The King of Gold Hotel, this whole body is made of gold, the only eight-star hotel in the world.

Gilder Tezolo, the well-deserved king of the world's largest entertainment city, set up a great battle to meet the rumored **** of killing Lintian in a blink of an eye and spread throughout the city. Countless people are discussing this matter.

At this moment, on the highest floor of the Golden King Hotel, in a huge hall covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters, the huge space is covered by diamonds that are almost connected to the city. The ground alone is full of luxury and luxury.

The surrounding walls are all made of SLR glass thick enough to resist shells, and the entire Grand De Solo can be seen here.

Even if it was stronger than Cod and others, at the moment of entry, they were surprised by this extravagant scene. This room alone is worth tens of billions. What is the concept of tens of billions of Baileys? It is enough to expand the entire revolutionary army. Doubled.

On the gold-cast walls, there are paintings of invaluable masters, all of which are world-famous, many of which are rumored to be damaged.

As soon as he entered this room, Robin’s eyes focused on the many beautiful paintings and calligraphy around him, his bright and big eyes gleaming with light. As a historian, there is nothing more attractive than seeing so many extinct works. Not in order to take great care of Lin Tian's face, Robin has already started walking towards painting and calligraphy.

Tezolo's voice suddenly sounded, "I heard that Miss Robin is a historian from a famous archeological holy site that has been destroyed."

Robin raised his head and looked at Tezolo in confusion. It is not surprising that Robin knows his own background, but why he should mention this now and see the man’s first reason gives Robin a very bad feeling. .

Seeing Tezolo smiled slightly: "These pictures are used by some people as collateral funds, and they lose quietly in the casino, so these pictures are left. Unfortunately, I am just a layman who likes gold. These things are not interested."

"It can only be put here as a decoration. Today I finally met a person who knows the goods, then I will let these pictures give to Miss Robin."


Hearing this, even Robin, who had always been calm, could not help but exclaim. This gift is too expensive. These dozens of paintings and calligraphy are extinct works in the world, and they are sold for auction at least one billion Baileys. .

But now the other party just gave him hundreds of billions of Baileys. Even if he had money, he couldn't be so generous. How could Robin believe it, and at the same time, he raised a vigilance in his heart.

At this moment, Lin Tian suddenly said: "Robin, since our rich Tezolo is so caring, then you have been rejected, just because there are few pictures in your room."

Robin was taken aback when he heard Lin Tian want to accept it by himself. Then, when he reacted, he looked at Tezolo with a slight smile and thanked him, "Thank you, Mr. Tezolo!"

Now that Lin Tian said it, Robin did not consider agreeing directly, because she believed that Lin Tian, ​​even if the other party really had any ideas, Lin Tianzai was enough to solve all dangers.

In the huge conference hall, there were only two white sofas placed near the edge of the glass, and Lin Tian and Tezolo sat down opposite each other.

Cod and other shadow players stood quietly behind Lin Tian, ​​Robin sat beside Lin Tian, ​​and Tezolo also stood behind three cadres.

One was Baccarat who received them, another was Tanaka, who was short, and the other was Dess, who was strong and full of explosive muscles.

Shadow and others are looking at the three in front of them, and the three are also looking at Cod and others. Before the war, the whole world does not know Shadow, let alone the names of Cod and others.

But since the war on the summit, the Navy announced that Cod and others had a huge bounty of up to 100 million yuan. Their names became famous all over the world in an instant. I don't know how many people are curious about the sudden emergence of Cod and others, and they are naturally no exception.

"I'm sorry, Lin Tian, ​​I just delayed something and didn't receive it personally. I'll fine myself a glass first", saying that Tezolo took the glass in front of him and drank it in one gulp.

Upon seeing this, Lin Tian also bent over and picked up the wine glass in his hand, looked at Tezolo, and smiled meaningfully: "How come, your welcome ceremony just now was exceptionally grand."

There was something in Lin Tian's words, and Tezolo immediately heard it, and the two of them smiled slightly, no one said it, and everyone understood it.

"After the war on the top, I came here for the first time, Lin Tian, ​​what do you do?" Tezolo asked. He was always curious about Lin Tian's purpose of coming here.

Putting down the wine glass, Lin Tian didn't have so many polite words, and straightforwardly said: "The reason why I came to you this time is because I want you to do something."

"Oh? I don't know what it is?"

Hearing this, Tezolo suddenly became interested. Even Lin Tian couldn't do anything, and he actually asked himself.

Lin Tian escaped from his arms with a photo. It was the photo with the historical text taken that day, but the historical text on it had disappeared, only the blurred buildings behind it.

Put the photo on the table in front of him and said: "I want you to find out where the building on this photo comes from."

Picking up the photo on the table, Tezolo glanced at it, then frowned slightly, and the time passed.

"Sure enough, things that even you Lin Tian can't solve are not that simple." Tezolo put the photo on the table, pointed to the photo on the table, and said, "The building above is blurry, and I can barely see the outline. , Except that all others are unclear."

"If it's that simple, would I come to you? Tezolo", Lin Tian bent down and said lightly.

Lifting his body, Tezolo leaned on the sofa behind him, shook his head, and postponed: "Lin Tian, ​​this matter is too difficult. If you give me a certain location, I can still find it, but if it is All over the world, relying on a blurry photo like this is completely looking for a needle in a haystack, so much manpower and material resources...".

Speaking of this, Tezolo suddenly stopped, and then stretched out his hand: "Lin Tian, ​​aren't you the deputy leader of the revolutionary army? Your revolutionary army is spread all over the world. You can use the revolutionary army to find it. This should be even better than me. Is it possible".

Lin Tian did not immediately answer. Tezolo's implication was naturally heard, and he thought to himself that he was talking nonsense about using the power of the revolutionary army. If the revolutionary army can find it out, Lao Tzu will eat it and come over. Looking for you, it's not enough to eat.

From the phrase ‘so much manpower and material resources’, Lin Tian knew in his heart that Tezolo was able to find it, and the reason for the deliberate delay was to increase the bargaining chip in hand to obtain greater trading profits.

Raising his head, Lin Tian looked at Tezolo, reached out his hand against the photo on the table, and said in a deep voice, "We know that people don’t speak secret words, and we have your identity in the underground world. You should be able to do it. What are the conditions before agreeing to look for".

Robin, who was silent on the side, looked curiously at Tezolo. When he was a child, Robin also stayed in the underground world for several years, but he had never heard of the big man in the underground world.

In the back, Cod and others also looked thinking. As a revolutionary army, they are no strangers to the underground world. There are many transactions between the two sides, but they have never heard of this person's name.


Hearing this, Tezolo raised his head and laughed. The laughter rang for a few seconds, and Tezolo lowered his head and smiled: "It is easy to talk to a smart person like Lin Tian."

"Well, I can get the place of this photo, but without the rest of the information, it is unimaginable to find the financial and material resources in the world."

With his eyes condensed, Tezolo bent down slightly, staring at Lin Tian, ​​and slowly said in a deep voice, "I have only one condition, that is, I want you to reach the new world from the four oceans in a short time. Half-world method".

Hearing that, not only Lin Tian, ​​but even Cod and others behind and Robin in his arms changed their expressions. They clenched their fists, and locked Tezolo tightly with domineering, and the air instantly solidified. As a personal experience of that kind They know that the value contained in it is terrifying.

Although he knew that he could get into the eyes of some people from the East China Sea to and from the New World in one day, he did not expect Tezolo to obtain such detailed information so quickly.

And Tezolo, who was locked by the three domineering forces, although his face remained calm, his heart had already rolled over suddenly, and his heart was shocked.

"Only with this momentum, the three people behind them are only stronger than themselves. It seems that the naval bounty is not exaggerated. Actually, I did not expect that there are such strong people in the revolutionary army."

This is the case for Tezolo, not to mention the three men behind them, unable to move under the pressure of the overlord, and cold sweat on their foreheads could not stop.

"Stop! Dispel the domineering!"

Raising his hand, Lin Tian gave orders to the three people behind Cod.


Under Lin Tian's order, the three of Cod took away the domineering burst of their room was calm again.

He stared at Tezolo, who did not change his face. After a while, Lin Tian said: "This transaction can be done, but since that method is my ability to do it, you only have the opportunity to use it twice. Are you sure Do you want it?".

It is not clear what to do with the other party, but this is the only chance to save Ace, Lin Tian will not give up anyway, even if he pays any price.

Facing Lin Tian's last reminder, Tezolo didn't seem to care much, smiled on his face and nodded.

"Two opportunities are enough for me. I thought there was only one. Since it doesn't make sense, let's close this deal."

Tezolo agreed that Lin Tian would naturally not shirk, and nodded in agreement with the conclusion of this transaction.


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