Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 815: The strongest, haven't you woke up yet?

"Ah! It hurts... It hurts..."

Blackbeard Titch slammed into the ground with a bang, and the huge impact suddenly knocked the ground into a deep pit full of cracks. The blood covered black beard continued to roll on the ground painfully, and his hands were scratched in the air, as if this could relieve the pain. Like.


With a caring yell, the crew hurriedly rushed towards Titch, but at this moment, with a scream, a cold light flashed in front of everyone.

Time seemed to be straight at this moment, and Blackbeard's crew's complexion suddenly changed, a shining slash cut through the void and slashed in front of their way forward.

The sharp slash directly cut the hard square ground in half, the smoke mixed with the smoke flying, and a wave of air rushed out and rolled.

The crew hurriedly stopped and stopped right in front of the crack. Their eyes flashed with a glimmer of fortune, and they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. They all looked at Lin Tian who was slashing.

The anger on his face was not concealed at all. It was impossible for anyone to be calmed by such an attack, especially as there were several heavy criminals who had just emerged from the sixth floor, none of them was extremely brutal and lawless.

Suddenly, the villainous king shouted angrily: "Where did the little devil dare to shoot at us, do you want to die?"

The voice of the Evil King fell, and several other people burst into a powerful murderous aura at the same time, and they smashed straight towards Lin Tian. They were angry for a moment to forget the powerful power of the slash.

However, Lin Tian didn't even look at them. The powerful murderous intent was like nothing. He kept staring at the battlefield of the white beard and black beard battle. Feng Qingyun said, "Don't worry, don't worry, every one of you will Fate will be like Blackbeard."

Hearing this, several people were immediately taken aback by Lin Tian’s words of'crazy'. The barrel Bucks Choate who reacted to the reaction laughed disdainfully: "There are still such crazy juniors who have not come out for so many years. We disappeared for too long, and not many people in this world know us anymore."

Speaking of the wine barrel, Bucks Choate backhanded and put the flask in his hand, he was about to move towards Lin Tian, ​​but at this time, Xiliu blocked Bucks Chot with a knife in his hand.

A heavy voice sounded, "Don't do it, you are not his opponent yet!"



The pain from the whole body dissipated little by little, and the black beard who stopped screaming was covered with cold sweat, panting heavily in his mouth, and slowly stood up from the pit.

"It's daddy, no loss, your strength is really terrifying, the strongest superhuman power that shakes the fruit, really makes people can't wait."

Being hit by the shock fruit, instead of fear in Black Beard's heart, he was more excited and more eager to get the power of White Beard.

White Beard was holding a huge naginata in his back, stepping forward, and said, "Titch, let me clean up the door today and completely end the whole incident."

Clenching his fist, the white beard leaped forward, and the giant fist wrapped in the fruit's power was crushed toward the black beard.

"Don't understand yet? Father!"

A thicker black smoke rose from his body, and the black beard raised his hand and was rushed by the white beard's attack by a cyclone that rapidly rotated like a windmill.

The two sides collided like a meteorite falling from the sky, and the arrogant smile on Blackbeard's face suddenly knew it at the moment of the collision, and his eyes were full of unbelievable color.


A loud bang followed, and in a moment, the earth was trembling and collapsing, causing countless rubble and smoke to fly up. A navy soldier had to cover his head and lay on the shaking ground, begging himself not to be too unlucky to be dropped. The gravel was smashed to death.

The powerful shock wave bombarded Blackbeard's body, and the force rushing out like a tide rushed into the body, and a big mouth of blood spurted out of his mouth.

But for Blackbeard, the physical damage was not as strong as the spiritual shock. Blackbeard looked in disbelief and couldn't figure out what he saw just now.

Stepping forward, White Beard raised the handle of the Naginata in his hand and pressed the palm of Black Beard's right hand, placing one foot on Black Beard's left palm, and pinched Black Beard with his right hand.

Blackbeard struggled **** the ground, still shouting unbelievably: "How is it possible, why did that happen, how can your ability attack not be absorbed by me, what is going on".

Looking at the black beard lying on the ground, some of them fell into madness, Lin Tian only had deep disdain on his face, and said: "This kind of person, dare to say what to become the One Piece."

Blackbeard is not to blame for everything. He spent decades on the Whitebeard Boat, spending most of his life waiting for the Dark Fruit, and finally found it, waiting until he thought that he could become the power of One Piece.

But now this power that gives me great hope is not the same as I thought. Spending decades of life is just a void. Just ask who can keep calm and who can not be crazy.

At the moment of the fight, when the white beard was about to touch the black beard's palm, he activated his ability, and the vibrating force exploded and knocked the black beard into the air.

"I got the strongest and most ferocious ability in the history of Devil Fruit, how could I still be attacked by you", Blackbeard shouted frantically.

Hearing this, Lin Tian couldn't help but laugh. The laughter was so loud that even the pirates across the crack could hear it, including of course Blackbeard and the crew.

Looking at Blackbeard, his eyes were full of mockery and said: "The strongest! Blackbeard, are you still awake?".

Hearing Lin Tian's ridiculous words, the entire battlefield fell into strange silence inexplicably. The time lasted for a few seconds, and then countless people on the scene burst into laughter.


Although everyone didn't dare to laugh too loudly because of the fact that they were on the battlefield, the voices that gathered were extremely loud and poured into Blackbeard's ears.

Hearing the loud laughter of as many as tens of thousands of people, it was like shaving a shameful knife on Blackbeard's heart, especially those smiles that were really funny, and completely trampled Blackbeard's face. Two nets.

This scene spread throughout the world through radio, and the whole world saw the appearance of Blackbeard being trampled off from the'shrine' (of course, this is Blackbeard's own feeling). It will become a shame that cannot be washed away in a lifetime.

"Ha ha ha..." Ai Yin covered her mouth, and laughed like a silver bell. "It is really bad for Lin Tian to say that people have not woken up in front of so many people."

"Lin Tian!"

He raised his gaze that was full of killing intent and turned to look at Lin Tian, ​​who humiliated him. Black beard's hatred for Lin Tian was even wider than the sea.

Feeling Blackbeard's strong killing intent, Lin Tian's mouth was jerked, and he sarcastically said: "Blackbeard, do you think you can achieve the Dark Fruit ability, you will be invincible in the world, what a self-righteous guy?"

Yes, in Lin Tian's opinion, what is the strongest and most ferocious devil fruit is a joke. There is no strongest in this world. It is useless if the powerful devil fruit ability is not used well.

As long as he has a strong heart, he can become a strong man even without devil fruits, just like the smelly old man, who has developed physical skills, Karp can also be above the real decisiveness.

Even if there is really the strongest devil fruit, there is only one result, and that is Luffy's rubber fruit. This is the only invincible devil fruit in the world of One Piece. Who calls Luffy the protagonist in this world, the son of destiny?

Besides, in Lin Tian's opinion, the dark fruit is not as powerful as he imagined. Why the dark fruit is rated as the most vicious is because of its ability to make the other devil fruits lose their power.

What I just heard may be bad news for all those with Devil Fruit ability, but this has great limitations. First, the black beard can only use his hands, and the second is that the ability can be invalidated by touching the ability.

Although it can also absorb fruit attacks, such as the white beard shaking fist, the absorption range is very small, and it can only be connected by hand through dark water, which is useless for long-range and large-scale attacks.

After eating, it cannot be immune to external damage through elementalization like other natural elements, but absorbs damage, and the pain is doubled. Failure to elementalize means that there is an entity, and any attack can attack Blackbeard.

What is the strongest of the Nature Element is not that it can override elemental attacks, but that it can be elementalized and immune to all physical attacks at any time. If an attack fails, how can you defeat it?

This is also because of this. In fact, the dark fruit is the strongest restraint against the three-line devil fruit, which is the natural element, which can make the most powerful parts of the natural element useless, and the natural element will be sucked out of the entity even if it is elemental.

The Nature System is known as the strongest in the Devil Fruit, and it can restrain the strongest, and naturally becomes the strongest Dark Fruit.

But the world is balanced. Since there is the strongest, there will be a nemesis. The weakest animal in the three abilities is actually the least affected by the dark fruit.

It's like when playing animal chess, cats eat mice, dogs eat cats, wolves eat dogs... elephants eat lions, but the strongest elephants are eaten by mice.

What is an animal system? The fruit of an animal system can transform people into animals, enhance their physical fitness, and improve the strength of the body in all levels.

To express with an example, for example, when Lu Qi becomes a cheetah, his speed and power can be greatly improved. Assuming that he attacks Blackbeard from a distance, gathers his whole body strength and extremely high speed to punch, and Blackbeard can use abilities Turn the loss of Lu Qi's ability into normal form.

But it can't let the power and speed gathered by Luqi dissipate, and it can also cause great damage to Blackbeard. In addition, it does not rely on elemental dodge, but absorbs, and there will always be an upper limit like Malgau's recovery.

Because this is not a fruit attack, but a beast-shaped, enhanced physical fitness to get stronger strength and speed.

Therefore, is the natural type who is really afraid of Blackbeard's ability. As a natural type ability person, basically due to the characteristics of the natural type, their physical skills are quite weak, and they are just ordinary people who are disabled.

For those with physical melee abilities like Luffy, they don’t need to be afraid of Blackbeard’s abilities at all. Even after talking about Blackbeard's abilities (the same as advancing the city for a short fight), you must know that Dark Fruit does not have much attack power, just a Suction and can disable the capable.

The attack power is similar to that of Smogg's Smokey Fruit, which is why Blackbeard urgently needs the strongest power of Shaking Fruit.

It is precisely because of these that Lin Tian never feels strong for Blackbeard, and he can only deal with some natural and weaker abilities.

Holding the black beard's neck tightly, the white beard panting heavily, and said, "Titch, arrogance and indiscretion are your weaknesses. Let me end it all!!!"


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