"Do not!"

After a brief shock, when the entire battlefield was shocked by the stabbing of White Beard, an unusual shout sounded.

Under countless shocked gazes, the crowd yelled from the navy or the pirate.

"No stabbing!"


The moment he heard this, the entire battlefield was stunned. Many shocked gazes looked down, and there was a figure standing upright between Whitebeard and Skuyard.

Killing God-Lin Tian! ! !

This name instantly appeared in the minds of more than 100,000 people on the battlefield.

There is not only one white beard, the strongest man in the world, on the Moby Dick, but there is also a man who is also known as the killer, who also stands at the top of the world.

In front of the white beard, Lin Tian, ​​dressed in white, was clinging to the shining blade of the sharp sword pierced by Skuyard with his right hand covered in armed domineering.

It was precisely because of Lin Tian's timely appearance that at this critical moment, he stopped the sharp sword and continued to penetrate the white beard's body. The sharp blade only pierced the white beard's body a few centimeters deep.

Even if Lin Tian's reaction speed is still half a beat slow, it is true that Skuyard's actions are too far from Lin Tian's expectations, and Lin Tian's shot speed has reached the fastest speed.

The unity of the White Beard Pirates Group is known to all the Great Routes. In the heart of the White Beard Pirates Group, the White Beard Pirates Group is not a pirate group, but a big family, just like all the pirates under its pirates call White Beard "Daddy ', this is the name from the heart.

Not to mention Skuyard, this guy is very loyal to Whitebeard, and Whitebeard also trusts Skuyard very much, otherwise he will not be in crisis in the outer pirate group. The first thing Whitebeard thinks of asking is Sri Lanka. Kujad.

And now, this white beard's extremely trusted guy attacked Whitebeard. It is precisely because of this unconditional trust that Skuyard successfully attacked Whitebeard. Otherwise, even if Skuyard was replaced by Lin Tian, White beard cannot be attacked in a sneak attack.

"Blocked, actually blocked"

"Great. Fortunately, there is Lin Tian around, and the old man has not suffered much serious injuries, but what the **** is Skuyard doing and how could he attack him?"

"What the **** is going on, isn't Scuyard always loyal to his father?"

Even now, there are still pirates among the pirates who can't believe this scene. Everybody knows that Skuyard respects and loves his father.

"It's really a pity, if it weren't for Lieutenant General Lin Tian, ​​the men who could penetrate the white beard completely just now and seriously hurt the world's strongest man."

A navy gritted his teeth and shouted, his face was full of unwillingness. Although they didn't know what happened, if the white beard was completely penetrated by Skuard, then even the white beard would suffer severe damage.

Although White Beard is called a monster by the world, he is known as the strongest man, but in essence, he is just an ordinary person with a mortal heart.

"Huh...Fortunately, there is Lin Tian that kid!" Seeing this scene, the expression on Lei Li's face that had previously been shocked disappeared a little bit, his heart suddenly sighed, and then his heart slowly became confused.

"But what happened? Baibeard betrayed Baibeard when he was most loyal and not second-hand. This is something that has never happened before, especially at this time."

"Lin Tian!"

The Warring States Period gritted his teeth and shouted, the anger contained in his tone was like an erupting volcano, and his murderous aura burst out instantly.

The assassination of White Beard was the center of gravity in the entire plan. If White Beard discovered the Warring States Period, he might not be angry. As an old opponent for decades, the Warring States Period also knew that he wanted to sneak attack on this man with white beard, and the chances were slim.

At the beginning of the formulation of this plan, the Warring States had already anticipated this. In fact, in the whole plan, it was only the extravagant hope of the Warring States to really hit White Beard.

The real focus of this link is to disrupt the military spirit of the Whitebeard Pirates, destroy the unity and loyalty between the Whitebeard Pirates and its subordinates, make the two sides doubt each other, thereby weakening the Whitebeard Pirates war. Li, I have to say that the Warring States hand is very good, even White Beard would not have thought that his most loyal son would actually assassinate him.

But now it's different. Skuyard couldn't help provoke the gap between the two sides and succeeded in assassinating Whitebeard. The scene of the Warring States Period was very profound.

The moment Skuyard shot, Whitebeard couldn't react at all. If it weren't for Lin Tian's quick shot, the Warring States Period could be sure that Skuyard's thorn could penetrate Whitebeard's body.

The whole body is penetrated by a sharp blade, and even a man like White Beard must have suffered severe injuries. White Beard is just called a monster, and is still a mortal in essence.

If the white beard can suffer trauma, it can be said that the white beard’s winning rate will be reduced by at least 10%, and the navy will increase by about one layer. This way, the navy’s winning rate will be two tiers higher than that of the white beard, but because of Lin Tian’s All the shots were turned into a flash of smoke, but the anger in the heart of the Warring States at this moment, even the heart of killing Lin Tian.


Skuyard was breathing heavily in his mouth. This simple stabbing was no less than the cost of a life and death battle for Skuyard. It was more not physical strength but psychological pressure.

White Beard regards Skuyard as his most trusted silly son, and Skuyard regards White Beard as his real father from the bottom of his heart.

The real assassination of Whitebeard made Skwyard struggle for a long time. Even if he thought that his father had betrayed them at first, all he thought of in his heart was to ask why, and he didn't even think about facing him with a sword.

But what happened next was exactly what the navy said, including the Ace incident. The occurrence of this series of things also pushed Scudard on the road to assassinating Whitebeard.

But no matter what, for Skuyard, stabbing his father, who has been a real relative for more than two decades, puts tremendous pressure on his heart. Skuad looked treacherous and cruel, but he was very simple in his heart.

Now that the assassination failed and was blocked by Lin Tian, ​​I don't know why Skuyard was not unwilling in his heart, but he was relieved.

"White Beard, I didn't expect that a man like you was almost hit hard by his most trusted subordinate. I have to say it is a very ironic thing." With a grin, Lin Tian didn't know what he was thinking in his twinkling eyes.


The thunder light flickered in his hand, and the bright blue thunder light flickered on Lin Tian's arms-colored domineering hands. The eyes looking at Skuyard were full of chill, and a faint murderous aura radiated from Lin Tian.

With a grin of his mouth, Lin Tian said murderously: "As a pirate, attacking his companions on board, but the greatest crime, betrayal is shameful everywhere, especially the betrayal of the most trusted person."

As Lin Tian's voice fell, thunder and lightning gleamed from his arm, and cracks and cracks sounded on the bright blade and climbed onto the blade.

In a blink of an eye, dense cracks climbed up the bright sword body like a spider web. Blue arcs entangled around the sword body. Five thumbs pinched the sword body, and a creaking sound followed.

Under Skuyard's shocked gaze, the weapons that had accompanied him for more than ten years were easily crushed by Lin Tian and scattered on the ground.

Holding the remaining sword hilt tightly, Skuyard's blinking eyes still couldn't believe this scene, his footsteps trembled backwards, and then he looked at Lin Tian with a horrified look. He felt a strong murderous aura from Lin Tian. It exudes from the body, and the murderous face is facing himself.

The thunder and lightning flashed in his right hand, and a dazzling blue thunder and lightning spear flashed in his hand. Under Skuyard's panic and fearful eyes, Lin Tian suddenly raised his right hand and pointed his sharp spear at Skuyard.

"Although I am not a member of the White Beard Pirates Group, a person who dares to act on someone who trusts me so much is a **** in my eyes, a real rubbish." Lin Tian did not conceal his inner dislike and disgust, with Thunder Spear in his hand. lift.

As Lin Tian's voice fell, in the murderous eyes, Lin Tian shot the thunder spear in his hand without hesitation. Looking at the thunder spear that appeared in front of him instantly, Skuyard was panicked, and he avoided it at such a close distance. Inevitable.

Countless eyes were watching this scene, and there was not much surprise in their eyes. Betraying the most trusted companion on the ship, this kind of behavior is not allowed by the navy or the pirates.

The moment Skuyard stabbed the sword, it had already represented Skuyard's final end. This kind of betrayer would definitely be torn apart by the rest of his companions.

Just when everyone thought that Skuyard was bound to die, even Skuyard himself gave up resisting to face death. A pair of big hands waved from above, and big hands grabbed Lin Tian's powerful thunder spear.

The powerful thunder spear with terrifying power, under these big hands, is like a caterpillar. Before it exploded, it had been crushed in an extremely violent way under the terrible power of the big hands, crackling and sparkling lightning.

At this moment, Lin Tian raised a strange gaze and looked upward along the big hand that suddenly appeared. He suddenly shot and was able to smash Lin Tian Lei and lightning so easily, besides the white beard.

And Skuad, who thought he would be dead, had his eyes full of doubt and shock at the moment. From the time he was determined to assassinate Whitebeard, Skuad had already figured out his ending, and he might be killed by angry Whitebeard.

But now, instead of killing him, Baibeard took action to prevent Lin Tian's ultimate move ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ from saving his life, and he assassinated him just now.



Two voices full of doubts sounded.

At such an important moment, Skuyard's actions not only represented betrayal, but also had a huge impact on the combat power of the Whitebeard Pirates. As the most loyal and uncompromising, Skuyard assassinated Whitebeard under such public eyes. , The rest of the pirates will think about what they will do to the white beard, and even destroy the entire group of pirates under the navy. A step difference often determines the final life and death.

It is impossible for Skuad not to understand the harm between them. Since he knew this, he still did so, enough to see Skuad's heart of betrayal.

"White Beard, what are you thinking about? Know that this battle is not just a battle of your White Beard Pirates. There are still many people's persistence and sacrifices." Facing Baibeard's sudden move to stop Lin Tian is not upset that it is fake.

White Beard said very calmly: "I will give you an explanation, Lin Tian kid!"

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