
I rushed to the final execution platform and finally saw Ace, but at this last moment, the last step, as long as the key is inserted into the stone hole of the sea tower, but an embarrassing thing happened, the key in the mouth does not know when and where Lost.

Holding his head, Luffy stood behind Ace and kept beating, and muttered blankly: "What to do...the key is lost...what to do...the key is lost..."

Suddenly falling from above the nine heavens to the endless abyss, this sudden change was a little too big for Luffy.

"Hey, Luffy!" Ace turned his head and shouted to Luffy.

As for Luffy, who turned from excitement to surprise in a blink of an eye, Ace had no doubts in his heart, but only deep worries and fears.

Because of his excitement, Luffy seemed to have not even realized the existence of the entire admiral of the admiral of the Warring States Period, but Ace always understood that his eyes were always fixed on the Warring States period.

That's right, Luffy rushed here, it can be said that he has gone through countless dangers. Only with the delay of the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group, the advancing city criminals and Lin Tian, ​​Luffy has a chance to reach this final execution platform.

Whitebeard had already cast all his power out. They had no cards, but among the navy crowd, there was still one person who didn't make a move. That was the Marine Marshal Sengoku.

As the admiral of the entire navy, the Warring States period was only responsible for the management of the entire navy and the decision-making of usual major events. Since taking the position of admiral, the Warring States has never taken action again.

Therefore, many new naval soldiers who have joined in recent years have always heard the rumors of the Warring States period, but they have never seen the warring States action.

However, it cannot be denied that the Warring States is powerful. As a powerful navy at the same time as Karp, the Warring States also relied on its powerful combat power to step into the position of admiral from the bottom of the navy. Hezefa and Karp were both mainstays of the navy. .

The Warring States’ combat power is only strong or not weaker than the Qing Pheasant and other navy generals. The Warring States is the strongest navy apart from Karp.

On the edge, from Lu Fei breaking into the execution platform to looking for the key, the Warring States did nothing, neither stopped nor shot, but the little gloomy face was enough to perceive the anger in the heart of Warring States at this moment.

The dignified 100,000 elite navy headquarters, more than a dozen lieutenants of the navy headquarters, six Qiwuhai, three admirals, Marshal Sengoku, Lieutenant General Karp, and even the former general Zefa appeared, and the rest of the famous naval soldiers. Needless to say.

And it was this terrible combat power that was enough to represent all the righteous forces in the world, but he did not resist the white beard, and was beaten to Huanglong by a small newcomer, and rushed directly above the execution platform.

Fortunately, the phone worm has been cut off, and the world does not know what happened next, otherwise the Navy’s face will be discarded, and who in the world will believe in the justice that the Navy insists on.

But even so, at this moment the faces of all the navy were trampled underfoot by the straw hat Luffy, leaving only a lovely fig leaf.

With a sullen face, looking at Luffy and Ace, the Warring States period did not hide his murderous aura in the slightest, and bright golden lights rose from his body.

"This is..." Under the stone bridge, many pirates looked at this scene with shocked eyes, and then a stern shout from the crowd, "Navy Headquarters...The Marshal is finally about to take action!"

"Straw hat baby!" Ivankov yelled full of worry, and they tried hard, even if they spared their lives to send the straw hat to the execution stand.

But they seem to have forgotten one thing, that is the existence of the Navy Marshal Sengoku. With the Sengoku guarding the end, how could it be possible to rescue Ace from Sengoku with the help of Luffy's combat power? This is even the world's strongest man Whitebeard. Less than.

"Luffy, Straw Hat Boy, take out the key quickly and rescue Ace Fist."

Hancock's elegant high seat is at the top of the snake's head. As a peerless beauty named Hancock, who is called the world's first beauty, he is also a powerful Qiwuhai.

Both the navy and the pirates unavoidably avoided Hancock's battle. Everyone neither wanted to attack Hancock nor had the heart to attack such a peerless beauty. As a result, Hancock was the only one in the entire square. There is no place burned by war.

The key was handed to Luffy by Hancock himself, or in the Navy with a diamond bracelet with a hardness comparable to that of the sea tower and guarded by the Warring States Period. It can be said that Ace is the safest in the world at this moment.

But as long as Luffy can quickly open Ace’s bracelet, Ace who can use his abilities is enough to take Luffy to escape. As the captain of the second division of the White Beard Pirates, Ace’s combat power is known as a monster. The combat power is terrifying.

But how did Hancock know that the Luffy Key didn't know when it fell on the battlefield.

At the same time, in another place, under the harbour enclosing wall, some of the criminals in Advance City led by Bucky are gathering here.

"Captain Bucky, it's time for us to take action, Captain Bucky. Now that Whitebeard has been seriously injured, it is the best time for us to rush out and cut off the head of Whitebeard."

"Yes, Lord Bucky".

After being followed by a large group of criminals, looking at Bucky with excitement, he experienced all this on the battlefield, including Lord Bucky who had anticipated the naval plan for a long time, and led them to the bottom of the city wall and escaped. It’s just that Bucky feels that his secret has been leaked to prevent more navies from escaping.

But for many criminals, Lord Bucky has already used his own wisdom to know the prophet, and has insight into the navy plan in advance, and Lord Bucky has risen to the same level as God in the hearts of many criminals.

Seeing a famous navy flying out of the white beard naginata, the figure in the sky was like straw blown by the wind.

Bucky couldn't help shaking his whole body, and wanted to turn his head back and slap and slap the shouting guy behind him.

"How does this look like a serious injury, can a seriously injured old man wield a naginata of that size and knock hundreds of navies into the air? Isn't it rushing to die now?"

But I can't say these words, I can only think about it in my heart. When he turned his eyes, Bucky suddenly thought of shirking, turned and stepped on, suddenly stepped on a foreign object, and one fell to the ground without responding.

"Master Bucky!"

Dozens of pirates behind them were taken aback, shouted, and rushed up quickly.


Before they rushed up, Bucky, who fell to the ground, raised his hand to stop them from moving. As a great Lord Bucky, how could he be supported by his men.

Turning over and leaping up, Bucky looked down at his feet in anger to see what caused the great Lord Bucky to fall. When he saw the objects under his feet, Bucky was taken aback.



Brilliant lights emerged from the Warring States. Under the rendering of the golden light, the whole body of the Warring States quickly turned into a dazzling golden color. The golden light became more and more intense, and the dark sky was filled with golden light.

The sky full of golden light shone down, both the fighting navy and the pirates could not help but stop fighting, looking at the Warring States with shocking eyes, the dazzling golden body was getting bigger and bigger, and the speed was increasing visible to the naked eye. Big.

In the blink of an eye, he was already strong in the Warring States Period. At this moment, he became a giant with a size comparable to that of the giants. The whole body became dazzling gold, and the huge body was like the legendary Buddha.

"The Warring States Period of Buddha!!!"

This is not transformed by a powerful energy, but a truly huge body. The animal is a species of fantasy beasts whose fruits are rarer than the natural ones. It can change the mentality of the Great Buddha and its combat power is terrifying.


In the execution platform made of steel, the arm-sized rivets burst out from the place where they were joined, one by one, which could not bear the huge force, and the sturdy execution platform trembled, and the ear-piercing rubbing sound rang through both ears.

"This is the first time I have seen the ability of the Marshal of the Warring States Period to use his ability. It's really strong."

The whole body retreated, stopping the backward figure, Lin Tian looked at the execution platform, clutching his head and jumping around, Luffy without any movement.

Anxiously shouted: "Luffy, what are you guys doing, quickly untie Ace's bracelet".

Lin Tian yelled like a bell ringing in Luffy's ears. Luffy, who was at a loss, reacted immediately and hurriedly asked for help in the square, "What should I do, Lin Tian, ​​I lost the key."

In the voice full of self-blame and worries, Luffy still had a hint of crying, almost crying, and the key to Ace's life was lost by himself.


Lin Tian was taken aback for a sudden, and then with an unbelievable shout, he was shocked and almost fell to the ground.

Isn't this just playing? At this last moment, I lost the key. Is this the **** kidding me? Lin Tian thought helplessly, how could such a thing happen at this time.

"Could it be that the wheel of fate can't really be changed, Ace must die here!"

Thinking of this, Lin Tian couldn't help clenching his fists, and an unwillingness that couldn't be described in words broke out with that powerful aura.

"How could you escape the palm of your hand, Straw Hat Luffy, you are also a prison inmate who has been sentenced to heavy sentences. Today, let me personally put your two brothers to death."

As he said, the Warring States period clenched his fists and raised the golden giant fist, as if covering half of the sky, crushing from the top of his head towards Luffy and Ace. Before the fist arrived, a terrible fist wind had already hit. Two people.

"Luffy, give you the necklace and smash it to the bracelet." Lin Tian shouted at Luffy in the square.

Hearing this, Luffy didn't even think about it. It was an unconditional trust in Lin Tian, ​​and he quickly reached out and escaped from the stone necklace in his hand, and pulled the rope directly with a strong pull. Feeling the rapid increase in power above the fist wind, Luffy did not hesitate , Squeeze the red stone in the palm of the hand and squeeze it firmly against the Ace bracelet.


With a crisp cracking sound, the hard rocks shattered into fragments A bright red light flew out from the fragments, bombarding the void in front of them.

It's like falling into a gravel on a calm lake, ripples in the void, and the void sinks into a burst of distortion, the sound of shattering like glass, the twisted void quickly collapses, and a small black hole measuring tens of centimeters appears. At the Ace bracelet.

"Luffy, run quickly!"

Looking at the stone that was constantly magnifying in his eyes, Ace yelled to Luffy very anxiously.

Ace knew that he would definitely not let go of himself when he had gained the warring power in the Warring States period, and that he who could not recover his ability would undoubtedly die in the face of the Warring States attack.

He could die. At the moment Ace was caught, Ace had already enlightened him, but Luffy couldn't. He still had the dream of becoming the One Piece, and he had a partner who was willing to give his life for himself. How could he die here?

"Void Move and Cut!"

A dazzling light waved out of the black hole, and suddenly slashed on the sea tower stone bracelet behind Ace, with a snap, the dazzling light instantly dissipated.

"Third gear, giant ball"

Luffy's reaction was not unpleasant, he quickly turned on third gear, and was already wearing his rubber body, ready to resist the impact of the Warring States Period.

At this moment, the fists of the Warring States Period banged on the execution platform, feeling an irresistible force coming, and Luffy and Ace immediately slammed into the execution platform.

Puff... scarlet blood spurted from his mouth.

It was not Luffy and Ace that could not support it first, but the execution platform. Unable to withstand the violent force, the execution platform split directly, and Luffy and Ace coincidentally followed the collapsed execution platform and fell downward.

"Straw hat baby, Ace"

"Could it be that they were all killed by the Marshal Sengoku?"


Among the falling rubble, a pillar of fire rose to the sky, and the blazing fire was reflected on the faces of people with different looks in a moment.

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