron bar turned into a gray stone at the moment it touched the beautiful leg. Luffy just struck lightly, and the stone iron bar broke easily.

Seen from above along this beautiful leg that appeared abruptly, wearing a beautiful purple cheongsam with the Nine Snake logo embroidered on it, the perfect body sound attached to Hancock is so charming.

I saw that Hancock Qingcheng's cheeks were full of anger at this time, but even if it was covered by anger, it did not reduce Hancock's beauty, but added a different kind of charm.

"Hankuk, what are you doing, don't you want the title of Qiwuhai?"

Looking at the straw hat boy who had escaped from the post with the help of Hancock, Tina pointed at Hancock and asked angrily.

"Why, Hancock, the empress of Qiwuhai, helped the straw hat boy Luffy!"

"Shut up!" Angrily shouted, Hancock said: "Although you are also a woman, the anger makes the concubine body unable to hear anything. You dare to press the concubine's younger brother under the palm, and the concubine body never feels it. Such anger".


Hearing this, the navy soldier who stopped on the side suddenly gave a look of surprise, and even Margo, who was floating in the air, was not surprised.

Full of doubts and thoughts: "What's going on, Hancock is the sister of the Straw Hat Boy, isn't she Lin Tian's woman? Lin Tian is the brother of the Straw Hat Boy again, what's all this?"

When thinking about this problem in the minds of everyone, Hancock has already explained: "The straw hat boy is Lin Tian's younger brother, that is, the younger brother of the concubine body. You dare to do this. I will tear all of you up and throw it away. Go feed the dog".


Luffy, who was trapped below, finally broke free of the chains, and quickly got up from the ground, panting and thanking: "Hankock, Firebird, thank you so much."

"Firebird? What's this name?" Margau's face went dark when Luffy called him.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "Straw hat boy, just go ahead, we are here."

When the words fell, Margau spread his wings and rushed straight to Smogg on the ice. At an extremely fast speed, Margau turned into a burning flame.

"So fast! White smoke jetting"

Smogg's face was startled, his feet turned into white smoke, and he sprayed out, rushing to the sky very quickly.

"where is it?"

Binoculars quickly scanned for Malgau's figure, but Malgau on the ice completely disappeared.

"too slow!"

A calm voice sounded behind him, and Smogg’s face suddenly changed. In the next moment, Smogg felt his back hit by a huge force, turning his body into white smoke under an invisible force. If you control yourself and become an entity again, this is the potential and domineering power that everyone has.

Like a cannonball fired from a barrel, Smogg's body pierced the air and rammed straight into the ice. With a bang, the navy soldiers standing on the ice could clearly feel a tremor, and the ice was flying. White icy mist rose.

"Don't want to take the straw hat boy away from Tina. Tina will not let you succeed."

Tina pulled up some loose crimson gloves, spit out the white cigarette from her mouth, and quickly rushed out with her feet. With a Yang on her right hand, an iron bar appeared in Tina's hand.

"Look at Tina, Blackthorn!"

Approaching Hancock quickly, the sharp iron rod in his hand shot out, and the lasing iron rod cut through the air barrier and shot straight towards Hancock.

"I want to stop my concubine with a mere iron bar"

Hancock is still the arrogant face, this arrogance has penetrated into the empress's bones, and as the world's most beautiful woman, Hancock, who is known as the Pirate Empress, she is qualified to deserve this arrogance.

"Aromatic feet!"


With his wings flapping, his feet kicked the surrounding naval soldiers into the air, and Margau, who had become a phoenix, returned to his body and landed beside Luffy.

He stretched out his hand and fumbled for a while on his chest, then fumbled out a key with the advancing city logo, and handed it to Luffy, in Luffy's puzzled eyes.

Margau explained: "This is the key to the sea floor stone shackles used to imprison Ace's legs, obtained by Lin Tian from advancing the city."

Hearing this, Luffy was obviously taken aback, and then instinctively grasped the key of the palm with his right hand tightly his face was filled with smile and excitement involuntarily.

With this key, as long as he can rush to the execution platform and open Ace's shackles, Ace will regain his strength at that time, and everything will become much simpler in this instant.

If there is no key to the sea tower stone, even if everyone rushes to the execution platform, they will not be able to take Ace away. The disabled Ace is now a simple ordinary person. Among the elite naval soldiers in front of him, he can kill Ai. The navy that Sri Lanka solves is also unknown.

Not to mention, the Marshal Sengoku and Iron Fist Karp guarded by Ace on both sides, these two are the top combat power above the admiral.

The strength of the two of them is not weaker than that of the white beard. With their existence, a single finger is enough to crush the disabled Ace.

It can be said that if rescue Ace is a battle, then rescue Ace will be another battle, the sea floor stone with diamond hardness, even if it is the slash of the world's number one Hawkeye Mihawk, it cannot be slashed. Off.

It is conceivable that with an incapacitated Ace, it is almost impossible to escape in front of 100,000 elite naval forces. With the key, everything will become different.

Looking at the excited Luffy, Margao was actually very strange, why did Lin Tian give such an important key to a newcomer like Straw Hat Boy.

When he asked Lin Tian at that time, Lin Tian answered Margao in this way, "Luffy is a guy who is taken care of by fate, he is a man who wants to become the One Piece...".

"Thank you, I will definitely rescue Ace!"

Holding the key in his hand, excited Luffy leaped forward and rushed towards the tall execution platform directly in front.

Seeing the running figure of Lu Fei, Margo frowned and fell into thought.

"Fate! Sea... Is it the King of Thieves?"

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