"Ice Age!"

The green pheasant leaped high and avoided Shi Zhihao's attack. With a bang, a loud noise came from where he stood before, and a huge explosion sounded.

Ice cubes of different sizes flew into the air, and the dust and ice mist produced by the explosion covered everything below. The green pheasant waved his hands, and the two icicles swayed with his arms, exuding extremely cold air, and flying into the thick dust.

The two icicles are like sharp arrows, bringing a strong hurricane around the sides of the icicles, blowing away the smoke, and a red light flashes in the scattered smoke.

Shi Zhihao quickly rushed out of the range of ice fog, and two icicles crashed into the ice surface. The extremely cold air was quickly dissipated by the hurricane. Wherever he passed, even the air was frozen, and there were tiny ice crystals. Suspended in the void.

The ice spread extremely fast, and in an instant it caught up with Shi Zhihao who had left. Seeing the cold catching up, Shi Zhihao stopped quickly, rubbing his feet against the ice surface, and the resulting force formed two meters long. Gully.

Stopping his footsteps, Shi Zhihao did not hesitate. He turned his back on the ice with a fist, and a series of alarms sounded in an instant.

Under Shi Zhihao's seemingly ordinary punch, the hard ice had shattered and splashed at a very fast speed. Within a few meters in front of him, all the ice had flew up.

But these flying ice did not fall. The incoming cold air froze all the flying ice in the void and combined with the abundant moisture in the air to form an ice wall several meters wide.

Freezing the ice seemed to exhaust the cold energy, and the cold energy dissipated into the void before it spread to Shi Zhihao.

"Ice "Two Spears"

Several bursts of air sounded from the sky, Shi Zhihao was instinctively ready to blast out with a punch to disperse everything, but felt the fist frozen by the ice.

Shi Zhihao could only dispel this idea immediately, and rolled to the side, only to avoid the ice spear attacking the sky above the sky.

Bang... bang...

The ice spear, which seems to be composed of ice, has extremely terrifying power. It hits the ice surface, and the scene is no less than the bombardment of the navy's huge naval gun.

"Green pheasant, you fellow, don't fly into the sky to attack from time to time. Give Lao Tzu down if you have the ability, and have a head-on duel."

Being hit with such no backhand strength, Shi Zhihao was directly angry, and it would be fine if he fought head-on, but in Shi Zhihao's view, this style of play was simply helpless.

Although for the real battle of life and death, there is no unscrupulous move, only to use all strength to kill the opponent, even with bite, tear, as long as you can kill the opponent, the real winner will be you.

The world only cares about the result, as Doflamingo said, because only the winner can judge justice.

I thought that my own words had no effect on the green pheasants. As a navy general, who was not a strong man who had emerged from countless battles of life and death, how could it be possible to arouse them only by language.

But the green pheasant fell straight down from the air, and at the same time, the whole body was covered with ice a little bit, and the whole body exuded wisps of extremely cold air.

"La la...Let me finally solve this battle."


"How can there be such a guy on Roger's ship, now in a dangerous situation, he is still standing in the middle of the battlefield unscrupulously, laughing arrogantly".

Looking at Bucky in the field again in narcissism, Mr3 has already been lazy to remind Bucky.

Unwilling to set his eyes on the arrogant Bucky, Mr3 couldn't help looking up to the side, and immediately found that the surrounding navy soldiers were quickly retreating to both sides of them.

Although the navy was pressing hard, it still showed a slight panic. These couldn't escape Mr3's eyes, and there was a sudden throb in his heart.

Although it is not yet known why these navies did that, one thing is certain, that so many navy soldiers can show fear, and how many people on the entire battlefield can do it.

"Master Bucky is a great man in the world"

"Can't keep watching, it's going to spurt blood, it's spurting blood"

"Bucky-sama's heroic posture is so beautiful, it really is a superstar, the superstar among the pirates, Bucky-sama"


Under the flattery and admiration of a large group of criminals, Bucky was so excited that he could not even reach the north, south, east, and west long ago, and he fell deeply into his dream of becoming the king of the world.

Did not notice that a huge crisis has come!

"Eagle...Eagle Eye...M...M...Haw...K..."

Looking at the terrifying figure right in front of the harbor, even if it is thousands of meters away, Mr3 can still feel an extremely terrifying aura oppressing.

My heart seemed to be pressed by a mountain, and my mouth paused for a long time before finally finishing the words of only five words.


The moment he saw Hawkeye raising his knife, this was the only thought in Mr3's heart. The world's number one swordsman focused on them. Can they escape from his knife? Mr3 has no confidence in his heart, only endless fear from the abyss of his heart.

Hundreds of people were on the side, with hundreds of eyes. Someone immediately noticed something wrong with Mr3, and saw that Mr3's pale face was full of fear.

These criminals immediately had a bad feeling in their hearts. They followed Mr3's gaze and looked forward. In a moment, they were shocked.

The words of flattery and worship disappeared, even Bucky, who was intoxicated in the illusion, finally found that something was wrong, opened his eyes and looked to the side, and everyone was looking forward blankly.

"Hey, what are you doing..."

In the suspicious voice, Bucky turned his head and looked forward. Since the navy and the pirates found eagle-eyed movements, no matter whether they were fighting or charging, everyone retreated to the side by appointment. No one wanted to be the world's number one swordsman. One of his dead souls set aside a special channel for Hawkeye to use.

This is the deterrence of the world's largest swordsman. You don't even need to make a move. Just stop there and push back tens of thousands of pirates and navy.

This kind of legendary thing happened to Hawkeye but it was so common. There is no navy or pirate who would be ashamed to retreat in front of the world’s largest swordsman, because it is taken for granted by everyone. Things.

So when Bucky turned his head, there was no figure in the ice field in front of him. A straight passage appeared. His eyes swept up, through the ice, defending the city wall, and finally gathered on Mihawk holding the sword. .

At that moment, crystal tears couldn't stop flowing from Bucky's eyes.


At this moment, Bucky has even the heart of death. What did he do that is jealous and want to let himself encounter such a thing.

After a little bragging, I was stared at by the white beard, and my dream of becoming famous in the world came true. I waited for the waves that could easily knock me over. I finally became intoxicated, and I was stared at by Hawkeye Mihawk. .

"Is there anyone worse than yourself in this world?"


At the same time, Hawkeye Mihawk's right hand had already cut off his sword, and the world's number one slash was as unparalleled as ever.

"I thought it was an opponent who could play a sword, but now I find that it is a shame to use a black knife in the face of such a person", still such a usual cold tone, but revealed a deep disappointment and disdain for Bucky's performance.

The cyan slash pierced the ground, and in front of the eagle-eye slash, the ice sheet that stood at the foot could hardly be blasted out of the big pit by a cannon, and it was embarrassing to use the word "hard".

The world's No. 1 swordsman, after cutting off the white beard with his sword, made another move. That powerful slash carried the potential to destroy the world and destroy the earth. He wanted to cut off everything that was blocked in front of him, but it is undeniable that it has this. Kind of power.

The prisoners gathered next to Bucky suddenly fled to the side at a speed that shocked Bucky, and at the same time they carried Mr3.

But these escaped prisoners did not have any fear. Some of them were deeply excited and admired.

"Master Bucky, you are really our god, even the world's largest swordsman has taken action against you, Bucky let the world see how good you are, our Bucky god".

Puff... At that moment, Bucky felt a knife pierce his heart fiercely, piercing his young heart fiercely, and a mouthful of old blood could not be restrained from squirting out of his mouth.

"Idiot, have you guys ever controlled my feelings...oooo..."

Throughout the battlefield, that cyan slash seemed to be the only main theme, and tens of thousands of eyes stared attentively, slashing through the ice and rushing in front of Bucky.

Before the slash arrived, Bucky could already feel a fierce sword force, like a knife scraping all over his body, and his heart trembled. Bucky seemed to be able to see the gate of **** slowly opening towards him, and he was right. I don't know when my feet have entered the **** of endless darkness.

And at this extremely thrilling moment!

A stream of light rushed from the ice sheet outside the port, and the streamer quickly passed through the fighting figures, hundreds of meters away, and passed through in an instant.

In the flowing light, the head is covered with long white curly hair, the chin has a long white beard, and the transparent lenses reflect the bright light, and the cheeks covered with the vicissitudes of the years, witnessing the flow of time and the change of times~www.wuxiaspot.com~The residue The scars seem to recount the tragic years and wanton life on the sea.

At the same time, regardless of the Warring States and Karp on the execution platform, the white beard on the bow of the Mobile, Lin Tian and Margao, the eagle-eyed Mihawk cut off with a sword, the general Akadog and the yellow ape who returned to the battlefield, The former general Zefa is still fighting Diamond Joz, General Green Pheasant, Violent Shi Zhihao, Moonlight Moria, Sea Xia Jinping, Nv Ding Hancock, Doflamingo and Ivankov, Foil Vista and the navy candidates.

The top powerhouses of the entire battlefield, their eyes all focused on the legendary figures who suddenly broke into the battlefield.

Hades-Silbaz Raleigh! ! !

Turning into a white streamer, Rayleigh rushed all the way through the heavily guarded naval formation of the port and the battlefield of tens of thousands of people fighting like no one.

It was not the Sengoku and Karp on the execution stage, nor the Whitebeard and Lin Tian on the Mobile, his target was Bucky the pirate clown who thought he was bound to die.

Flying over Bucky's head, his right sword reflected the dazzling cold light. This old man who has been immersed in the world for twenty years is finally about to show the world his domineering domineering at the top of the world again.

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