Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 846: Guardian vs Shadow

   Hearing the news of Lin Tian's arrival, the Tianlongren appeared, and rushed into the meeting room in an extremely arrogant way to ask Lin Tian, ​​everything seemed so normal.

But when you think about it carefully, it seems that something else is hidden in the dark. How did the Tianlongren get here? What are they going to do when they get here? Do they think they can catch Lin Tian with their strength? This is probably only a fool. I would believe that if it were so simple to catch Lin Tian, ​​then the navy headquarters would have acted a long time ago, and would Lin Tian be allowed to run around the world?

At this moment, Tezolo, who was still angry before, folded his hands on his chest, with a faint smile on his face, calmly watching the scene in front of him, the Tianlongren and Lin Tian clash, in the end, which side will win Tezolo can’t help but look forward to. stand up.


   Lin Tian made a suspicious whisper in his mouth, his eyes lightly swept across the current Tianlongren, and he thought to himself that these guys suddenly broke in, spoke wildly, and finally talked about the transaction, what kind of mind they were thinking about.

Waved to signal Cod to retreat, Lin Tian asked curiously: "Let’s say, it’s really strange that you Tianlongren want to have a deal with me. I think there should be nothing else we can communicate with other than deep hatred. ".

Speaking of deep enmity and hatred, the previously calm Lloyd Watt’s face suddenly showed irritation, but thinking about the plan, Lloyd Watt Sage suppressed his heart and said angrily: "Lin Tian, ​​you killed the lives of the eight tribesmen of our Celestial Dragon. One day we will The Tianlong people will settle accounts with you, but not now."

  As soon as the conversation turned, Labor Watt excitedly said, "Why, Lin Tian, ​​are you scared and dare not agree."

   Hearing the words, Lin Tian couldn't help snorting coldly, with a mocking expression on his face, and said, "Don't take out such a simple stimulus method. I Lin Tian will not be afraid of you trash."


   was scolded as **** by Lin Tian, ​​and Labor Watt was furious. He stretched out his finger and pointed at Lin Tian and was about to speak, but finally he thought of something.

   "Let's talk about it, you Tianlong people want to make a deal with me".

   Facing Lin Tian’s question, Laozi Watson raised his head and waved proudly, and said, "The content of this transaction is a gambling between us, how about it."

"On gambling?"

   Lin Tian and others were all taken aback, not only Lin Tian, ​​but also Kede and others, Tezolo and others were also taken aback, everyone did not expect that the Tianlongren would actually propose the content of this kind of transaction.

   Although he was strange about the horrible idea of ​​the Tianlongren in his heart, Lin Tian remained calm and asked: "Right bet? Then what kind of gambling method is it?"

   didn't answer Lin Tian's question immediately, Saint Laurent reached out his hand and moved backward, and an entourage behind him quickly handed over a document that was obviously prepared a long time ago.

   After receiving the document, Saint Labor Watt didn't even look at it, and threw it directly toward Lin Tian.

   said at the same time: "Lin Tian, ​​take a look at this first. As a revolutionary army, you should be familiar with these guys."

   Regarding the words of Watson Labor, Lin Tian's mouth was puzzled. He stretched out his hand to easily take the file, opened it and glanced at it, his face changed suddenly.

   Seeing Lin Tian's appearance, Diska and Al curiously turned their heads and glanced, and their expressions changed suddenly.

   "These are cadres from various places who were arrested during the failure of the revolutionary army in the past."

   "Now they are all locked up in heavy prisons, what do you guys do with this kind of thing?"

   Al and Diska said one sentence, and their angry eyes swept towards the faint smile of Labor Watt, clenched fists clenched and rattled.

   The document is all about the captured cadres. Although the revolutionary army is said to be the only stopper that can threaten the rule of the world government, facing the world government that has ruled the world for more than 800 years,

   Based on the history of the Revolutionary Army's rise for just over a decade, the Revolutionary Army is not enough to look at such a behemoth. Although it seems that the Revolutionary Army has achieved great achievements, achieved several great victories, and even liberated several countries.

   But if the revolutionary army really had the right to challenge the world government, would it still run away under the hunt of the world government like a mouse? The revolutionary army might have been fighting the world government on the battlefield a long time ago.

   The high level of the revolutionary army present knows the bitterness of it better than anyone. How much did they pay to do this, and how many people died on this road.

   And what the file records is a series of important cadres of the revolutionary army who were arrested, many of whom are friends such as Diska and Al.


   "Air-explosive bomb!"

   A cold light flashed, and Disca shot angrily behind him, pulling out the double swords from his waist, and the sharp sharp blade was reflected in the hands of Labor Watt.

   At the same time that Diska took the shot, Al also made a move, squeezing his palm at the people in front of him, a light blue gust of wind blew out of thin air in the calm space, blowing towards the Tianlongren and his group from outside.

   At that moment, two figures shrouded in black robes flew out of the guards behind the dragon man, one of the black figures waved their hands, and two pale blue sword figures appeared out of thin air to greet him.

  File 锵...

   The four swords collided, and the shock wave generated by the collision turned into an extremely fierce sword force, like countless sharp blades forming a hurricane rushing towards the surroundings.

   Another figure stretched out his hands to the left and right, and two pale yellow stone pillars rushed out. The stone pillars cut through the sky, and the hard stone pillar suddenly turned into a flowing stream.

  咻 several sounds, a stream of rocks jetted out towards the surroundings, the flying stream of rocks gathered, in the blink of an eye, it was like two stone walls blocking the light blue wind that swept across.


   The wind collided with the stone wall, and there was a scream. The gravel and dust were very high. The violent shock wave and thick dust flew out, mixed with the fierce sword power, and swept through this space of thousands of square meters.

   Tezolo raised his hand and activated his ability, and a stream of gold flew out from the surrounding golden wall. Under the control of Tezolo, a gold-cast shield was formed to block himself and the three cadres behind him.

   If they didn't shoot by themselves, the strength of these three people alone would not be able to resist this kind of impact and would only be knocked out.

   Lightning flashes on his body, and a layer of light blue lightning power field surrounds Robin and himself, blocking the impact. Cod does not move, relying on his body to forcibly block the violent impact.

   "These two guys, do it without making it clear!" Cod cursed inwardly.

   click... 哐当...

   The glass that was enough to block the attack of the shells had no resistance at all in the face of such a powerful impact. In a short moment, the glass shattered and cracks spread. With a muffled sound, hundreds of pieces of glass broke apart by accident.

   Numerous pieces of glass fell straight towards the ground below, and such a huge movement immediately awakened the crowd below. Fortunately, it belonged to the Golden King Hotel. There were not many ordinary people staying, only a few dozen unlucky guys died tragically.

   Numerous people who were alarmed looked up. Although it was not clear what happened, looking at the top room, countless yellow smoke burst out of the sky and the glass shattered. Everyone suddenly guessed what happened.

   "Such a huge movement, it seems that there is a big battle above"

   "The war, who dares to challenge here is undeniably looking at the majesty of Lord Tezolo"

   "Idiot, is there anyone besides Lin Tian who went in just now?"


   The tyrannical impact swept through for dozens of seconds before it stopped. The surrounding glass was all shattered. Fortunately, the ground under my feet was paved with diamonds, so there was not a bit of shattering on the hard ground.

   But the gold-cast wall on the side is not so lucky. Deep trenches of different depths are all over the wall, and broken gold nuggets are everywhere.


   The two figures spread apart at the same time, and Disca stopped her retreat, feeling the soreness in her arms, her face full of solemnity.

   thought in his heart: "This guy is so strong, he actually gave me no difference in strength"

   Looking at the hard stone wall that blocked his attack in front of him, Al's eyes were also solemn, "What kind of ability is the opponent, Superman or Natural. It is not easy for this guy to block my attack."

   The two people who suddenly took action to block Diska and Al, their figures flashed closer together, blocking in front of Laborwatt.

  Because of the presence of a hard rock wall, Lao Zi Watson was only a little surprised, but there was no specific injury.


Withdrawing the gold in front of him, Tezolo's slap sound echoed in the space, showing a smile, Tezolo praised: "What a strong combat power, the four really showed me a wonderful battle" .

The surface of the Lei Li field cover disappeared, Lin Tian's eyes swept lightly in front of the two black shadows, and after a while, he suddenly realized: "I said, when did you Tianlongren become so stiff? It turns out that it was you two guys. Up".

   "Why the golden messenger and the earth messenger, when you see me, this old friend dare not even show his face? Shrouded in a black robe."

   Due to the presence of the Golden Envoy and the Native Envoy among the guards, Saint Labor Watt dared to meet Lin Otherwise, let alone seeing Lin Tian, ​​Saint Labor Watt would have traveled as far as possible.

Before the two envoys in Lin Tian’s mouth could speak, the sage Labor Watt, who was frightened and fell to the ground, got up, pointed at Lin Tian and cursed angrily: "Lin Tian, ​​you let your subordinates attack us like this, it seems you I don't want to rescue the revolutionary army. Believe it or not, I will execute all the cadres of the revolutionary army..."

  The words have not yet fallen, a terrible murderous intent hits the Sage of Labor and Watt, Lin Tian's murderous aura is not as good as the ordinary soldiers can resist, the Sage of Labor and Watt can't stop the fear and retreat.

   "Wat Saint, believe it or not, you will die one step earlier than those revolutionary cadres", Lin Tian did not hide his murderous aura in his words.

  The golden messengers and the earth messengers flashed, guarding both sides of the sage of labor and water, guarding the dragon people is their responsibility for generations.

   "Forget it," Lin Tian waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about the rest, let's talk about the transaction? How to deal."

Steady his figure, suppressed the fear in his heart, St. Labor Watt pretended to be calm and said: "We have a gamble to determine whether we will win or lose, and the bargaining chips for both of us are the lives of cadres in the revolutionary army in my hand and the nay you got in Alabasta. The Firutali family has always kept items in their hands."


   Lin Tian's face was suddenly startled, and the calm on his face could not be preserved again.


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