At this moment, even if it is as strong as an eagle eye, a dignified gaze can not help but rise in the eyes of Luffy. This power that allows many powerful men to become their partners one after another without turning back is the most terrifying force in this sea.

"The straw hat boy keep moving forward, don't be dragged by an eagle eye, and rush over!" Harta shouted, raising the sword in his hand and rushing towards the eagle eye first.

As a swordsman, it is the instinct of every swordsman to fight against Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's number one swordsman.

12th Division Captain Harta, 8th Division Captain Shark Murloc Namur, 15th Division Captain Fossa, 14th Division Captain Spydo Kiel, 11th Division Captain Gingudo, Blenheim, captain of the ninth division.

On this battlefield, the gathering of six captains can be said to be a powerful force. These captains are worth a thousand, but their opponent has only one Hawkeye Mihawk!

"Twelfth Division Captain Harta," Hawkeye whispered.

Waving the strongest black sword in his hand, Harta, the captain of the 12th squad, is equally good in swordsmanship, but he encountered Hawkeye. The entire Whitebeard Pirate Group can fight Hawkeye with only five swordsmen. Team captain Vista.

Hawkeye leaped forward, without saying anything, a powerful slash, and Harta, whose eyes had been fixed on Hawkeye's every move, reacted quickly, and quickly raised his sword to block him.

File clang...

The two swords collided suddenly, and only felt a powerful force hit, Harta was directly repelled for a few steps, and then barely stopped his body.

"So strong, he deserves to be the world's strongest swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk!" Stealing his figure, Harta was full of shock.

As a swordsman, Harta has long yearned for the rumored Hawkeye, and has always wanted to fight against this world's number one swordsman and see how far away from the peak of swordsmanship.

With a scream, Hawkeye flew out and was about to pass the captains in front of the road to continue chasing Luffy.

However, the captains will not let the eagle eyes do what they want. The seemingly short Harta has a strong explosive power. With a strong shot of his feet, he jumped to a height of tens of meters, and swung his sword towards the sky's eagle eye. hit.

Perceiving the attack below him, Hawkeye held the world's strongest black knife in his hand and swiped it slightly below him, and a cyan slash burst out from the tip of the sword.

With a bang, the two slashes collided and exploded in mid-air, and the waves of worship swept away, and Harta, who was rushing up, was hit by the impact and fell to the ground.

The eighth team captain Namur didn't know when he jumped up, and flew over Hawkeye's head, domineeringly wrapped around his hands and turned into a pitch black like metal. Both hands squeezed fists, and a powerful momentum burst out.

"Hawkeye, let me down."

With a serious face, Na Muir roared, his hands burst out suddenly, and with the impact of the dive, he rushed into the eagle eye in the air.

Hawkeye's lifting of the sword was a block, but when he was in the air with nowhere to borrow, Hawkeye was directly punched to the ground by Na Muir.


With a loud noise, the ice surface spread towards the surroundings like a spider web, and the air wave set off by the impact swept away, and dense ice cubes flew out of the air wave and hit the surrounding ground.


The execution time is approaching every second, and the earth-shattering events surfaced. The life experience of Luffy and Ace, the role played by Lin Tian, ​​the appearance of the guard, the leak of Bucky’s identity, the appearance of Raleigh, the white beard pirates Attack, the appearance of the general candidate.

Following the escape of criminals on all floors of the city, the deaths of thousands of jailers, and the escape of a large number of terrible criminals in the world, this shocking event has surfaced under the water, and has dispersed at a terrifying speed by the world government. .

As the criminals with obvious crimes entered the arena, pushing the entire war into one, everything unfolded before the eyes completely exceeded the expectations of the world.

Whether it is a great route or the world, whether it is a pirate or a navy, whether it is a careerist or a person who wants peace, even a child, they are all paying attention to this decisive battle that can change world history.

The pirates and navy on the battlefield are both lucky and painful. The old era will be destroyed in their hands, and a new era will be born in their hands, but the price they pay is the lives of themselves or their partners.

People all over the world can only hold their breath and quietly witness the ever-changing future. It is the justice of the navy that defeats the evil of the pirates and allows the world to live under justice. It is the evil victory represented by the pirates, showing that justice is no longer enough to defeat evil, and the whole world will be enveloped in an atmosphere of terrible fear.

In this world decisive battle, the second division captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, who has the blood of the pirate king, Gore d. Roger, has started the world battle. Where is the victory? The final result is still unknown, but it is undeniable. One point, the world will definitely change after today.

"Master Marshal, everything is ready, ready to start at any time"

"The fleet has arrived at the designated location. Is the layout of the port in place?"

"The port is already ready. Although the fleet has been depleted under the previous Hawkeye attack, it will not affect the final battle."

"...Let's start then"

"Order all navies to start operations according to the previous plan to encircle and suppress the Whitebeard Pirates!"

As the Warring States voice fell, the executioners on both sides of Ace also moved, and the shiny blades crossed in front of Ace, which was the preparation for the execution.

"What's the matter, is it about to start execution?"

"But it's not time yet"

"How is it possible, it's too early to the scheduled time"

In the Chambord Islands, someone watched this scene, full of incomprehension, and now there is still an hour and a half before the correct execution time.

"Immediately cut off the signal to broadcast the insects. This war is launched by our navy and the world government against the world's most powerful Whitebeard Pirates in the name of absolute justice. In any case, we must win, even if we do not use any means."

"But this is too exciting for the common people. There is no need to announce everything to the world. A few hours later, only the word victory is enough for our army to spread to the world."

On the battlefield, Lakyo, who was defeated by Taotu, had no strength to fight anymore, and was retreating towards the Moby Dick with the support of several navies.

The pirates on the side looked at the above scene, and shouted in disbelief: "What are those navies going to do? They want to advance Ace's execution in advance, Captain Racoyo!"

"What!" Rakyol raised his head suddenly, with indescribable surprise, he couldn't believe he looked up.

Above the sky, there were only two figures flying in this vast battlefield. Each collision was dozens of fierce fights, and waves of air swept across the sky.


With a muffled hum, Taotu's mouth quickly shed bright red blood, her body couldn't stop flying backwards, and the colorful wings behind her quickly spread to stop the inverted Taotu.

"The Phoenix is ​​really immortal. It's worthy of being the captain of the White Beard Pirate Group. It is extremely powerful." The blood on the corner of his mouth was wiped out, and Taotu's eyes were unspeakable.

Margau's recovery ability is too abnormal, especially for people with superhuman demon fruit ability like Taotu, even the domineering can not have the slightest impact on Margau.

Because Margao is not a natural type ability person, but a more rare Eudemons type. He has entity, but the resilience is too abnormal. For example, the laser beam of the yellow ape and the peach rabbit slash can indeed damage Margao or even serious injuries. , But under its cyan flame with super healing power, it will instantly recover.

As a result, Margau’s fighting style is not something that ordinary people can bear. It is like two people stabbing each other at the same time, both of them will be injured, but the other's recovery ability can be cured in an instant, and the damage of yours is always present. With.

Therefore, at the last moment of ordinary people, the way to die together is the fighting method suitable for Margau. What people fight with you is not attack power but resilience. Maybe you can stab the opponent ten times but cannot kill Margau, but Margau can If you stabbed you during this period of time, you will immediately stop eating.

Unless your power is strong enough, the power that can burst out of one move exceeds the recovery ability of Margau, which is impossible for the Yellow Ape, who is also a navy admiral, and how many people in the whole world can do this.

Or there is another way, the total amount of damage caused exceeds Margau's regeneration level, but this point is very difficult.

Just like the peach rabbit now, he can stab his opponent and count his swords, but he cannot cause damage to Margau, and every time he attacks, he must be distracted to prevent Margau from suddenly adopting the ‘killing the same’ style of play.

Originally, Taotu's combat power was worse than Malgao, but now he has to distract and defend his strength. When the two are stacked, the gap between the two is enough to decide the upper and lower winds in a short time.

Raising his hand to see, the hideous wound on his arm healed a little under the cyan flame. Margau exclaimed in his mouth: "Unexpectedly, there is actually a powerful person of your level in the lieutenant admiral, and she is still a woman. Has been hidden in the dark until now."

Did not pay too much attention to Margau’s Because Taotu’s eyes gathered at the port below, the naval soldiers who started the operation whispered to themselves: "Is the plan finally going to begin?"

After finishing speaking, Taotu's eyes turned ghostly to Lin Tian on the Mobile, a flash of worries flashed on her face, her teeth biting, as if she was in a violent struggle.

Margau didn't have as many thoughts as Taotu. The injury on his arm had recovered. Margau flapped his wings and launched an offensive again.

Now Taotu has been traumatized, of course, he has to take advantage of this opportunity to wipe out the powerful naval forces in one fell swoop.

But Taotu actually didn't catch up with the previous one, with its colorful wings spread out behind it, and turned back towards the naval port without looking back.

Upon seeing this, Margau naturally did not dare to catch up, but below was the navy array, with tens of thousands of naval guards there, as well as the admiral Sengoku, Karp, and former navy general Zefa. Escape from Zefa and other naval encirclement.

At this moment, the movement from the pirate behind entered Malgau's ears.

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