Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 761: Meteor Volcano

"Hey! Look at that, the guns are all aimed at this side"

On the thick enclosing wall, one by one dark hole, the dark muzzle sticks out of the wall, although there are only fist-thick muzzles, but on the whole enclosing wall, there are hundreds of Many doors.

Even these pirates who have experienced countless wars, facing the hundreds of guns aiming at them, a chill quickly surged from the soles of their feet, rushing directly to the tail vertebrae, and a permeating chill dissipated from the back spine.

"Is there a place to escape?" a pirate shouted in horror, raising his hands.

"How is it possible? Now that there are surrounding walls, how could there be such a place to escape," the pirate immediately retorted.

"Yes..." A pirate's eyes flickered and looked at the surrounding wall in front of him, with a noticeable tremor in his mouth.

In the surrounding wall of Gundam, a place did not rise. It was the place where Oz's huge corpse was lying. The strength of the wall was not enough to lift Oz's huge body.

"Hey, what's going on! Completely activate the encircling wall" Marshal Zeng Guo quickly asked below.

The most important part of the whole plan is the enclosing wall. Now that it has reached the final juncture, there is actually a place that is not raised by the enclosing wall, which makes a gap in the perfect plan.

In this world-class battlefield, even a small mistake is likely to affect the resolution of the final war. The destruction of a thousand miles in an ant's nest is more than just talking.

The navy below anxiously reported: "Marshal of the Warring States Period, the surrounding wall can't support Oz's huge body. The blood of that guy has penetrated into the system, causing a decrease in power."

Hearing that, even the Warring States period couldn't help gritting his teeth and cursing angrily: "Damn devil."

After finishing speaking, the Sengoku gaze was fixed, Oz's body will provide a way for the pirates below to escape from the surrounding wall. In this case, he must act extremely quickly.

Lowered his head and shouted at the red dog below the execution platform: "Don't drag it anymore, start to move. It doesn't matter if you don't completely seal it, do it, red dog."

After the Warring States order was issued, the red dog walked forward silently, his arms twisted for a while, the next moment, countless molten lava emerged from his arms, and both arms all turned into hot molten lava flowing to the ground.

As soon as the molten slurry came out, the temperature in the surrounding air instantly increased by several degrees, and a wave of heat spread around the red dog, and thick steam followed the tumbling air wave to the surrounding navy soldiers, reflecting the fiery red light. On the excited cheeks of the navy soldiers.

The hot molten slurry fell on the ground below the feet, and the hard bluestone bricks were melted into hot molten slurry in the blink of an eye. The molten molten range expanded little by little and gradually spread to the feet of the green pheasant and the yellow ape behind.

"Today will be your burial place, the White Beard Pirates, Meteor Volcano!"

The red dog suddenly raised his head and let out a ruthless deep shout in his mouth, and then an extremely powerful domineering burst out, calmly rising from the wind.

The next moment, the red dog raised his fists that turned into molten fists, and quickly blasted them toward the endless sky. With every fist hit, there was a ball of molten mass that flew into the sky immediately, and the fist that was thrown out at high speed was like a storm.

The fiery red light shone on everyone's faces, the silent green pheasant behind the red dog, the yellow ape with a faint smile, and the still expressionless Oka who did not know when he appeared.

At this time, on the ice field in the harbor, the pirates raised their heads to watch the shocking scene that happened before them. The navy in the square was completely blocked by the tall surrounding wall.

Numerous pirates can only see the masses of molten slurry shooting into the air from behind the tall enclosing wall, and the sky that was still windy and sunny does not know when it has turned into dark clouds.

The molten lava shot into the sky gave out a whistle like a sea train roaring. Looking up, the magma mass flew into the sky several thousand meters, disappearing into the dark clouds in a blink of an eye.

"What happened, why did the magma fly into the air?" Lu Fei, who rushed to the front of the crowd, stared blankly at what was happening in front of him, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"What the **** is the Warring States period going to do?" At this moment, even Baibeard couldn't help but look up.

A faint horror appeared on Lin Tian's face, "The guy with the red dog...".

At the moment when the molten squad was launched, Lin Tian's face suddenly changed while standing next to White Beard. This scene reminded him that in the Judicial Island battle, the Red Dog used this trick to instantly severely damage the revolutionary army's fleet.

Suddenly, Lin Tian anxiously said to White Beard: "White Beard, ask everyone to gather around us."

Seeing the anxiety on Lin Tian's face at the moment, the white beard was startled, frowning, and asked with a bad premonition: "Little Devil Lin Tian, ​​did you find something?"

Huhu... There was a strange whirr in the sky, and Lin Tian looked up at the sky covered by dark clouds and his expression changed again.

Turning his head to the white beard said: "This is not the time to explain so much. If you don't want your pirates to lose a lot, just listen to me."

The voice fell, before White Beard could speak, Lin Tian's figure flew straight to the sky, rushing to an altitude of hundreds of meters, Lin Tian stopped the rising figure and suspended in the sky.

Whether it was the navy or the pirates, their eyes followed the molten lava that was flying into the sky, so as soon as Lin Tian's figure appeared in the sky, he was immediately discovered by everyone.

"That is Lieutenant General Lin Tian, ​​what is he doing in the sky?"

"I don't know, but looking at his actions, is he going to stop the attack of General Akadog?"

"How is it possible? The Meteor Volcano of General Chigu is extremely powerful and has a huge range. It is still possible for Lieutenant Lin Tian to evade, how can it be completely blocked."

"What is this guy going to do?"

Looking at Lin Tian in the sky, the Warring States Marshal frowned. For Lin Tian, ​​a guy who is good at creating miracles, the Warring States suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Even the pirates were full of doubts about Lin Tian's operation.

Margau: "Lin Tian is aware of something, if that's the case, then it will be fine"

Vista: "Although I don't know what the navy is thinking, but now that the navy is in this position, next..."

I saw above the sky, Lin Tian hovering alone in the free high altitude, breeze blowing on Lin Tian's face, his clothes rang loudly.

A faint white light rose from Lin Tian's body, first with his hands, then his feet close to his chest, and finally his head was also wrapped by the white light.

On the execution stage, the phone worm rang in the hands of the Warring States Period, "Marshal of the Warring States Period, we have detected that the traitor Lin Tian used that strange force."

Hearing this, the Warring States suddenly realized what Lin Tian wanted to do, and hurriedly shouted at the navy soldier at the other end of the phone worm: "What are you waiting for, and quickly activated the device to stop Lin Tian's actions."

The next moment, the navy soldier's panicked voice came over, "The Marshal of the Warring States Period is not good. The nature of this force is different from that of the past. With our means, it is impossible to prevent the rebel general Lin Tian from acting."


The Warring States was shocked, and from the battle to the present, the face of the Warring States did not change no matter what the situation was. The face of the Warring States who controlled everything in his hands showed a slight panic.

At the same time, on the harbour ice sheet surrounded by the surrounding wall, Baibeard raised his naginata and shouted.

"Boys, stop heading towards Navy Plaza first, and everyone will gather around me."

The nearest pirate was only tens of meters away from the square. Whitebeard’s sudden order puzzled many pirates. Some witty pirates thought that all of this might be related to Lin Tian’s operation, but they were already majestic. The pirates under its banner did not defy the order to quickly retreat towards the white beard.

"Hey, what is that uncle doing? He is about to rush into the square, why are you backing?" Luffy suddenly shouted anxiously, turning his head to look at the pirates who were backing quickly.

"Jinpei, let me go, I want to save Ace"

I was about to rush out, but was caught by Jinping who was catching up from behind, "Wait, Luffy, Dad and Lin Tian, ​​if they did this, they must have their reasons. We will retreat temporarily. Now the harbor has no navy, wait. We can also come up again."

Hearing the opinion of ‘Lin Tian’, Luffy stopped struggling immediately, glanced at the huge surrounding wall, unwilling to retreat back.

Suddenly, an extremely strong pressure is like a mountain pressing from the air. This force affects not only the body, but the soul. Suddenly, many navy and pirates felt a sense of fainting in their Go into a coma at any time.

"The arrogant guy!" White Beard murmured as Lin Tian turned to the sky and revealed his domineering.

In the sky above, compared to Malin Fanduo who was hundreds of meters below, endless domineering surrounding Lin Tian, ​​while Lin Tian's hands were attached behind him in the white light, his eyes were staring at the sky.

The strange sound is getting louder and louder, and the dark clouds are like a dark curtain covering the earth, and in the calm sea of ​​clouds suddenly roll over, as if something is going to break through the sea of ​​clouds.

A little bit of light passed through the black cloud and entered Lin Tian's eyes, and then the sea of ​​clouds rolled more violently, and the light became more and more intense. In the next instant, countless magma giant fists broke through the black cloud and slammed into the navy headquarters Malin Fanduo below.


These two words came out softly in his mouth, Lin Tian's eyes condensed. At this moment, Lin Tian finally moved, and a stronger aura rose to the sky, and the black hair was erected, and the whole body was white. The column went straight into the sky.

No matter the navy soldier or the pirate below, staring blankly at what happened in the sky, Lin Tian looked like a real god, looking down at the sky and the earth.

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